(2012/08) Aug 2012

Oh Mommies... i am going to join pre-natal yoga classes by Inspire Mom. http://www.inspiremumbaby.com/inspiremumdetails.asp?no=1

Need to work out liao.. so i can have a easy birth!

me not storing ..#1 nv store..this one also not storing..
actually store one is enff..cos they are slibing can share
I haven't bought any clothings for bb at all thou i have been looking. No idea wat size to buy n how many. Haha. N mayb mine is boy the clothes dun look v nice leh.
I m also gg for mrs wong class starting april at amk hub.
N i m not storing cordblood privately. Will donate instead. AG y not storing cos i think shd put in public bank for more ppl to use instead of spending money n keeping it n hoping it wont b used. Cos more donation then easier for those who need it to find match.
Hi Mummies... BBL PM-ed me to explain about the pregnancy insurance to you girls.
I'm from AXA, so I'm gonna touch on AXA's Mum's Advantage.

in summary:

Mum's advantage comes in 2 products. MumCare (Plus) and INSPIRED FlexiProtector / FlexiSaver

MumCare/MumCare Plus is a 3-year / 6-year single premium term plan that offers coverage for an expectant mother against death and pregnancy complications. it also provides hospital care benefit should the expectant mother gets admitted to hospital due to child birth complications. the coverage also extends to the child for congenital illnesses benefit and hospital care benefit for the child.

INSPIRE is a whole life, regular premium investment-linked plan which allows the flexibility to choose your own insurance cover and premium amount to meet your personal needs.

Under Mum’s Advantage/Mum’s Advantage Plus, the Mother can opt to transfer INSPIRE flexi2 to the life of the child at any time after the child is born*, i.e. life assured becomes the child instead of the mother but the ownership of the INSPIRE flexi2 remains with the mother provided the INSPIRE flexi2 has not lapsed or been terminated at the time of notification to axa life of the transfer.

The coverage:



Death benefit for mother expire 30days after delivery.
Pregnancy complications benefit expire upon birth of child.
Hospital care benefit for mother expires 30 days from birth of child.

*Gynaecology report is waived for eligiblae nationalities
* available to ladies whose pregnancies are conceived through artificial inseminations

Cost for an average 30yo mummy to be:
For Mum'Care: it's a lump sum of $315
For MumCare Plus, it's $595

For the whole life plan, minimum is $1200/year.

Pls feel to chk with me for details.
For Hospital plans, I recommend AVIVA. They have the best coverage (and I can sell them too). I have AVIVA way before i became an insurance agent and they are the greatest.
And also, if both parents are covered under aviva, the kids are covered for free (on plan 2) up to 20years old!! (up to 4 kids).
Therefore, Aviva is a very popular choice for parents with kids. imagine u have 3 kids! how much can u save!!

Aviva hospitalisation plan (MyShield) is payable via Medisave.

This is a link from MOH on available hospital plans. Please do not go and buy those that you need to pay by cash. It's no necessary.


Coverage for aviva is listed on it's application form here:
Hi Mommies,

I have some brand new BUMWEAR prefolds for sale.

5 Premium white prefolds
5 Newborn unbleached prefolds
2 Snappies


Willing to sell them in a bundle @ $35 (including postage).

And a preloved post natal binder selling for $25 (used less than 5 times, 85% condition) It is a free size 3-piece velcro binder.

If you are interested in any of the items above, please pm or email me at [email protected]
gloomybear, for aviva hospitalization, do I have to contact my agent before I deliver or after I deliver? I also have it and my #1 is being covered.

hey ladies, I started getting leg cramps this week. twice this week liao. yday I went to the toilet and when I stood up, my legs got numb and had stars feeling...gosh this is definitely too early, cant imagine another 5 months.
Hi all, back from work. Having headache the whole day. Just heard from one of my colleague that one of the manager commend to her that I so good life knock off on the dot and said I own her things that has not been done for more than 6 months. So upset. I was only a contract staff and I dun c anything wrong going home on the dot. She is not my direct superior and the task she ask me to help out is her job and only pass to me end of feb this year,where got more than 6 months. some more she already have one buyer under her, dun understand y she dun ask her to do and insist I have to do it &$@!?

Dun understand she is a mother of one not long ago, yet she still make such a commend.

