(2012/06) Jun 2012

Fleurfleur, yeah it's so hot today... i was perspiring in the bus even with the aircon vent directed at me.

BTW, why do you need to peel the red eggs? Aren't they supposed to be given out with the shells on? You can dye with normal food dye available at most supermarkets (Red Man brand), no need to go to Phoon Huat. Be sure to cook the eggs in salt and vinegar before dying so that they can absorb the red colouring, and use a small bowl you can afford to discard if it's stained red.

Hi I was wondering why whenever my mum made red eggs and I peel the red colour always gets to my fingers and if there's a secret way that makes it dry.

The salt & vinegar is something new and will try it.
If we prepare the red eggs one day on advance how do we store them? Air tight container or fridge ?
Fleur, just leave them in fridge. Won't spoil.
U can put egg in plastic bag n smash. The shell will stick together and come out nicely. But usually ppl dun bother abt it.

Nattan, hehs i get all my baking supplies from phoon huat. My plc ntuc very lousy de. So i dunno.
I think fleur talking abt eating time, muz peel..
The salt and vinegar gets rid of the waxy coating of the egg so that the colouring can be absorbed by the porous egg shell. Once the eggs are cooked, you can store them with the shell on in the fridge without container for up to 1 week. If you peeled them, then better keep in an air tight container for a few days only.
Priscilla, what's the difference between rice wine for confinement and normal rice wine you can buy from the supermarket?
Hmm.. I am not too sure.. I think the ingredients to make is wine is diff... Haahaa.. But I don't think got ppl use the rice wine from supermarket fir confinement cooking.. So I think got diff.
Thnks nattan,
Actually was my cousin in law who ask me as she is delivering in sep.. I actually bought "hong zhao" wine as my friend mother make. But she seldom make white rice wine.
Coconut drink, sound nice to me...
Planning to start my first one tmw lunch. I am at 36wk now..
Think they say 2times per wk is ok till delivery..

currently I am inviting a few family with newborn, babies or kids to enjoy our complimentary phototaking session in our Studio. (Located at Trivex, 5mins away from Tai Seng Mrt). 

Any interested parties ? Please email me at [email protected]
How's everybody's baby's weight? My baby was not a very big one yet, 2.2kg at 34+ weeks. Gyane asked me to rest more so baby can absorb my nutrients and grow more.

For full mth celebration, I'm also thinking of Neo Garden cos their food is pretty good even though not very cheap. To save time and effort, I think I'll order all the red eggs from them as well. I'm too lazy to make my own or bother my mother to boil and color the eggs. I'll also order cup cakes with the tier, probably from sweetest moments.
Morning mummies...

Fleurfleur, I'm thinking of starting coconut juice only in week 35, but i like coconut juice, perhaps no harm to drink it once or twice a week from now (week 34) :p
Morning ladies!!
Been a super duper hot weekend. Been trying to chill out more and spend more time with hubby. Went to the pet shop to stock up my dogs’ foods/treats so that I have one less thing to worry about. Will probably start stocking up my pantry with rice/oil/sauces/etc too probably next weekend.
I started drinking coconut water last week actually. Took like 1.5 times last week – realized I didn’t really like the taste of it. But it is quite thirst-quenching given the hot weather. Supposed to buy more over the weekend so that I can drink this week but forgot to do so.
When are you ladies planning to go to the salon to get your hair done before next month?
Hmm – haven’t see Jul around. I hope she’s doing ok after her hospitalization!
Good morning Ladies!
Great Monday
Baby @ 35weeks Head down, placenta up, weighing 2419g

Started coconut water 2 weeks ago
Bought from food fair where they claim there is 2.5 thai coconuts per bottle. So i m taking 1 bottle per week.
Ssmilezz, I probably will go for another hair cut with hubby. It's so warm nowadays, I feel tempted to cut my hair short, but hubby won't like it :p

