(2012/08) Aug 2012

@powerwee: when we went on the hosp tour some time back, we already saw tt they were undergoing reno...asked the guide and were told that it will last till quite late...so tts y we struck Mt A off the list... initially deciding betw Mt A and TMC...

any idea when the renovations will be completed at Mt A ?

PM-ed u regarding the Mt E bill.....
Yah lor... My understanding is nicu costs about $1000 a day. If insurance covers only $100 a day it does not sound very worth it... Maybe should look more at pregnancy complications.

Last time FBI at tmc got free 6 months axa insurance for bb. Anyone knows if the promotion still on?
@J~A: cant rem le...but think after Aug will stil have...but maybe not so much of hacking and stuff..will be less noisy works ba...

@Miko: think stil have..not sure...u can check their website.. =)
Yes, NICU is really expensive. What I heard from some mummies is that once they knw the bb going to premmies, they will go to gov hospital to keep the cost down. I read that gov NICU cost go according mum's ward. Price got very big diff. Another method is to transfer bb to gov hospital after delivery.

If you go for mum's advantage plus, coverage is $200/day. Not helping much, but some lor.
CLim: yah, prudential and AXA abt the same.. so difference not much. As gloomybear said it's $300 lump sum payment, then $100/ 200/ 300 per mth for the investment linked. n must take both together... but actually I m only interested in the $300 lump sum part..

Ling: I m taking the maternity milk, cos I din take supplements.. so the milk will at least provide me with some esstential nutrients n vitamins and coupled with the nutrients from the normal food I eat, I guess it's enough for me.. if u r taking supplements n calcium pills then I think the milk isn't that impt to u.. DHA can get from fish oil supplements also..
then regarding confinement food, I m also not sure.. some of the confinement food in the menu looks v normal to me, like what we would eat normally..

ej: I m also not getting CL.. mayb get a part time auntie to cook for me n mayb bathe baby n wash clothes.. if not I will just do everything myself, n get catering.. but catering also v ex.. mayb the auntie is a cheaper option.. I haven't go n find out the rates thou.. others r telling me it's gg to b tiring to do confinement on my own but then if I m planning to breastfeed, n bb has to drink like every 2-3hrs.. n sleeping at other times.. I wonder what the CL really needs to do.. I dun think I need such an expensive maid.. then if the CL not good, then worst.. n I think since I'll b taking care of bb after one mth also, I might as well start early n let bb n me get used to each other's habits rather than get used to the CL then change again aft 1 mth.. n I want to be in charge.. haha.. I dun think I will really follow other's advice if I dun believe in them.. but I must say I m not v particular abt the house cleanliness, so I probably can do without cleaning the house if I dun get help.. but if u r particular, I think u really need someone to help cos u can't b looking aft bb n then need to do housework also.. I still have my hubby n PILs to help with the basic housework.. think sweeping n washing of bowls n clothes shouldn't b too difficult for them.. they just dunno how to 'take care of bb'..
Ling: I check with my doc also, he say not necessary to take milk if got take other supplement or fresh food. One of my colleague say the her doc even say that most of the time the milk is go to the mother (that's why mummies who take milk sure gain extra weight), bb don't really benefit. Confinement food is actually like normal food, just that it's more nutrious and avoid certain "cooling" food. So if you grandma can cook, it'd be good!

ej: If you have a maid to do all the cleaning and your mum helping out, then don't need CL! CL is to mainly help out with night feeding and caring so mummy can have more rest. Actually I feel that CL is too expensive.
Hazel: Depends which one you buy, vanish has one that is for white clothes. Look at the packaging, if never indicate for whites then can use for colored clothes as well.
If I use the normal one, will my colour clothes be affected or only remove stain.

