(2013/05) May 2013

Sunflower: yeah I went to mom le. They can't do anything. They only submit my doc then see whether the officer will take up this matter anot Lor. That's all! Lol sound so no point. But the guy told me that after u have past ya 1st trims ya company can't sack u.

Iko0508: Mine is unexpected as due date shd be 3 weeks more. My boy just pass 36 weeks. Lucky still consider full term. I can feel contractions ard 2pm++. Went hospital and gynae say dilate 2cm already need to go for induce delivery. My boy came out 3pm++ the next day! I took epi in the middle of the night as really can't take it already. If really w/o epi I will die!!! Somemore midwife keep checking cervix to see dilation. It is so painful. I shiver thru out also. But still better than the unbearable pain. Thru out the delivery can only go on gulcose drip. Can't even drink a sip of water! I I was so hungry and thirsty.
Vi: she cant pay me after she terminate me cus my pregnancy have not reach to 3 months. so she earn it i lugi. i just treat it im topid and too kind enff to tell her im pregnant. and this is what i got from her. i remember my boss still THANK ME for telling her omg. what a b**** and i still cant imagine she is a mother for 1 kid! and her kid only 2 yrs old nia. haiz.. learn not to trust people also and people loves to act ke lian and we got fool for it. faints.

Sunflower some companies are quite evil. the MC that ya gynea given maybe wont be approve. it base on the company whether want to give u to take anot. if they dont approve it will minus in ya leave or unpay leave.. however if u go to these clinics or hospital u confirm can claim! u can see the link.
Fabbie, yes we know company are evil while HR are devil. Even they are women n mother of kids but theywill considered what best for themselves. No matter how much u ever contributed no use.
sunflower my HR is not local so i wont blame her.. i ask her she say she not sure is BOSS told her what to do.. she also do de.. Ya i agree what u said. so i told myself this is really my last last time that im going to get a female boss! infact i had a few not a very good experience til this one still not bad but still end up so scary! omg. now i feel bad for my colls cus we always OT like crazy lor. haiz.. OH WELL...

sleepness: btw do u gals still in peace at night? sometimes i dont leh! i cant even sleep! do u ??
wendy: totally understand how u feel.. me too! my gynae said my cervix is located quite behind.. so she had to squeeze her finger deep in right to the back.. *faint* i saw blood so went to the hospital.. i was only 1.5cm dilated then.. then contractions came n slowed down.. so it took my like 14hrs to be fully dilated.. same here.. cannot drink cannot eat cuz they scared need to emergency c-sect ma.. But the shivering was unbearable too.. hmmm..

fabbie: really hope u can win the case!! aiya.. talking abt good night sleep.. what's that man? i haven had a good night sleep for a long time due to my notty girl.. =( but luckily i'm not working..
Issit because hungry plus epi will shiver? 14hrs cannot eat, where got energy to push bb@@ actually just now I went for app and I heard the nurse told 1 of the pregnant lady tat, cannot eat, I tot I heard wrongly. I dun eat will gastric de
after delivery can straight away eat food?
iko0508: hard to win leh.. cus im not pregnant 3 months .. so lugi hor.. Oh well suan le.. god will know. somemore she's catholic haiz. disappointed!

Alice: u wont feel hungry but u will feel thirsty only hee and epi will shiver is cus of the med not cus of hungry la hahaha.. after delivery u will feel hungry but not to gastric de. heee cus ya on drip mah!! i easily get gastric and im okai so u dont have to worry also hee
fabbie: yeah.. I can't work for female boss although myself is a lady boss. I am a lady I know how diff age women feel, I keep chasing after my staffs to get marry earlier & hv bb early. They find me so nagging haha...

sleepness: every night I will wake up to pee & after that most of the time I simply can't sleep till the time when I suppose to wake up.
Fabbie, for singaporean and employees, if you've served ur co for more than 90days, they're liable for ur ML and not allowed to terminate u regardless ur in first trimester or whatsoever. And if they do, they needs to go through a tedious process to mom to verify that ur actually 'not working' when ur in office. This also includes interviews with mom officers and is seldom
Successful for employers.

Re: Mc
They have the rights to reject private practitioner medical cert but this is up to the sole discretion of the company. If they reject mine, I shall deem fit that they should reject others whose also submitting private mc except for company doctors mc..
Do not tell them that this gyne mc is for checkup cos checkup is not liable to claim under mc. In fact, just say ur unwell and unable to attend work.

