(2012/10) Oct 2012

I suggest you consider a PD that is near your place. Easier when you bring your bb for vaccination.

By the way, I am considering Pigeon or NUK bottles for my bb. Any feedback on these 2 brands?


Would u like to join us for a high tea session?
On 13 or 20th July. Its a Friday. Therefore working mom have to take half day. Reason being to be on Friday. Its becos we want to enjoy interaction with other mommies rather than shouting or taking care of our kids.

As we have not decide the dates, therefore should you be interested, please let me know your prefer dates.
Should you already be in our FB Group, i have setup a poll for voting.
Jann: I've requested Novembaby (Selena) to add u to our FB Oct group. Selena will first send a friend request to u once she locates u on FB. Pls accept her friend request. Then she'll send u an invitation to join our FB Oct group, pls approve her invitation then too
Hihi All mommies,

Am from the aug 2012 thread.

Anyone interested to get the GOO.N newborn diaper? I bought a carton (4 pkts ) from diaper.com.sg, who knows my cousin helped me to get another 3 pkts (nb-5kg) from Isetan @ 21 SGD each ...

Let me know if you are interested, i will be letting go 2 pkts at 15 SGD each, will be following the price of the bulk purchase from diaper.com.sg.

Prefer to deal in SK mrt or rivervale drive. ^^
PD: I booked Dr Oh Meng Choo (from Kids Clinic at Bishan) for no. 1 and we are still seeing her. I think it is best to get a PD who lives near your place. We had asked our gynae for recommendations of PDs near us and chose Dr Oh - which had worked out great for us. We have seen Dr Ang as wel. She is clearly experienced but the parking at TMC is not great and they don't open in the evenings. They do open on Sunday mornings though so we go to them for weekend emergencies.
Coolcool: Welcome!! Pls provide me with ur full FB name. And pls adjust ur FB privacy settings to allow public search and oso allow ppl to send u friend request
On Tmc pedietrican - any recimmendatuokn on baby doc in Tmc ? Nurse asks me who I want during my delivery stay n I blur
Oops double posted my qn on pd ^_^. I am only looking for pd in Tmc for d stay during delivery cos clinic asked me.
Zonkkie: Pls provide me with ur full FB name. And pls adjust ur FB privacy settings to allow public search and oso allow ppl to send u friend request
Hi Dorris Ann(ann89),jann (meixuan), coolcool, zonkkie- i have just add you to my fb too

Serene- Have you found me? Did you add me today too?
I'm still waiting for the fb group invite. :p

Hi julianalee, i am keen and I vote for 20th July- Friday.

I look forward to meet the mommies

Shirsweetiepie: It's actually Novembaby (Selena) who'll be sending u the friend request (has she sent u one? If yes, hv u accepted?). Thereafter, she'll send u the FB group invitation
<font color="0000ff">SnU:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My boy oso v active. Will kick n move ard most of the time.. Esp when I lie on my sides on bed.. Whichever side I’m on.. He will kick on thr against the mattress.. Like telling me.. I’m here &amp; u r pressing on me.. Haha… So I have to tit abit and adjust..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Jann:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Welcome!!</font>

<font color="0000ff">Shirsweetiepie:</font> <font color="aa00aa">My class is at Mount A.. 1st lesson end of July. If you want weekend classes think is fully booked already. Unless you can make it to the wkday class. Think there is still slots..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Juliana:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I'm ok with both date for now. Unless last min got thgs pop up. So After cfm the venue n date dan I let u know k..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Sharonk</font>
Ralph Lauren Spree you interested? Hee... we are now having another round. Promised you to loop you in. Thus must remember to update you.

25% off sales item. Let me know if you interested!
<font color="0000ff">coolcool:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Congrats and welcome!!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Yipee.. Tml gona see my like ones @ wk24.. Wana see how much he have grown.. Been v v active these few days.. or maybe growth bigger so the movement is more obvious..</font>
Shirsweetiepie: Noted on your date.
May: Noted on your date as well.

FYI. The vote will end this weekend.
At present, including your vote:
13th July - 11votes
20th July - 6 votes
Juliana: The high tea sounds fun but any chance we can pick a venue that starts serving at lunch time instead? May not be able to take leave for either of those dates but would like to meet up with you ladies
Hi Mummies

Anyone interested? come with breast pads and breast protection breast shelf. Brand new! Letting go at $199
Do text me if u are interested. 9367 7533 Thanks!
Hi Ming: think most of us cant make it for lunch. As we will be taking half day. But should there be a change in timing, i update u again. But not to worry, will arrange another meet up.
Hi Juliana,

wanna join you'all leh. But i cant make it on both dates as i have meeting to attend. Sigh!
Let me know if theres another meet-up session in future.

Hi Angeline,

THank you very much for organising the spree.

hi Skinney:

my tummy also stretched incredibly. lying down and nua on bed is the best for me. hahaa.
Hi girls, how have u been? I have been MIA for a while cos busy training my new maid n #1 on sch hols so busy with her, then now first week of sch.

