(2013/02) March 2013

now forum very cold leh. haha.. not much ppl online one..

I also looking fwd to end of the day. now is 11am+ liao le. haha..
Not sure abt others but I just home after meet e teachers, lunch n shopping w e kids

The mall was quite quiet too...mayb alot of pple still stucked at Popular fair.
another 30 mins can go home liao le. haha..

ya lor. recently here very cold. maybe a lot go holiday? haha..
Going to the food fair and Popular fair at Expo later.
Hi All,

Been a silent reader. My EDD is March 2013. Went for my detailed scan at 21 weeks on the 10/nov. Doctor found baby has short femur and hyperechogenic bowel. Recommend us to go for CVS, which i did last week, waiting for the result. We opt to get PCR which will let us know partial of the report in 72hours. its been a nightmare for me and husband.
been too busy and just have time to update on my wife's detailed scan 2 fridays back. It's a baby girl! So happy! Now wifey's just gg mad thinking about dolling our little girl up!

Oh ya, I just had a conversation with a colleague earlier and she was complaining that the school she called up for to volunteer herself in preparation for her currently 4 yr old daughter told her she was too late! Gosh, it looks like parents have to start volunteering themselves 4-5 yrs before their kid even enters! Crazy!

I guess we perhaps needa start even before our kids are born now. hah!
Hello all! just back to office after my long break.. still abit stoned. luckily some of you mention to get gynae letter for depature at the airport, the crew really ask for letter when i check-in.

birdnest, i took concentrated bird nest at 7th month den stop about 8.5month. cos some said if consume too much, bb will born w alot of phlegm.
Morning all, hows everyone?

im feeling very tired these few days as unable to sleep well. my 3 year old son, don kw why started crying again at night. my god. than i have to switch on the lights, than he stopped. hmmm
Hi Nordiana,
Hope e CVS result is fine.
Most bb w markers during detailed scan r born healthy subsequently. Let's hope for e best!

Is this ur 1st bb?
Hi all,

How's all MTB are doing??

I had requested to join the march mummies private FB. But to no avail. =(
Any kind soul can add me in?

Anyway, I also headache as in who to help me to look after my baby after I return back to work. My mil is working and my mum need to looks after my nephew and we stay quite far from each other.
Looking for infant care, but am on waiting list.
My last resort is to quit my job and meanwhile look after baby first. Coz my current job requires me to work OT quite often.
But anything for my baby. =)
For those who want to access march fb group, go to the first few archive thread to look for the nick 'berrydelight'. She is the admin. Just pm her to add u gals in.
"The bottom line is that childbirth is a huge physical act that involves pain for most who experience it. But the pain of labor, it turns out, is important. It is hormonally tied to healthy labor progress. If you take away the pain, you may take away the progress, which requires intervention that can cause harm (and more pain!). Your doc/friend/mother-in-law may be saying, “Don’t be a hero, get the epidural!” But this isn’t about heroics, this is about protecting your body. It may turn out that after hours of labor and every other trick in the bag, an epidural is just what it takes to facilitate the baby’s debut. But research suggests it’s best left as the serious medical intervention it is — taken when really needed.

That’s not to say that women who shoo away the anaesthesiologist don’t need help getting through the pain — massage, a deep warm tub, a shower, hypnosis, and relaxation techniques can all help. Most importantly, you need to be able to move your body. What you don’t need is to be stuck in a situation with access to none of these options, or in a hospital bed with an electronic fetal monitor tying you down and a Syntocinon drip in your vein. Indeed, if you’re pushed, an epidural may be the only way you can get through it. It’s nonsensical to expect a woman to labor without drugs if she’s strapped flat on her back.

That’s why it’s imperative to line up a supportive provider, (a great idea is to include a doula) and atmosphere before labour starts. Women who get this kind of support are more able to stay upright, active, and in control of pushing, and are more likely to have an uncomplicated birth, an intact, uncut vagina, and a speedy recovery."