Petrina, that's good.. your baby is doing well
what brand of coconut water did you buy? My place downstairs is selling Cool brand coconut water at 3 cans for $2.. cheap and tasty so I'll probably buy some to stock up.
<font color="aa00aa">The verdict is out - I failed the GTT and now has to take Home Glucose Test 2 days (thrice per day) per week until next appointment. Just did the first test about an hour ago - result is alright but the needle is sharp. Ouch!</font>
aww.. Moi: have to curb diet then. reduce starch intake and sugary products bah..

nattan: today very happy mood. yesterday first time my hb treat my mom Mother's Day dinner *usually my dad pick up the tab* then hb bought Pink Galaxy Note for me, then today good news

I bought *COCOMAX* Product of Thailand, imported by *POLAR*. Maybe google n see where sells.
Some words in Thai, so i believe it's real thai coconut as stated.
Ingredients - 100% Coconut water, no additives. *not sweet at all. haha*
smilez: i cut my hair 2wks ago le. till a length just nice to tie up into small ponytail w/o touching neck.
also can bun hair if need to. by the time i deliver, shld be slightly longer, just nice

yeah, talking abt Jul, haven't "seen" her these few weeks..

shld we meet up for last meeting b4 anyone pops?? I am keen to take group photo..
i can advance book a weekday evening off.

we reconciled with MIL already..
Petrina: That's a good reason to be Happy
Pink Galaxy Note is the samsung version of Ipad right? If it is then you can happily distract yourself when you are in the hospital

Coconut: Mine was the small young coconut bought from supermarket. On a hot weather drink coconut water is super shiok!

I just had this thought during this Mother's Day season. Its a thought whereby i wonder why is it that 8-9 out of 10 MIL and DIL will either
1. Don't get along well obviously
2. Cordial on surface but in actual fact none fancy each other and are simply more like acquaintances than family
If cut too short, cannot tie! I plan to cut maybe next week when I take a day off from work. Have to really cut it shorter without too many layers so that I can tie a decent ponytail.
Good for you!! The Samsung Galaxy Note is very popular now hor..I see a lot of people converting from Iphone to Galaxy Note.

Happy that your checkup went well. Your girl is of a good size and looks ready to be engaged. YAY!
Oh yah hor, I never thought about buying those canned coconut drinks. Maybe I was worried that there will be preservatives inside. I should go check out the provision shop tonight.
Oh no…when will be your next appointment? Looks like you have to watch your diet closely the next few weeks. Jia You!!
Moi, means you have to cut down on sugary and starchy foods? Try to eat more protein and vege instead since your baby needs more protein to grow.

Petrina, we don't celebrate Mother's Day or Father's Day with our parents. My parents don't seem to appreciate this kind of gestures also, so I've not celebrated it for a long time.

I'm also planning on getting the Galaxy Note. It's not bad.

The Ice Cool brand of coconut water is a Singapore brand but manufactured in Thailand.. But I'm not sure if sugar is added. Anyway if don't drink everyday, it's fine..

I don't know why but I feel so tired nowadays. Maybe the baby's movements and not having uninterrupted sleep is taking a toll on me. My eyes just want to shut...
fleur: Note is phone.. Galaxy Tab is samsung version of Ipad. my galaxy S1 dying soon. last week died 2x.. so i didn't wanna wait for nxt mth when my plan is due to re-contract. since it coincides with Mother's Day, hb decided to buy for me w/o contract. cost is just $100 difference anyway.

I was talking to hb tat since i had it so hard as a DIL, would i be a horrible MIL too? kinda like taking revenge or would I be a super nice MIL so my DS don't get the same trap as my hb is in now.. Will I be compassionate towards DIL since I was ever in her position.
for SIL, it seems easier to please wife's parents as compared to being a DIL pleasing hb's parents..

