(2012/06) Jun 2012

jomomm, my gynae also checked internally with an ultrasound scan. Can see a faint line where the incision was made to the uterus. If you feel ok and no pain in that area, means it's healing well. What do you mean by tummy area being hard?

Dear Mummies,

Im also looking for CL. Anyone got good CL to recommend.
My EDD is Mid Oct, but gynae just told me will shift to late Sep c-sec. So my original CL cant make it. Im in a fix now, no CL.

Would appreciate if any mummies can recommend theirs. Thanks.
hi ladies,

how are you all coping with your babies huh?
yeah my baby gal started to try to eat her fist leh..do you all experience this huh?

issit better to eat a pacifier huh? i have not give the pacifier yet leh..
Sunbelle!! Hw old ish ur girl? Mine started sucking her fingers at 2mth plus! Still reluctant to give her pacifier though PD suggests to give. More hygiene I guess. Hmm...
i have no intention to give my boy the pacifier...i worried if i give pacifier he will become dependent on it. i saw at the infant care, a baby (ard 3mth+) was happily talking (baby talk) to himself/mobile hanging from the ceiling. the teacher put a pacifier in his mouth to quiet him down as he was pretty noisy and the other kids were sleeping.

i made it clear to the infant care teacher, no pacifier for my boy. lucky he is quite easier to handle. drink milk, sleep.

the older generation will say "dirty eat dirty grow/big", a little dirt should help to build his immune system :p
Ginger: just like u, I'm against giving pacifier though my hubby & mum in law always try to give when baby cries. Dun think it is gd for gums & teeth leh

My boy also sucking on his mittens. When did u mummies remove baby's mittens?

Nattan: how was ur papsmear results? Mine showed some infections & gynae prescribed antibiotics for me. And need to insert some tablets into vagina daily. How sway. Haiz
Hi Mummies, i am a Aug mummy. Thinking of ending my Confinement lady service. Does anyone have gd cl to recommend? Would appreciate if you could pm me her contact if have.

Thanks alot!
I stopped using mitten when my boy turns 1 mth. It was still very difficult to cut his nails and he always close his hands and nails very small. He always scratches his face, but he also heal very fast, so I didn't cover his hands. Only when I see him poking his eyes then I pulled his hands away.

Now he has grown bigger so easier to cut his nsils and i guess he learns too, there are less scratches on his face now
Sunbelle, my baby also tries to eat his fists. Originally I took off his mittens but realised that he would scratch himself accidentally, so I put them back on. Also, cos his hands would get very cold. I try to trim his nails weekly else they would get too long and also trap dirt.

I'm also reluctant to give the pacifier but there was a time he was latching non-stop and I thought the pacifier would help to satisfy his need to suck (not when he's hungry). But he doesn't like it, so no harm done :p

Kadice, my pap smear result is normal. It's common to get fungal infection...don't worry it will go away soon. Try taking probiotics and yogurt. They help to replenish the good bacteria.
Nattan: nw have to insert the tablets twice daily for a week. Such a hassle.

I think if I remove mittens,he would suck his fists/fingers.
Hi mummies, advice needed on air purifier. I am looking into purchasing an air purifier for our bedroom for my daughter. Am looking into Sharp KC-A50E or perhaps some other brands. Any recommendations?
Hi ladies

Long time never long on here cos been more active on FB.

My girl is now 9 weeks old. She also enjoys sucking her fist and her arm. Drools quite a lot nowadays too. She "talks" alot now and is very interactive. She has been trying to flip for the past week - need to be very careful now when she's on the changing table! I also noticed that she can self entertain for longer periods now - esp with the musical mobile and soft storybooks.

I still let her wear mittens but take them off on and off during the day for her to play. But yeah, really need to trim her nails.

I have also given in to the pacifier but only when she's fussing when she's tired and can't sleep. Other times, she doesn't want it anyway and will spit it out.