Numerous clinical studies have found that a doula’s presence at birth
tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications
reduces negative feelings about one’s childbirth experience
reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction and cesareans
reduces the mother’s request for pain medication and/or epidurals
Research shows parents who receive support can:
Feel more secure and cared for
Are more successful in adapting to new family dynamics
Have greater success with breastfeeding
Have greater self-confidence
Have less postpartum depression
Have lower incidence of abuse
Taken from: http://www.dona.org/mothers/why_use_a_doula.php

Dear mummies,
I am training to be a doula aka professional labour support. As part of my certification, I am required to attend three births. Below are links, which explain what a doula does and how I can help you have a positive birth experience. Do pm me or email me at [email protected] if you have any queries. Looking forward to hear from you. 
""Nicole writes,

“I get questions, all the time from friends, friends of friends and even strangers. They want my thoughts about pregnancy, labor and childbirth. I have spent HOURS talking with women providing answers and information they should be able to get from their prenatal provider/birth attendant. I think to myself at the end of those conversations, “Why isn’t she able to get this information from her? If he doesn’t make her feel special, does not answer her questions, and doesn’t agree with her philosophy on childbirth and labor, why on earth is she allowing him to be her birth attendant?!”

When I pose this question to the women themselves, the answers unfortunately never include “Because I did my research and I found him to be the best match for me and my desired childbirth experience.” Most of the answers I receive fall into the four categories below, none of which are good enough reasons alone to choose a prenatal care provider/birth attendant.”

The four categories that Nicole is referring to are:

1) “She delivered my sister/girlfriend.”
2) “She is my gynecologist.”
3) “He is the best/most popular person in area.”
4) “Her office is so close and convenient to my office/house.”

I have to “second that” to every thing that Nicole writes about in her two posts. I too am flabbergasted at how many women spend more time researching a new car, camera, computer, appliance, or handbag purchase than they do researching their care provider or birth options. I am also floored by many of the women I take care of that seem to have NO IDEA how their doctor or midwife actually thinks, feel, and behaves in a labor & delivery setting. One time, and I am not exaggerating, a woman I was assigned to care for looked up at me after a particularly upsetting encounter with her attending obstetrician (he was very rough with her vaginal exam, was down right pissed off that she refused an amniotomy and an epidural, and stormed out of the room) and said, “Wow, I didn’t realize he was so pushy! He was really rude! I don’t know if I want him to deliver my baby!” I was thinking to myself, “HOW in God’s name are you just figuring out now that he is an asshole?!” (Excuse my language but this particular doctor is a high intervention, low patience physician with the stats to prove it, on top of the fact that he treats nurses like his personal empty-headed gophers…ARG!) Turns out the only research she did to find this doctor was that her cousin went to him and was happy with his services since he agreed to induce her early because she was “sick of being pregnant” (her words, not mine).

Of course there is also the lying phenomenon as well and this is one area where I feel the most sympathy for my patients. That’s right ladies…people LIE and I hope that I am not the first person to tell you that doctors and midwives are people too!! That’s why, as Nicole writes, interviewing potential birth attendants and ASKING FOR THEIR STATISTICS is so important. Someone I know ended up switching her birth attendant at 36 weeks along because it had turned out that he flat out lied about his experience and philosophy regarding VBACs (vaginal birth after cesarean). For example, if you have a question about a particular intervention, say episiotomy rate, and the birth attendant you are interviewing either skirts the question or says something vague like, “I only do them when I deem necessary,” I encourage you to ask him for his STATS. You might be surprised at how often he “deems it necessary.” It is also important to note that you cannot make sweeping generalizations about a care provider just by their credentials, that is, not all midwives follow a midwifery model of care and not all obstetricians follow a medical model of care (although by the very nature of their education many of them do). So it is still important to research your birth attendant even if you are planning on choosing a midwife!

Also, I wonder if many women do not research their care providers/birth attendants because they come from generations of women who nodded their heads, smiled, and did exactly everything their doctor told them too regarding their reproductive health. I mean, if a woman’s mother, aunts, and grandmothers didn’t question their doctors, what influence does she have to act any differently? The good news however is that in today’s day in age, unlike our mothers and grandmothers, we have a most wonderful thing called THE INTERNET so you have no excuse."


Numerous clinical studies have found that a doula’s presence at birth
tends to result in shorter labors with fewer complications
reduces negative feelings about one’s childbirth experience
reduces the need for pitocin (a labor-inducing drug), forceps or vacuum extraction and cesareans
reduces the mother’s request for pain medication and/or epidurals
Research shows parents who receive support can:
Feel more secure and cared for
Are more successful in adapting to new family dynamics
Have greater success with breastfeeding
Have greater self-confidence
Have less postpartum depression
Have lower incidence of abuse
Taken from: http://www.dona.org/mothers/why_use_a_doula.php

