(2013/08) August 2013

Usha! I wish mine will ease off like urs... Kept vomiting non stop yesterday
((( like 6-8 times in e night. So sad!!!

anyone knows if its safe to drink ginger tea? those premixed powder, ingredient is ginger and raw honey.. but is powder form..

im feeling very gassy and discomfort in tummy area, hoping to dispel the wind quickly..
Hi mummies,

Im sorry to hear a few actually suffered MC. Please take good care. Been away for awhile due to MS and also been sick for a few weeks.

Anyway, is it ok to use Salonpas during pregnancy? I strained my back muscle while carrying my #1 and the pain is killing me. Thanks!!
Morning mummies,

my ms is kicking in, feeling very nauseaous. Booked first appt with gynae at KKH pte suite on 4th Feb, so long away, can't wait to see her asap.

bbreeze: i'm also always feeling bloated, gassy and tire.

Tomato / Mag / juju78: Sorry to hear. Take care, rest well.
Dear Mummies or MTB, i am willing to provide any info pertaining to pregnancy policies with AXA should there be a need. Just email to [email protected] and i will be glad to help.

If not, i would also be happy to meet up to explain should any of you be interested.

im a mummy myself with 1 boy, so other than financial advice, i can also help with mummyhood advice if needed!

No obligations! Hope to hear from you all soon!!
read up online, so many versions of can or cannot use honey/raw honey.. anyway, i succumbed to the ginger tea with raw honey but only used a bit. it's like those teas u get at the spa after having ur massages, super yummy. and i feel better like immediately.. less nauseated and quite comforted at tummy area.

softpillow, i cant wait to feel better too.. the MS is crazy. i lost about 1 kg so far, but is ok as i have lots of fats to buffer. haha. 4 feb is really long., which gynae so popular? i got an appt for next wk but it was booked 3 wks ago, so the wait is very long too! can;t wait to see what's happening inside..
bbreeze: i feel hungry easily & have been eating more than usual. Did not expect to be so long
Dr Cynthia Kew. U seeing which gynae?

Drinking honey lemon now, hope it can subsides my ms.
bbreeze, i think is ok if u r not taking too much of the drink.. i took manuka honey also during my first preggy.. haha i think whatever that works in the first trim jus do it lo as long as not harmful for baby cos ms is really tough to bear..
softpillow, u may wanna try a bit of lemon water or some sour stuff to reduce yr nauseaous, see if it works..
Joelle: i got v bad backpain from car accident last wed, doc also say cant use salonpas leh... so probably better not to use?
For backache - maybe massage would help? You need to goto your regular massuers or those pre-natal massage or what... Getting my massages are my one great reprive from all these MS, sleepless nights, backache, headache...
but hor, for pre natal massage, they will advise start from 2nd trimester. 1st trimester abit risky. hmm... i still got to tahan for a few more weeks till 2nd trimester.
frogprincess: how does the massage work? we can't possibly lie face down right? i find that lying in any direction is uncomfortable generally unless got lots of pillows for support. Can't imagine lying down 1 hr for massage...

softpillow: honey lemon sounds really good! later i'll go buy some lemon and make hot drink.. somehow this preg i only fancy hot drink, and must boil fresh hot water! hahaha very troublesome!! also craving for the longan red date tea lor.. dunno if can drink??
massage: two weeks ago, after throwing up 3 times after lunch... I was happy to lie face down. 40mins. then turn around. Else, lie sideways also can. But this is my regular massuers. Been going to her on an off for the last 6 years. Usually I am more "ON" when pregnant :)

Lemon: I used to love anything lemon but now I hate that. The mere mention of it made me wanna puke. The fresh lemon scent which I used to love, lemon cake, etc... Now is PUKE PUKE PUKE!!

Cold drinks seem to work better for me. No smell. All the hot drinks is more "smelly" and I cannot stand the smell.
Re: massage

I can't wait to massage, went for hair-cut & wash yesterday and have scalp, neck/shoulder massage, so shiok.. so yearning for full body massage.
Anyone got cravings setting in?

I suddenly got all the cravings that i don't usually eat before preggy. Dunno it's me or the baby.. ha!
its our hormones
hahaha... i have it everyday! and on most days, i dun even have appetite, so im actually quite happy when i can crave for food.
Bbreeze: can take but don't take too much..later constipation cos heaty.