So if use washing machine I just need to pour the detegent and vanish in the slot or vanish direct on clothes and detegent in my machine slot?
Normal one colOred clothes should not be affected (provided u have washed them before and they don't color run or bleed else test them in a separate pail). For washing machine i not sure cos i usually soak them And rinse first before washing them in the machine.
SIGH!! I noticed my left under-armpit have got very dark lines! Does any mummies here experience this? So unglam.. keep scrubbing also cannot go off must buy whitening cream
*hazel nutty* - vanish has 2 diff color tub. One white is for white colored clothes, one pink is for colored clothes. I think we use e white for all white clothes to remove stains??? Then pink tub for all color clothes w stains?? Lol I also not v sure too.. Really v suaku! Hahahaha

Confinement nanny - hmm actually for those having #1 n don't have much help frm mom or mil.. Better to get one lor.. I actually did my own confinement for my #1 in a way and it's v v v tiring.. I total bf my #1 all e way.. Couldn't Hv time to explore how to fix up n use e pump.. End up latching all e way since birth.. So nobody can help me feed baby! N my #1 always drink "buffet".. Empty both boobs taking abt 40-60min in total! Slow drinker la.. Hahaha.. Hb will bathe baby when he's on 2 wks leave.. I latch baby 3hourly.. Poo pee v often n I keep changing napkin in day time! Woah v tired thou still can cope.. My mom cooks my meals n my Hb drive back to her house to collect my food twice a day. I'm staying w my in laws then and no help were frm them at all.. Mil unable to help... Fil cannot help as he said he cannot touch baby at all cos we two dirty.. Also phobit my silS to come into our room as our room also dirty.. So it's like entirely Hb n I all e way... Then once my Hb back to work I shift bk to my mom's place immediately else who is gg br me food n bathe baby... Gg over there my mom bathe baby n cook my meals like usual.. I also continue latching all e way.. Super tired lor.. But bcos I ate well so still not so bad.. So actually its really better that someone of help can assist u ESP fr #1 is preferable.. Else u get so tired..!
princessxiaomei: wa, ur inlaws so pantang one.. For me i sure cannot stand them liao.. Haha.. Imo as long as all cleaning n meals are taken care by other ppl, no really need to get CL, as the rates are getting ridiculous high
*urchin* - u can also order confinement food but it's gonna b quite ex for 2-3 meals a day. Fr me tt time in e morning If I'm hungry I drink Milo n eat some biscuits
Or bread then lunch abt 12-2... Dinner abt 7-8... Cos my Hb collect frm my mom's place.. So maybe 2 meals a day is ok but it should b min a thousand fr 28 days? My confinement last 40 days.... I eat confinement food for 40 days! And it's really quite impt to eat well cos my health was really quite good after tt.. All thanks to my mom! I'm a 24/7 mom n my Hb is 80% working late almost all day or else outstation fr a mth or more.. So I'm always alone w my #1 since we shifted out wen he's 6mths.. I Hv to do housework.. Cook feed latch #1... all these years before I pregnant again, my health is really quite good despite slogging super hard! So this time round I must do my confinement well too since I intend to close shop le! Hahaha.. Actually I think we all can handle our kids just tt gonna b v v v v tough n tiring lor... I spend all my time doing housework & handle my #1 for e past few yrs... Really like yellow faced woman la! Haha
Thk u Star n AG for ur advise on maid wakeup timing..
Sigh.. Somehow feel not so much of privacy le with maid around n hv to constantly think of things for her to do really makes me headache..
Feel so lost..;( any kind soul around can share with me ur maid duty roaster? My mum keep nag at me say got nothing for her to do if she comes so early... Zzzzz and she find it funny to go out buy something bringing her along.. She say cant get use to order pp around.. Haiz...

Hi Star
So sweet of u willing to guide me on how to do the purchase.. Thk u gal..

Hi sasha
Hows ur scan yesterday? Hope ur swelling has reduce... Hv u start to feel bb kicks?

Regarding CL, despite me having maid, will still get CL as am glad when hv my number 1, theres a CL to help me.. Imagine if we go thru c sect, how can we cope if no CL help? We r not suppose to touch plain water else our joints will hurt when we r older.. And not suppose to carry heavy things like cook water for bath etc.. And we r suppose to try to rest on bed so wun hv backache so easily next time.. I feel is worth the investment to pay for a CL in exchange for gd health.. This is the only chance we can improve our health for our future.. If we didnt do a gd one, will affect our health alot then how can we hv the energy yo take care our kids infuture.. $ can earn back but not health so my hb dun mind pay 3k plus for a CL despite i having maid..;)

