(2013/02) March 2013

Morning Mummies,
Lately I've been feeling very very tired too. Taking care of #1 and going through preganancy again is very different and more tiring I feel. Often I'll feel bloated and like want to vomit but never vomit. Foodwise still okay but always want to eat all those flavoursome food.

This pregnancy is different from #1. Didn't remember being so tired and feeling so bloated.

I agree with 2nd/3rd time mummies, how not to cuddle and carry the older ones. Lately my #1 has become really sticky to me ask well. Often asking to Bao Bao. Its as though he knows.

Sometimes i get ocassional sharp pain/ muscle cramp at the side of the abdominal. Is this what you ladies experience as well? Its it because of heavy stuff we carry e.g. Laptops for work?

hey lovebyte, dun carry the heavy stuff anymore! yah, those stupid elephant laptops by the company are all really really heavyweight! but try not to carry it, take out the battery if you can or dun carry the cables home.

i think sharp pain is ok, i checked with my gynae and she said if it is ont persistent then its fine. could be womb stretching according to her.
Blueswimmercrab: Yes the laptops are ELEPHANT heavy!

Oh the womb is stretching so fast? I look at my tummy and its HUGE!! Probably cos of the left over fats from #1. I cannot imagine how HUGE i'll look when I'm like 7-8mths. Jiat lat....
Yah blueswimmercrab... Thats what i read too, they can dismiss u prior to you entering your 7th mth and need not pay the maternity benefits. Anyway, there's always a disadvtg for preg ladies out in the workg world, you will not get good PB and will not be considered for any promotions during that year even though yiur performance did not drop, you did not take any mc for any ms.... All you did is disappear for 4mths maternity leave which is what u are entitled to.

Anyways, i can feel my tummy stretching on certain days n on other days i feel nothing at all, then so far not much size increase in my tummy... Its still too early i guess? Im entering the 9th week le... Cant wait for my appt next week to see whats going on inside... Sometimes i think im very paranoid, keep worrying abt stuff...
Hi gals,

Do you feel having high temperature while being preggie? I feel like i'm having fever for the past few days~ and slight tugging on my tummy area over the weekend~~~ is this normal?
Celtbaby: Lucky you with no stretching yet. First one? Usually you'll show only at abt 4-5 mths.

Queenie: Overall your body temperature is higher than normal when being pregnant but not to the extend of having a fever. You may feel colder then usual in air-conditioned places.

I had to turn down the aircon temp the other day as I couldn't sleep and felt that the room was very stuffy.
Re: 2nd pregnancy
Do you find that the tummy is bigger faster than 1st pregnancy? Maye the womb is loose already so expand faster?

Re: sticky baby
#1 never used to be so sticky. Now he just wnats me to carry him all the time but I'm so tired/
Hi cherry sue, I'll be doing the same arrangement with u.
I feel That we shouldnt install the idea That cuz their younger sibling is gonna b out so they gotta mark way for them.
My #1 sometimes sleeps with my maid in another room. But I'm.prepared That he'll b more sticky when #2 comes along.
But of cuz the age of #1 play a part. Mine just turn 3 and I don't think he can really apprehend why #2 needs More attention or more care Then him
^5 Baby2013: We are facing the same problem! As for womb expanding... i think its just the excess fats from #1 that is being PUSHED outwards.
Ohhhhhh tats nice!!!
I found that I couldnt zip properly my normal working pants this week. Lower adobmen seems to have become bigger now. I'm only 6.5 weeks. First pregnancy.Don't know if this is normal. Havent got any MS symptoms except being bloated and keep on going to pee (especially at night)
hi, er my stomach is quite big. its my first and i am thinking whether its just fats =( only 9 weeks. and i used to be skinnny up until 6 months ago!
@Missbean: Feeling Bloated and having to Pee at unearthly hours is normal. Not everyone get MS. Cross fingers =).

@Blueswimmercrab: At least u start skinny. =)

@Oily: Try fresh OJ or some Lemon/Lime juice or preserved prunes? Dried apricots seem to work for me. It takes the funny feeling away from my tongue. Not sure if mine is MS cos I mostly feel gassy and not really pukey yet.
Aiyohs... all the mummies here all whacking ourselves for being FAT.

Just remember that we have a lovely bean that is growing inside of us. Fat a bit nevermind la. After give birth then think la. I used to tell my #1 when he's a baby that the whole world can say I'm Fat except you because I became Fat to make sure you came out healthy and strong. =)
Maybe im big built, even before preg tummy not so flat oso, so now not much diff... Already alot of room inside for the bb to grow haha...