Smilez: i m samsung fan.. was thinking between S3 &amp; Note. since phone dying, i think fated to get Note..

check out the canned coconut drinks for preservatives. I took Cool brand for #1. cause real coconut way too exp. but since i found this new brand, it's real coconut water as stated. u can try to find the brand i m taking now..
nattan: my MIL dun like festivals too. even birthday also eat normal food at home. just since i had #1, we started cake cutting. so festivals, we'll just give her angpao or gifts that she likes.
She hates dining out. then she is very simple dun like to waste $. i find it harder to please. LOL

my MOM is more of the festival type.. she loves to gather as a family. so every opportunity also muz eat together. i guess cause i'm married out lah. my dad chin chye though.
now i feel sad i can't celebrate my parents' birthdays on actual days. we used to have cake cutting for all members on actual day after dinner. now my brother will video it and send to me on the cake cutting
Ya, I also want to cut to around the same length you mention. Easier la…wash and maintain also good.
So you guys managed to have a nice mother’s day celebration with both sides’ mothers?
Think we only have like 2 weeks more if we want to meet! And maybe some would have popped by end of this month. Dunno how many mummies are free?
I had some traces of sugar level during my last urine test at week 33. Gynae said very low cos only traces but need me to watch my diet too. Unfortunately, I have been eating a lot lately. Always hungry. I have no idea how my checkup on Wed will be. Got to keep my fingers crossed.
Did you get those coconuts that are one small round ball type? I took those.
Actually, I think my MIL speaks to me more than my mum. My MIL is the chatty type and loves to show affections. She will call to chit chat and when we meet, she will be more touchy and showy with her affections. My mom and I more reserved with each other. We hardly talk on the phone. She usually emails me cos she’s still working – to fix up dinner appointments etc. Very funny hor..so formal.
Looks like I need to head down to Raffles City Robinson during lunch. I want to get those Sorella Bamboo panties. Hmm..can probably buy Sumo Salad back for lunch. I like to mix and match their salad. Yumz!!
Re MIL, it's difficult for some cos mothers tend to be possessive and over protective over their sons. This was the case with my late MIL. And it didn't help that she was very money conscious and often hinted to my hubby to contribute household expenses or help out his brother's renovation cost (even when my hubby had his own loans to pay), so that really affected our relationship.

Petrina, how come you cannot celebrate your parents' birthdays on actual days? But personally I feel that so long you have the heart to celebrate with them, actual date or not is secondary.
Is the Galaxy S3 the bigger size one? I have to say Samsung’s display is really nice and sharp. The pics are very clear.
Canned Coconut Water
Yeah – I’m really worried about the canned preservatives. I will go read the labels just to be sure. We went to Cold Storage last weekend but don’t have any fresh coconuts, plus it’s super ex to buy there. The last round I bought from Giant cos there was a sale.
I really feel HUGE lately. No joke lor…sleeping still ok. Baby’s movements are really distinctive and big now. I am really going to miss that.
Don’t be sad about not being able to celebrate on your parents’ actually birthday. It’s the thought that counts right? As long as you call them and talk to them often, Singapore is really small. Can always keep in touch easily. Will your new place be near to your parents’ home?
Ssmilezz, I feel huge too, but can still move around easily. It's just that sometimes when I sit down, I feel my baby moving around inside and it's not very comfy cos his feet will dig into my right side. I agree I'm going to miss having him so close to me now, but sometimes I really can't wait to go back to my pre-pregnancy size!! Any of you feel your eyes get very dry easily during pregnancy? I have to use eye drops to keep my eyes from getting too dry and gritty :p

Re fresh coconuts, I think it's always cheaper to buy from a wet market fruit stall. Cold Storage's prices are usually slightly higher than NTUC, Prime or Seng Shiong.
Young Coconuts bought from NTUC is very nice too! And cheap $1-$1.50!I've started on them 2 weeks ago and yeah, they quench our thirst. I can't imagine doing confinement during June. The weather is too horrible these days!SO HOT!
with the current hot weather, being able to drink coconut is good news!! what's e use of it huh? smoother delivery??

just to share, those w std chart cc can enjoy FREE outrageous sundae at swensens valid only today!
Huhu.. Hubby is in Medan for late MIL 40 days memorial, started yesterday. He'll be back tomorrow morning though..