As for mama milk, i dun think milk will put on weight..it depends on gene actually..many pp say drink ammum will put on weight as is sweet.. I drink ammum for my first pregnancy n i put on less than 10kg at end of 3rd trimester.. Now, i drink 2cups of Ammum per day and hv put on 4kg at 6th mth so far, hence i feel it may not be the milk that makes us put on weight.. If give me a choice, i rather take milk which is more natural than calcium pills..;) for those who attend wong boi boi class, she advise we shd take 900mg of calcium per day and 1200mg for twins.. One cup of milk only 300mg so drink 2 cups are not enough too.. And she say we can take other source of calcium food like cheese, ikan bilis etc to top up the remaining requirement...;)

Hi gloomy
Thks for ur advise on the insurance, will consider abt it..;)
Hi J~A

i did ask the valet when the carpark is ready. He said not till end of Q4 2013. So it's gg to be a long way to go...
Joanne: welcome, always happy to help share any bargain! :D actually during confinement cannot touch plain water is not really true (cos if it is then women who are non chinese origin would have all gotten feng shi) the rationale of not touching plain water comes from the fact that "wind" can get easily into our body after we give birth cos we r weaker. And how the "wind" gets in is thru the pores in the skin. So is okie to bath during confinement, but make sure the water is not too hot (if too hot skin pores will open big big then high chance for "wind" to get in. During and after bathing the bathroom and the bedroom (if bath in the master bedroom toilet) all windows must close, no fan and no aircon so no wind. After bathing rest a while like that (giving time for skin pores to close) before opening the windows. The herbs water used for bathing during confinement helps to prevent "wind" frm getting into the body. Ya the milk remark is for majority of the mummies, and i happen to fall into the category to get fat.. Haiz..
Thanks ladies for ur valuable feedbacks on CL.
My hubby has already source for a CL even thou I insist not to have one. He says my pregnancy is already so bad cuz I'm still vomiting after every meal(abt 21 weeks le) So he hopes I can have a better confinement n build back my health.

Prior to being pregnant we go jogging like 2-3 times a week, now even walking is tough cuz I get nauseous n giddy easily.
How I wish I can have a healthy body soon. Hoping tat tri 3 will b better.

Btw any of u attending antenatal class already? When is a good time to start? Thanks
Joanne, my maid has been with me for 2 wks. I do not hv a timetable for her cos she quite auto. Most of e tasks will be completed by 2 plus 3 thn she'll proceed to play with my #1.

She is suppose to wake up at 6am daily and this only happened for e 1st two days. Subsequently she wakes up at 7am. My mum and I hv told her this is fine but when #2 is out, she might even hv to wake up at 5am if I needed help.
CL is great help IF u have absolutely no idea what to do with the newborn baby, or do not plan to get your baby into a routine....
but if u do, better tell the CL 1st... cos.. CL got their own tradditional way of taking care of baby... most of them include spoiling the baby. Many CL don't encourage breast feeding too. So be careful of that if you intend to fully breastfeed the baby.

I have friends, who super relax during the 1st month, but after the CL leaves, nightmare begins with baby wanting to be carried at all times, shake, pacifier. etc etc....

So, if u have little bit of help (bathing the baby and confinement food for yourself), and this is your #1, i would encourage doing without a CL. read up as much as u can, know what u want to do with the baby and what kind of routine u wanna get the baby into. believe in urself, and bite the bullet! it's really not as hard as it seems.
Most of the time baby will be sleeping in the day... and pls sleep when baby sleep... so u have energy for the nite...
of cos, if u have c-section, no one u can trust to bath the baby, u just got to get a CL.
just don't leave it to the CL to do what she wants with the baby. tell her HOW you like things done, so that when she leaves, u won't get nightmare..
glommybear: Yup, my niece was spolit by the CL, until my sister can no longer handle had to call my mum at 2AM to get her over to calm my niece down. Luckily at the time we were both living near each other. So for #1, i think it's pretty important to go for baby classes where they will teach you how to care for the baby.
*ej* - I attended mrs Wong BB class when I was expecting my #1. Nv regret signing up for that
very interesting & good for first time parents.. Went for lesson when I was 20wks! Just nice no more ms & more energy plus tummy not b big yet! Haha
I also manage to bf my #1 for 2yrs.. and delivered w just laughing gas throughout... I was also quite blessed that time to Hv a v nice mid wife attending to me since I was warded in the morning till I delivered in late noon. My Hb is the best support to me too! So I'm quite well prepared in a way as I also read up n google quite a lot
Try to relax n be calm! Easier said than done but we all try our best!
Dear powerwee,
Do take good care and rest well ya? I don't pray so can only wish you all the very best! Come in here often to chat with us!

