(2012/06) Jun 2012

Nattan: Same lor. With the air-con on i dun need blanket but hubby all curled up under blanket. When he went to work this morn he turned off the aircon and on the fan for me. In the end couldnt sleep coz too hot and I was sweating.

Adeline: Mabbe you wanna try cat curls also. I tried it over the weekend and my back felt better, but when doing it I would feel the tightness of the muscles in my back. Gonna do that again tonight.

Not much complaints. Just heard that occasionally, expecially when my nose is congested that i will snore.

Higher sensitivity to dust and rashes!

The Pain is worse then back aches or Pain. This has brought me to s new level of pain before labour.
Adeline: Sounds like you have similar issue as me. Each step i take my leg hurts. I saw one old AH MA even walk faster than me now. So i can't even say i am walking like an Ah Ma.
How come its 4 day week for u?

I am still having calf cramps but its nothing compared to my pelvic pain
seems like the 3rd trimester syndrome is kicking in for almost everyone, not only me alone. i thought something is wrong with my body. just feel wierd and unwell. hopefully can have a good night sleep tonight..still long week ahead..
Beef Lasagna from pastamania for lunch.
Yummy but seems my baby dun like. Just finished and feeling pukey already

Breathing very deeply these days. as if my nose is blocked. gonna take 40winks b4 restarting my work engine

so sad.. beef lasagna no fate with my tummy. all came out liao
Leg cramps/ Swollen feet - My legs are most elevated at home and during sleeping. Must keep reminding myself to drink more water to avoid water retention.

Drypers craftable memories - I just signed up for this. Anyone else going?

Pelvic pain - My inner thighs feel sore when i turned at night. Sometimes the sore just continued to morning and affect my walking. The sore is related to pelvic pain right?

Baby books - Found this website. The price for the board books seems cheap. They have some cloth books as well. I'm still hunting for good lobang. http://www.noqstore.asia/default.aspx
Aiyoh, hope u are feeling better now that you got rid of the lasagna in your system. Looks like you will be hungry later leh..
Bought Chicken Don rice for lunch…had popiah add on and one fruit juice. Just finished my ta-baoed lunch, going to start work soon. I hope that knock off time comes soon.
Seems like most of us are starting to feel fatigued at this point. Phew…next week will be the 1st of May! Yikes…I wonder who will pop first in our thread. Hmm…
@Xiaowei I tried Cat-Cow curls but it just make me very giddy lifting me head up and down.

Just came back from lunch. Damm weather is super warm and humid.

Think its gonna be like this when we have our confinement. Gonna have the aircon on the whole day since we can't use the fan.

Postponed my maternity shoot to the 1st week of June since my EDD is on the 20th.
smilez: not too good still.. the smell is still irritating me. drinking ice water to chase the smell away

i not hungry now. see later bah. i think i wanna eat ice cream more than food.
Just had lunch... fried fish with sambal, fried egg and rice, plus teh peng. Feeling sianz today... thinking of watching movie with hubby after work. Should I watch Battleship, Cabin in the Woods or American Pie Reunion? :p

Fleurfleur, you can get a air purifier to put at your desk? I have 1 and it does help a little to clear the air.

Petrina, think the beef lasagne sounds heavy...maybe your tummy can't take so much rich food at once.

Jolene, for the back curl exercise, you don't need to raise your head up and down. You just need to move your back only - arch it and then relax, keeping your eyes on the floor ahead of you. Of course you'll feel giddy if you keep moving your head!
@nattan - You need to do the Cat Cow post. Curl in and out to balance the movement of your back. Else it just do the pelvic exercise. You can do while you are sitting down too.
Jolene: Ya need to tuck the chin the neck when curling in and stretch the head out when curling out. Works for me, but if it makes you dizzy then better dun do it.
Jolene, huh? I know how to do the cat-cow (or cat-camel as they call it in my antenatal class). I don't have back pain.. you must have mistaken me for someone else with back pain!
Oh mummies you have got me all excited over cloth books, they look so cute on GMarket. Any seller you would recommend? The best seller seems to be the angelshop.

But it says can start when baby is 6months old. A bit kiasu to get them now hor.. But never mind can use these colourful cute and colourful books for manterity shoots. Hahaha
Asrias: Ok will google what cat curls exercise is all about.

Fleur: Yup if i tell Dr Chan he will tell me i should be exercising more. Hehe.... Oh well better start exercising and swimming from tomorrow as tonight i have my massage till 8pm.

I have a 4 day work week as i am taking Friday off for this week and Monday off for next week, so i would have a 5 day break in between this week and next. So next week i have a 3 day work week! YaY!! I really need it seeing how my back is aching.....arghhh.... not lovin the feeling.
I recall one mummy was asking about it so ... for your information:

Cash Gift
You will get a cash gift of up to $4,000 each for your 1st and 2nd child

Matching Government Contribution in Child Development Account (CDA) for children eligible for Baby Bonus
The CDA is a special savings account that you open at any OCBC or Standard Chartered Bank branch

You can save in the CDA any time until 31 December in the year your child turns 12 years of age.