Heartburn: Yah loh i also have... my #1 ard this time also still vomitting.... now #2 for the past 3 days vomit at least once...

I even have frequent nose bleeds and experience dry nose....it's not a lot of blood but everyday a little also end up maybe quite a bit. I din have that with #1. Anyone experienced that?

And I m a little frustrated with the horrible hot and poisonous weather lately too.
sometimes even give me splitting headache.... this is something I din have with #1 too

Tummy really getting heavy, even feel clumsy getting out of bed.

Meredith: I support Nuk bottles esp if u r bf-ding.... follows the shape of the mothers' nipples very closely. Patented... TMC supports Nuk too.... the anti colic one is good

Btil: On TMC PDs... the Dr Angs r good... I prefer Ang Phoon Liat but i think he semi retired liao but cos he is semi retired see him on regular checks also much faster... Ang Ai Tin is not bad too but have to Q long loh like other normal PD Q.....

Juliana: High tea session is a great idea! Nice thought there, let me know when the date n time is firmed up. I m a SAHM so if timing is ok high chance I can join u gers too... hahaha cant wait to see the gathering of all the big tummy mummies!
quite a few mom also cant attend this high tea session. But not to worry, will arrange for another one ya.

Melody: By Monday, date will be confirm. Update you again then.
Juliana: No worries

Melody: Dr APL has been around for a LONG time. He was my PD when I was a kid so you can imagine how experienced he is. He had great bedside manners. We decided not to use him because we were not sure how much longer he will be in practice before retiring for good.
Coolcool: I've requested Novembaby (Selena) to add u to our FB Oct group. Selena will first send a friend request to u once she locates u on FB. Pls accept her friend request. Then she'll send u an invitation to join our FB Oct group, pls approve her invitation then too
Endless: Pls provide me with ur full FB name. And pls adjust ur FB privacy settings to allow public search and oso allow ppl to send u friend request
Oh btw just to share what my gynae say abt babymoon - I was planning to go bintan cos can avoid flights which Hubby felt d landing is too 'noisy' for Bb (first time parents !!) . Gynae advised not to travel to developing countriessirg limited healthcare, eg bintan may not hv quality docif I need to see one ....
Was rather upset cos I've been researching from aust- Bali - langkawi- bintan . Now we going for a night staycation @ sentosa :) hubby's potent question to me - what if something happen cos we cudnt get a gd doc ? How to answer to our Bb ? That was such a loaded question man ! ^_^
Juliana: Hey thanks for organising this again, I know that the effort is not easy! Let me know and I will do my very best to turn up!

Ming8110: Haha yah APL was my #1 PD he is pretty good but he works AM shift only, if sometimes we go in PM, Ang Ai Tin sees my #1, so I have experience with both PDs and the switch is very seamless with my #1's medical track records intact either ways. So I foresee no prob there when APL retires leh.... but hor my hubby has a trick if we go AM and Ang Ai TIn is damn full, others have to wait for 2 hours but becos we have seen APL before, we can "choose" to c him and he will see us and the wait is less than 30 minutes hehehe... so hor APL's patients AAT have to take but AAT's patients cant go to APL! ;) Smart or not?
Hi everyone, I've been MIA for quite a long time. But still doing silent reading. Have been busy with work, my 5 year old daughter n buying things for no. 2.

I've heartburn too! I drink a lot of ice water to keep the acid reflux down. I perspire very easily too. Btw, during my last gynae visit a few days ago, she said that my putting on of 10kg is bit fast. I'm week 25 day 1 today. Need to replace white rice &amp; bread with brown rice &amp; bread! Does anyone else have the same problem?
<font color="aa00aa">Went to my wk24 appt today.. Bb is abt 700g.. Growing healthy.. Me gained 2kg+ since last appt at wk20.. Gynae say I gaining too much..
And mention that bb's stomach is slide bigger dan it shd be.. Ask me to cut dwn on sugary stuffs.. Sob sob..</font>
Btil, I flew to Langkawi to spend holiday with my brother &amp; his family (&amp; hubby too) at wk 21, 2 days after my check up. Its true better don't go to less developed places eg remote area of India (had to miss a friend's wedding in India plus it was 45deg c there!!). But just relax don't worry to much &amp; enjoy.

My last check at wk 21 (now wk 23) weight slightly down but since the size is ok &amp; doc did not specially mention abt my weight so I just let it be

Been on a wellness program before so I just follow the same eating habits (fruits, veg, protein, carbo every meal) plus my supplements (multivitamin, fish oil &amp; probiotic). Of course 1st 3 mths coz of morning sickness can hardly eat or drink. Now following my usual eating habit except dinner once passed 7pm I sort of can't eat. Anything that goes into my mouth like taste funny.

At first I did not know what heartburn was until so many mommies mentioned &amp; I went to google :p &amp; realized I suffered from it too (LOL) but not too bad only happens if I eat after 7pm; so just had to try to have early dinner. It's a bit troublesome if I'm dinning out eg gathering or function though.

