(2013/08) August 2013

Hi bbreeze, thanks
hope everyone of us enjoy our pregnancy here!

KKH TPS no package. I gave birth my no. 2 there. The age gap between my 1 n 2 is 5 years. So far they have been very close to each other. The elder one can take care of my no. 2 quite well. Not sure izzit becos she is a 7 year old gal.

Now my no.3, I have been feeling lousy, worse when I have just gotten the flu bug fm my boy, plus the nausea, bloatedness, sometimes I just feel like crying. Luckily my hb has been very supportive this round though my mum nagged at me for having another one.
skymummy: i think must reach at least 20-24 weeks, then tummy will show. hehe.. that's when you will be able to get a seat.
Good morning all MTB!

Soooo slpy at work~

Catherine: Yea. But even tummy show everyone also bz slping in the bus. No give up seat to us. =)
haha..no choice lah. not everyone is kind enuff to give up their seat. hehe..

i feel v nauseous everyday. feel so helpless.
THere's nothing much i can do to ease it. luckily it's gonna be long weekend. not working on new yr eve. phew...
ya me too. On one hand hope the nausea feeling faster disappear. Another hand, at least this nauseouse feeling let us know bb is growing and doing fine.
Hi mummies and MTB !

Based on the calculation on my last menses. Should be in my week 6 or 7 .. for my #2.

#1 is turning 5 by next march.

Dont seem to have only morning sickness but whole day and night sickness. Been feeling so bloated and nausea, need to keep eating every hourly so as not to have an empty tummy to prevent puking but nevertheless, if taste is not right, all will come out. Been quite sensitive to smell this time round, alittle trigger can send me straight to the toilet
Hi all mummies and mtbs here!

I finally saw my gynae for my first prenatal visit this morning and managed to see my little one inside me!! :D can see its heart beat beating away and the water bag only. Next visit will be 3 weeks later on 17 Jan. Gynae will explain abt the Oscar scan then. Isn't it a bit too early for that?

Anyway, I can't wait till 12 weeks just before cny when baby is on safe zone and that's when the official baby announcement begins
So far, only DH, one close frd and me knows. Not even our families coz DH prefers the baby to be stable before telling the others. Anyone here facing the same issue as me?
Thanks Catherine =) The sales is until 13 Jan 2013.

ttcing : Congrats ! haaa. you are not alone in such situation. My hubb also the pantang kind. But we will let our families know once we go for the scan tomorrow. The rest will by case by case situation if can hold until 12 weeks by then to make an official announcement. It'll be good then.
Angelic^ Soul : Best is to go during 2nd trimester when the pregnancy has stabilised and most MS for those lucky ones would be gone by then. My gynea dont encourage to travel during first tri.
If i didnt rmbr wrongly, Oscar is done btw wk 11-13.

I'm pantang n only informed my family. Close frds duno yet. Didn't inform my in-laws too. Coz my FIL is dying for a grandSON, so I don't want him to get too overly excited n keep asking abt gender.

My appetite is returning but I can't eat too much each time. Crazy craving for wantan Mee. Been eating it for 3 consecutive lunch! Craving for soup too. What cravings do u have now?
So, i finally went to satisfy my cravings for LIVER and now I wanna puke. Bought bread to eat for tea and even that smell makes me wanna puke. Then, I bought root beer (BUUURRRP!!)... so now I dunno... wanna puke or not. Been pressing the accupuncture point seem to work a bit. (BUUURP!!)
usaginoko : yes cravings for soupy things ! No appetite when I see solids. So now I only take soups, porridge and fruits. The rest are all out. even my fav braised intestines, I can't take the smell.

frogprincess : is there a point to help ease the nausea symptoms ?
i crave for "smelly tofu"! weird rite? thou crave. but haven buy and eat. maybe near the shop le i will start puking. haha
Craving for 老火汤 now.....
And after I see frogprincess post, so tempted to open a can of coke now...
Tonite duno cook wat. See meat turn off. Eat fish wana puke. Maybe white porridge with giam cai...
Btw, my mum just told me to avoid vinegar. Apparently my SIL had spotting after eating it. Her gynae told her to avoid vinegar after that.
usaginoko: thx for replying
I guess Dr Cheng wants to brief me on my week 9 b4 I can decide if I wanna go ahead with the Oscar blood test. Actually I hope that the baby will be fine and healthy but also eager to know the gender so that I can start to buy baby stuff. For the past few months while ttcing, I had already bought some baby clothes and toys along the way! Mostly unisex (white, green and yellow rompers) and baby blue clothes. Can't wait to put the clothes on my baby in August!