The savings will be matched up to the cap of $6,000 each for the first and second child, The Government will match your savings in the following month.

The savings in the CDA may be used to pay
1. fees for all your children who are attending Approved Institutions registered with MCYS under the Baby Bonus Scheme.

These include child care centres, kindergartens & special education schools registered with the MOE or the Council for Private Education (CPE), and early intervention programmes registered with the National Council of Social Service (NCSS) or the Centre for Enabled Living (CEL).

2. The CDA savings can also be used to purchase MediShield or Medisave-approved private integrated plans for all your children and pay for all your children’s medical-related expenses. These would include consultation fees, treatment fees and prescription costs incurred at healthcare institutions.
Adeline: Remember pregnant mothers cannot swim breast stroke. It will aggravate the pelvic k.

If your pelvic hurts more you should only do pelvic exercises and if walking hurts do not walk too much because it will worsen it.

Shiok!!! 4 day and 3 day work week!!!!
@fleurfluer - I have been swimming using breast stroke for the past 3 months leh. Do you mean mommies with pelivc pain? But so far swim has alleviate my back pain, I guess.

Have just been reminded of 1st May. I am so looking forward to May Day, wonder if I should take off on the 30th to bridge on weekends. Hahaha. Hands up for those who are doing so!
Fleur: I have been swimming back stroke, more like floating i guess. I also thought we should not do breast stroke for swimming. So i just didnt swam that way but if it does help with the back pain as what Jolene said, then i might just try it.

Jolene,both my hands are up! Taking this Friday and next Monday! DH as well....so more alone time for us.

Mac’s ice cream sundae? :p
Battleship seems good leh..I haven’t watched a movie in months!! I think when the baby comes along, it’s even harder to go watch a movie unless we can get someone to help us watch her.
I don’t have much energy to go back after work usually. Like to head back home for a simple dinner – rest awhile, then do some chores or maybe do some exercise or relax the night away.
I have a couple of cloth books too. Some in colors and one in black and white. My hub says can leave the black and white ones at the side of the cot as baby will be attracted to monochrome black and white items initially. Bought them at the baby fairs. I did come across the seller you mentioned in Gmarket but I didn’t feel comfortable buying as I don’t think they are genuine Lamaze toys and I’m worried if the baby will end up putting into mouth next time. Actually, if you buy online from US, it is quite cheap too when there are sales. I bought some directly from US at US$2-3 bucks on sale and with shipping, I think each toy maybe less than S$10?
ssmilezz, I was thinking of watching Battleship but my colleague said it's not very good.. a lot of loop holes in the plot and the story is predictable. I'm interested in Cabin in the Woods but wonder if it's too scary... Maybe just go and watch American Pie for brainless comedy or just have dinner and hang out with hubby. I really treasure these last few months of couplehood :p Dunno how we can find time to enjoy time together after baby arrives and the thought is a bit depressing to me...

Petrina, maybe you should hold off the ice cream if you're having tummy ache... have some warm water instead.
i am taking off on 30th!! hoping to take the rest of next week off too since its a short week then can rest.

need to go dentist for tooth extraction tml cos one tooth causing me great pain..hope everything will be safe for my baby. did x-ray (mouth) on sat,and dentist provided the vest which is suppose to block out xrays.

the breathless problem is getting worse..my heart starts to beat really fast after standing for 10mins. need to sit down and get a drink. any mummies experience this?

baby kicks
sometimes i hv this vibration from my tummy. wonder if its the baby? any mummies experience this?
babies bellies
went for the trial massage on sat. its really shiok although only an hour. i was having a bad headache that day, otherwise would hv enjoyed it more. the masseur managed to target all my aching parts. i m seriously considering them for post-natal massages..any mummies booked with them?
@babybellies Me me I go to baby bellies once per week. I am thinking of visiting them more often as my EDD draws nearer.
Paid a $100 deposit for my post natal already.

One thing is that they would sometimes end the massage a lil earlier, say 10 mins or so
For those with pelvic pain, are you refering to the pubic bone? If yes, then you must sit down to wear your underwear and pants. Cannot stand to do that. Hold the railing when you go up the stairs. Put your butt in the car seat first before moving your legs in. Use your arms to support you when you get off the bed. I had the pain few months back. Doing the above helps to alleviate the pain.
Prettibride, you may experience breathlessness if you are low on iron. Do you take iron supplements? Then again, could be because the baby is pressing against your diaphragm so it's harder to breathe properly.

Re baby kicks, ya I get some vibrating feeling sometimes.. could be the baby hiccuping or kicking.
Pelvic pains: I had them in my 2nd tri, after I did a few times of the pelvic tilts it went away.