Dear Ayukie,
You been resting well? On MC? You stressed abt your maid ah? Must take care wor!

Dear Joanne,
My scan on thu went ok. Baby still growing tho still pretty squeezy inside. Just hope this continues! Yes, felt baby movements already, especially when i sit for too long, baby must be very squeezy inside! As for maid roster, you can go to the website I posted sometime ago. There're rosters and guidelines there. Very detailed! http://singaporemaid.blogspot.com/

Re: CL and Maid
I'm also engaging both. But will be as hands on as possible from second week onwards to learn the ropes from CL. maid focuses on housework n cooking.

Re: insurance
Also contemplating to get, yet to decide which!

Re: massage
I thought 5th month can massage already? I bought a trial session with babies & bellies during the baby expo fair and tried it on thu. It was so-so probably cos per-natal cannot use too much strength? My first session with Ida is 2 weeks later. Can't wait!!! Maybe go try another one next week. Heh.
Massage need to find those specialise in pre natal one. The shop that i always went to before i'm preggy rejected my request for massage. Understand that they don't want to take any risk. Specialise pre natal massages are much expensive compared to what i'm doing frequently. And for me if the massage are not frequent in intervals, do already also no use. Now just have to let back muscles stiffen up to a point where the pain will be numb..
Like to check anyone of u hear of origin jamu massage? Cos tot of using them. But their payment method a bit weird. Since they are a register company but cheque is attn to the boss name as she said her company is sole proprietarship. I was ask if not using cheque then can fund transfer direct to her bank acct. That y was asking if anyone actually use or come across their services.
BTW, anyone have any idea in SG where got a lot of kid & baby stuff where we can shop around? Cos my hb has been asking but we just can't find only like some dept store kid corner, kiddy palace. Other mostly online shopping.
Hazel: then u can ask her for recipt in the company name. That should be okie. Shopping if u don mind the hazzle, can go baby hypermart.. They should have everything for bb just don't expect good service XD
Backache : gynae says a bit early and ask me take note of posture when sitting long hrs, can put medicated plaster and if really too painful ok to take Panadol. also as I put on weight v fast, to control diet too, as this may be another contributing factor to the backache.

Detailed scan scheduled 3 wks later, thought suppose to be on wk 20, think I m one of the last one here. Saw baby's heart pumping, face, eyes and the 好

Mt E hospital tour,
Very impressed with the hospital compared to my #1 hospital TMC. Better facilities and less crowded but the package is really ex !! TMC also renovated last yr i think, so maybe now same standard ? Not too sure either hehe. Plan to visit Mt A next week and see if the renovations are acceptable to save $$
Hi star fantasy, thank you for the advice. The baby hype mart located at where?

Backache, I have been having it quite often lately, also I have been numb at my inner tigh if I sit for 1 hour. Does any of u experience this? A bit worry.
I didn't read. Msg passed to me by AIA agent and confirmed by AXA agent. U might want to reconfirm as both agent provide same explanation.

Thanks. I think I will go back TMC cos overall >1k diff. save it for a better pump for bb.
JA: humm.. My doc and even my gp advise me not to use medicated patches cos different patches have different ingredients and some are not safe for pregnancy. But maybe that time i asked was in my 1st trimester so was told to take paracetemol if i really cannot take the pain. Else use heat pack. Backache is more common in 3rd trimester but cos i already have back problem before i'm preggy so for me it would be pain all the way.. Haha

Hazel: found a webpage that list the supermarts for bb supplies http://shihyong-birdy.blogspot.com/2009/05/good-bargain-store.html?m=1. U can try going to the 1st 3 places to have a look. They are mainly located in industrial estates so not so accessible to ppl without cars. Numbness at my tights i also got experienced, due to sitting too long. Asked my mum abt it she say don sit for long periods of time can already.
Hazel: in fact for me my whole leg goes numb cos i like to sit crosslegged while working.. A very bad habit but hard to change overnight.. Haha.. Just get up and walk around a bit, the numbness should subside
Hi mummies, haf some qns to check wif u all:

Pad / Disposal panties:
After giving birth, will we be hafin any discharge? Do i need to prepare any pad? Use normal pad will do or haf to buy those for mummy de? N do we need to prepare any disposable panties? Can we wear tat during our stay in hospital?