usaginoko, frogprincess, xav & sky mummy: I also have cravings for soupy items esp those Chinese soups like lotus root, huai san, pumpkin soup. I try not to take herbal soups as I heard that we should only bu the baby and ourselves after trimester one. After my meals since last week, I feel the nausea but nothing comes out, more like a burp. Gynae only prescribed folic acid and nothing else. He also didn't tell me what to eat or what not to eat.
OMG seriously hav to avoid vinegar?? since after preg my breakfast everyday is "Ba Cho Kuey Tiao Dry" !!! means i'm taking vinegar everyday wor :p n last week when my mum is around i purposely ask her to cook "Di Kar Cho" for me.. faintz hahahha ...i hav spotting when around week 4+ ..not sure it relate to this or not -_-" ... but other than tat really duno wat for breakfast see everything like ..Haizzz..
Duno leh. My SIL was in 1st tri when she had spotting n gynae said vinegar might have caused it. Coz my SIL had cravings for bak chor Mee with lots of vinegar during that period. Maybe different pp react differently to vinegar?

@ttc, ya Dr Cheng will explain abt Oscar then if want to do then schedule appt by wk 11. if not then next appt will be later. Wah, u so fast bgt bb clothes? But hor, some pp pantang won't buy bb stuff till later. Or if buy Liao wont keep at home.
hi ladies, anyone has any good n trustworthy part-time domestic helper to recommend? Meaning to come to my hse to do cleaning every weekend.
maybe weather cool nowadays, and my office is like freezer! So i always yearn for steamboat.. Just had japanese shabu shabu. Highly recommended!! Must TRY the pork bone soup shabu shabu! Very nutritious wor..heheheh! VERY yummyyyy! About $60+ for 2.. Just along cairnhill.

my oscars test sceduled at end of jan
a bit off but im craving for confinement food! hahahha..just saw newbaby having 50% off their trial meal.. $15 instead of $30, so i'll prob order on one day im on leave and try!

Angelic^soul: i just came back from a trip actually and that was how i found out i'm pregnant.. cos totally lost appetite there, plus keep puking.. which totally spoilt the holiday!

Re: announcement of pregnancy
i also din announce, but my hubby go announce to his family, which i do not like. i din even tell my family! cos after 2 failed preg, i dun wan to raise anybody's hopes..

i have yet to go for first check up, and anyway the first check up is in mid jan 13. Just to check if most of u are on supplements? What supplements? multivits? neurogain? A bit out of touch here, so thought i'll go pharmacy get some supplements but dunno wat to buy..
I bgt prenatal multivitamin from GNC which includes folic acid. But I feel sick n wana puke each time after taking it. So now I'm only taking folic acid from guardian pharmacy.
Re Vinegar: Don't recall anyone else having mention this as a taboo food, leh... I think anything is okay, bah.. in moderation. I used to crave for pineapple, doc say can try little bit, and little bit more... high in iron, i think. So ended up I had pineapple almost daily.
2013 jiayou!

frogprincess: i was craving for bak chor mee just a few days ago.. haha.. and yes, i subscribe to the everything in moderation theory too! but i had GD the last 2 rounds, so i gotta cut on the amt.. with the MS, i dun eat huge portions too, so should be OK!
p (bbreze): I had it (GD) too during my last preggy. Gynae said it will "worsen" my next pregnancy...hmmm....so have to monitor my diet from now.
skymummy, im already cutting the refined carbos and going on wholewheat bread and pastas. for rice/noodles, i take small servings. but i can't cut the milo and horlicks for now cos still need them to comfort my MS. pastas are heaven sent..thank goodness for them, otherwise i really dunno wat to eat!
for me, last pregnancy Sweets ease my MS. so intake alot of candies. So unhealthy.

