(2012/08) Aug 2012

prenatal massage - this will induce early labour? aiyoh, i originally had my appt on mon, the day i got bleeding. then now better not do ler. but i got bought a voucher for $39.90 for from babies bellies. anyone interested in taking over?

JC: I think most hubbies are like that. Mine besides into euro cup also into gaming. At first when diabio 3 came out, he can play every single minute like the game is his mistress like that until I keep nagging and post on facebook then his colleagues and friends kinda warn him (power of social media)..hehe Now we got a maid, he lugi heck any cleaning. Although one time when I had BH he freaked out a little and ask me to start packing hospital bag. Later also no news liao. And I don't trust his mentally take down, cos it's same as come in one ear go out the another.

kitty: It depends actually. For me instead of prenatal massage which I find expensive, i go for foot reflex and the uncle that did for me is experienced so know where not to press. Because I have been going regularly even before preggy, so going now not much funny feelings.
c u 2 hbs i feel so guilty.
its more like i am always tired n delaying whereas hb is nagging me, buy ur hospital bag thing, prep ur hospital bag, sort bb clothes to wash while i jus orh then he will make me do it.
so drag out 1 box for me to sort then he wash n hang but i sort 1 box oredi shag out.

yst nite, my right side butt starting to feel aching pain, last few wks was left.. now my whole pelvic area aching.
end up go my on fours like dog on my bed n arch my back, got quite some relief from my pelvic area.
maybe if the pain gets bad can try this position for some relief
Good! The ML manage to do for your post-natal massage?

I won't want the CL to wash mine with baby clothes..coz I will come into contact with my toddlers. So if just baby clothing alone, if not using cloth diapers somemore, will be too little even for a load of machine wash as they have to be washed on daily basis... hence the dilemma. If this is the practice I think I will faint when I see the electricity bill two months down the road! LOL! I do not mind the CL machine wash my clothes every other days though.. My #1 CL that time lagi best, she can machine wash her own clothes everyday and use my dryer to dry them!! Plain lazy!

Hmm...I really should pack my hospital bag this weekend also. It's about time. Have also just settled my maternity leave plan with my HR. Next is to call SCBB!
Jen, hehe, i also delay la, but as i most prob will deliver early, so cannot delay further le.. Mine is anytime 36 weeks (based on no.1 situation) and next tue is my 35 weeks le.. lol

Alicia, I think abit too late to change gynae, not much gynae will accept late cases unless your current gynae make arrangement to transfer your case..
@Kitty- Same here, he dun take my weight or anything, jus super chop. Nt sure is gd or bad. Coz initially i try another gynae, he impose a lot of neg thoughts to me. Just make me scared only... So i dunno what kind of gynae suits me. But this one the wait really super long somemore no place to seat now. :<
i think u better chk with TMC or ur gynae clinic on the EDD date.
my last visit was 32wks n my gynae also gave me my pre-admission, next wk going for my strep b so will submit my pre-admission.
my gynae indicated my EDD and also indicated tat my #1 is 38wks+ and also any form of allergy although me no drug allergy or food but cos i ezcema n seafood may trigger allergy so he indicated all these info as well.
in general, details r as detailed as possible to avoid any mishaps. even if wanna shave, preferred delivery method, bed also all indicated n most impt, he wrote to admit immediately upon arrival at A &amp; E then inform him. very comprehensive so i know i in safe hands
Star > my hubby dun dare to buy diablo.. He still got a bit of autoness in him... He knows once he starts to play he wont be able to stop.

Jen > its good that ur husband gan cheong.. at least u know that he is prepared to cheong anytime.

Kitty > got to check with the new gynae.. some gynae dun take in new patient after they reach certain weeks... because they do not have ur previous records.
JC, ya so tat makes me guilty.
could b he is making all preps for me in case anything happen he is away i am ready as he is always away.
ET, Happy, my gynae n TBU same. Adrian Woodworth. he very fast one. see him each time 1-2 min only. cos super long queue to see him. he more popular than pop star...but i find it disappointing when i am the one highlighting the issue to him n he simply dismiss it. i wondering if he had check on my tummy when i highlighted to him, maybe i could have prevented the bleeding n contraction?

Jen, i tot having the date of admission empty is understandable cos EDD is just an estimated date. n not accurate one.
JC, i better stick to this one. since only left 1 month to go. next time wont use him ler. i guess if i have a no 2, i will also have sensitve uterus?
Kitty> u can check with ur next gynae.. maybe 2nd one wont have?

My gynae just called me back. I finally know what is contractions cos suffering from Braxton hicks now. Glad that he call and I am suffering from LS also.. going to take half day to take med and go home rest.. feeling so unwell with the feeling of keep wanting to go toilet..

