(2012/10) Oct 2012

<font color="aa00aa"> humm Njon wat colour is the discharge? brown? red? pink? yellow? if its accompanied by cramps then go c gynae ma</font>
Precious - Simi si safety tights? I just wear leggings loh. Both also difficult lah, high de is our daily driver, so bobian. Waiting for the sidesteps to be fixed so it would be easier for me to go in (thank God HB thought of that). The other one, suspensions so hard lagi more motion sickness.

I ordered alot. But end up only eat the chee cheong fun. I think I prefer those traditional breakfast these days - kuey tiao soup lah, porridge and chee cheong fun this kind.

GNL - Ya, now I wanna KO liao. I wanna cheong home to nap already. I think I pu lua (heaty) cause cold/liang stuffs since cannot eat, I eat more hot/re fruits, then under my eyelids got pimple (bak jiam). Healed alr, now right side got 1 very big and painful de. I look like a sow now. Geez!
Question: (But I will only come back tonight to read, wanna KO liao) We all know about spotting/bleeding - How about sudden stop of heartbeat, I've been thinking this for awhile &amp; got worried. Why? Because bleed can see blood, but what are the signs of sudden heartbeat stop? I know this sounds stupid but I really feel like rushing to the Gynae just to see peanut's heartbeat...
GNL: hahaha i think is normal lol..i see others at least the group is 20 over people.. imagine how the picture squeeze everyone inside lol..

orh.. yeah i heard TCM helps. Oh u know who is the gyane for zoe tay and mark lee? i heard is under TM?

Njon: i think u better see doctor. Because must eat medicine. eh.. u try asking for this ultro.. which i gave u i search online it says it helps..

BBKay3105: lol.. not used one lah.. u know normally u buy one packet gt 10. example the pregnant lady use le still left 2 or more can give those who wanna get pregnant. then the pad either put below the pillow but when having sex must lie on the pillow tat kind.. i never finish watching the video i see half half only..later i gt time i try to find the link for u all.

ccharis: hmmm..safety tights is a very tight fitting shorts where u wear underneath yr dresses if too short to prevent chao geng..ahahah suspensions can make softer ask hubby go workshop...

wah i love yr breakfast leh sounds so yummy where u taobao? my area nthing de only gt beehoon boring i ate it almost everyweekend not going to eat it anymore so sick.. PUKE!!
<font color="aa00aa">Aiyo!!!! poor ccharis.. u reli damn lua man! even bak jiam also come out le. must b painfuL! tie a red/black thread ard ur finger (old wives tale). said to help reduce the swelling for bak jiam.

we cant drink liang things so thats reli a tricky part. mayb try to drink more water ma. hope u get well soon.

I also worried abt the things u mentioned ccharis. heard alot of stories.... is it true that if peanut is nt progressing well it will b auto discharge out? i got a colleague during birth le then bb come out no heartbeat.. reli v devastated! hearing all this story is bad 4 us i feel. but then we also need to know what to expect right. v dilema</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: I only know which TCM Mark Lee &amp; wife went. coz i was with her. not sure about gynae though.

i also eat biscuits till sian leh..everyday milo+ biscuits v boring de... so today choose dua bao.. taste ok..... to me so far.</font>
GNL: hahaha now u explain i know what is that chinese say "u see guys nv wear clothes" right den u will kanna sore eyes hahahaa.. lol ccharis see guys right =P

oh which tcm? where de? i actually wanted to find but exp leh i once went yishun one hor is always a few hundreds one...
<font color="aa00aa">Oh yes u got it right Joanna!!! haha c man no wear clothes then gena 1!!! hiak hiak hiak

I went to Chinatown along Hotel 81 that stretch got a sinseh call Dr Tan Siew Buoy. She was formerly from Thong Ji 1. But she privatised &amp; come out to do her own. was with her for 1 yr + then switch to EYS @ Paragon for about 2months then gena. EYS is more exp. but of coz their ingredients are better ma.</font>
Harlow mummies!

Wah...I dun feel well n never log in for a day...totally lost liao! keke

I agree with the emotional part...recently alot of work stress...makes me very moody plus MS....wah..double whammy!

The only consolation is the appt later with the gynae.

Meet up count me in k! (Although I dun work in town area.)
GNL: hahaha yeah yeah charis naughty naughty must have been seeing things that she should not see =)

oooo nv heard of wah means paragon one super li hai.. i heard alot of pple visiting there for medical, dentist but i didn;'t know gt TCM.. issit exp?

perhaps the meet up we can organise on a friday night heheh maybe everyone can meet...
i think i gotta shift out from this thread too...=(...

went to gynae just now..bb is still a sac only..if still doesn't grow in another week means i lost the preg le...haiz..

anyway even if the sac survive, i would need to shift to nov thread too coz EDD would be push to early nov....sobz.
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: ccharis got 眼福 hehe.. enjoy bioing 2 much huh?