Dear mummies,
I am training to be a doula aka professional labour support. As part of my certification, I am required to attend three births. Below are links, which explain what a doula does and how I can help you have a positive birth experience. Do pm me or email me at [email protected] if you have any queries. Looking forward to hear from you. 
This kind of long, aggressive spamming day after day is getting irritating. R u going to post 1 everyday until u get ur quota of 3?
If it has not been working, my suggestion is time to re-think ur advertising strategy, as it is a reflection of ur professionalism n potential bedside manners.
Hi, thanks for your comments on bird nest.. Btwn anyone seen or heard abt Dr Suzanna Sulaiman from KKH? Pls let me know ur experiences.
Hi mummies, how has the weekend been? I can't believe I'm still getting bouts of nausea coupled with heartburn and indigestion now too.. Not to mention my skin discoloration is also back (had it with first pregnancy too).. And I'm growing so huge that the discomfort and body aches are already here at the 5th month!

But with all this said... The best thing about all this is feeling the tiny one move inside.. And believe me.. Before we know it, the tiny one will be out! Scary yet exciting!

Must remind ourselves how lucky we are to be able to conceive and be blessed with a little one in the tummy! :D
About time to start preparing the maternity bag! Do I have to sterilize the breast pump before bringing to the hospital? I still have it in the box (unopen). Think I need the nurse/lactation lady to help me with both breast pump and latching!
Hi double dee,
I hv discolouring too. Think will go away after delivery?

Hi Yun,
Most hospital shld hv pumps for loan if u really need it, w parts sterilized, so dont really hv to lug it there. Perhaps check w urs?
Anyway, 1st few days e amt is likely to b ard 15-30ml, so might as well learn e direct latch from nurses/ lactation consultant than wasting precious bm on wetting e bottles. ;p
vamiga, fierce sia! hahaha.. think they random post their ad in diff thread. hoping for reply.

yun, so fast?!?! im still enjoying my pregnancy journey leh.. haha! actually within 3days, our milk wouldn kick in, so i wouldnt be bringing pumps to hospital. but to stimulate my boobs(factory) to start working, i will hand press.
Hello, how's everyone? We just went for gynae check after 5 weeks. I gained 9kg till date so far! Gasps! But gynae is happy so I am happy.

Last Friday and this Monday was Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales in US. We bought some bb and toddler clothes from Carter's and Old Navy online. We spent quite cautiously as we know the kids outgrow too fast.

Till date, I have received more than enough hand me down for 0-3months.

Yun, the last Baby Expo in October was disappointing. Do you know if this would be the same? I wonder if pampers will be participating again.
Hi Mummies to Be,

I have 3 pks of Merries Diapers (NB, up to 5kg) for sale.
Bot too many and my 2 mth old has outgrown them.

60 pc per pack, brand new and unopened.
Price: $50 for 3 pks.
Self collection at Tiong Bahru MRT or Havelock Rd.

Pls email [email protected] for fast deal!

P/S sorry to hijack!
Hi vamiga... Where's your discoloration? My skin around my mouth/chin area peels n looks redder..hubby says i look like a teddy bear! =...( but yeah..it goes away after delivery but meanwhile..call me teddy..

Think the line on my tummy is starting to form too!

For mummies with heartburn or indigestion, gaviscon liquid works much better than the tablet form!
sorry babes.. i seldom come to this forum.. those who wanna be added.. can email me your fb address? i just added some of u as friends and if after approving u still dun get added to the group.. pls msg me at fb.. thanks!
I think there's something wrong with me. Only gain 2.1 kg (from week 6 to week 25). Weigh gain is so little, but my baby is at 800g (overweight for week 25, I checked the fetus weight chart after gynae visit). But gynae say my weight gain and baby weight is Ok... Did he remember the numbers wrongly?

Actually, what to pack in the maternity bag ah? Can some kind souls post here for my reference? Hee. Don't want to bring too many things.

I haven't use a breast pump before. So I was hoping the nurse can teach me if I bring to hospital. If not, I'll surely feel lost back home! Actually the salesgirl showed me how to use. Seems straight forward. Haha.

I don't know if Pampers will participate. Is Pampers good? SIL recommends Mamy Poko, so I bought that.
Yun, i don see there's a problem. infact its good! hahha!! i have only putting on 1kg. only from my taipei holiday. so long as the bb weight is growing, it will b alright. hehhe!!

maternity bag, base on my memory i brought my own PJ, toiletries, face towel, socks, bedroom slippers, jacket, nursing bra, pads, nipple cream, pump(but didnt get to use), bb blanket, bb set of clothes, mittens n booties. thats all i can remember now.
Yes it's definitely good! I'm putting on too much weight and gynae asked me to watch what I eat, yet she said baby is on the small side
how to control yet let baby grow... Start eating healthier options I guess
Hi double dee,
I red at chest area, too much blood flow?
Line down tummy also start le.