Pregnant means pregnant leh. And I don't think employers are able to terminate us. I'm still under my 6mths probation but I've passed 90days, so I'm not worried. Haha they have no rights not to confirm me if I'm still producing satisfactory work. And even if they don't confirm me, I'll still be entitled to my ML
sunflower: i need to add.. u know the day i left she bought a new printer in sia which my coll all like thinking company where got so much money to even buy a new printer? when printer not even spoil?! and the printer was like 10K lor! crazy..

tell u another story lol my ex coll who call JAMIE doing events who left the company got replace by another gal. the gal just nice dont have english name. and u know what my lady boss do to "save money". she told the gal. DO U MIND if i call u JAMIE as our ex coll JAMIE has alot of namecards so dont waste it!! faints now i know why our namecard dont have surname cus she wants to reuse. i told my coll u better burn my namecard please!! LOL i cant imagine this kind of thing also can do lor!
Fabbie, your lady boss might already knoe all the mom rules before sacking you, that's terrible. She herself is also a mother. And ridiculars, how can anyhow named people just for saving cost!!! Worst people around!
reddish: no leh.. where u see the that?? the officer told me that if she fire me within my last 6 months of the EDD she need to pay my ML which is i have not reach to the stage yet. i went to mom le. it stated

"If employer terminates the employment of a pregnant employee within six months from the date of estimated delivery or the date of her confinement without sufficient cause, the employer is required to pay the employee maternity benefits she would have otherwise been eligible for."

reddish ya lucky la to get a nice boss i have a nice boss before.. i was pregnant w my #1 when i only work in my ex company for 2 weeks! and my boss still accept me!!

sunflower i believe theres some nice lady boss leh but its very rare to find one like u.. so nice. please hire me next time LOL

BBK: YUp yup!!! after i go MOM yday talk about everything.. FInish liao hor i told my mum it seems like this is a plan. she already have make plans for it.. tsk tsk tsk.. but quite funny when i heard about the namecards.. lol really joke of the day
Fabbie, sorry for my misunderstanding. I asked my gf.. She also said that mom only protects preggy women who are 6mths above... My text pasted is for egilibility for ML.. Lol...

So ur jobless now already?? Did ur boss paid u like two months salary due to this termination?? I think it's not too late to look for a new job now... Ur tummy isn't showing and by then when it's showing, it would have been three months later, and by then, u would be roughly around 6mths or so
Pink tulip - my hubby wont know how to help me..becomes my scratching post only..i rather have someone experienced with me. I have a doula friend but heard Parkway East don't allow doulas in their delivery rooms.

Fabbie - your story very scary leh..boss from hell.
fabbie: ur ex-boss has a very "cheap" character lor @@
anyway, life have to move forward. If I hear anyone looking for graphic designer I will let u know. But surprise why she willing to spend 10k on printer unless it is really worth for good presentation to customer. I request for a nice color printer & took for 2 years to get a reasonable printer.

reddish: if the company proof that her role is no longer require by the company, the company can terminate anyone. We are only well-protected on the 7 mths onwards.
reddish: no worries hee so now u know lor. when ya 3 months then tell boss. if not damn lugi. also see heng or suay.. ya jobless le lor.. she is smart! Pay me 1 month notice and MINUS all my MC from gynea which is 14 days including hospital leave so my 1 month pay is only so little after minus so many unpay leave.. haiz.. haha now can look for job meh. who wants to hire a pregnant woman hahaha i just do some partime at home can le. to dong abit. maybe 1-2 months later when bb is stable see i can get what job.

Raihana: ya quite scary.. she can act very ke lian and say business is not doing good this n that saying very poor thing lor but her actions is like HUH?? im very scare to work this kind of people. i ask my ex coll who left there they told me they are so happy to tat they left. LOL me too i feel relieved! u know i work for her OT here n there and this is what she do lor. complain to my coll say I SIGN letter liao still want to claim my cab fair -____-but i work for that weak is hard work cheong work for her lor!

sunflower: haha yeah.. i always know that things happen for a reason n maybe its time to take a break since inside bb wants it this way. LOL i think if i still work there i will everyday OT like hell again lor. LOL she buy the printer for production. so meaning good luck to my colls working in there. but her old printer still ok to us cus we always use ah. oh well.. duno her la.. my coll in there also tell me she's going to leave soon. cannot take it liao. haiz start to worry for my colls cus they are so nice people and those guai guai kind havent even work for 1 month she cut people pay 1k somemore okai! wah lau damn scary can anyhow cut n cut one who dare to work for her.. LOL oh well just say GOOD LUCK. haha anyway i feel much better after ranting n b****ing about her. LOL thanks!
Mom stated if employer terminates u within 6 month from ur edd then employer need to pay u maternity benefits. So dun tell ur boss 1st until ur 4th month pregnant. But if ur hr clever when u submit it gynae 1st mc, she/he know u preggie liao.
Morning ladies!
Woke up with MS. Sianz. Now very sleepy. Hope my lil one will zzz soon so I can nap too. Any SAHM in this thread? =)

Faints lor. I seriously imagine more boys in the family. Thanks for the good luck! Hope all is fine inside with the lil one. Dont kan cheong. Relax!

Ur boss siebh jialat sia! Even name cards also wana save the money. Hope u win ur case!
ml83: hahaha i envy u la! LOL so how u feeling le? still got cramps?

