(2012/08) Aug 2012

What I know is cover mommy n bb, might be 30 days not 10 mths. No point we get policy that cover 10mths later, bb already out. The policy directly cover bb once out cos normal case, bb need to be over a few mths before we can get insurrance for them. We need to declare bb health condition too. Paid out for still life is 5k & 10k depend on the package you take. Not sure on premium but I can ask my agent,

For past 2 birth, i do have complication and I change gynae to avoid but now placenta is v low so gynae comment have to csec if it still refuse to move up. Now I still have to cont with the Utrogestan pill and I hate the idea of Csec.

Happy: u intend to donate or store privately? If u intend to donate, can go to singapore public cord bank website to read up, the info very comprehensive.

Rging insurance, think the premium for axa should not differ too much frm predential, so a 100 a month for 3 yrs i think not worth it cos the payout only 5k for illness or death.
powerwee> I also had spotting in second trimester (twice). I was very surprised, because I did not do anything and then see two drops of red blood. Baby is ok and doc say is cervical ectropian which is apparently common for pregnant mummies. Rest more and take care.

Regarding insurance, the prudential and AXA ones cover congenital disease i believe. In case baby has some pre existing condition, these will not be covered by an insurance after birth. I have not decided whether to buy it though.
My #1 is with Cordlife, shd be same for #2. Not sure if got sibling discount, havent find out info.

Cordlife got some accrediation, Stemcord got 2 storage locations, think this is the main difference if didnt remember wrongly.
morning, i am wfh today cos dunno why I am so tired since yday. slept from 1030pm-8am this morning still very tired. I started having cramps, last nite was the 2nd time this week. so painful and still hurts now.
Clim > GE one is 10 months and cover baby till 2 years old and that is why the agent advise me to take it when i plan to have small kids soon.

I mean that is GE la. I dunno about AXA. If it is 30 days then it is good. To GE it doesnt make sense to them to be selling the policy when already pregnant. that is GE. I dunno about others and thats what I know hence I share ya.

So dun get the GE one that is my advice.

Just make sure to know when is the effective date so that we do not have disputes. Some policies are not that clear till the buyer ask.
morning mummies,

thank you for all the encouragement. i will be as optimistic as possible. We are halfway thru so we all got to jiayou for the next 4 months. Jiayou mummies!

hb flying back in an hour time. will try not to get emotional when i see him. haha....

Regarding insurance, actually i got no intention. But for my case now, i think it might help as it covers premature birth. But gonna find out the payout. Must see if worth it or not.
i got the woman policy from GE, covers me for women illness (breast cancer/ cervial cancer etc) and also cover my preg in event of complications but is for me not bb.

for bb policy, i got hospitalization/ accident and life from GE also which can be effected 15days from birth.
so if u intend to get for bb, can plan and get ur agent to get ready. once bb reach 15days old can sign and effect.
for my #1, cannot remember is hospitalization or accident policy also covers dengue fever, HFMD etc if needs to b warded.
but i am paranoid so i got the highest hospitalization policy for my #1 tat enables her to go to private hospital and stay in A1 ward cos i understand govt hospital like KKH need to Q for appointment (mths of waiting)so better save then sorry
My col's son premature by 6 weeks so end up got to stay in the incubator for a week. she din know at that time that the NICU charges is tag along with her ward as in single room, double bedded etc. so she chose single room.. after deducting CPF, she still got to fork out around 9K for the baby's 1 week's stay. Baby bonus also can not cover. simply dun understand government why cant just deduct full from CPF if there is money in there.. still far from 65 lor. as if we wanna be in hospital.
Hi mummies, juz saw tat u all r discussin abt insurance plans, if u all need 2nd opinion, can pm mi as i'm in financial line as well.. Bt juz wan to clarify tat i'm at this forum is coz i'm pregnant, am here readin for advises, nt to pull biz..
GE consider pregant as high risk. I have a policy pending with them not approved cause I'm pregnant now and failed 2 tests.

Wow, the hospital bill is horrible.