U tried moisturing peeling area?
Yup.. Slather lots on daily, but somehow it will still be darker n redder, and still peel sometimes.. But I'll just make the best out of things lah.. A mother's sacrifice

But yesterday was a hextic day for me and I started getting worried when I got cramps and pressure pushing down there.. So gotto consciously remember to slow down!

Happy thoughts, mummies! :D and have a great day ahead!
Hi all! I am a new member here. This is my first pregnancy so I am all excited and worried at the same time.

Only 6 months and a lot of people already comment my bump looks big.

I have gained nearly 10kg thus far, I think I am getting fat too fast!
Last visit to the doctor shows my baby at 824g! Gasps. But doctor says everything is fine so far so I also don't know what to think...

Have all of you started 'taijiao' already? Maybe we can share some experiences. ^^

Hopefully I will get to meet some new friends here!
Hi Sally!

Yun, I know a friend who only gain 5kg whole pregnancy. It also means u will slim down very fast!! I gained 9kg already, the foetus weigh the same as urs.

I have tried a few brands. Still love Pampers. It's thinnest and softest, most importantly it holds. Mamy poko is good too but still think its thick for the weather. In fact, my toddler tend to ask to change diapers after a few hours when we put drypers drypantz and many poko pull ups, but it has never happened before when he wears pampers.

My apologies for interrupting your disscussions!

I am looking to sell my Medela Freestyle Local Set. It was purchased in May 2012 and still has a good 6 months of local warranty left. I had latched my baby on directly most of the time and therefore the set is hardly used and in an excellent condition. I am willing to let go of the Medela Freestyle at $550. If you are interested, do PM me or contact me on my mobile at 9431-5642. Thanks!

- what's in the box
- warranty card and purchase receipt
Cordlife is participating at the Baby Expo this weekend. I've checked with them, they said the promotional pricing will only be out on that day.

Btw, for referral cases, they will give $100 Captialand Mall vouchers!

Baby Expo 2012
(Hall 5B)
14 & 15 Dec 2012 – 11am to 9pm
16 Dec 2012 – 11am to 8pm
I have signed up with Cordlife for my baby.

If anyone want to sign up with Cordlife at Baby Expo this weekend 14-16 Dec 2012, I can refer you as a friend. We each can get $100 worth of shopping vouchers.
Do email me at [email protected] or PM me if interested as I seldom check threads. Thanks.
I am selling a brand new never been used Bugaboo Cameleon 3 model. The cameleon comes with a bassinet, seat and rain cover please. Please visit the website for more information. http://www.bugaboo.com/product?id=95172510

Baby is only due in February but am selling as would like to get a different bugaboo model.

Condition: Brand new
Model: cameleon 3 ( just launched in Oct 2012)
colour: All black
Price: $1800 (retails for $2049 at mothers work/ first few years) negotiable
If you are interested, please e-mail [email protected] or SMS 9178 1811.

I have the following items :

1)BNIP Anakku cloth napkins letting go cheap. 12pcs/pack (usual outside selling 10pcs/pack) going cheap at 1 packet for $25, 2 for $40.

2) TMC diaper backpack. Black colour, Interior is fully lined with plastic and waterproof. ** Comes with a changing mat! Dual-zipper enable open from both sides. Large net pockets at both sides for putting water bottle. $10 only!

Self collect since bulky to post. Pickup at :
Alexandra Retail Center
Pasir Panjang Road
Vivo (lunch time)
Taman Jurong

Aljunied, Dakota MRT
Old Airport Road area
Geylang/Guillemard Road
Sunday at suntec or Kallang Leisure can be arranged

Intersted pls PM me or want to vieew pictures

Want to sell the following items in 1 whole set:

Medela single mini electric pump used only 3 times - 1 set plus 1 more Breastshield of size 21mm
Medela milk storage bottles brand new never used before - 3 pcs
Medela nipple cream 7g/0.25ozs brand new never used before - 1 tube
Medela pump and save milk storage bags brand new only use 2 pcs - 18pcs
Medela milk collection shells brand new never used before - 1 pair
Pigeon diaper liner 1 box plus another 1/4 used box

Self collection.

Interested parties please pm me for more details. Thanks.