Oh, its my 1st bb too...
lovebyte08, i can;t take orange also.

i suspect this one will be a boy. coz i prefer sweet food than sour food.

how bout apple? its works terrific for me.
i also suspect im having another boy cos when i have my #1 , also prefer sweet food.. and for dinner, i can only take vege, hate meat to the max. this pregnancy, exactly the same.
Hi mummies here,I'm new here,also first time mummy.Im nw heading to 6 weeks.I already called my gynae but I'm only manage to have my first check up with her on 22nd Aug.Is it too late or I find another gynae first?
wa!!! by then u shd be around 10 weeks!!! cannot schedule earlier? at least have a scan soon to see if the heartbeat is there, bb growing fine?
Hi mUmmies! Would like to join this thread! My EDD should be 31 March (self calculated) So I amApprox. 5 weeks plus. Made an appointment with my gynae for no.2 but earliest date was 21 AuguSt....... Seems soooo looonnggg
I chose jocelyn Wong frm tmc.The nurse told me earliest I can see my gynae is on 22nd Aug.I think mayb coz is dragon year also,so a lot of preggies.
Cherry and Lynn,
Till now my 13mth #1 has to b latched/carried to sleep!!!! I can only manage to pat her to sleep on very are occassions.. So i have decided that I'm not going to instil all these bad habits in #2 and he/she will have to sleep in a cot. #1 cuddle n rock to sleep too much already ;p

My #1 is sleeping on 2 single size mattresses placed side by side on the floor beside my bed. I sleep with her there and jump back to my bed after she's in deep sleep. I don't know where to let her sleep after #2 comes coz the mattresses take up a lot of space and with another cot in the room, it will b quite cramped. Very soon, I think I wont b able to sleep with her on the floor already.. Having bad aches..

Anyone planning to or already letting #1 sleep in his/her own room?
Bluecrbswimmer: BD = Baby Dance

Welcome New Mummies to this forum. =)

Nana-mum: Its actually quite hard to break the habit of #1 sleeping in the room and shifting him/her out. I don't want #1 to feel that he/she is 2nd priority as #2 is on the way. Difficult to manage la.
Ya i think quite hard too but its worth a try. My #1 have been sleeping with us on the same bed since we moved in our new place and that was like 5 months ago.
Now she wont sleep in her cot at all. Not even on mattress. Dunno what to do also.
Welcome all new mummies too! Michelle as I am a second time mum, I was actually keen to postpone my first check up till as late as possible. So I can see heartbeat when I go see gynae at week 8 only. My number one i saw at week 7 see nothing go back again just to scan. Just make sure now you are already taking iron folic acid supplements. Taking a balanced diet. Of course if anxious just go see another gynae bah!

My number one, 16months, use to sleep with me in my room in her cot, but sometimes we come home late disrupt her sleep, then my maid offered to sleep with her so all just nice now. If want them to sleep on their own better wean earlier scared they associate didi and meimei cause this to happen.

I just started to stationery cycle at home, i just cycled for 10min after not exercising for like one year, i nearly died! but feels more energetic after that lah.. For my number one I walked alot due to work and I swim too, so I think it did helped in delivery.
hi all! yes, i am keen to kickstart my exercise regime but not sure what is suitable and when i can start. i am piling on hte kilos and i don't think its the baby inside me that is heavy. plus, my mum put on lots of weight when she was older although she was super skinny before and its worrying me! hahah...

anyway, good morning and to those workign mothers and mothers to be, may our days be short and effective!
V tired today... Talk until breathless.. Stand until cramp..
Even legs also cramp..
My day ends only at 530 today but feels like a looooooooooong time has passed since I started teaching at 730 this morning zzzzzz...
But it's mid week already!!!!!!! 2 more days to weekend!!!!!!!
Jiayou working mummies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go!! Go!! Go!!
Dear Mummies! nice to meet u all.
i'm currently 8 weeks preggy. just met my gynae on 30th july and detected baby heartbeat.
EDD is on 10 March 13. hope to meet new friends and mummies to walk this route together
)))) !

Dear nana-mum, i also have leg cramps and breathless all the time! tummy is v bloated. but my body looks overall slim so can still hide. but i'm getting chubbier and bust been growing and growing and getting sore too. >.< morning sickness day n night, night n day!! feel like eating and feel like puking. or thinking about food makes me wanna puke too. sigh!
sunflower: apple don't suit me too!

teresa: is there any confinement center in singapore? i know JB has few.
Teresa, confinement center? Do they exist in Singapore? Maybe I sua ku never hear before. Hehe

Nana, I getting more and more tired. This pregnancy definitely worst Then #1
Never heard of a confinement centre in Singapore.

As for leg cramps I seem to be getting them too. Like when i sit down i can suddenly have one leg cramp up and have pins and needles. I need to get my flat shoes soon and keep away all my high heels. Its getting really tiring to walk.
Hey hey , me seeing gynae next week to determine the exact edd . Last time went but bb still v small .

Anyone has abt preference on gender ?
This is my 2nd n most prob the last bb. Singapore too expensive to raise too many kids . My preg symptoms almost the same as the first preggy . Just that more unbearable . I wonder If becoz my body hadnt recovered frm first pregnancy.

Any symptoms that are accurate to determine Urs is a boy etc ?

acert45: i craved for sweet food when i expected my son. i craved for sour food when i expected my gal.
this time seems like i prefer sweet food too!
so, i guess my third will be a boy..
