(2012/08) Aug 2012

Hi all,
I m in my mid week 18. Going to be week 19 this Friday.
For baby kicks, I still not feel so much yet. But no more fluttering, can really feel tummy got someone boxing inside. But only once in every alternate day or twice in a day.
I m on annual leave today, thinking not to take mc, else will be marked. So later go to NUH then maybe go for my cravings laksa in holland village.

yeah yanlin! happy for u! Now in week 18 too
Going to look forward to detail scan end of the month!
Pram, playpen, cot, mattress, breast pump, bb toiletries, clothes, diapers are those items need to get during second trimester. Else later tummy too big, then how to shop? All these will costs more than $2500. Am I right? Or maybe less than $3000.
Plus confinement lady, medical delivery fees, maid, tonics, all will came in total bill of $ 30000.
Morning all,
I m in my week 18 today! I think I felt the baby kicks or boxing these few days... cos they dun feel like gas or what so should be the baby.. haha.. think I kind of confirmed it's baby kick when I went KTV with my hubby! mayb bb want to dance also.. haha
yanlin - 30k too much lah .. confinement lady around 2.2-2.5k (i hear for 28 days)
maid - 400-500 + levy (if got kid) $175 + agency fees + insurance

cot - think 400-500
pump - 400-900
toiletries - buy min first lor
clothes - buy min first lor (get some 2nd hand if possible if not buy as needed first)
diapers - buy min first lor

dont think need 30k ..
oh yeah for maid .. if u get transfer maid and work for quite awhile liaoz then u dont need pay the advance pay for the maid to the agency lor ..

i just got maid also .. hopefully next next week onwards then come haha
Yes, I keep every of my hospital bills.
When bb is delivered, all costs will have this much. Maybe I had very frequent trips to my gynae, like visit him on weekly basis.
I did my Oscar test twice, injections, hormones pills, hospital admission, consultation fees, amnio test, all these came into $8000. Plus, we need to buy for those big items, confinement lady, maid, tonics, total medical bill size will be around $30,000 especially for first time parent.
well, looks like I got to go for a betters pay job after bb is here. Having kids in sg is scary.. Maybe my expectation is high, therefore got to spend a lot more.. Luckily our combined income more than $8k, or else do no how to survive..
speaking of tonics .. i need to get those double boiler for the bird nest but buy and use once like so wasted ... anyone have any gd idea?
ya i beginning to feel little one moving esp when i stand up! cos it just go knock knock - or i feel something stretching one side and another part. Only when i lie in bed, i dun feel the crammy feeling. Then i realize i digest food super fast! cos i ate a sandwich around 4 plus pm cos hungry. Then i suddenly feel nausea around 6pm! And i throw up gastric juice! last time, digestion was slow and i still see food coming up! Feel so much better after eating dinner!

Then when my niece and nephews came over and we started playing and laughing, my whole tummy was like moving up and down! knock knock ! As if the baby was very excited to hear so much noise hahaa..
oh yahlin - u included the hosp bills haha .. no wonder .. ur gynae no package .. thik my gynae bills + oscar and detailed scan will be around 1.3k bah ..

i agree have kids in sg v tough .. i still need to cater in my son childcare fees haha thats a k a mth already .. me and hub need sell backside more liaoz haha
I need to pay for the advance loan of maids. Plus we spent a lot on our house last 2 years, now still saving... Coz our savings become zero after got own home and we renovated it. Sigh... Luckily bb came into the perfect timing, else Donna how to survive.
Have to spend wise now after become MTB or mummy hor, no wonder my parents can raise three of us and still can serve 4 housing loans. I also cut down on cab rides, unless unwell, then no choice.
Thanks Ayukie! I haven really plan my budget but can tell the cost is looming ahead.

Tot of getting the cot and playpen after my week 20 scan!

I am getting excited. My hb and i was counting down to Aug for our little one

Any tonics to intro? I been feeling tired. I been taking bird nest from lo hong ka bird nest as my daily tonic. Let me know
wah!!!! I am lucky i got some pass down baby prams..

Very siong to start fresh.. as in 1st baby then u got to buy a lot of things on your own. pay till hands soft. I agree with yan lin big ticket items should get in 2nd trim cos if not by 3rd trim most of us are very tired and very hard to shop for long.. i am thinking to get the baby stuffs like bathing ones etc only during 3rd trim.. maybe the 6th month.. then after that is rest and relax and wait for the baby to come.