Alice/ml83: Ya the namecard thing was really damn funny. cus my coll started off with .. OH we will have another new Fabbie when next designer come in.. im like huh? why? then they start to tell me the story till i laff thru out hahaha LOL

sunflower: yup i told my hub saying. lets thing of a good thing. that is really relieve that im out of there. LOL
fabbie: if we think it in another way, ur life might be better after leaving this job! ur bb don wan u to work for such a boss!
no envy la. hehe. cramps so far ok afta i took d hormone pills. juz tt ms getting worst.

hcg levels
my dr called me just now. my beta hcg levels were 32,000. very high according to him. so gotta see what are the levels like for the repeat test this coming fri.
Ml83, I am sahm. I just take care 1, oh you got to take care 3. So much fun but how u cope?
Your hcg level so high leh
@ fabbie - jiayou! what's ahead is even better so just enjoy your pregnancy for now.

re: hcg levels
when does the doc test for hcg levels? I went for my 1st appt yest and saw the sac, baby & baby's hb. Doc didn't take my hcg level though. Based on sac's size, I'm abt 6+ weeks but based on LMP, I'm abt 7+ weeks..so doc told me to go back in 2weeks' time to get a more accurate dating. Shld I also ask him abt the hcg levels?
Doc also didn't prescribe me any pills (to 'an tai'/stabilise the pregnancy). shld I be kiasu and ask for it next time I go? haha
Hie ladies,

Reddish- dr ang is fantastic doc but what I experienced on the day I delivered plus the stay at TMC made me look for another gynae.Mount A is where I wanted to deliver.

Like u said , Dr Ang was also trying to get me to deliver at TMC when I told him I wanted to deliver at Mount A
Re: sleepiness
I'm also feeling v.tired throughout the day but can't seem to sleep well at night. strangely enough, i can nap well in the afternoons. my hb says I sleep so much still tired but I really can't help feeling tired!
sleepyskies: same leh! i sleep well on afternoons.. but once i wake up which is in the evening i start vomitting -____- my MS gets very bad at night.. Zzzzzzz
How old is ur #1? My #3 is just turned 11mths. Looking afta 3 is quite tiring. Im staying with my parents so they help me out on & off plus the kor kors are in sch on wkdays so only need to struggle at night with all 3. Hehe.

I look at hcg levels online, seems over the range for my wk of pregnancy. Im hoping its not twins! No way I can cope if that’s the case.

Nap during lunch? I used to do that. Was constantly munching snacks or wana zzz too. Lol.

HCG is not done routinely. Mainly for reasons such as yolk sac small, ? miscarriage or to confirm a pregnancy in the early wks. If seen hb, sac n all, means pregnancy is progressing well. =)
Ml83, my #1 is 3 years old. Go child care everyday and have a maid at home. Basically I am very free in the day. But going to go bonkers. Nothing to do.
When are u going for check up? Why u need hcg test? If twins how?? 5 children omg
Hi mummies, I have a question here.....hope to get your advice.

I will do Oscar Test on 31/10, can I just request MC for my gynae instead of apply annual leave from company? Anyone take MC for this test before?

So sorry asking such silly question coz i am a 1st time mother-to-be....(^_^)
Wow..glad that our table is growing!! Hope all mummies are doing well.

Wish to be like u, can nua at hm. So is MS kicking in?

Always feels bloated after eating, so uncomfortable.
Can I chk with u gals, will you all attend relatives or friends bb full month at this stage? Is it ok to go?
re: Sleep

I can't really nap in the day. I just lie down in bed to rest but can't sleep. I toss lots at night too... and wake up at the slightest sound... in my first pregnancy hubby said I was snoring in the last trimester he thought he was sleeping next to a man. Hahaha So I'm looking forward to more restful nights with deeper sleep.
Ange: Same here..I cant really sleep well ever since i'm preg. When expecting #1 can sleep better. I'm sure to wake up in the middle of the night, hope we can have better sleep soon.
novsnow: If i got to bed too early, like 10pm, I will definitely wake up for a pee break too. Hehe
Novsnow, yes ms kicking in and very very tired and can't stand straight. It kicks in exactly week 6.

Me too, can sleep at night and will toilet break then cannot sleep alreasy
Hi tsm

i think it depends on individual gynae as well as your bosses. My gynae gives me an mc everytime i go for my appt with him. He says just take la. My boss is okay with me taking MC or leave. Not much difference since i'm already gg for my 4-month maternity

I will use half day MC instead of 1 full day.
Gaya: I only have one. And he turns 4 this year. Pretty easy. When I'm unwell and need to lie down he plays next to me on the bed. He goes to school 2-530pm so I get some time off to do my own stuff or just lie in bed (again!). Hahaha
fool4love - thanks so much!

I think i will take MC instead of leave,hehe. My bosses is nice so thinking shld be no problem.

Btw, who did Oscar Test oledy?
i'm really counting down to 2nd trimester man.. days seem to float by soooo slowly..
everyday feel nauseous.. dun even have mood to shop or play with my ger..
we must JIAYOU together!! Fighting!! >.<
I am only 5-6weeks and i already have been waking up 2-3 times each night to pee or drink water as i am always thirsty.

Yesterday was worse that i have some discomfort in my back area near waist. Very hard to fall asleep. I was thinking if there was anything wrong with my kidney cos the discomfort was around that area. Anyone else experience that?
Iko, I am also looking forward to sec tri, no mood to do anything. Dun feel like going out, even at night also lazy to apply mositurizer. Getting lazier.
I think a few of the girls here are going sec tri soon left 2-3 weeks to go, I left 4 weeks to go