If not for the $$$ that I plan for my bb, I won't bother to stay and work.

Insurance, I think my hb planning to get from aviva but I not so sure abt the details yet. Will update once I have the details.

NB clothes, I not sure need to buy a lot or not as I was told not to buy now since we still dunno bb size till they are born but was very temp to start shopping. But scare over buy. Anyone can advice set how many pcs will be enough?
AG: yup yup, ger ger clothes all so cute! I got read up a bit on the cord blood, and recently there's an newspaper article on it. All i can say is take those private cordbank sales talk like a pinch of salt, they leave out a lot of crucial facts. First the figures of usage is not as high as it stated cos the chance of using is very low (since what u pay is store until 18/21 yrs, if want store longer pay more). 2nd and most impt is that if child really kenna sick, it means the dna in the cord blood is already faulty to begin with, using the same stem cells only prove to cure the surface, the illness still have chance of recurring. 3rd is once the cord blood can only be used once (once defrost cannot freeze the remaining even if unused)! So u r paying a lot load of money for 1 time usage. IMO, the best option is to donate to public cord bank cos 1st it might help someone who needs it more urgently, 2nd if everyone donate, the chances of finding a match is much higher. In fact, in some countries (like france n another one i forget), they totally ban private cord blood banking.
Urchin: oh the. I already have investment link plans already so think will skip that.

Urchin, hazel: bb needs to be changed at least twice daily, if the clothes get wet from milk, change even more times. If bb clothes are washed once every 2 days then est ard 10 pcs (0-3 months or 0-6 months, not including those for going out) should be more than enough. For tops, buy those that button in front or tie in front (like those kimono style) cos the are much easier to wear for newborns. The later is more preferred due to the way it is tied, can accomodate as bb grow bigger. Buy more tops than bottoms cos bb will wear diapers and usually it is suffcient to use a cloth diaper to swaddle the bottom. Mittens are usually standard sizes, so can get ard 10 pairs too, change the moment it gets wet.
Starfantasy, so can I said we need at least 10 pcs from 0-3 mths and 10 pcs from 3-6mths?

Which mean I still need to buy more clothes. And not to include outdoor wear.

Wow raising bb really costly... Ha ha.....
Hazel: Get at least 10 pcs for newborn first, some pieces bb may be able to wear beyond 3 months (esp if those are from 0-6 months). The rest you buy depending on the demand ba, each bb is different. These 10 pcs are for home wear and if you don't mind can get those really plain ones which are cheap.
Any insurance covers premature births that require stay in icu?

I also having cramps... But dr say most likely gas pains. If the pain is on the left at the lower abdomen, it is probably gastrointestinal. When pregnant our tummy cannot digest so well so there is more gas. May not feel the gas but because it is trapped, it is painful. After a burp or fart it feels better!
I also got leg cramps when I m sleeping liao.. dunno is cos of leg cramp then I woke up or I woke up already then go n stretch the leg too fast or what then cramp.. but these few days din get leg cramps cos I put a pillow below my feet when sleeping.. really seems to work v well...

by the way, mittens need to wear for how long? I remember the mittens always fall out from the little hands... my sister have some clothes that include a flap for the hands, so dun need mittens n can still keep the bb's hand inside.. should be quite good, at least won't keep falling out.. haha..
Woah now topic on insurance le
I didn't buy any for pregnancy de.. Is there really a need? ;) I've been feeling so tired handling my #1 yet feeling good to spend time w him playing his toys... Legs so numb.. I'm abt 18 wks but still can't feel v v obvious for baby movements... I guess maybe my skin too thick la.. Hahaha.. N baby lazy?!?! Lol..

I saw some of u mentioning abt vanish. I thot of trying to use tt to remove those yellowish stains for old clothes.. How do we actually really use vanish? Is it pour vanish n normal detergent?? Then just wash like that?? Paiseh ah cos I nv use before so like abit swaku. Hahaha..
Gas I had it more during early pregnancy, now dunno is got used to it or really become lesser le.