Joelle: I also read that it's best not to use medicated patches while pregnant..

Anyways I feel so deprived now..this cannot do that cannot eat..and I miss my coffee! Gynae say can take not more than one cup per day but I don't dare to yet. It's only been a week since I got to know abt my pregnancy but it feels like an eternity already!

So far I've only got one very bad MS day but other than that am ok, just get tired and faint easily..and very scared of heat and stuffiness..
bbreeze: for my #1 i don't have such good appetite or cravings but ms was very bad. Vomitted whatever i eat till deliver. Now with #2, got cravings and hope ms is not as bad, ha.
softpillow: all my preg is laden with ms.. hahaha... i really dread, but wat to do?!?! after all that hopin' and wishin' for a little one, i think cannot complain lor! today craving for soyabean milk..

Amanda: i see.. ok i only dare to take a little bit too.. everything in moderation right?!
yeahh i also stop my teh C siu dai dosage ever since i knew i was preg.. but all for gd cause! =D

btw do any of u ladies feel some kinda weird feeling in the stomach? dunno is it empty wanna eat sth, or....?
Angelic^SouL: i feel weird everywhere, mouth throat tummy etc.. sigh! hahaha.. but this 2 days, there was a lot of churning in the tummy, i think i had over spicy food last night cos it started after that. i had to drink ginger tea this morning and it felt better after that.
bbreeze: I so dread ms too, don't feel like waking up to go work.

Angelic^SouL: I have. I will eat so that i i don't feel so nausea. The feeling is like wanting to puke but cannot puke, then got like sourish fluid taste sticking at the throat. i drink sweentened drinks to "flush" the taste away..
sometimes when i eat, i feel even more nausea like now >.<~ and yes! like got sth stuck in the throat lydat... booohooo... but when i told gynae all this symptoms.. he said "GOOD"! haha means is developing! so yeah! jiayou!
I cannot tahan without kopi so i drank a cup of 3in1 instant kopi. Heard instant kopi lesser caffine.
Qin83: ya instant coffee less... I think I will need to take half a pack of instant coffee to help me last the day tomorrow when I return to work! (Been on mc since last wed from ms / giddiness / fatigue). I dread not being able to take my afternoon nap tomorrow already

Angelic^soul: I feel weird in my tummy every single moment! Like I'm hungry all the time..but not much appetite when I'm eating... And sometimes feel like there's a pull there's a cramp.. Aiya just strange all the time!

And one more thing to add... I don't know if its my heightened sense of smell or hormones or that I'm more scared of heat now, I find myself very smelly since 2-3 days ago!! And when my hubby comes near I also think his breath stinks... Haha!
Hmm talking about coffee..wondering if there's decaf 3-in1 coffee?? Lol I think I need the taste and smell more than the caffeine to stop my Kopi-Gian!
Angelic^SouL: Ya lor..exactly the same! I feel smthing stuck in throat all the time, then esp brushing teeth i will wanna vomit and sometimes just vomit gas only..
Hope everyone's ms lightening as we count down to end of tri 1!

i dun have much appetite or cravings but yet feel hungry, then eat a bit feel very full n bloated n start burping. It's especially bad in the evenings

I used to love teh-si &amp; teh-beng but now dun even think of it. Only drink barley.
Feel tired easily n my memory's failing...
Qin: not sure. I think Starbucks also has decaf coffee satchets but somehow I feel that the coffee from coffee joints are stronger, so may still end up w more caffeine. Anyways decaf doesn't mean no caffeine at all, but just less than the normal.
Good morning Ladies..

I drink plain ice tea or ice lemon tea one cup everyday as it helps me with my giddiness and headache. When i first stop drinking coffee, i had 3 migraine attacks when i couldn take the strong pain killers and had to rely on normal panadol which only reduces the pain and not go away fully. When i checked with my gynae, he said the same thing, not more than 1 cup a day..

Being in the 10th week is really helpful. No more waking up with nausea. Today i didn eat bfast till i reached office and i felt completely no nausea though my tummy was making noise for food. Though the amount i eat is way much smaller than when i wasn't pregnant, i feel happy that food doesn't make me puke. my sense of smell too is getting better. i don vomit at the smell of my shampoo and my husband's perfume. But tiredness is really bad. I feel so tired standing all the way from BB to lavender i nthe train every morning and i cannot wait for my tummy to get bigger so that i can get a seat..