Breathlessness: I don't get breathless while walking or standing. But I get it when i'm lying down at night and the braxton hicks starts. So weird.
The website I bought from was babyhaven.com. There was a sale going on maybe a few months ago I think. Bought a couple of toys from there and the shipping directly to SG was still quite reasonable. Yup, B & W is supposed to be more effectively, so I did get maybe 2-3 B & W toys.
Monitor your tummy pain – dunno if it’s gastric related? Since you vomited out your lunch? Do drink more fluids yah?
Are those vibrations hiccups? They should feel like very rhythmic throbbing and go away after awhile. You can feel the throbbing when you put your hands on your belly. I had that yesterday – it was really kinda strange feeling.
True, try to spend as much time as you can now with your hubby. One on one time is very precious next time. I really hope I can juggle my time well.
Else just go and have a nice dinner also good. No need to specially watch a “not so nice” movie.
jolene, how many days package did u take? the lady told me post-natal massage have to be everyday..then it means we have to shower everyday cos its so oily after the massage. that's why i'm still contemplating.

nattan, nope, i am not taking iron supplements. in fact i skipped the pills long ago. prefer to rely on natural foods.

xiaowei, i feel out of breathe at nite too before i sleep..so i need to either adjust position or sit up for a while. it helps.

smilez, they dun really feel like hiccups..more like something shaking with you..but only for a short while then it starts again. i can practically feel my baby changing his position now whenever i press my hand on tummy. really wierd but funny sensation.
@prettibride - ermm I forgot already but it's the most basic one. You can still bath with they herbs and all ba. June weather will be terrible. Just as long as you dry yourself properly and blow dry your hair should be ok.

@mommies I am thinking too far ahead. But I think of we should start looking out and make our bookings if we intend to have our baby first month outside ya? My parents and in laws stay at the farthest ends of singapore - Jurong and Bedok. Am thinking if I should hold two showers.
Hi mummies,

Went for my gynae appt today, baby is 2.2kg now at 33wks.
Baby head is down.
Gynae also did a test today. Take some sample for the vaginal, I guess is to test for any bacterial ba.. Have to wait for 1am for result. Hope every thing is fine..
Priscilla, that's good news... you're getting closer to the end... jiayou!

Managed to go to Carrefour this evening and bought the 5-tier plastic drawers, laundry detergent, cotton wool and other miscellaneous items...That's one more thing settled and then can finally do my laundry and packing
Woke up with super bad right side hip pain. Didn't get good slp though i went to bed early ard 10pm.
Kept tossing n turning left n right. Then recalling avoiding slping on my back. I think i woke up every hr or so.
Now sitting on the bus it hurts badly.. Standing is ok. But oncei walk, it hurts.
there's a 10% off on bookdepository.com on now.. saw that some are concerned about buying board books, felt books etc.. perhaps can check them out =)

the baby bellies accept preggies till week? cos my massage only allows preggies till wk 32, so can't go more often as edd comes earlier wor.. tho would've loved to!
i woke up multiple times last night though I slept early.feel damn uncomfortable and i think im catching a flu.

i feel pain on my lower abdomen when i walk..anyone experiencing that? dunno if I should call gynae and ask or wait till checkup on sat
@hopeg found this on the web

Q: Do I have to stop receiving massage close to my due date?
A: You may be relieved to know that in most cases it is safe (and beneficial!) to receive massage up to your due date and beyond. Many women schedule a session on their due date so they have something to look forward to if they have not yet gone into labor. A massage is a great way to prepare your body for the experience of giving birth. Women on bed rest should receive modified massage, (very light pressure on extremities and no abdominal massage) and you should always consult your doctor if you have special circumstances.

@All my friend got a 2 in one stroller + car seat too. Not recommended as the car seat is actually quite heavy and it is quite a hassle to load and unload the car seat into the stroller
My colly suddenly went into labour yesterday afternoon.. hehe
i m in pain. aww... my right back pelvis is hurting !@#$%^&*
Feeling nausea since yesterday afternoon. didn't eat anything since 4pm yesterday.
this morning bought soya bean drink n bread. feeling pukey again.

dare not eat my prenatal pills this morning.
thanks jo for sharing! unfortunately the spa doesn't allow beyond wk 32, so gotta suck thumb and stick to their policy =(
<font color="aa00aa">snowdoll,
It may be baby pressing down on your pelvic. If you're worried, you can call your gynae.

Re: Car Seat Travel System
Some of my friends find it really useful as there is minimal disturbance to the baby (esp. when s/he is sleeping) while "transferring" from one place to another.</font>
Morning mummies...

I'm also feeling flu-ish this morning
Woke up many times throughout the night due to blocked/running nose and the humidity. Kept turning on and off the aircon as it caused my blocked nose but it got too warm to sleep... Really hope I don't fall sick again.

Petrina, maybe your baby is pressing down or turning and pressed a nerve. I had pain around the tummy last night but it went away. If your pain persists and you feel nausea, better get it checked by your doctor.

nattan, im having the same problem as you. sudd woke up in the middle of the night with runny nose. kept sweating...then when i turn on the fan, flu got worse. have to change the fan's direction. nvr really slept since 345am..gosh
