(2012/08) Aug 2012

i finally dig my #1 clothes out for washing haha ..

bought some girl clothes as well online as well as for my boy (buy 2 child clothes really siong sia ..)
also bought the california baby shampoo and bubble bath for my boy and baby ..
think my next buy will be the bottles .. and test my spare pump and new parts for it ..

JA, I found the website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/studenthealth/article.aspx?id=654
dunno leh ayukie, ppl advice me to bring them at 2yo but I drag till 3yo. that time I have a concern cos there's this stain on his front tooth that we couldnt brush it off, now all white
re: maid

i b grateful if she dont irritate me .. i almost send her back .. talk to her one ear in the other ear out .. really TMD leh ..
Morning mummies !!
Today not working, gg detailed scan and Mt A hospital tour. Hopefully can make it for yu guo afternoon session clinic, bring my girl there, she coughing....

Thanks so much
my girl is 2. My friend say 18 mth can go, just worried that she doesn't cooperate. Will give them a call to enquire.

I also dug out my girl clothes and sort out. Going to vacuum pack flat those not using anymore. When to start washing, 3rd tri ??
ag - i asked the dental clinic she told me nothing happens wait till around 4-5 yr old lor .. so far my sonny teeth still ok but he brush daily (but he still using first teeth toothpaste)
J-A - i ask my maid to handwash first round starting two .. will do in batches depending on sizes lor .. (2 batches i think ..) then will sort them accordingly lor then machine wash nearer to date .. but get the stains out first lor ..
U called the clinic and they say 4-5 yrs ? My girl also still using first teeth cos she haven't learn to spit out water yet. Dun think she really brush just 'eat' the toothpaste. Had to keep reminding her to brush tongue, so dirty and bad breathe :p
Icic I think I just machine wash 2x when nearer to delivery maybe ard 30 wks.....
j~A - same my boy dunno hw to spit yet but he knows how to spit water haha maybe after i get a stool for him to stand to brush his teeth first bah .. yeah i asked the clinic when i was there cause my hb co covers dental as well so might as well mah haha .. i gt the tongue lolipop cleaner from bp ..
Hi JA,

Same here too. My 3yo boy only want use First Teeth and he is literally eating the toothpaste. I brought him to The school of Dental which AG mentioned when he is 2 yo. Went there twice so the dentist asked me to bring him every 6 months since he refused to brush his teeth.
hi mummies, it's better if you can bring your child to visit the dentist....my gf's kid was referred to a PD dentist cos her kid has alot of cavities....it's very costly & traumatising for the kid.
my suggestion to get bb to learn hw to spit is thru play. i taught my boy how to spit in the toilet while he bathe in the tub n i was half wet. toilet wall got cartoon sticker right? so we 'fill' water in mouth n 'shoot' the cartoon. first few time he DRANK the water la. than at times he will cough n choke. else he will burst out laughing n all the water will be on my face. patience. soon he will aim n shoot on the target. than slowly u can guide bb to gargle either with mouth close or open. =D hope it helps la. duno if u all understand wad i trying to say.

i got braxton hicks symptoms once agagin n v bad ones tis morning. luckily its all over nw. =D have a hearty lunch ladies n babies!
how's lunch?

The Anmum milk sold at BB and mum forum was $18 for a box and every 2 boxes comes w a free tubberware. They have free sample. I also cant stand the smell of milk since young so i tried the sample n the choco milk doesnt have the milk smell so i bought 2 boxes.

For Dr Adrian's patient, i asked him on Fri about the TMC auto upgrade bed thinng, he says for 4 bedded, it will be auto upgrade to 2 bedded. So i ask him for 2 bedded got auto upgrade to 1 bedded anot. He look at me and say "wah, i also wan leh... where got so good" and smiled. hahahaha... i feel so paiseh...
Hope u enjoyed ur gynae session. Lolx! U so ambitious! 4-2bedded alr very nice u still ask for more! Haha~ if want go 1 bedded need request in adv else need not make any arrangements for rooms.