Leg cramps wise not so often but my back is killing me especially when I wake up in the middle of the night to go toilet. Now cannot do massage so just have to bear it. Haiz

urchin: mittens should wear all the time cos nvr know when bb like to rub hands on the face then the fingers and/or nails will scratch the face. Those clothes are most likely long sleeves one right? I don't sleep in aircon so wearing long sleeves all day might be too hot for bb.

princessxiaomei: You can soak the clothes with vanish for a while then wash normally.
My gynae asked me to lift up my leg after I reach home. It helps to prevents cramps too n improve blood to baby.
Hmm... Have not experience cramps on legs yet.. Lie on bed after home is really big help in this.
Hi gloomybear
This insurance doesnt cover for twins right? Thk u..

Hi Star n Mrs C
Thks for ur advise on forwarder use.. Seems very chim to me but i can understand chinese well.. See whether i can hv the time to analyse how to do it.. Hee..

Hi gals
Finally confirm a maid last night n she will be here end of next week.. Abit ahead of my schedule as i plan of May but since i feel heavy now so is gd tt the maid can come in early n i can still train her..;) but nothing prepare for her yet so still stress tt she comes in so fast... Hv to prepare her roaster first.. Hope i can get a gd maid..

Those who already hv maid, will u asks her wakeup at same timing on wkend too? As i worry she makes lots of noise n we cant sleep late..Hhee.. So u will keep her pay for 3mths or pay her monthly? Hmm..

TGIT... Happy holiday tomorow..;)
morning...my calf still hurts from Tue nite cramp...last nite couldnt sleep cos could feel it and bb kicking so hard. not sure why my leg cramp is so bad.

joanne, its better to set a time for her to wake up cos not every maid will be so auto. I'd recommend that you set the same timing as how you want ur maid to wake up next time (after bb is born) else they will get used to it and dificult to change later. for my maid, bcos she has been with me long enough so i dont need to specify so much and she is a early riser anyway. but my previous maids before can sleep till 7am+ and everyone is awake except her...then the floor still not sweep and mop since the nite before and she will mop when everyone is awake which may not be what you want.

*starfantasy* - Oh so I can just soak all the stained clothes w vanish in a pail then ltr on wash as per normal????
keke I gonna get vanish soon! My #1 eat v messy and often stain all his clothes... Can try w his clothes too! Hahaha thanks.

So tired.. Slept late last night n woke up 4+ till now... Heartburn all e way.. Feeling so uncomfy!
tt time I only had heartburn in 1st & late 3rd trim. Now frm 1st till date... So xinku.
Re: Soap Powder
there is another soap powder which I think is quite effective in cleaning too... Napisan =)
Good morning,

recently had very terrible backache, any mommies experience this ?

insurance policy : any that covers newborn for hospitalisation due to jaundice ?
me too J~A. my backache started since preggy and cannot go massage. and worst this week cos my whole body seems so tired so painful everywhere. my legs ache, stomach cramp, headache, backache...what else can I have.
Joanne: if u have qns in the forwarder, drop me a PM
rging maid, like AG said set the same time for her to wake up everyday includ wkends. But make sure u let her sleep roughly the same time everyday too. I also sleep in during the wkends so i don think the maid will make noise. It's like if ur boss come in work late, u also okie cos he's the boss right XD. But make sure when u wake up, the floor is either mop and dry or the maid mop it later when u r out cos dun want to slip and fall.

Princessxiaomei: yup, just soak and then wash normally by hand with detergent will do
hugs..take mc or leave and have a gd rest.
do u think is due to pregnancy or other reasons ? i dont remember experiencing this bad backache in my 1st pregnancy. really hurts a lot everyday. maybe posture or ??
J~A : I'm starting to have backache.... thought it's a bit early though..

Mummies... I'm having headache now... my grandma initially said to do confinement for me... but lately, my mum is against the idea - saying don't tired out grandma, etc... haiz...
At such a time, where to find good confinement lady?

I'm thinking of diy now but scared I can't cope - It's my #1.... haiz..

I know the confinement caterers had been discussed before - but can mummies please advise again which caterers would you recommend?... haiz..
Bright, u can contact PEM confinement agency. I sure they will be able to assist u. U can call the sale at 9002 1067 and check 1st that time I sign up with them is abt $2050 excluded 2 hong bao for the nanny & her 3 meals daily.
Joanne: for twins: If the mother conceives more than 1 foetus in the same pregnancy, only one MumCare/ MumCare Plus policy and the appropriate number of INSPIRE™ policies for each foetus will be issued.