Hospital bill
Anyone make comparision between hospital charges? My gynae told me Mount E n TMc diff by $600. Should I choose Mount E then I have to get prepared. Not sure $600 refer to overall or not.

If want to opt for birth control in future cannot choose Mount A.
ya hospital bill horrible. so she told me if it is complicated and insurance cant cover, be sure take the cheapest ward possible so that if baby touch wood needs to stay in incubator, the fees will be not that high. i think liao i sweat.

9K a bit horrible. imagine with the subsidy in actual the bill is 11K lor. zzz
u delivering in mt e? my gynae delivers in mt a & mt e, still deciding. think tmc & mt a charges similar ?
clim, JA,
i b delivering in Mt E, if u want the hospitalization cost i can send to u.
they jus up the charges again *sigh*
but no choice my gynae only deliver in Mt E
Ya, every expense in the hospital is tag to the ward one is staying, even doctor's fee and sugery fee (which does not make sense to me because does it mean if I stay in subsidised ward, the surgery performed would be substandard?!)

Clim: I don't think the $600 is the overall cos misc expenses also differ by hospital.

JA: charges are similiar but heard more good reviews about mt a, especially their food..haha
I think Mt E is the most exp of all. if baby needs to stay longer, it is based on the type of ward we mummy has choosen, so single bedded will definitely be more exp. I am at gleneagles, they also increased their price since my last delivery so this round I am taking 2 bedded, else will be really broke.

btw I read some of you buying home clothes for baby. there are shops at bugis and chinatown that sells bulk home clothes for newborn. I cant recall the address, need to go find out. I know that is very cheap.

Anyone heard of placenta pill? I was thinking of getting someone to process it for me but apparently only 1 of my friend done it. BUt she got someone freelance to do it for her... i'm still thinking if i should do it.
haiz .. feeling quite bimbo nw ...
Bought a cute mitten and booties at pasar malam yesterday .. feeling so happy about it cos very rare to find pretty one nowadays .. mostly is plain ma ..
hubby see liao is just say hw safe is the mitten .. say duno what dye chemcial they use .. somemore baby is put in mouth one ... haiz .. i stunned lo .. haiz ... feel so bimbo ..
hahah all clothes are dyed colour ma..where got coloured clothes one..

i haeard of and i know who can process..was gonna do it for my no 1 but gave up as gyane discouraged,
i saw ppl do it but jus cannot think of consuming it :p

the shop is located at lvl 1 of the shop houses facing temple. from market cross over shd b 1st shop right at the corner.

ur hb think too much lah.
he very paranoid ba .. cos we in the textile industry also .. so worry about poison dye .. but then again .. how could i have forgotten this .. haiz ..
can pm me, thanks
going for hospital tour this sat after the gynae visit

mt a & tmc ??

bugis baby clothes shop is opp guan yin temple and the hawker centre. blk 269A
nahnah, but white color ones also being dyed rite, else wont be so white? how to avoid unless we buy organic ones...hee then will be so exp.
white is usually the natural colour of the fabric .. so they will use minimum chemical .. but alot of colour dye in china is nt exactly good for human skin .. so thats why someof us get more sensitive skin over a while ..

Organic of cos is good la .. but nt pretty ..
maybe shoudl really makemyself ahahaha
clim, J~A, Jen, nahnah

Have you all sign up for the Mt E prenatal class? I called and they said I should join the June classes.
I was looking at prudential for the insurance too. Covered for 5k only. N need to pay lumpsum of 300. Then the 100 mthly is actually an investment link acct. Only gd thing is it will cover bb including pre existing conditions. Cos if buy aft bb born then they will exclude all congenental illness etc. Actually i m only int in the pregnancy complications but payout only 5k lah. But then must tie up with the investment link that's y we r still considering. This plan is esp for pregnancy so can only buy aft 18 wks pregnant n if aft more test got any prob they prob wont approve ur plan. So the agent say better buy earlier before the tests show any abnormalities.
JA: yup, between mount a and tmc

nahnah: actually it's a good thing that your hubby thought of it cos there are actually cases of coloring high in lead used in the children toys from china factories some time back. So I think for clothes may apply too. Since mittens bb will put in mouth like toys, better to be safe.

meistar: heard of it but no scientific proof that it will really help in anything. Animal mothers in the wild eat it because food is limited and it provide nourishment for the mother, also for them to cover their tracks. Since human mothers have a lot more choices on nourishments, it may not be necessary.

