(2012/12) Dec 2012

pommes, im 12w4d.. :D I started my MS very early at week 2 and week 3 start vomiting. glad is over now.

Sasayeo: Wow.. Anniversary baby! Made in where? HAHa..

We tried to Make in Maldives.. fail.. then we went china the following year and my hub say he dunwan make in china leh.. end up just a made in SG baby hehe..
btw anyone know where is 注生娘娘temple in sg? 注生娘娘,又称注生妈。注生娘娘是主司生育之神,也是保佑孕妇、产妇和褓幼之神。 wanna pray for ping an.
Thank u snowy!

Hi mi_baby, the temple is located at toa payoh. This temple is very big that along e expressway u can see. Its call shuang lin si
xta,i don't think gynae can issue hospitalization leave. they can only issue MC.

i remembered my friend in HR mentioned only hospitals can issue hospitalisation leave.
Kidomum: hmm that i am not sure, but my friend and boss ask me to make full use of hospitalisation leave hmm... let me check on that!

Ytd after my Oscar scan + gynae visit i went for JB shopping and browsed the baby car seat and strollers. Argh! Many things to buy! Any mummies here already have your "dream" brand and model for strollers/car seat to buy?

I sorta like Combi's one touch shake shake open system.
Maybe gynae who works in hospital can give hospitalisation leave. Cos i have a friend say her gynae v nice... tell her HL got more days so use from there (and gave her HL), rather than MC. hhaa..

Can i check when shd we be booking the confinement lady and massage lady? I suppose 2nd trimester but not sure...Now, finding it too early to visit even the motherhood fair at expo. Hopefully they have something as big nearer to year end. Anyone happens to know?
my friend use to see Dr Adrian(woody) and she was given 2 weeks hospitalization leave before she pop.
he told her "why take unpaid i give u HL".. so good..
yes i have also heard some doctor's dont give HL. i'm not sure if my dr will give leaves as such..
i'm into my 12weeks and MS is still lurking around.. sianzz la..
today i told my boss that i'm now in my 2nd trimester..he's happy becoz he has helped me kept secret for few weeks oredi and he can now disclose the secret..haha..

he actually called my whole dept in a room and shared the news .. funny.. like someone gonna resign like that.. then after that he went to draft email to inform my colleagues in my HQ in Japan!!
xta - yes, combi is a good brand. light enough to use it with a single hand. I have the combi stroller and car seat.

yiping - i also havent book my massage lady.

mi_baby - hopefully in 2 weeks time, i will be free from MS.
How to choose baby prams? I didnt do any research or prepare anything yet. Also find its too early to go motherhood fair now.

Yiping, quite alot of us have booked confinement nanny already.
snowing - can go those fairs to have a feel what's available. many brands many function. depends on what you want.
I just went to try to open and close the prams.. test the wheel rolling mechanism, check the sun shade can cover fully or not.

So far looking at the model Combi Urban Walker Stroller for infant till 3 yrs old. My main needs would be being able to fully handle bb + stroller + load stroller in car myself, as i forsee i will be bring bb out myself most of the time.

Sales Assistant say Combi is the lightest brand as they use äeroplane metal...

For car seat, the Sales Assistant recommend the Combi Cocoro, can be used from infant to 4 yrs old. But then again, this is the only one displayed there anyway!

Suddenly i am so glad that my front passenger seat does not have airbag. Means i can strap bb car seat infront and go out with bb myself!
Hmm yes Gynae can issue hospitalization leave! So do rmb to check with ur Gynae. My Gynae say if just one or two days not possible for them to issue hospitallization leave. So usually is more den a week they will issue a HL!
xta - haha... i got the combi urban walker and the combi cocoro.

I would say for Combi, everything is machine washable. So is good.
Pommes: So far any complaints or cons about them? Hehe.. I heard my friends buying like 2 strollers cos they bought something too hard to operate and etc. Dunwan to spend money to buy white elephants too!
since we are on the topic of strollers, have anyone heard of the brand "Quinny"? my car boot is tiny and apparently only this brand can fit (according to my hubby)...
xta - i have nothing to complain about Combi. As I mentioned, everything about Combi is machine washable. So is very easy. I took all the cushions and dump into my washing machine and washed. No issue about shrinkage or out of shape. Good quality stuff.

I can also carry my boy and using a single hand to fold and unfold the stroller.


My boy is also very fortunate to receive this Combi Rashule (rocker cum high chair) as his full month gift.

He used to sleep in it, played in it and now, he sits in it for meal time.
pommes - hahaha one question can already tell that my hubby and i are first time parents... im thinking of getting a 2nd hand stroller though. my sister gave away my niece's stroller when she reached 1 yr old (once she could walk).. so my niece learnt to be rather independent since young...
chubbyfingers: My friend's daughter still sitting in stroller till 5 yrs old lol!!! now their #2 is coming, the daughter is forced to give up her throne liao!

Pommes: The Combi chair looks good.. but it is expensive! Haha.. better save my pennies for the essential items first!
wow. Is sucha long thread. & i miss like 4pages..
I think I'm over with my MS lei. I dono but recently don have this kind of MS feeling le.