Yes Paragon got a Eu Yan Seng ma u know?Its a premier clinic with sinseh from China &amp; appear on TV b4. I was with her 3 cycles then gena. dont know her med or my timing gao liao.

TCM @ Paragon is exp. ranging from $200-$300 depends on the med de. the sinseh i c is only in sg once a month nia. so i take 1month supply from them. med just add water can le. easier than d chinatown 1 which needs to b boiled.

Oh yes aft 1st trim.. nw shaky. me everyday aft work guai guai go hm rest. don dare walk 2 much! forsaking my beloved shopping!!</font>
just finished the 1st appt


saw the heartbeat too.
and brought along our thumbdrive !

how to update the list ?
FB secret page how to join?

Dr Tham was nice.
not too face paced.
his nurses nice too.

bill: slightly less than $200

FBI: cannot use.
Hi lasery2k, dun be so pessimistic. Well, even then u still can join us in this thread...share with us ur prob etc..I am sure there are alot of mummies over here who can give u better advice.
Stay strong
lasery2k: hw many week are u in? dun tink too much.. u need to be positive okay =)

GNL: so expensive omg!! can claim co? hahaha.. eh..i thought must walk more no meh?

SnU: congrats babe.. can used thumbdrive one? eh.. how many weeks are u in to hear the heartbeat? wat is FBI?
<font color="aa00aa">lasery2k, stay positive have faith!! peanut will b strong!n a sticky 1!!!

MUST HAVE FAITH!! talk to ur peanut. even if u fall under Nov we are still here &amp; welcome u bk!!

<font color="aa00aa"> Joanna: my co cannot claim anything related to preg/fertility. unless referred to by GP which im not. so i pay all on our own de...

walk more is towards 3rd trim when u r near delivery. its said 2 aid delivery. not now if u hve a unstable preg. normally 1st trim is rather unstable. so rest more whenever u can.just my tots..</font>
Hi Joanne,

Snu = S____ &amp; U______
my intials and my wife's

so i am the official spokes person + "researcher"
since my wife is not a forum person.


thumbdrive to save the pics from the scanner lo.
read from the forum one.

FBI = first born incentive
i think its a programme by TMC
to offset some of the charges for services in TMC and some private clinics within TMC.

too bad, WC cheng not included in the panel of clinics.

but never mind la
thanks ladies...still spotting badly since yesterday...went for kkh scan n also gyane scan..took blood test too..hopes everything goes well...#1 also gt spotting but not as much as this 1 leh...now is more like bleeding then spotting...

gynae Dr Henry was nice too..abit cold on the jokes but over all he tried to make mi feel comfortable..didn't do a V scan but he did a tummy scan for mi so it's not as uncomfortable..my 1st appt damage was 170 with medication n scan n consultation.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi SnU, how do we know whether our gynae @ TMC is under FBI? I didnt know can bring thumbdrive to download. will try n ask gynae nxt round hehe..</font>

yes u r rite..walk more during mid of 2nd tri n 3rd tri to help in opening for delivery. i m quite sure it helps coz i was working alot due to work commitments..had a pretty short n smoothe delivery for #1. 8pm waterbag burst by bb...9.30pm reach Mt. A (i went to bathe, wash hair, n driver got lost on the way to Mt.A)...at 1.32am he's out liao..during 3rd tri almost near to delivery i also drank alot of coconut juice...bb came out pretty clean n not much blood.
Can I check with all of u if having discharge normal? Not spotting, juz some yellowish discharge. I asked gynae before. He said normal, some even spotting unless turn greenish then must see another doc.
SnU: opps sorry.. but i find it quite sweet of a guy to follow the thread =P

oooo i learn something hahaha i will bring my thumbdrive with me too. but if u bring will they still give u a copy of the printout?

Oic thanks for clarifying the short form still new to all this.

Oh ya do u all make payment via credit card or strictly cash and nets?

any idea if the incentive does mount A has it?

GNL: eh.. no lah i mean before that u when to see TCM right? not when u are preg bec confirm cannot claim one ma.. really? oh man.. i keep walking and walking yesterday feet pain pain when i went for lunch.. now i abit worry liow.. duno wana put forward the scan date anot =(

lasery2k: but did the doctor say anithing?
I sneezed and strain my waist... Now cannot move at all.
I know there's alot of deep heat and plaster that we cannot use now... Anyone know which brand we can use?
I went to eys paragon once... Then she gave me whole month of the powder... I only ate like 2 weeks worth then I gave up! So yucky leh... I cannot force myself to eat it anymore! Now I still hv half of the med... Don't know to throw away or not... So ex wor!
Thanks, will try before I sneeze, hopefully my reacton is fast enough. =D

yellow or abit greenish should be fine. Last week I went to see my gynae, he said if brown or red must quickly give him a call.
Hi Joanna,

i forum kind of person ma,
apart from this preggie forum, i also go to maybe 3-4 other, car la, football la...
(at work now.. hahahah.. secretly surf forum one.)