AG: I don't know how cheap is cheap, but at one of the shop near my house, a plain home wear newborn top or bottom selling for SGD1.90. White colors are being bleached. Natural cotton color is actually yellowish, like those organic ones.
urchin: That maturity of the insurance is when? Since the 100 mthly is investment link acct, does not mean the principle is not guranteed upon maturity?
hmmm just get a agent to enquiry lo..
i think gloomybear is an insurance agent..can ask her..but she is seldom online..nvm i go pm her ask her to share.
heard of this service but not much pple ard me did it, seems ok cos will be made to pill, just swallow, cant taste..i will ask my hb his opinion. thanks for reminding !

not going to class too as expecting #2. tmc class by wong bb has v gd reviews.
OMG .. i just saw the step by step prep in the my placenta blogspot .. i nearly puke put the water i was drinking ..
pardon my ignorance.. really din expect placenta to look like that ...
AG ,
there is no way . you can find out the country of origin , but there is no way you know what dye they use as every factory might ahere to difference standard. You can send it for testing but that means lots of $$ for every piece of item ...
To make it safer for us , its reccomended to wash before wearing ..
For most reputable brand or licensess such as disney , strict guidelines the factory have to ahere to cos children safety is big in other country .. so its rather safe to buy bigger brands i would say if budget allows .
Thanks mommmies on the cord blood bank. Haven decide to use it for saving or donate. See how lar.

Then i also signed up with TMC Wong BB classes. Starting in June. Easier for me too since so busy.

Look like alot of mixed review on getting the insurance. Thought most mommies will jump at it. I thought it was a pretty good plan to cover myself from week 18 onwards and also bb and of course i pray bb and i are healthy. I only can see the returns of the insurance when the BB turned 2 i think but oh well, aren't all insurance like this? haha.
AG: To me it's cheap but I admit that I'm vain, so I want to look for pretty ones (those with some designs) What I get from taobao is like additional $1+ more but with very cute design and the clothes are exported to japan one. These nicer clothes I intend to let bb wear when going out. Locally bought ones wear at home lor. Hehe

nahnah: I think no need for every item to buy the more pricey ones, keep to those that bb will put to mouth ones like mittens, hankies, toys buy more reputable ones can le ba...

Happy: I wanted to buy insurance but those out in the market so far doesn't seem worth it based on the premium that one needs to pay with the coverage.
actually now bigger brands also made in china, wonder how's the quality. I guess the lesser we know, the better it is. even like kids food or vege, I always try not to buy from china products. I always wash all my new clothes before wearing cos cannot imagine how many ppl handle the cloth, sew, packing etc.
for placenta rite, I also cant imagine plus if we get ppl to process for us, we will not be sure about their hygience too.
I stored my #1 cord blood with cord life. now still thinking if i should spend this $$. anyont not storing, why? haha trying to convince myself not to store :p
starfantasy me too. over the weekend i ordered few pieces from oldnavy cos they having easter sale. these are for going out ones. I will just buy those white ones for homewear. I just couldnt resist buying gals stuff now...finally can see gals clothings :p
The insurance is investment link so no maturity actually, life plan lor. U can stop it anytime if u dun want it but how much money u get back depends on the returns on investment which i believe need at least 10-20 yrs then can see substantial amt. Then i think for accident n hospitalisation are riders added to the main policy. So might end up having to pay more to cover. My hubby prefers term insurance for coverage so dunno whether to take up. Cos we want it mainly for the complications part but 5k also not a lot if really need hospitalisation.

Hi starfantasy, i see

Oh erm may i know who is the creator of FB? I am ready to join hehehe... Pls let me know so i can go add in the group or i must supply my email?