Time really flies hor..with the second month over and a routine more or less there, it is much easier now to manage her.
hi smilez, you are right...my gal same age as your gal heheeh
i have let her play in the day so that at night she can sleep longer leh...

yo, nattan, good to hear from you too... yeah long time this thread has become inactive with lesser postings. tink all mums are busy taking care of our new borns..mi oso alreadly used to lack of sleep kinda of tinggy hehehe

smilez, have you brought your gal for 5 in 1 in jection huh? mine oso drools a lot and she plays with saliva too

anyone can advise how come my baby sumtimes vomit milk even thru her nose..pains me to see this scene. tink burping not enuff i guess....hmmhmmm
Hi Mummies,

I am new to the forum and i have just given birth to my boy on the 29 June.Just wondering if u guys are still having the lochia?It been nearly 2 month and i am still having brown spotting,wondering if it is normal to have it for so long?
No it is not normal.if you are sure it is not due to period, please see a doctor, to do a scan. if there are residue blood clot in the womb it will cause problem
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Baby sucking fingers
I read somewhere that it's to prepare them for teething which may occur even few months later (i.e. not necessarily very soon). My #1 popped his first tooth when he was 4 months old.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">How do you do with your baby when s/he is awake in the day? I find that I have no idea and patience what to do with mine.</font>

Mine was from heavy to light to spotting and just recently there is some red in it follow by the brown spotting with on and off of red.how to spot the different bwt it?
I gave birth on 2 June and the lochia lasted 2 months until early aug and then just stopped one day. I went to see my gynae for post natal check and pap smear with little brown spot. My gynae said its individual and common, unless there are infection or blood cot.
Mine are just like yours. From heavy red to brown then spotting, then back to light flow red then brown then spotting then stopped. Do you walk alot? I realized my lochia gets heavier whenever after an outing.
My boy who is almost 11 weeks old are still wearing mittens, especially his night sleep. He scratches his eye during his sleep and got infection. We'll remove his mittens during daytime when we are around him.

I bought a book and it teaches so many things we can do with baby at different stages. I didnt follow at all but a ref on what i can do. I will talk to him, sing to him, read him some stories, let him sit on bouncer play with the hanging toys, takes photos of him, let him lie on his tummy to work on his arms and legs muscle, his alone time talking or play by himself and his nap time is when I get to rest or pumping.

As i am a SAHM,i dont go out unless with my hubby,so i dun walk alot but i does housework and taking care of bb all by myself that which could be equivalent to walkin.But i do realise that whenever i took tonic soup the spotting will be more than usual.could it be the cause of it.

try malay massage. they will help to clear the lochia faster. to be sure you can visit gynae for a ultrasound scan.


you tried cot mobile/play gym?

i bought cot mobile and play gym. they are very good to keep baby entertained. but the novelty wears off when they are older, prob by 4-5 mth. my baby can stare since 1 mth at the mobile turning in circles for an hour or til he fall asleep. he wasnt very interested in the play gym at first by coming to 3 mths, he entertained himself by trying to touch the hanging toys.
Su Lin - I think ur lochia has got to do with ur diet. I too notice that once I stop all my herbs, the bleeding stop. When I was on it, suddenly the lochia came back bright red. Try n see. I stop entirely all herbs when my bb jaundice didn't clear at 4-5wks old, at that time I was still having lochia then after I stop the herbs, can see a lot lesser spotting within 1 day then after a few days no more spotting.

Ladies, I'm down with flu. Passed by bb. He caught a cold few days back when I bathe him then he suddenly poo ALOT! I had to change water n by then tap no more hot water as jus b4, my older kids jus showered, so hot water used up. So bb was naked in a small small tub of not enough warm water. After that he was sneezing the whole nite then drippy nose. 2 days later me n my Maid also Kena. N my older 2 boys seem to start sneezing today. Bb is still on medication.
Cyn here,

Will try to stop taking herbal and monitor the situation..if really still persist,will visit gynea for a ultrasound scan.take care of ur health and to speedy recovery on ur flu.

Thanks for ur advise.
Hello mommies,
I am new in this thread. My baby girl was born on June 29. She is 8 weeks old now.