Tummy tightening with pulling sensation at V there. he tells me if the pulling sensation n tightening is every hour i got to admit myself liao. my boy is still happily kicking so i doubt so.. he usually dun kick when my tummy is hard... I am thinking to ask my hubby to grab the medicine for me tmr since his lessons is at kovan. I feel so tired thinking of going there then home.

not a bad thing afterall at least i know when to react.

ET : Dun need to feel bad. I think ur hubby is worried cos he is away and if u happen to be having ur contractions he will also be lost! just make it happen this weekend. =)
oh, Dr Adrian Woodworth.
i heard some stories abt him so decided not to c him even tot he operates at SK n much cheaper then my Mt E gynae
his consult very fast, q very long, supplements jus prescribe regardless need or not etc.
but but heard some gd reviews too so is individual.
left 1 mth no pt lah,date of admission understandable but EDD will enable nurses to know instantly how many wks u r in.
nurses need to verified details when u admit, so doing pre-admission with alot of info will reduce the time needed to verify cos u jus need to yes yes yes or no no no
Oh, he and Lawrence Ang are the most popular gynae.. But waiting time super duper long.. I heard they only do for normal delivery, those that is complicated, normally they will ask u go other gynae.

Last time i find gynae just find the one nearest to my place.. lol.. But so far so good, i kinda like him, so went back to him for no. 2..
Hi Ladies, Please see - http://vimeo.com/36206011

Hopes this put a smile on all your faces
ya he is very fast. But he works for me becos he is cool! and i am so kan chiong esp in my first 3 months. And i like the fact i can text or call him. hehee. My hb actually like him and he seems logical and know what he's doing haha. Everytime i ask question, he just cooly answer. I am surprise that works for me i tot i needed someone who is patient and must talk long winded to me hahaha.

The only thing is i think his ultrasound machine not very new hor? Can't make out the ultra sound pics. These days i pick up i was like.. what's that.. hahahaha
@Happy- YEAH whahahahah, i look at the picture aso duno wat is that sia. Thats why i choose him over my initial one. Coz dat time i wanna go for my Korea trip, he sounded very neg. Say if u go anything happen dun come back to me. +_+"""" so in the end i choose Dr A. Coz he say just go and be careful. TEEHEEE
Well at least some of ur hb still will help up. Mine totally leave everything to me. I need to do check list on the bb stuffs. Need to wash them, clean bottles, fold them properly nicely and keep them properly. Make bb bed. Then if can need to sweep floor and do a bit of cleaning at home. Take care of bb full month planning, like ordering of cake, the catering and still have to think of way not to over spend in case he qn. All he do is work , maybe OT sometime, play maj, play games &amp; watch tv. Nowaday even worse, if he is sleepless at night, he will watch video with his ipad next to me through out the night or talk to bb out of the blue in the middle of the night. It was so physically and mentally tired.

Maybe he think now I not working so can throw everything to me so that I won't feel bother and anyhow imagine things.
Jen, ya. He use to be a quite a family guy. Will do housework. But dunno y for this time bb things all he do is play around and leave most of the things to me. That time he even mention to ask me go to the antenatal class on my own as he said nothing much for him. A bit pissed off by his remark....
happy! issit! so coincident, we 3 go to the same class n see the same Dr. ya! out of the so many scan print out, i can only make out 1. the rest.. its like.. simi lai hahhaha.. rush also no need like that mah...

Ya, Dr Adrian is good is pregnancy is smooth. but now i abit sceptical.. i choose him earlier cos its convienent to see him each check up n package is cheap. i did prepare myself for his quick consultation as i read on the forums. but didnt expect to be such bo chap. see how his attitude on my next visit lar. if he show more time to check at least i not so DL anymore.

replied u J~A.
There one session teaching the massage of the back. He just anyhow do also never learn properly. In the end, he tell me just use our massage chair at home to do the job can aldy......

Really want to faint after hearing his remark.
Hazel: If previously he's a family man but now have bb he changed, he's most likely either in a state of "self denial" or maybe he's feeling scared but not good with sharing his feelings. With my hubby, I also need to pry his real feelings out of his mouth at times.

On gynae: I think you get what you pay for ba. If the charges are cheap, most likely one have to wait very long to see the doc and everytime is only see a few mins then very rushed or the equipment at the clinic is pretty old. For me, cos this is my #1, so I wanted gynae who is willing to spend time to explain things to me but still very open to whatever ideas I may have. So I'm seeing Dr Lai. His charges burn a big hole in our wallet (hubby also T_T everytime he talked with his colleagues and compare gynae charges) but to me it's worth it.
Thanks starfantasy and Jen.

Hasn't been feeling well today. My lower tummy has been feeling weak and pain. Even if I lay on bed, it doesn't seen to ease the pain. Dunno wat wrong. Whole body aches too. But I dun have diarrhea. Just headache and a bit of on and off flu. Not sure if it is gastric flu so dun dare to take medi.
hey ladies... were pretty much in the final lap... i havent posted for a while been so busy.... starting to feel nauseous again and fatigue is back with a vengence.