yes, we got the printout x1
jpg x3 , including the heartbeat with blue and red highlights.

paid by card at clinic

had lunch at delifrance, paid cash.. hahah
Snu: SO good can pay by credit card? argh... why mine one cannot strictly cash and nets =(

why u got so many de? why gt pdf what blue and red highlight? can elaborate more?

lol.. 24 hrs hao lao gong wor...
sorry sorry,
jpg not pdf.

its the black and white scan,
but then when the heart beat, the blinking is blue+red


i also read about the cash only terms,
so prepared to draw if cannot use card.

but since can use, then use lo.

no la....
she worry about herself and baby....
i worry about everything else lo
both of us working btw.
<font color="aa00aa">lasery2k thanks for your enlightenment! i heard b4 drinking coconut in 3rd trim will make d bb upon delivery &amp; walking helps too. ur #1 delivery is reli pretty fast! v lucky!i hear alot of scary delivery story... make me scared also

Ms Lala, yes i do hve. i think the other time someone shared about the harmless discharge b4 in this thread (I dig it out &amp; post it here).

Kikilala yes lo its exp. i endure. i drink tos brewed ones too.. bo bian all for bb sake leh! need to tiao my body.

Yellow Discharge During Early Pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, her body undergoes many alterations, due to the changing hormonal levels. During pregnancy increased blood circulation in the vaginal area and changing hormones cause a discharge called leukorrhea. This watery discharge during pregnancy is made up of secretions from the vagina and cervix, old vaginal cells and normal bacterial flora that are found in the walls of the vagina. This discharge is normally odorless and transparent during the first trimester of the pregnancy. But as the days advance, you may experience light yellow discharge during pregnancy, which is quite harmless. As you approach labor, this discharge may increase. In the very early stages of pregnancy, cervical secretions fill the cervical canal creating a protective barrier called mucus plug.</font>
GNL: now preg can drink zhong yao?

SnU: orh i duno yet leh... i haven go my next appt so clueless.. anyway is something new to me..at least i know what to expect thanks =)

orh now i know why there is 3 files because inclusive the blue and red? correct me if wrong
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna: aft seeing some mummies say don eat pu yao.. so i stop my an tai med from EYS already. wait till 2nd trim then start to eat but by then whether i can accept chinese med is another prob le haha.. but i paid $200++ for tos an tai med le. don eat v waste leh.. heartpain $$... nt cheap lo EYS med..

Its either blue/red for the blinking heart beat. I went to SC Chew (Gynae) for checkup &amp; he say it'll b safe 2 listen to heartbeat when u r ard 9weeks. so instead he show us the blue/red blinking dots. but u can c frm screen the peanut heart beating de. rather amazing lo! i saw it during my scan @ ard 6wks. when u gg for ur scanning Joanna? SC Chew clinic strictly cash nia.. v stress. now im going to Dr Woo he accepts NETS/Cash so not so bad.</font>
Hi Joanna,

pic 1 = length
pic 2 = heartbeat with colour highlights
pic 3 = heartbeat rate with some ocillators graph
GNL: actually i wanted to ask u all for opinion leh.. i did my scan either on 28 feb or 29 feb which is at the point of time i know i am preg but due to bleeding and cramps have to do the scan

so i decided to change to a better gyane and i set the date at 20 march, but the previous one give me an appt date on 13 march. i am thinking is it better to put forward to 13 march tat week or 20 march? bec is either i am 6 weeks this week since he mention that i am 5 weeks plus on 28 feb tat week. Because i am still experiencing cramp till now... any advise?

ooo DR woo is the one at tiong barhru?

SNU: wah so many.. hahaha i didn't know tat usually i thought only one =)
<font color="aa00aa">Joanna, norm 1st trim check up is every 2weeks(correct me if im wrong). so if the prev gynae give u appt in 2weeks time i tink it'll be gd if u can bring it forward mid Mar. For me, I also dont want drag 2 long 2 c my peanut. so i stick to 2weeks duration for scanning. morever, u got cramps now on n off ya? go check ma dear. 6 weeks can c heartbeat le for some.

Yes Dr Woo is @ Tiong Bahru 1. he got day &amp; night clinic I know he got another clinic @ Punggol plaza but abit far 4 me. so i want a gynae nearby me &amp; got night clinic so i don need always take leave go check up</font>
SnU, give me ur wife infor and i will update in.. ur wife is in 7w5d ah.. hehe me too... EDD 18 Oct rite? and we have the same gynae... imagine if both ur wife and me gonna deliver at the same time... kekekekekeke :p

Any other MTB needs to update anything? leave a msg here okie...i always read the forum...
but cant chat much here cause tink there are ppl who have nothing better to do... stalking ppl in the forum... :p

GNL: orh i heard pple say is 8 week ma so i am assuming if go later can see i scare if go earlier cannot see anithing?

serious i ask hubby listen leh hahaha dun have any lol =)

yeah i heard of him quite good too because one of my colleague she went there too =)