I bot the original ones coz I tot maybe the chocolate ones will taste very 'fake'? Haha I'm not like consistently drinking it also coz it's got quite a strong moo moo taste. But since bot alr I'll just drink it when I need a cup of hot milk bef bed. Does the chocolate one really taste better?
little coco, LOL .. no lar.. if got free upgrade for 2 bedder to 1 bedder, of cos i take that one! this is my first bb.. so thinking of the 1 bedder at least my hubby can stay w me. cos if got 2nd bb, hubby may need to stay home to cook after no 1, then take 1bedder also no use liao. The Anmum chocolate one was nice to me n 2 of my other friends also say this is v nice compared to other brands. maybe if u go supermarket during the weekend n got free sample, go n try!
re: teeth
i heard 2yr shld start bringing? im looking ard for a good dentist to bring my #1...he is 32mths now
he brush every night with the Jason's toothpaste that can be swallowed

my friend just delivered at TMC...was upgraded from single to premier single cos no rooms but was charged for the upgrade
think this year dragon year...hospital no longer give free updates...everything also charge
Is your boy cooperative when u bring him at 2 yrs ? I told my hb abt bringing her to dentist and he thinks not necessary as now too young..sigh. Do u bring him every 6 mths as recommended ?

If I not wrong, cc at 3 yrs will want them to bring tooth brush to brush teeth ? Hope by then my girl can learn to love brushing her teeth through her teachers and peer pressure heehee
My girl is with cordlife, now thinking #2 want cordlife or try stem cord ? How abt u ?

Mt A tour :
The 1st level renovations shd end by June, only car park will be next yr. I feel car park situation is ok, other hospitals also got car park problems so shdnt be a big problem. Only thing is they have limited 1 bedder in their maternity wards, 5 non renovated, 5 renovated, 7 single deluxe, 1 super deluxe and 1 family suite. Not considering the deluxe and family suite only 10 single available.
Is there any patang for #1 to stay hospital with us during the stay. My hb wants to stay with my girl but I think he should go hm with her, I don't mind staying alone. I be opting for single room as prefer privacy.
mummyR, aiyoh.. sian hor... premier room very ex leh.. must go back n discuss w my hubby liao.. i trying to find the TMC hospital delivery booking on the website but cannot find leh. anyone happens to know the link? thanks in advance!
Did ur friend book in adv? Natural / Ceasar? If was 'force' to do an upgrade and pay due to no rooms avail den that sounds very unfair though.

I've booked for 1 bedded like 2 appts back when I saw doc woody.. Will be really upset if i have to be put at lurch when the time finally comes.. If u really keen u need to act fast.

I'm like u.. The ambitious kind.. Lolx! I bot 2 boxes of original to start with.. Gotta swallow them first somehow.. It's really not that bad tasting after all but it's just quite diff from the usual low fat milk we buy off the shelves that's all. Good to drink when it's hot else a layer will form on top and the sight of it looks very turn off. Haha!
Room preference,
Pre book is just an indication of your preference, it's still subject to availability after u deliver. I delivered #1 at tmc, requested for 1 bed but was full. They admit me to 4 bed for few hrs before transfer me to 1 bed. Heard few days before was a gd date so a lot of induced and c-sections. Really depends on vol of patients that day but most who die die want single bed will upgrade to premier 1 bed and the hospital doesn't absorb the cost. That's what I know....4-2 bed upgrade is common in tmc as 4 bed v limited and the price difference is not much one two hundred only but compare 2-1 bed is much more ard seven eight hundred....
Little coco ,
can book so early ? i check wif my gynea and she say people only start booking after 32 weeks ... feeling alot of stress cos first baby + dragon year ... scare wun get the one bedder i want ..

Anyone deliver at mount e before ? Beside the package price that was written . what other charges are there ?

Sashamama ,
tml is first class wif mrs wong for you as well right ?
dental. My #1 went to her 1st dental visit when she's 3yo... she has caries on one of the tooth.
she was ok with it.. the dental clinic has toys and portable dvd player to keep her distracted.
She changed out of first teeth toothpaste around 2.5yo as her teeth getting yellowish. once the floride toothpaste took over, yellowish all gone

Now she' 4.5yo and uses philips sonic toothbrush.
milk teeth also got to take care... gonna stay with them for quite awhile....
Aft reading ur post I really sianz half.. Lolx!