What have you all packed in your hospital bag...?? Im packing mine but not exactly sure what to put in.

Also can i be added to the FB group would be great to see the new babies and hear updates.

[email protected]

Hazel: Then it should be normal magrine, resting should help relieve.
If it gets really bad, then take 1 paracetomol ba. It will help with the body aches too.
Ninger, too bad I missed the ML as she is fully booked until October.
She recommended another ML and I'm considering whether to take up.

Kitty, ya ML advise now not advisable to do pre-natal massage as may stimulate early labour.

Happy, the video is so sweet!
Very thoughtful mummy to knit for the bb..

Hazel, Harmy me too also have headache..with backache..then breathless..
Really can't walk long and can't wait to get home and lie on the bed.
I realise my nausea strikes mostly when taking a shower.
Nikki I think due to bad weather, also maybe we are getting near our EDD so tend to tire and breathless too. I also having breathless and difficult in walking too. As tummy getting bigger. Especially after meal. Sometime have to walk with my hands holding my tummy. LOL....
Hazel, the weather's been unpredictable.. Can be so warm then suddenly rain again.
Few of my colleagues have seen the Dr at least 2 times before they got betta for their flu and cough.
Nikki, ya. These few days I also wake up sweating in the mid of night. Dun dare to on air con scare having flu. But still this morning I still having flu. Sigh... I dunno whether can take flu medicine or not.
Hmm, reading abt hbs i feel abit guilty.. I've been lazing ard and hb's doing all the packing and washing.. He washed baby's clothes, folded n kept them.. And weekly hsehold chores also he doing.. Now im lazy to even wash #1 milk bottles so he does that too,. Not to mention tahan my mood swings and flare-ups, coz this preg my mood quite bad! >.<
Yeah the tiredness is really kicking in... Can't find a comfortable position to sleep in. And my daughter whose 2.5 wants me to carry her all the time.

The weather had been pretty crazy. I think the heat just makes us even more tired.
Hi, I have stop breastfeeding my baby and would like to sell the following items for $500. Free delivery!

Medela freestyle breast pump, milk storage bag, tote bag, and handsfree set (pls purchase your own tubing, milk bottles and breast shields- for hygiene purposes) (original 699) condition 8/10

Mybreastfriend (original $69.90) with 1 additional brand new cushion cover condition 9/10

Brand new contact nipple shield (original $15)

Philips avent breast shells (original original $33.90) condition 9/10

Brand new 2 packets of mummy sacred tea (original $60)

A pair of booby tubes (original $32) condition 9/10

Brand new box of lasinoh breastpads - 60 pcs (original $18)

Brand new  soothies gel pads (original $20)

Brand new Hands free pumping bra bustier (original usd 33)

Free lasinoh milk storage bags and gnc ferungreek pills (80% left)
Hazel, I take the yellow tab Chlorpheniramine whenever I have flu.

The weather is so gloomy.. too lazy to go out.
Feel so guilty to keep #1 at home since going out will be tiring.

Normal days too busy to check on maid's work and told her since 1st day that if anything spoilt or not working have to inform me immediately.
At least if certain things still under warranty can get fixed in time or replaced if we catch any good offers.
Then realised when I saw one of the thermos jug not cleaned, asked her then she told me it's spoilt and hot water does not remain hot in the jug anymore.
Gotta tell her that she has to inform me that it's not working but still have to wash and not leave it there uncleaned.
Next is the fan in my gal's room, the speed is the same regardless of whichever no. buttons being pushed.
Again I have to find out myself! Urghh... Sorry for letting the frustration out here!
Nikki, I do take that flu medicine. But I rem my GP tell that this flu medicine can't be taken if we are in 3rd tri. That y I dun dare to take. Maybe I double check with my gynae in this coming tue check up to ensure.

Ur maid maybe dun dare to tell u, scare u scold her is it? Cos a lot they tend to keep quite till owner find out on their own.
Hazel, didn't know the yellow tab can't be taken during 3rd tri.
Betta that you confirm with your gynae again.

I've never scolded her and always talk to her nicely. Think I spoilt her..
Hazel: eh, my gp say okie to take when i see her for flu few weeks back.

Nikki: sometimes the maid don know the defination of spolit. Like the fan, if still can move means noy spolit. Have to treat them like 3yo and explain everything
Really starfantasy. But that time my GP show me a chart saying a few medicine I can't take during 3rd tri. I think I better double check. If can take then better. So I won't be having flu by the time I deliver. I think that the last thing I wan to worry abt. Ha ha...
Oh next week is my 37 week already. Think can start drink coconut juice rite? Also i think better get my hospital bag ready by next week. But somehow, I got a feeling my bb princess not planning to come out so early.

Hazel: Ya lor, but that was a few weeks back. All I know paracetomol sure can take. On coconut juice, can drink already, have been drinking on and off.