J~A: Jaundice is so common, i doubt any insurer will have insurance on it...
JA: My backache started the moment I get pregnant cos before that I was already diagnose with slight spine misalignment but didn't go correct it. Before pregnancy, I go for massage once every 2 weeks. Now already 5 months+ no massage and every day, my back hurts, just have to endure. Of cos, on those days if it hurt more badly, I would take MC and lie down as much as possible to rest. You can use heat pack on the back but no muscle creams.

Bright: My mum will be helping me with the confinement and she's very old (71yo cos she had me in her 40s) I don't expect her to help with caring bb but more of teaching me how to handle bb. Meals wise she likes to cook so she say she'll cook. If you have someone who does all the cleaning then I think it's alright for your grandma to be around to give you pointers and you don't need to have a confinement nanny.
Mount E more X. cannot choose Mount A is plan for birth control. Onyl left TMC. Last time I opt 4 bedded cos under woodworth got auto upgrade. Now I change gynae, based on no of patien he had, I better opt for 2 bedded.
My friend told me Mount E 2 bedded service not gd. If want gd service, need to opt 1 bedded.

Sound prudential n AXA policy the same. Agent also told me $300. But $300 is monthly?

Aviva policy
Aviva have this policy that both parents assured, can assure the kids auto. But there is a fine print that state after 21 yrs old, if kids got any special condition, they have the right not to assure that special condition. by then, no agent will want to secure that special condition already. That's y my agent after pushed AVIVA to me then notice the fine print thus stop the pushing. Noone can guarrantte what happen after 21 yrs.
Hi mummies, have you guys started taking any pre-natal milk?

i am a tad lactose intolerant, and i really cant bring myself to drink milk everyday ( dont like it to begin with) - i am worried abt missing on those DHA whatever nutrients.

do you think i should try to take some?
Hi Clim, $300 is 1 lump sum for 3 yrs coverage. if u want 6 yrs, it's $600.

For Aviva policy, i've confirmed with the underwriters. as long as policy does not laspe, it's auto renewal: u just have to pay premiums upon renewal when your child reach 21 year old at age next birthday in order to let them enjoy continuous coverage. They will not require the child to go through any medical check or declare anything, UNLESS, if the child wants to increase coverage.
May i know where did u read the fine print?
AXA and Prudential's plan is very similar..
but because AXA rolled out this plan after prudential, we kinda of "better" it, to the benefit of the consumers

for pregnancy complications, AXA covers 8 types, Pru covers 7 types.
for Congenital Illnesses, AXA covers 18 types, and Pru covers 17 types.
with AXA, u can choose 3 or 6 years coverage, Pru only 3 years.

and AXA did win an award for it
ooh good cos i have fish oil as my supplement, i really hope i can not take the milk..

thanks everyone! so much information abt the insurance plan going on, will need to spend some time digesting them!
Re: RichFood Confinement Catering

Ladies who are interested in RichFood Confinement Catering please PM me the following details. I will see if the number of interested parties is enough to get us any form of discount or not!
1) Location of deliveries
2) Selected packages

so far i only have response from BBL leh... hahaa...
hi mummies,

just came back from my detail scan at Mt A. Thanks god that everything is fine. Mount A is having major renovation. everything is in a mess. Contemplating if i should change to TMC.

Talking abt hospital bill, my #1 warded icu for 1 week. the cost was ard 10K. after tt we pay abt 6-7k cash. now my hb having phobia! wat if #2 really pre-mature? hospital bill really gg to kill. haiz....
Ladies, is it reli impt to have a confinement lady? I already have a maid n my mom will be helping me during the day. N food wise, I'm thinking of ordering from those confinement catering.

Is there anything the CL can do n we can't? I alway thought mummies are v great that there's nth they cant do for their kids.

This is my first so would like to have some feedback.

i took 2-bedder during my #1 @ Mt E.
I find it fine, the nurses were very helpful and nice. midwives during delivery also very encouraging. morning the lactation consultant and nurse manager will walk round and chk on us.
delivery at Mt E min is 2-bedder, my only complain during my stay was the other mummy sharing my rm.
Malay lady, ang mo hb n always call back US chit chat in the wee hrs with MIL so loud disturb my sleep then day time all the relatives come all thru the day like pinic in the ward.