We intend to pack the bag 2 months earlier just in case the little ones decides to come out early.. my col gave birth 1.5 months earlier.. and caught unprepared.. so i was telling my hubby just pack 2 months earlier should be good enough.

I saw the peg perego stroller and like it but a bit too heavy and like i think 1 stroller is enough.. buying another one is like not necessary.

Maybe i should consider getting a manual pump since electrical ones may spoil. faint!
Ayukie> i also dun really feel my baby yet.. going to see the little one next monday.. hope everything is growing well and hopefully gynae dun nag at me for growing fat.. suddenly become heavier! zzzz
Yes, I heard a cab driver told me that we can share and buy for a kilo. Then is cheaper.. Anyone wants to share?
yahlin - i gt transfer maid and she repaid the agency loan already so dont need to puke blood at one time ..

dont remind me .. i just renovated my house and im bleedin externally and internally already .. im still buying appliances haha .. just bought vacum nia .. i havent even bought broom yet whhaaa
JC... i also not sure if fenugreek work for me or not. cos i took it everyday and keep pumping every 3 hours. so not sure if consistent pumping kicks in the milk supply or the fenugreek works for me. just be persistent although it is very tiring.
u really spend a lot.. luckily mine not so ex.. if not hubby will protest... now gynae considered ex he also stress liao... I think my hospital n gynae expenses shd end up ard $10k after delivery.. as for the things to buy for bb.. planning cot $400, car seat mayb $300, pump $400, clothings, toileteries, diapers shdn't need so much at the moment.. waiting for others to pass me some.. pram.. mayb I'll wait.. cos I m not a big fan of strollers... but mayb will get a simple one for short distance shopping sometimes..
yahlin - last time cheaper lah .. where gt nursery one and then hor 1k sch fees one pap couple hundred nia haha go pri one then learn abc lol now where can?
Dear sashamama,

You are most welcome.

Dear Hazel,

Medea pump got quite a good feedback, so can give it a try. My friend recommend me another brand call Enjoye, which quite good too. U might wan to go the following websit to take a look.

www.mumsfairy.com or http://www.hygeiababy.com/

Dear Yan Lin,

There is one this coming weekend at expo, as mentioned by starfantasy there will be a motherhood fair at expo in may. Heard from my SIL there will be sale at kiddy palace during June too. So can shop by then.
You are lucky for spending less! Mine was high risk pregnancies, thus got to spend more for injection n pills. Hopefully this little one is healthy and as smart as his dad!
if u cant get medela due to cost i use before amelda which serve me pretty well for a yr + (but its really overworked now .. so this time i will use as spare pump instead and i gt freestyle hehe)
need a special double boiler for bird's nest? I thot buy those small ceramic pot , then put into a bigger normal pot will do...
yanlin - erm yeah i guess cause i already vommitted for #1 so what can re-use we will re-use .. for renovation we also do with contractor and design ourself (which i think is pretty well) haha but i will never do it again no matter how much savings there is (esp not while preg .. )
for my preg so far ok but i will most prob end up c-sect again as my #1 was emergency c-sect .. i gt the hormones pills but i stop cause i puke blood .. and my gynae package v good those anount paid before package price will be deducted from the package price so save also lor i guess ..
my maid i got from my fren maid agency so got some savings on agency fee as well ..
urchin - i dont have the ceramic pot and my erm pot isnt as big haha .. cause i catered for small small family lol
The home costs is very expensive. We paid $42k for the COV. Plus this and that, all came out to $120k!! Really crazy..
My monthly bill in first trimester ranges from $1200-1500 per month. Plus test, and now around $800 per month till end of second trimester.. Better stop imaging it!! Luckily got extra income from room rental too, phew!
We bought all furniture and appliances on installments, so just finished paid up. My hubby bought a $3500 delphin vacuum cleaner.
Even infant care needs to pay $1350 with no subsidy. As I. Only a Malaysian SPR.
Dear all
Need ur suggestion n advise as no experience in hiring maid..
I went to this agency which just nice hv a transfer maid (she looks experience with bbies and soft spoken) and heard she works 5mths for the previous owner but due to tt owner is fr China n temper not so gd so dun want her (not sure true or not) i tempt to get her but we hv to hire her by end march when i only need on May.. Agency say we can just pay for the levy n start the maid only on may.. While they help to feed her etc.. Some of my collegue suggest we shd take her now since already pay for levy but i dun know what can i asks her do now since bbies not born yet n we hv to start pay for her salary... How?? Shd i take her on march or wait till May then asks her come?? If u will me, what will u choose?? Got so many household chores to do mah? Hmm... Thk u gals..
I think I'll go buy the small ceramic pot for my MIL, then normal pots she has lah.. shd be quite cheap.. haha..
bird's nest my sil bought, my mum side she also bought, so I think I dun need to buy on my own, thou I have the concentrated ones.. anyway, my sis say cannot eat too much bird's nest so think eat a few times enough liao.. so I just buy a small ceramic pot to enjoy bird's nest.. =p
yahlin - i just bought the dyson vacum cleaner 700 (most basic anti allergy basic entry level) already bleed liaoz 3.5k for vacum too ex gal .. ask maid to clean daily

