(2012/10) Oct 2012

Good morning Mummies!

Just went for my detailed scan yesterday. Thank god everything is fine. My #2 is a baby boy.
Guess that's why my craving is slightly different this time. I put on another 1.8kg for this 3 weeks and the scan show Bb estimated around 386g now. Hee.. Seems like our buds are growing bigger now.

Agaga, my detailed scan is done by my gynae at his clinic. Took about 10-15mins, just like normal scan. Don't worry.
Ming8110, Single word with 20 strokes sounds ok, cause those with 2 words name, their total strokes also add up to 20+ strokes. I think your girl still ok, no disadvantage in name writing during exam.

PS. Sorry mummies, using iPhone to reply so can only reply 1 by 1.
serenelm> after trying both Medela PISA and Freestyle, i personally find PISA is better in terms of power (suction) but in terms of mobility (if u need to carry to office to pump type), Freestyle is better. I find the parts easier to assemble for PISA and Freestyle. As Ming highlight this is yr last baby, so maybe you might want to consider buying 2nd hand pump also? I think some mums sell away their almost new pumps in FB groups as they do not have the milk supply. You might consider or after u buy the pump u can sell to others next time.

Baby> recently i also tried LHK bottle bird nest which i find abit "tasteless", i think EYS concentrated one is better, previously during my wedding time, i tried Fuh Hwa also not bad (cheap too).

sharonk> if u buy the Medela pumps (US set) from spree, it's much cheaper (no warranty i think). If I remember correctly PISA is around $350+ versus local set $800, and Freestyle is $450+ versus $900 kind. I think Nana gave a link on the spree by megababystore. Another popular seller is Tan Leng Leng.

val> my labour pain was consider short for #1, i gave birth within 2hrs i reached the hospital. I was dilated 2cm when i reached, once nurse poked the waterbag it shoots directly to 5cm! i exhaled laughing gas and i think the pain was manageable (maybe my pain was short and pain treshold bigger?), then i think the real pain is as what some mummies shared at around 8-9cm which was left less half hour duration for me that time. I didnt take epidural and I hope I can do the same for #2. I took raspberry tea leave, which some people said aids natural delivery. you can google on net, it does show some research on it BUT some gynae dont recommend so is really up to individual..
On my way to the fair! Will update on what is good.

@agaga: tmc $595 include the Oscar, detailed scan and one more scan in the 3rd trimester.

@serenelm: thanks! I'm terrified of pain. I'm even more terrified of needles. I think I'll opt for epidural. Low threshold of pain.
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Hi 5!!! </font>

<font color="aa00aa">Going for my detail scan tml.. Hope bb is cooperative.. Cant wait to see him..</font>
Val: Laughing Gas (Actual name is Entonox) is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. U have to breath in the gas thru a mouthpiece. It's only a mild pain-killer and helps to take the edge off their contractions if use at the correct timing. However, too much of it makes you feel slightly light-headed (high).

Elizabeth: Which range of EYS bird nest are U taking now? My eldest sis got me a bottle (blue packaging) but I saw they have a new range called the huang si yan. More expensive! Now thinking which to buy.

Agaga: I took up the package at TMC. Oscar + FA cost S$457.96. As I joined their SBI membership, so got discount. Think I paid S$435.05. If baby co-operative, it will take only 15 - 20mins. My #1 was super NOT co-operative, refused to turn around and took us close to an hr and I have to keep turning around in order to scan. #2 was Super co-operative and only takes 20-mins.

Joanna: I plan to go Expo on Sat morning. Have to go there and get diapers for #1. Since birth, she can only use 1 brand of diaper and currently they are launching a new range. Everywhere also cannot find the diapers and only at the fair. So die die has to go. Hope it's not crowded but I doubt so.