Leggings / Tights:
u all know where to get those specially for pregnant to wear de mahh? or i can juz wear norm de?

Do we bring them to buy the ingredients to cook on their 1st day reachin our place? or i haf to standby some ingredients?

milk bottle:
around how many do we haf to buy to standby? coz i read tat some website state tat we might haf to trial & error before we r able to find 1 tat baby like.. so i nt sure to buy from 1 brand or buy a few fr diff brand?

can newborn baby slp in aircon room?

Shower foam:
we can juz use baby johnson enough already? or need to use those for sensitive skin de?

sorry for so many qns.. abit kan chiong as seems the date is gettin nearer & seems like i haf nt prepare anything yet.. thks!!
Spicy, u need to prepare pad after birth, I not sure abt c-sect, but if natural, confirm néed pad, I bought those extra extra long types (etc. sofy) instead of maternity type cos I prefer to have wings..

Leggings can wear normal de, as long as u r comfy..

CL I can't advise cos my no.1 i order catering..

My boy slept in Aircon as n when I switch on.. Hehe.. But of cos must keep them warm if u switch on Aircon.. I find he sleep longer when in Aircon..

Shampoo I use baby johnson for a start..
Hi MTBs,

I am Aunty Lee, I am a Singaporean confinement nanny trained with KK Hospital to cater to mothers who are looking for reliable and professional help. I am also well-versed in TCM herbs and tonics used in confinement practices.

You can contact me at my mobile: 90576651 to find out more. Or you can visit my website at http://www.auntylee.com.sg
Spicy: yes u will have menses for at least a month after u give birth. The bleeding will be much heavier than ur normal menses so u'll need maternity pads which are more aborbent and thicker (u can use normal pads but u would have to hange very often. The menses is due to the accumulation of blood for whole 10 months (that why we don have menses when we r preggy). U can use disposable panties while u are staying in hospitals so u save the hassle of washing them.

Leggings and tights can use normal ones, just don't get those that are too tight such that it restrict blood flow to ur legs

CL: u can check with her what ingredients u have to prepare for the first few days. After that it's either u let her know where to buy or u have someone else buy the ingredients. Diff CL have diff way doing things

Aircon: of cos bb can sleep in aircon, all hospitals bb room are already aircon in the first place. Just make sure that bb ia kept warm in aircon room with thicker clothes and blankets. If u let bb sleep in aircon room, the only thing that can happen is bb get too used to the aircon and u'll have a hard time getting bb to sleep in non aircon later on.

Shower: it depends on ur bb skin, some are more sensitive so need a even milder bath foam than johnson n johnson. To be on the safe side, get a bath for bb sensitive skin.

Milk bottle: for newborn, 3 to 4 X 9oz bottles and 2X 4-5oz one should be enough. Unless u are expressing milk then u muight need a few more for storage or jut get those storage cups or bags. As long as u get the more reputable brands it all down to getting bb to get used to it. Usually mummies would buy the same brand of bottles as the pump.
Dear Mommies,
Sorry to disturb you. I have a baby cot to sell.
Purchased in Mothercare in Paragon Sep 2010.
As my boy doesnt like to sleep in there, he slept there only 2 ~3times. since then, it just occupies my master bedroom and want to sell it finally. if interested, pls sms me 98531817.

originally purchased : baby cot $250 + mattress and bedsheet (2pcs) = apprx above $300.

letting it go at $180 negotiable. thank you

Sorry again mommies,
also want to sell - 4 new BUMWEAR pocket diapers + 11 inserts

4 BUMWEAR one size pocket diapers and 11 inserts going for $80 (paid just below $200). All NEW as stored at home since purchase.

Can be worn from 5 kg (11lbs) onwards until they are toilet trained. The package price online is for 4 bumwears + 10 inserts at $169!

SMS me if interested. 98531817