I'm breastfeeding her, but had to combine with EBM due to the earlier pain I had when I breastfed. Now is better. I find latching and pumping definitely help to increase, if not maintain the amount of breastmilk. I am starting work soon and have been trying to express as much so i can freeze them. I am getting more anxious at the prospect of having to leave home and not be with her during the day.
It makes me sad.

Like some Mommies here, my baby has also started sucking her fist. Mostly at night. Sometimes she gets so frustrated when she can't put her whole fist inside her mouth! Wearing mittens has helped quite a bit, but not totally.

Just wanted to ask...do you mommies still experiencing pain and joint pain? I still do and it is horrible. My wrists are weak and I'm also losing weight. I'm thinner now compared to my normal weight before I was pregnant.
eni: I'm experiencing pain at my spine. Not sure if it is due to epidural. And my wrist seems to be getting weaker think due to carrying baby. Maybe the position not right.

Btw all the mummies here on June fb?i dunno who is who, except those who use their name. Haha
Kadice: I had epidural too. After over 10 hours of labor, I had to "surrender". So far I don't have pain in my spinal. Thank goodness. but I'm not sure about later. But I do ache A LOT. And fingers still swollen

Take care. I hope your pain will subside soon.
hi eni, i oso felt that after epidural hor, i am having backache leh..dunno why but i oso know is due to my bad posture in taking care of baby...

kadice : u are not alone leh...

Smilez : how heavy is your gal now huh? mine is 5kg...yeah happie to see her grow happily...really start to she bu de to leave her to caregiver leh...hmmhmmm......

nattan and priscilla : how are you all getting on huh? moi?
<font color="aa00aa">I also suffer from backache though it's not serious. My gynae had cautioned me before due to my bad muscle tone. She told me to do abdominal exercise like Pilates, else I'll have a big problem in future.</font>
hi mommies and sunbelle, i was told to take hot baths to ease body/back pain. Did a few times, felt relieved for a while, but not for long.

My baby is growing and the last time we weighed her, she was 5.15 kilo. This was 2 weeks ago. Today she is 2 months and 2 days old. I'm pretty sure she is heavier. I can't carry her for so long because of my wrists. Quite sad. Don't know why my wrists are so weak! I can understand if our body and back are in pain because we had to push hard during labor, but wrists??

Kadice, not only my wrists are getting weaker, but they look like they are getting thinner too. Even my fingers are aching. PLUS, the hormones and blues... My emotion can go haywire anytime at anyday.Hope all these aching and pain will subside soon.

Anyway, regardless of the ups and downs and pain here and there, I'm loving motherhood. Sometimes I still cannot believe I have given birth my baby. So surreal.
yeah moi, think backache is inevitable. i went for a tui na session too..felt good but after a day, the pain came back again....hmmhmmm....

eni : i have no time to go spa now to soak cos dun tink can leave baby home alone ..hmmhmmm.....guess is part and parcel of motherhood..like you i have always look at my gal n tink is like a dream heheh a beautiful dream
Kadice, I think many mummies had an epidural (myself included for the c-sec) but having spinal pain is not normal. You should get it checked by a doctor if it persists. I think most likely it's due to constant bending over to carry the baby and bad posture? Try to wear a support for your back and see if it helps?

Sunbelle, my baby is also over 5kg now. Last checked last week at 8 weeks, he was 5.34kg and 60cm long. Already very heavy to me. What are your plans in terms of childcare?

Eni, I'm also suffering from wrist pain and my fingers on my right hand are numb. I went for a session of acupuncture but it didn't help. INstead I felt dizzy after the session! I don't think I want to try it again :p The alternative is taking TCM medication, which I'm not keen on as I'm still breastfeeding.

If it's your spinal giving you issues, do get it checked soon. Like what Nattan says, it should not be painful.


My wrist hurts like crap, it started during pregnancy and feels numb in the morning (some fingers). Doesn't help that we sleep in aircon room cos baby feels hot!

My veins are so visible and i guess my poor wrist is just overworked. Thankfully, I don't need to pat pat and carry my girl to get her to sleep nowadays. Previously, putting her to bed takes like forever and my arms would ache like mad. Now, she can fall asleep after her bedtime feed on her own. Thank god.