i didnt cater in infant care cause the maid then no use already ..
joanne - take first cause she needs to familar with the env and u need help to do ur housework also .. also if she cmi u still got time change her .. (my friend from a maid agency advice)
urchin - my #1 preg my mil ask me dont get concentrated ones she buy those and double boil for me but then she pass away already so i need to diy nw haiz .. if its my mum who cook she will cook for everyone in the family including my brother family to eat my birdnest so cannot rely on my mum haha
my mum side she cook and all the ladies eat, include her n my sis.. my mil if she cook will be my sil, my hubby n me eat.. anyway, I din pay for the bird's nest so doesn't matter who else eating as long as I get to eat.. =p
the concentrate I bought before pregnancy, me n hubby will eat.. after pregnancy I thot I dun eat first cos concentrate sometimes forget to eat daily then seems like in the fridge for quite long.. haha.. so left my hubby eat on his own...
actually double boil should be rather easy... esp nowadays the bird's nest all quite clean dun really need to pick feathers n all.. but I can't do at home cos my stove only have big fire.. dun have those small small fire... by the time the bird's nest cooked I think the water all evaporate liao...
What is your budget ? For beginner to breastfeed i suggest you get avent pump ( Single Electric) that can convert to manuel. I bought one at $229 at Taka BB fair. The freebies is alot. 10 storage cup cost $31 plus, 40 breast pad, 2 milk bottle, 4 hand towel, breast shell etc. I went to Kiddy palace and BHG their bundle gift not as good at TAKA fair. If u want better grap early becuase i went yesterday, left only a few set. Oh remember to go back to the avent counter to grap your additional free gift. On top of the toys given by Taka, Avent counter giving 3 packet of Huggies wipes cost $9 plus at the fair.

Re: Bird nest
I used to buy the concentrated one ZTP cost around $50 plus to $80 per bottle.
Dear Sandy,

I might invest in a better one, as my hb aunty is passing me her avent electrical one so I tot of using it as a standby as it has been a while since she brought.

Dear Hazel Ong,

U might want to consider Sandy suggestion as it quite a worth while deal.

As for bird nest, I have been eating concentrated one from dragon brand, only for myself as my hb only take once a while. But hear that to cook it on our own one is better.

I think the cost for delivery & the stuffs for baby is not that high as now I was on subsidise rate for my gynae & most of the things was pass down from my hb aunty & SIL if mine is a boy. It the cost that after birth, as I was a contract stuff now & will be jobless after birth. And I will to go out work then no one to take care the little one.

Wanted to hire a maid but hb scared as too many horrible story on maid also my mum & MIL not free to look after our bb.

Sigh.... Totally at lost end.....
by the way anyone tried Ardo Calypso brest pump?? saw it at the baby fair at expo n the salesgirl did a gd job of explaining the functions to me.. n I was tempted.. but din buy cos a little too early and wanted to look ard for more info on the web.. so far the few reviews I found were quite good but cos really few so still thinking...
hazel nutty,
i just went the deagon brand shop
so many types of concentrated ones...which do u recommend?

i also bought the delphin one...hehee
Hi ayukie
Thk u for ur advise.. But still got few mths before delivery.. My mum say she worries got nothing for her to do now since day time she will be at my mum place.. Zzz... I oso headache as if put her at my place.. Nobody monitor so cant trust too... Oso, i realise tt if we change maid.. Got to repay the $270 insurance fee.. Xiong hor so we cant suka suka change maid as waste few hundred dollar neh??

I just went to Mount A for maternity tour. Be prepared to park at Macritchie reservoir if you are driving there. A bit noisy cos its currently under renovation. A goodie bag is given as well.