How is everyone else keeping up?
I'm at wk 7 but dun feel as sick as wk 5-6. I love ice lemon tea, maybe will have that during lunch later. The smell I can't stand now is my #1's baby jar food which she loves. The sight of raw meat n marinated smell makes me sick too but I still have to cook. Haiz....
This preg diff from 1st when I had gd appetite n diff cravings everyday n put on 3 kg in 1st tri. Hardly any weight gain now.
Btw, do u know if cream cheese spread is safe?
Hi mommies...

am feeling so depressed.. need to vent and rant and just get it out of my system.

I think I am 1 weird woman.

Since the morning I found out abt my pregnancy, I've NOT been happy at all.

My first (now 26 mths) was a clingy baby, can't sleep well, can't eat well, needs to be carried all the time and yet, still crying all day long in infancy. Now, she's better, but still can't eat well nor sleep well. But very bad tempered, throwing tantrums all the time if she don't get what she wants.

When I tell Hubby to look after her, he will say ok. But the next moment, I see the child climbing onto sofa, table, dangling off the sides and the daddy is just watching TV or playing HP.

It was nv my intention to get pregnant again. 1 is enough when I see my child getting out of control and I am so tired disciplining her. While the father just sits and do nothing.

Now, that I am expecting, things are still the same, I am so tired most of the time and on the 2 nights when I ask Hub to put the girl to bed, she end up not sleeping till 11pm!!

I am so depressed and I just have no idea what the hell am I getting myself into. I am not happy and tired. And I cant depend on the father to watch her or keep to the routine and put her to bed.

And with no 2 later this year, would I expect the father to change? I dont think so, he will still be obvlious to it all.

Though my religion forbids it, but the thought of abortion really came to mind. And I find myself, wishing that maybe I would have a miscarriage.

I know, some of you will probably say what an evil or bad mother I am for wishing that upon my child.

But, I am entitled to my own feelings and I do know how painful it is to have a miscarriage. I've been through it once before my girl came along.

But, my brain tells my heart that the short pain is better than the daily pain that I have to face, disciplining the elder + caring for no 2 and having to fight with the bo-chap father.
Hi everyone,

Am new here
I think I'm about 6weeks along, just guessing but won't be seeing the gynae til abut end Jan. This is my 4th pregnancy; my 1st and 3rd ended in mc very early but I have a little precious toddler girl who is really looking forward to a little brother or sister. Hope this time, this will go well..
sheepysheep: actually what you go thru, a lot of women also go thru! hahaha.. i dun mean to say that you are not right in thinking so, but the fact is venus and mars are really quite different! i used to quarrel a lot with hubby over parenting differences, but the moment i decided to let go and let him take care fully (since he will bear the responsibility), i actually saw some strengths in the way he parents. Furthermore, your #1 is really at a active phase, so anyone who have to take care of #1 may also feel tired and will take some time to learn. The kids know how to react differently to dad and mum one.. haha..

The little ones come to us like a blessing and only when our bodies are ready for them.. so don't wish bad things lah
take heart, many of my gfs now say their hubby can now manage 2, but after like nearly 1 year of adjustment. Even then, my gfs have to close one eye sometimes.. hahaha..just dun nag the hubby too much, i find that giving them the space to perform their "fatherly" duties is important, just like how he doesn't interfere when i perform my roles..

usaginoko: i've been eating the philadelphia cream cheese everyday! hahaha.. that's about what i can really stomach everyday.. ham and cheese bread! it's safe, a pasteurised form.

Looks like everyone has found some way to manage the MS, be it succumbing to your comfort foods or finding new ways! Yar i hope like what usaginoko says, that our MS will be done and over with as we are reaching end of 1st tri!! can't wait for it! will celebrate and eat my heart out soon i hope!!
Hi ladies,

Hope all is fine and feeling better from all the nausea and vomiting

Angelic^SouL &amp; diorly: Me 3 like the 2 of u in terms of feeling something stuck in my throat all the time, will feel like vomiting but nothing comes out!