It's prob the angle of our wrist when we hold our babies or pet them. I will change sides - sometimes i use my left side to support her head, then next round, I use right side. Just rotate so that one side is not overworked.

I suggest you take calcium supplements. Nursing moms need to replenish their calcium. I am taking calcium, fish oil and Lactagreek (for BM) daily.


I haven't weighed my girl yet but at 6 weeks she was 5.3kg. I am pretty sure she is close to 6kg now coming to 10 weeks.
She's drinking around 6 times a day now. Around 120-130mlm

No leh, my PD says next jab is month 3. So we just follow what he says.

She did her first flip from her back to her front few days ago. I thought it's easier for babies to flip from front to back! Maybe it's a fluke. LOL! I haven't seen her doing that again.

I think the bond with our babies is so special. My hub says, my girl is always looking for me - when she hears me speak, she will turn to look at me (when I'm not carrying her), else she will be crying and fussing and my hub is trying all ways and means to pacify her and when he gives up and pass her to me, she stops immediately and smiles at me cheekily. aiyoh....

Is your girl able to sleep through the night yet?


During baby interaction time, I will usually sing/talk/entertain her. I leave her in the bouncer with soft book on her lap and she can stare and smile/babble non stop. Else I put her on the play gym mat, let her kick and look at the overhanging toys. She has started to swing her arms to hit the toys cos I keep using her arms to do that and it creates noise. I also leave her at her cot - she's very engrossed with her musical mobile and those soft books.

wow! your baby flip so fast! my boy cant even hold his head up properly when he is on his tummy...


i have no back pain at all though i had epidural. maybe it is because my mother cook a lot of "yao zi" (pig's kidney) for me during confiment. like almost everyday. i have no CL and took care of baby since Day 1 yet no pain. guess sometimes old wives tales does work.

soft books

my boy not too interested in the soft book i buy. maybe because i bought the same series as play gym so he kinda bored with the same pattern. maybe i should get other types.


can our baby sit in bouncer if cannot hold head up yet?
Thanks all, would get my back checked if the pain worsen. Coz now it usually happens when i get out of bed.

Soft books: where did u all get those books? Saw in Qoo, wonder if that is the best deal.
I only have a play mat with hanging toys. No hanging mobiles, any websit to get a cheap one?
Smilezz - ur bb flip so fast. How old now? Mine keep lifting his head n turn here n there for v long like a 4mth old bb, ESP when I put him on my chest n he will lift up head n look at me talk to him.

Wrists pain - I don't ve this issue bcos I carry my bb mostly on my shoulder ie upright. All my 3 kids prefer it this way, gd for burping n reducing reflux.

Kadice - me too dunno who is who in fb. I'm cynthia tan on fb n so far I think only Smilezz declare herself on fb, apart fr her, I dunno who is who Liao.
Cyn..Oh u r Cynthia. So those who are here are also on fb ah. Haha. Who is ssmilezz on fb? I didn't even read that she declared:p

i got mine fisher price softbook at groupcow. but i think babyspa got sell those china made ones cheaply.


how to i join the facebook group??

wrist pain

i have bad wrist and finger pain on both hands too. i think partly due to washing of pump and bottles too, having to hold the brush and fingers keep exerting force in the same position.
hi ladies!

Yup yup - cyn is right.
That's me. I replied leh..i said last weekend cannot cos my inlaws are out of town. But I should be going to their place either sat or sun afternoon. I already left your Ergo carrier there.

We confirm via sms the timing on Friday?

I know a few others on FB vs their nicknames here but most are more actively on FB now.


I have the ones from Lamaze? My girl really loves to stare and laugh at the books. I just leave her on the bouncer and prop the books open on her thighs for her to "read". Super amusing to see her stare and laugh as if the book is very so funny. I bring the soft book out and leave it at her feet area (in the pram). So at least my hub and I can have a decent meal while she amuses herself in the pram.