Mummywong10: #1 I took LHK. But prices increases alot leh! Hee! But was comparing with 4-years ago price.
Now EYS is having a roadshow at West Mall, thot of going there to stock up some if the feedback is good. 2 bottles for S$118 (UP $159.80).
I have both Medela and Avent breast pump.
Medela is dual electric pump and Avent is manual pump.
Manual pump very tiring and as it's single pump, the other breast will tend to leak when pumping 1.

I will use the Medela at home and Avent I will bring it out.
As for milk bottles, I won't be getting any.
I still have many leftover (unopened) from #1, since I have been BF her since she was borned.

Hope I can still BF #2 as long as #1.
<font color="0077aa">Meredith</font>
Thanks babe! That's very helpful. If it's unpaid, then no point taking for me. Hahah.

Anyone familiar with Ameda breast pumps? I was planning to get Medela, then I read that Ameda is good too, for those below C cup :p
And it's cheaper than Medela.
Baby: not sure.. will check tonight and get back to you.. My sister's the one who bought for me.. so not sure what she got
just know that it has different sugar level...
Hi Ccharis,

Please help to update when you are free


No: 49.
Nick: Yam
Age: 31
BB# 1
Hospital: Mt A
Gynae: Dr. Chen Chern Yi
EDD: 16th Oct 12
Gender: Boy
NSEW: East
I've call to check on the price of FA scan. Tmc $150 Mt.a $89
So I booked with Mt.a, so much cheaper.
May: Hi 5...but I have to wait till12/6..hope my husband can go with mi..first few times check up is my mum accompany mi de..

Hi all mummies...my fren say motherhood fair, pamper for newborn is cheap..3 for $10..
Ming / Mummywong: I'll most likely be getting from the Taka baby fair, so will decide then which model to get as I'm oso not familiar wif the current breast pumps. Haven't used one for so many yrs. Will ask the promoter to show me a few and then decide
Hello! Yeah, the pampers super cheap. New born 3 for $10. Others also have substantial discount.

Bought a stroller. Maclaren techno xt 2011 model for $299. 4 colours to choose from.

Wow, the Maclaren techno xt stroller is a steal! I remember I bought mine for $379 and I think the price at Kiddy Palace is also around that price. Good for you!

Now, makes me want to go to motherhood fair. Kekeke!
<font color="0000ff">Mini:</font> <font color="aa00aa">Oh.. You have to wait 1+ more wk dan mine.. You hubby oversea izit? That's why can't accompany you for gynae appt..
My last check up in wk 16 my hubby oso not ard.. I went alone.. He is kinda disappointed as can't see bb..</font>
thanks ML &amp; serene

then i will get the pump, bottles n cot during taka fair

any mummies here did confinement before or plan to do confinement without CL/parents/in laws' help?
my mil back off coz she worried she can't handle baby (i can understand coz she nv really handle babies before, hers was done by her mil back then) and my mum only available later part of my confirement period. ("-_-)

i'm not sure if i can still find good CL now, read too many stories on horrible CL...so is scare to find one too.

Is planning to order catering or train hb to cook for me. Hb thinks that we should be able to take care of baby ourselves but then I'm still worried. ><
@kanelmo: yea... Some stuff were really cheap. I missed Out on a nursing pillow for $20!! Coz the hubby say useless. Then when I returned to buy. No more. Sad.

But! There are cheap maternity clothes. Bought two pair SPF shorts and a nursing dress do $59.

Pampers giving away some food processor with every $250.
LG/Parklon play mats - I may be wrong but I think Cheong Choon at Chinatown should have the cheapest prices. Cheaper than the online sprees from what I recall. SnU, you may want to call and check out.

Raspy: Congrats on finding out the gender! My daughter's name has so many strokes sometimes I get confused writing it out myself. Grin.

Childcare leave - isn't all 6 days of childcare leave paid for? Mine are fully paid. Check the MOM website?
@quinny: I did see a number of cots by puku. Actually that might be the only store that sold cots. I wasn't looking out for cots so I didn't quite register.