Last night my #1 slept only at 10.40 even though I bring her to sleep at 9 pm

Then this morning wake up at 4.47 AM and didn't want to sleep again.
So tired today some more lots of work in office
any june mom poped liao?

i got a scared on sunday midnite. i had contraction the whole nite that i cant sleep. i tot i'm going to pop liao. but in the end the contraction went away in the morning and only catch a few hrs of sleep. even till now, i'm damn tired and think my movement ard is uncomfortable at time. somemore my mom going tour for 2wks start tonite. abit scared nobody take care of my boys.
Sorry to intrude mummies

I had overstocked on baby hankies/washcloth and trying to clear them now. It's 100% Cotton Hanky/WashCloth from Korea and good for face and body. I use them for cleaning my girl's face, mouth, and also use it as a drool bib. Even my CL commented its very good as its very soft to the skin and yet very durable, withstanding frequent washing.


They come in packs of 10 at $8.90 each. If you get 3 packs and more, its $8.50. Postage is calculated separately or collection can be arranged.

Please email me at [email protected] if keen.

Do not reply to this PM as I am using my friend's account and she is on confinement now. Don't want to disturb her. Thanks
Morning ladies!

Wow everyones started on coconut, i am still stuck on birds nest with a little of ginseng every morning and cordyceps twice a week.

Will start coconut from my 35week onwards. Cant wait to have coconut juice!

Full Month
Still deciding on either Four Season, Marmalade Pantry or Purple Sage. Anyone has tried them before?

For giveaways might be going with Baby Bliss or Sweetest Moments. Anyone has tried them before as well?
Hi mummies,

does anyone know when Kiddy Palace will have thier 20% storewide sales? Planning to get some stuff but hope to get some good discounts too...

Hee am 35 weeks liao, so gotta start on coconut soon! And yes colleagues have been telling me I look super BIG liao! one even asked if im carrying twins! Faints... Gosh waiting for wed gynae appt to confirm baby's weight...
i've had sweetest moments for #1.. above average reviews =) can consider

haha.. i dunno ehs! gotta check w them.. i dunno the t n c =s.. probably heading over to the airport for it later =))
I have Four Season for full month catering for #1. It's very good. The only problem is their red egg's coloring is not that good. It's very red, and even get inside the egg from the egg shell very badly. (the egg that you eat is very red!)
Btw, their caramel pudding is super nice!
And if you choose prawn, actually you can ask them to de-shell it first. Because otherwise guests have difficulties in opening the prawn shells.

For Sweetestmoments, the red egg is very nicely done. If we open it, the red color doesn't really goes into our hand, and inside the egg shell does not really get the red coloring.
However, I saw they have a new packaging! It doesn't have any ribbon unlike last time. Maybe becoz their price doesn't change since 2 years ago..
nattan/smilez: we dun drive. so if bdays fall on weekdays we can't go over my parents' plc after work since all work. stay too far from each other.
nxt time after we shift house we can le.
we have family tradition to cut cake as a family since birth. i celebrated all my bdays at home on actual day till i turned 21.

Mother's Day celebration
I only celebrated with my mom. MIL dun wanna celebrate. she went out during the day, came home after 6pm. say she eaten. otherwise we'd have insisted she join us. since restaurant was just downstairs. we stay in HV. all sorts of food also have. haha
So hb gave her angpao n I went supermarket to get her fav jam for bread??

Nattan: agree abt possessive part. MIL always hint tat hb discuss things with me and not her. but she failed to realized tat she was the person so involved in earning $ she made my hb a super independent person since 21. so naturally he dun discuss things with her lor..
She also insist hb help BIL with future expenses after we move out. which i find is ridiculous! So hb n MIL had 3hr thrashing out. now seems everything is ok le. dunno what they discuss cause my hokkien sucks

Full Month
gonna get Neo Garden as usual. Sweetest Moments giftbox for guests if i have budget. Otherwise will be like #1, DIY.