One good remedy I tried yesterday was to eat a slice of papaya and I felt so much better after that. However, towards night time, the feeling of something stuck in my throat comes back again. What exactly is that called? Heartburn or nausea?

Can we eat papayas which are considered as cooling fruits at this point in time? I am 8 weeks today
Sheepysheeps, try to relax n be open. All guys are like the same. Let ur gal stick to her daddy n if she fell down, den his daddy will start to worry. Nothing happen guys won't worry coz they take everything for granted. Perhaps u might start thinking engaging a maid
Hi Sheepysheeps,

No, you're not a weird woman and you're not evil. You sound really washed out and tired and from the sound of things, you're not having the support you need.

Really understand about the toddler tantrums :D. I have one who can be really strong-willed sometimes. She was also a bad sleeper and resists sleeping even now. And if I am at home with her, NO ONE can put her to bed. She just refuses to go to sleep. But I'm really tired too, so I just end up lying down with her and cuddling her to sleep.

If you are not going to get help from your hubby, let go of your expectations of him. Do whatever it takes to let the resentment go because it's draining you of the precious energy that you have right now. Ignore him, forgive him, whatever. Just focus on taking care of yourself and #1 now.

Your priority is rest and eat well. Dealing with a tantrumy toddler is really difficult when you are tired. Are you able to take leave, get someone to babysit her for a day while you nap and get some me time?

I noticed my daughter (she's about the same age as yours) becomes really clingy/rebellious/angry/tantrumy when she gets scolded. it goes like this: she gets scolded-->she feels wronged--> gets mad throw things --> gets disciplined -- > then gets clingy because she gets afraid that I will reject her. I'm not too sure if your child is the same but things actually got better when I stopped talking to her harshly. I do yell at her when I am super tired/nauseous. No patience then... BTW, bad temper/tantrums in toddlers can also be due to not enuff sleep.

None of us are perfect, yah
*HUGS* take a day at a time. This is how I survive these days too..
sheepysheep, hugs hugs! have a gd talk with ur hubby and straighten things out.

btw do u mummies feel tired all the time? what do u all do to fight this fatigue?
sheepysheeps: Actually, I can understand how u feel, though I do not have any kids at this moment but expecting one in August

Most of the time, I told my hubby repeatedly abt how some household chores should be done but he kept repeating the same mistakes over and over again until I nag till I m sian. In the end, I also gave up and ended up completing the tasks my way. Men are men and can be stubborn at times.

As for a 2nd kid, I agree with p too, that kids are blessings and only when our bodies are ready for them. So don't wish for bad things to happen because u are truly blessed to have a 2nd kid unexpectedly and he/she is God's 2nd precious gift for u

My ttcing journey isn't a smooth one and we took nearly one year and almost $1,000 to conceive my current precious baby. I kept blaming God as almost everyone I know can easily conceive in 1-2 months while I have to wait for almost 1 year to conceive. But kind friends told me that maybe God wants me to be more well-prepared and ready before bestowing me with a healthy and happy baby.

I am not even sure if my family plan of having at least 3 kids will even be fulfilled as I am already approaching my mid 30s and because I have PCOS, I seriously need medical assistance to conceive.

So, embrace motherhood with a smile and try to get more help (eg family or getting a helper?) when your 2nd kid comes along. Wishing u and your family all the best
Thanks all for the info. I hope the backache will go away soon.

sheepysheeps: I went thru the exact same thing for the first few weeks when I got to know I was pregnant. I would wake up in the middle of the night to cry and I dont know why. There seem to be so many things to worry after #2 arrives. Talking to friends and family helps a lot. I felt much better after talking to them. Communicate with your husband is important too. Cheer up because your mood affects the baby. You can always share your problem with us here. We are here to support and help each other! =)
chirpy (chirpychirpy): i get tired the whole day.. I just don't know what to do. Like now, i had a good undisturbed sleep from 10:30pm to today morning 7am and yet i cannot keep my eyes open at work now. I feel like i need to lie down and rest..

I'm working and find that if I take a 15min close-eye after lunch, it helps A LOT. especially with a little girl who sleeps only at 10pm and starts singing from 4am-6am at times... sigh.....

usha: same here. i am struggling to keep my eyes open!

weiwei: yeah prob i will try that later. the sleepiness kicks in yesterday after lunch that i have to hide in the toilet for my power nap!