Wonder if anyone of you developed dislike for certain food? I love vegetables &amp; now I do not eat bean sprouts and anything from the onion &amp; garlic family. Even some veg taste raw &amp; funny to me even though its well cooked. I had so much probl choosing food from outside coz most of them cooked with garlic. Oh and I do not like pork prepared in any form(?!) but still love my pig stomach &amp; liver. Oh well....
Hi jann,

Don't take too much pig liver as they have high animal vit a, which I read somewhere, is no good for pregnant mum.
Hi mummies,

My confinement lady is looking for a job in oct. if u all intend to hired a CL pls do pm me.

This is my second time using her as my CL. I hv also introduce her to many of my friends to her and all feedback was positive.
Hi Mummies,

Congrats on your pregnancy. This is an exciting time waiting to meet your baby soon.

I have a Farlin Pregnancy Pillow to let go.Condition is still good (8/10) as I used it during the last 2 months of my pregnancy.
Original Price $24.60
Selling at $15.
The pillow gives good support while sitting or lying, eases stresses, and raises the feeling of comforts.

Please PM me or email to [email protected] if you are interested so I can send u the pics.
Good Morning Mummies!

Just went for my gynae visit on Sat and also found that I gained 2kg from the previous visit. Bb is now at 900g. Asked the nurse whether 2kg is too much, she told me, 2kg is the norm. So I guess should be fine. I know some gynae can be quite particular about mummy's weight gain. For mine, he's ok. There's one mummy from my #1 thread, her gynae is also very sticky about her weight gain, though she gained quite little. In the end, the mummy got so stressed over her weight that she said for her #2, she will definitely change gynae cause too late for her to change then. So I guess so long as the weight gain not too much, should be fine.

My glucose test is scheduled in 4 weeks time. Im going alone this time cause arranged on weekday. Hopefully will be fast and not too bad.
Morning All.
I had a sleepless night thanks to the CL I booked. I booked her way back in Feb when I was only 5 weeks pregnant - gave her 2 months worth of deposit ('cos we are hiring her for 2 months). I called her again last month to let her know that I may now have to deliver slightly earlier because I may need a c-sect and she said no problem. Last night she called me and said she can't work for us because Oct is her Mum's 3rd year death anniversary and she needs to do prayers!!! She then tried to recommend me her cousin etc. I am going to meet her cousin tonight since she is also doing confinement in Singapore at the moment but I am really quite upset at the turn of events. I even tried asking the CL I booked whether she was willing to work just one month and she was hemming and hawing. My parents think she may have gotten a better offer but that's quite unethical if that is the case. Sorry to vent early on Monday morning but I know you mummies will know how I feel. My hubby just said to take it easy and move on. Not easy to get a replacement given that it is Dragon year and already July
<font color="0000ff">raspy:</font> <font color="aa00aa">I also visited my gynae last Sat. Gained 2kg+ from my previous visit.. Bb is 700g.. My gynae said I gaining too fast.. And mention that bb's stomach is slide bigger dan it shd be.. Ask me to cut dwn on sugar intake cos if bb stomach cont to grow.. Than thr will be a problem with normal delivery for me.. And ask me not to put on too much weight. I din really snack/eat alot. I taking normal meals only.. In between meals seldom snack.. Now gona control n eat lesser during meals..

You need to do the glucose test? I also did ask the nurse in my clinic abt this. She say I no need since the urine test I did during every visit is ok..</font>

<font color="0000ff">Ming:</font> <font color="aa00aa">That is one of the nightmare for preggy mums who are hiring CL.. Hope that you are comfy after seeing her cousin tonite.</font>
Hi mummies,

Taka Baby fair from 18 Jul to 5 Aug.

Hopefully there are good bargain for cot and stroller. Any recommendation for stroller below $500?
Good morning!!!

My SIL's friend just got her OSCAR test result last weekend. 1:300.
Gynae recommend her to do Amniocentesis to further confirm the result but she is not willing to do.

As she is not a local, so she is worried abt the cost. Her gynae quoted her S$1.5K to do the test.
Anyone did the Amniocentesis Test at TMC and is able to share with me the cost?
went for 24th week scan too

baby is 700+ grammes now.

wife gained more than expected, thus doc a little concerned.

heng the weight gain was not passed to the baby.

wife is now conscious about what she eat... sian.. more work for me to monitor.

got our Bee.
haven install but already loving it.
LL: for strollers, it depends on your requirements then can set budget. For e.g. do u need the stroller for newborns or just for 6 mths and above. If u need to use it for newborns, perhaps combi is a good bet because it can fully recline and is under $500. Other brands that can hold newborn like Quinny is more than $500 cuz you need to buy a compatible car seat to install. And Peg Perego Si or PlikoP3 can hold newborn and is about $700+.
<font color="0000ff">SnU:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Yr wife gained how many kg since yr last visit?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Anybody's gynae mention the same as mine abt bb's stomach bigger dan it shd be? And to cut dwn on sugar intake?</font>

hi all.. i am new to this thread.. havent been active since my no#1 4 yrs ago..

BB# : 2
Hospital : TMC
Gynae : Dr KC Yeo
EDD : 23rd Oct 2012
Gender : Boy
NSEW : East