I feel so bad that I'm drinking Koi now (Plum grn tea).
I saw mi_baby posting her baby pic & tummy. I also lost 1kg w/in 1wk & my tummy don really shown. Izzit becuz all along I had tummy so not that big?

Do you mummies feel consipation? Almost every noon I'll eat guava/ kiwi, but still never go toilet.

I'm excited abt next appt for scan.
Chubbyfingers, maybe your hubby is talking abt Quinny Zap. when folded its small.

You can attach the maxi cozy infant carseat on it. The only issue I have with it is the toddler seat has a fixed height for the seatbelt and I found it too high for my daughter. So for toddlers of in between height, it maybe uncomfortable. And you cannot recline the toddler seat.
i was told Grava will cause constipation coz it's high in fiber.. try taking prunes instead.
i think kiwi is fine.
I second pommes' recommendation!

The combi rashule is indispensable to me cos I dun want bb to be carried all the time so during confinement & after tt when I'm taking care of bb alone, it is so much easier to just push the bb in & out of the room or to display the bb to any visiting relatives.

I also have the combi urban walker & now combi quickids. Really light & handy!!

There was this Chinese variety show by mark lee, guava shldn't be eaten if having constipation.
queque - haha, yes the rashule is handy cos can just put the baby there and push it around. Now serves a high chair. so very useful.

Re: Guava

I didn't know guava aggravates constipation. I like prune juice. Good!
wah the combi urban walker has many fantastic reviews on the internet...

fluffy, thanks for ur info.. looks like there are many factors to consider in buying for stroller/car seat
Pommes, I want to buy that rock/high chair and use for day bed for nb! coz I heard raves from my friends too. But maybe I will buy other cheaper brands coz Combi ex. hehe
ladies, there is this shop called Tai Sing Toys .. let me confirm the spelling... it's at north bridge road and it's the official distributor for Combi..i think it is cheaper than outside shop..u all can call and check the price..
yup.. Tai Sing is the distributor... i heard the retail price is somehow quite fixed everywhere though!
shucks... i keep burping gas from my mac lunch... later going for my dad's birthday feast... cham liao. cannot eat the good foods!
Pommes/ purplewish: Thanks! I got my husband to call the clinic and gneh-gneh ask how much, at first the assistant say don't know. But you work in the clinic, how can not know how much consultation charges are? She eventually quoted "at least 50 bucks, not included in package". In the end I went polyclinic, total 10 dollars only.

Kidomum: Your company culture sounds really supportive!

Littleantz: Initially I had constipation, then I drank more water and ate frozen yoghurt almost daily. That kinda helped me, now bowel movement is either daily or every other day.
Thank You queque & pommes.

My fav guava cannot eat till bb is born..

Oh ya, any1 knows can eat crab during preggie? I got little crave on it, but i'm being advise not to intake but no reasons why cannot.
Littleantz: My parents say cannot eat crab in case the baby comes out very "jian3" (a.k.a. too active/ boisterous). But that's really quite baseless superstition. In the end I ate a little.
I remember when I was young I used a grey colour Combi pram... haha, very bulky but sturdy. I wonder how much technology for prams has improved since then.

Anyone heard of the origami stroller? I've been trying to find a distributor in SG to take a look at it. Anyone happen to see it anywhere in SG? http://www.4moms.com/origami
wow, so there is a myth on crab.

my mum aso told me lamb cannot eat incase got 'yang dian feng'

Mummies, we gotta endure our fave food till next yr..
I heard aprica is lightest stroller with japan tech..... But my hubby also interested in quinny same with chubbyfingers hubby...

Maybe man love the model only
hello mummies,

Went for my check up today and everything is ok so far. saw baby moving arms and legs... and my #1 is very excited abt having a sibling. took blood and urine sample. results will be out when i go for my next visit in 2 weeks time.
sasayeo, u r right. cannot say abt MS, very pantang one. my MS came back in the afternoon, and threw up once just now. *bang wall*
I got my combi urban walker for less than $350, I think. We bought it last year at taka bb fair. We then have them delivered to us.

Yes, tai sing is the official distributor but no different in pricing.

I tried aprica too. Very light n very pretty. But more exp. I think it goes well with bb girl.
I'm going for my 2nd crab feast this sun. I'm more worried abt the mercury level than anything. So will limit myself to 2 small portions only.
Strollers@ I bgt the Quinny zapp and the maxi cosi car seat for number 1. For my maid and I both had difficulties opening and closing the stroller cux it wasn't one touch system. It was sturdy but couldn't recline cuz mine was the 2010. We sold off to someone before #1 hit his one year. Bgt peg perego which could recline, was lighter and most importantly one touch and could stand on its own at restaurants etc. never regretted. Luckily I haven't sold my infant seat cuz #2 can use. We bgt a britax for #1.

Maternity leave@ I cleared 16 weeks ML at one shot. I worked till my last day and never took a single day of MC or AL. No morning sickness at all. As much as I agree we should rest for our little ones, sometimes I think it's difficult for co-workers especially who had easy pregnancies or never got married or are males to understand the situation.

I just had a feast for my dad's birthday!
Had crabs also. Lucky my mum never say cannot eat lol :x