Tummy Size
i didn't grow much in external tummy size. maybe i m big size, so tummy not extremely obvious. unless i wear tight fitting clothes which I try to everyday.
Maternity wear dun do credits to my body!

hopecg: Sundae can takeaway??
I m eating shilin mee sua &amp; coconut water for lunch
groovy: maybe the four season eggs they put too much salt/vinegar when cooking. so the pores r very big, the red colouring went into the egg.
sweetest moments egg is nice. agree
haha.. was telling groovy that i'm not sure if can take away wor.. better check w them ba.. but take away ice cream not weird ar? not like it's alr in tub kinda lo?

full mth
i plan not to do a full mth at all.. will be too tired out by then i think.. not keen in getting too many pple at my hse all at one time.. can't really mingle much.. prob just date a few close cliques to come over at different times to check the bb out.. hehe.. any mummies planning to do the same?
Hopecg, the StanChart deal requires you to show the merchant a coupon from their "Good Life" iPhone App. I don't have an iPhone so too bad for me :p I don't think can takeaway.

I'm planning to have 2 sessions for full month celebration. One at my parents' place for relatives (mini buffet) and another more casual one (BBQ or buffet) at a chalet since my flat is small and cannot accommodate so many people. But I guess see how.. depends on my energy level also... I may have these plans now but may not carry out later when I'm too busy and tired taking care of the baby :p

Adeline, I've tried Purple Sage catering before (normal buffet, not for full month). Their food and presentation are quite good, but they are very costly.

Petrina, my parents don't really celebrate my birthday, but we still celebrate my dad's birthday. For me and hubby, our birthdays are 4 days apart so we usually celebrate sometime in the middle, just go for a nice meal and exchange a small gift. Maybe next time when baby is here, we will have more reason to celebrate.

Re MIL, I think some mums feel that sons need to provide for the family even after marriage? Somehow they don't have so much expectation from daughters :p Anyway, if your BIL is working then why must your hubby help with his expenses? In our case, I was very pissed when MIL told my hubby to help out with BIL's reno. It's very unreasonable since he's working as an engineer then, earning more pay than my hubby and living in a bigger flat (an EA). It's as if my hubby don't have his own study loan and home and reno loan to pay... I flatly rejected and told my hubby we will not contribute a single cent. After that whenever his parents came to our place, I'll hide in my room or stay out till they're gone. Really pissed me to see them esp my MIL lo..
Breastfeeding Qn: Is it ok to latch baby in the day and at night let hubby feed baby using expressed breast milk from a bottle?

Yes its the small coconut bought from supermarket one. then crack the top and put in straw and drink.

Sorella Bamboo : I like the material very comfy and per piece i think costs $3+ so even if we stain and throw will not feel sayang.

I guess my case is my mum is the friendly, gives freedom and not the naggy gossipy kind.

I maintain a cordial and respectful rs with my MIL but throughout the dating days and wedding prep i didn't appreciate that she wld complain unnecessarily to her daughters.

Anyway she treats her 3 daughters and their kids very well and but for me i am always treated like a guest.

It's just tough being nice to her (previously) like how i treat my mum only to be treated this way. So now i actually dread having to be around during family gatherings (if there is any)like CNY reunion etc. So maybe when it comes to having to be a part of Mother's Day i find it emotionally stressful
Red Eggs
If we were to make our own red eggs the day before and keep in fridge i am concerned that when we take out for the full month celebration, there will be condensation and the colour will run to the fingers.

If we prepare the night before and don't keep in the fridge will the eggs spoil?

I wonder how Sweetest Moments can do theirs until don't stain on our fingers.
Is the Galaxy S3 the bigger size one? I have to say Samsung’s display is really nice and sharp. The pics are very clear.
Canned Coconut Water
Yeah – I’m really worried about the canned preservatives. I will go read the labels just to be sure. We went to Cold Storage last weekend but don’t have any fresh coconuts, plus it’s super ex to buy there. The last round I bought from Giant cos there was a sale.
I really feel HUGE lately. No joke lor…sleeping still ok. Baby’s movements are really distinctive and big now. I am really going to miss that.
Don’t be sad about not being able to celebrate on your parents’ actually birthday. It’s the thought that counts right? As long as you call them and talk to them often, Singapore is really small. Can always keep in touch easily. Will your new place be near to your parents’ home?

hahaha.. really wanted to take away. Something like if we order ice cream cone one lah :p. Don't really care if melt on the way home, anyway it's free..
Becoz if need to queue to get a seat is not possible this time
. If only hubby is around..