@baby jo: I went at 1230. It was not really crowded. I managed to get free goodie bag for expectant mother so... Not a lot of mothers patronised the fair. There were plenty of gift packs by pigeon, avent (or was it avene) so if you're looking to buy pumps you will wanna check it out. Got gift with purchase.

@Snu: the mat that I bought retailed for $315 I think and I bought it for $218. It's 13mm thick. There are the 11mm and 15mm. The cheapest retailed for $150. I managed to get a free toy monkey - 1st 50 customer. They sell picnic mats too. Cute!
On Val's Bb fair update on pampers promo of $250, any suggestion how to clock in that amt ? I heard advice not to buy all same brand for 1st baby cos baby may not like it ?? Any advice ?

Anybody saw quinny's seinz and Zapp xtra price at d fair ?
May: my husband can't take leave cos he jus join new company.I told him maybe bb want him to go so don't wanna let us see. Hope he can go tis coming scan..
Yam: Is this ur first baby? If yes, then it might be better to hv some help, else might be quite stressful for u to handle alone, unless ur hubby is ard 24/7. For my #3, we did my confinement ourselves. He took 1 week's leave to stay home with me. During those few days, he would cook for me and also bathe and change baby's diapers when needed.

After his leave ended, he would cook for me b4 he went to work each morning, then leave the food in the Tiger thermal cooker to keep warm. He would also prepare a flask of Longan red dates tea and leave it in the thermal flask for me to drink. Then after work, he would come home to cook dinner for the whole family. Since we did the confinement ourselves, it was just a simple one with basic confinement dishes.

If ur mum is able to help out during later part of ur confinement, perhaps you could just teach ur hubby to cook some simple confinement dishes that he can handle or order confinement catering so that u only need to focus on taking care of baby.
Baby: Pls provide ur full FB name and email address here, I'll help to request Novembaby (Selena) to add u to our FB group.

Once she has ur info, she'll send u a friend request. Pls accept her friend request so that she can invite u to our Oct 2012 FB group. Once she has invited u, pls approve her invitation and u'll then be added to our FB group

The nursing pillow is not useless. It was a must-have for me when I latch my #1. One of my better investment during my #1 period. But can always find it elsewhere.
Good Morning Mummies

Seems like there's quite some bargains at the motherhood fair. May I know where is the fair? Expo?

Elizabeth, Are you going to the fair today? Can you help me to take a look at the price of pigeon wipes (6 refill packs package)?
Yam, I remember that time when I first discharged from hospital with baby. We are all so lost, that is, me, hb, my mum and my dad. My bb was screaming for milk and I didnt know what to do without the nurse. Tried to latch and cant as she kept screaming and refuse to latch (usually the nurse will calm baby down then pass to mummy and help us to latch at hospital), then my mum tried to calm her down by swinging her but she still cried hard. My mum who was initially very confident of her bb skills before my delivery, also didnt managed to calm her down, infact she panic too. All of us panic once she start screaming and crying as she is our first baby. At this point, my confinement lady arrived. She was abit shocked. Immediately she took charge but didnt carry the baby as she said she need to bath first. She instruct us to calm down and its ok for bb to cry. Then slowly everything fall in place. I was so thankfully that time. Just to share my experience.
Raspy - Thks for sharing , that's reality in 4+ months time for us !! We need as much help n support as possible
Good morning Mommies, long time not open this forum, was away for a long break overseas..

Hi Ccharis,

Please help to update my info when you are free
Thank you! :D

No: 10.
Gender: Girl
NSEW: Central

Hi Selena,
Can help put me in the FB group too? Thank you!
To all mommies,
I am in week 22 now and just last night I encountered blood spot, not fresh blood though. Went to hospital and checked and my gynae only told me to take a rest and monitor if there is any continuous flow or blood fresh come. Did anyone of you encounter same experience before?\

All my family is panic, since this is our first baby and nobody know what to do >.<

Hi Raspy, thanks for sharing, can share with me, when do u think that we should hire a CL before delivery time? Will it be too late if we only look for CL 2 months before?