I was told I can book anytime aft I'm decided with a dates for my Caesar. I won't know if it's the same for natural coz can't really predict when the bb's coming though. I guess u r going natural else the gynae won't suggest so?
LittleCoCo ,
i am going elective caesar cos my placenta was low + i have strep b + my fenshui master advise me so also .. so gynea also mention that i should be doing caesar but when i ask when to book she say after 32 weeks then ppl booking .. faintz... omg .. i am the super kiasee stay in hospital alone kind .. if hubby cannt stay wif me cos no more one bedder i sure wana die ..
I'm also having low lying placenta.. My first Caesar is by choice.. Which hospital ur gynae attached to? Since u having caesar why can't book yet? Weird..So she strictly don't allow booking at all as for now? I'm also the kind not too adaptable to staying out alone.. But if u stay in 2 bedded still ok cox got neighbor snoring beside can be quite entertaining. Lolx!
I was hopeful that my boy & hubby can stay ard this time also coz I want my boy to be ard to see the little bro and know that he is going home with us.. Cox my boy is very attached to me I worry he'll have problem adapting when suddenly I bring another kid home.
My gynea is wif mount e .. She nv say strictly dun allow .. Jus say is 32 weeks then book ...
Your first Caesar which hospital?
Hi Ayukie
Do u notice maid not so smart and alert.. Asks them clean toilet, only clean toilet floor n bowl.. No clean door.. Say clean here, only clean there n not the whole thing.. Is this normal?? They r so stone... Worst is i told her 4-5 times ler tt this cloth is to wipe table that is dirty or oily and she oways use the other kichen towel tt is suppose to wipe dust only to wipe table tops.. Arrggg... Wonder are they act blur or is like this? Think philipine one maybe smarter...
Think they auto upgrade 4 to 2 cause the room charges not much diff. about 100 or less only. 2-1 might have more difference.

I have book TMC last week in my gynae clinic. They give me a bag immediately once I choose TMC. Last week only 21 week.
joanne - they smart to pamper and do their things but stupid and goonz to do work ..i told her explicity toilet means whole toilet including walls tiles nt just toilet bowl ..
Good morning all!

Re: Hospital beds
i tot whether you've made a booking prior to your delivery at any hospital it is subject to availability on that day we are admitted?

Re: Joanne
yours is indo maid? is it cause of the language barrier? sometimes you thought they understand... in fact they don't... not that they are not smart and alert, but cos they are homesick... so they tend to get more n more dreamy lah.. after one month i can see my helper also more dreamy liao!

Re: Strollers
anyone thinking of getting twin/double stroller or those tandem ones? any reviews?
Re: Hospital beds
i tot whether you've made a booking prior to your delivery at any hospital it is subject to availability on that day we are admitted?

--> think so its just makes admission easier only as they know your preference
joanne, the things you mentioned about maid I encountered for my first 2 indo maids before too. they can use a cloth and wipe everything, toilet, kitchen to our dinning table. that time mine best, use the cloth to wipe the stove after cooking, then wipe cabinet...wah my kitchen cabinet before oily and smelly then ask her to clean off stain, she dunno use what to scrub till my cabinet colour came off with a white patch..almost fainted. they take it word for word, u said wipe they only wipe where u point to. filippinos are smarter, they get it after a few reminders, they are smarter lor. so depends on your tolerance level. for me, I got no patience to remind everyday esp when I am working so not at home to guide them every single thing.
re: maid

they need to be scolded b4 they get it .. i made her mark the cloth for each and every purpose lor .. i gt diff color pails for diff purposes as well .. oh yeah i totally do away with the rooster but i make her write down details from what time to what time she do what activities lor ..
as for alert u must really really drill into their head .. anyway to put it blunt they quite "jian" must scold till v badly then will go in their head else one ear in one ear out .. oh gt lotsa requests also .. where gt stupid ?
Clim ,
21 weeks!!! I at 24 weeks when I ask doc ...

Shashamama , see u tonight .. Wat u wearing ?

Anyone attended e mrs Wong lesson can advise if we really need to track suit cos I see they write antenatal exercise ....

Ayukie ... I just went to hire indon maid ... See ur review v stress ... First time having maid ... Like if working hw to keep teaching?
Hazel: i think u can tell ur mum that instead of fu shui u can ask her to get a talisman for u to bring along.. It should have the same effect since it's for protection for u n bb.

Joanne: when it comes to giving instructions to maid, really have to treat them that they don know anything and must say every single place they have to clean. It's tiring but only for thr 1st few times. Cos ppl have different views and expectations when it comes to cleaning. To her, a instruction to clean toilet mean just the toilet bowl and sink, but to u, it means very corner so must be sure to let her know. Put in plainly, she's not a worm in our tummy so cannot possibly know exactly we want. Regarding diff cloth for diff purpose, most likely is because they are poorly educated so to them as long as the cloth looks clean means okie to clean elsewhere with the same cloth. They don understand that germs are still in the cloth because they never learn that. And for them to do things differently that they normally do bk home takes time esp when it has become a habit.

jiljz: ya.. beds are subjected to availability.. but i think priority will be given if u book in advance..

gynae ask me to book early so i submitted my form to Mt A when i was in my 16 weeks wahahaha

Re: Maid
Seriously, i think its plain luck when it comes to hiring a maid? I mean, u will have to close one eye when it come to household chores.. if we are really that yim chin then i think its really hard to find a perfect one.. even for us, we also slack once in a while when bosses are not around? hahaha..