This time, I just let it be. Try to bear with MS. I haven start cutting down the portion. Just auto no appetite. Hopefully when appetite is back, i will have self control over my glutton mouth.
Usaginko: I think the different kind of foods have a different effect on everyone bah.. So what happen to ur sil may not happen to u. Beside, bak chor mee doesnt have that much vinegar (darn, i now also want to eat bak chor mee!) like prior delivery, pple say drink coconut water so baby will come out clean right? I took once and within the hr i had alot of vaginal discharge. Freaked me out man, so i didnt take liao. But nothing happened to others who also took coconut.

But i think we shouldnt eat vinegar in quantities that we would eat durin confinement.. Pig trotters in vinegar is taken after 2nd week post delivery because it helps to cleanse the blood etc. even though its a confinment food, they r already so particular abt when it should be eaten, so i guess during pregnancy, dont eat as much vinegar i suppose.. Everything in moderation ..

Ttcing: maybe the smelly toufu might cure ur morning sickness, u never know! ;)
Sorry for my ignorance but I was wondering what is the GD that you ladies were talking abt?

BabyS: Smelly toufu?? Hmmmm....maybe I can try but where to find it besides Geylang? hehehe...

diorly: I think I am experiencing the similar type of ''wanna vomit but cannot vomit'' feeling as u! Hope to get thru this soon
Hi bbreeze, i also only hav appetite for pasta especially spaghetti.. Yum yum.. I also craving for fries n fried chicken wing. Today i had fries n fried chicken wing for both lunch n dinner.. Veri satisfying

Hi pink_ribbon, hows ur checkup today? How many weeks r u in? Able to see bb heartbeat?
Hi Serene, initially can see baby but cannot hear the heartbeat... so doctor suggest to do v scan... But i dun want.. So she suggest to drink lots n lots of water to full my bladder.. So i did.. After 30mins went to scan again... This time can see baby n hear heartbeat v v clearly!! So happy... EDD 15th Aug.
Oh really!! Heehee... Lets update each other on our progress..... I jus seen baby.. N heard the heartbeat.. so exciting.. Next appt 2nd week jan.. 2013.. Looking fwd!
Just now wanna cook fish but the smell is so pungent it makes me nauseous till now... For this one, I feel hyper sensitive to smell... I even sold my chanel cos I can't stand the leather smell. When I had my #1, it was quite a breeze except for b little backache.. dunno is it of age catching up that's why I m experiencing more symptoms. >_<
Diorly: i am sensitive to smell too when having #1.. I cant stand foodcourt smell n dkny apple perfume.. This pregnancy.. Im jus feeling giddy whenever im feeling hungry... If i eat too much will also feel giddy.. Not much MS till now except for giddiness..
lol..me cant stand foodcourt smell and the cooking smell..the market smell..body moisturizer smell..shampoo smell..etc. It makes me nauseous. I feel giddy too sometimes.. And the food i used to like i dont like it anymore. Seems like i prefer crispy food, sweet food..lol.

Re: pantang
wahh..missing out 2 wedding dinner this week n next.. all the yummy food..but we cant go right..i miss the sharksfin soup n the dessert! lol
Hi all... I m new here, FTM with 6weeks pregnant. Excited n anxious

I have gastric discomfort n yes.. me too can't take cooking smell....feel so xinku. ..
had a very long day out.. in the end my tummy feels like so hard, back so pain now, extremely tired throughout!.. boo hoo..

2013: such a fuzzy feeling! Jiayou! and for all of us too! jiayou!

food wise, not much improvement.. still very selective, but at least bb allow me to have more choice now :\ yea, but smells are a turn off..i think i'll probably give cny a miss too if it continues.. cannot bear the thought of having to be out whole day in discomfort!!
congrats pink ribbon and diorly. i went to see gynae on fri but can't see anything... can't even see the sac. have to go back after two more weeks. long weeksssss ahead..

Had a shopping day out in town in high waist pants.. felt giddy n discomfort at times.. den i had slight bleeding/spotting..
so worried..

Do u all stop gg out during first trimester?