I have been using the Fisherprice bouncer since she was less than a month old. Now I leave it in a slightly more inclined position cos she don't want to be lying down. Erm then again, my girl was quite big when she was born so maybe less delicate to handle.

Cot Mobiles

I think those are useful to keep babies occupied. Best if have music. I hate it that the fisherprice mobile that I use needs to be turned manually. Aiyoh , turn and turn then when stop, baby cries. I go over turn and turn the mobile again. I conclude that anything that can be automated with battery or power is the best. LOL! I even went round searching another musical mobile that can play longer music - so expensive. 40 mins of many different melodies - $150 bucks. Way too ex for a few months of usage.


FB group - just search for SMH june and click join. It's a closed group so need the admin to add you.


My girl is 10 weeks now. She started to arch her back and trying really hard to flip only last week. She managed to roll over from back to tummy and then lie back again on the back. I was shocked to see her neck control too cos earlier on she was still struggling when I place her on her tummy on my bed - only can lift up head for short periods.

I realised that a firmer surface helps. We leave her on the playmat or a firm mattress on the floor and she can really do mini push up and lift her head very high now.

I posted the video today and pic of her with her head up high on FB.

My mom says my girl probably takes after me - I started walking at 10 months so maybe she wants to break my record. LOL!
Ssmilezz: I saw ur video. Like a touching moment. Wonder how u manage to film that..u must be having your camera ready all e time! Haha

Lamaze on Qoo? I go ind &amp; order:p tks! Anyway I dun have a bouncer at home, wonder how he is gg to read that. Maybe have to hold for him.

Btw, that time there was an offer for the ergo carrier here by Petrina right.. Was it a spree or coupon deal? Wonder if have such offers now?
Ssmilezz - oh I JUST saw ur MSG. I think my son must b playing with phone that day when u sent me. Anyway, possible to give me ur hp no jus in case I need to call u? Thanks ya!

So u walk at 10mths, did u ve speech delay? The old folks say kids who walk early talk late vice versa. My #1 walk at 9.5mths n indeed he had speech delay, he started talking only at 3.5yrs old.

Btw, are all of us here (actively in this thread) also on fb? I remember we ve quite a number of us staying at east nearby to each other but I don't see you ladies on fb indicating that. I think many going to start work soon but I haven't go for any meetup yet.
Cyn - You have my hp no right? Erm, didn't we sms each other? :p You need me to drop a sms to you agan?

I will ask my mom if I started talking late. she never mentioned leh....She only told me by my first birthday I was walking all over the place as compared with my 2 younger sisters who walked at 13-14 months.

I don't stay in the East leh..why not post on FB if you keen to meet up. I am quite sure there will be good response. I must say the FB group mummies are really supportive and friendly.


The Ergo carrier was a deal from Voucherwow.

The bouncer that I use has a side arm (detachable) with toys tangling down so what I did was to use a clothes peg to "kiap" the soft book to the arm so she can stare at it to her heart's content. But I do read to her and flip the pages.

I used my iphone to film. In any case, she was just having tummy time on the floor and she decided to arch and turn so we cheer her own. The video which I posted was the 2nd or 3rd time she did it.
Ssmilezz - I know we SMS each other but somehow it shows that they were sent via ur gmail acct n not ur Hp number. I dunno y Le so I only ve ur gmail addy.

Musical mobile - I bought one fr Isetan TINY LOVE brand. They ve 2 type, one is mini one that can b removed n put on stroller since it has 3 type of head the other is the bigger one for bb cot. I bought the mini one at $39.90. I saw the bigger one was on promo $79,90. Both run on batteries.
Hi any mummies sleep train your bb alrdy? I'm currently rocking my bb to sleep..usually takes very long and my arm aches! And many times he wakes up the instant I put him down. And then the whole rocking and walking process starts again...

Hi nattan,

my sis in law will be helping to take care of my baby as she is a baby sitter. furthermore i cannot really find a baby sitter in my estate here....yeah now understand if more help is given, guess more people will bear more kids hahahahah

smilez :my gal same age as yours hehehe
time flies really...
