(2012/06) Jun 2012

Jul: itchy hands eat something, *kiao kar* and watch tv!! surf fb, play games.. everything do on bed lah..
ur #1 go CC or school? u'll have the whole house to youself.. dun touch anything that need strength ok??

Nail Polish
I also use OPI for years. But i am always skeptical when products claim they dun have toxins. So during pregnancy, best to avoid if you can bear with it. Cosmetics I also stop. Skincare i do bare minimum. I started on Tea Tree oil from body shop that kills pimples within 2days. so once i see or feel bumps coming out, i'll faster apply. Wash face more often.
I only use Loreal Youth Code Essence once a day and exfoliate during shower once a week.

Ssmilezz, antenatal class is definitely not necessary. I just wanted to go and take a look. The exercise class by the physiotherapist are quite useful though. I guess if you read a lot on your own, then it's not necessary to attend.

Petrina, I cannot don't wear make up else I'll look so tired! Anyway, if really want to stop should have stopped during 1st trimester when the foetus was a lot less stable. Now seems a bit late la..
Thanks again, ladies
You all know me so well, keep telling me to control my itchy backside haha


No1 goes to 3h presch. But he'll go to MIL's after sch, so I have the whole day to myself. Else really cannot rest leh. He's noisy, super active & very cheeky. Make me physically tired & mentally pek chek! How to relax the uterus like that???


Hmm.. impt thing is u trust your gynae right? In that case, just follow his instructions. less stress to yourself instead of keep second-guessing, or having thoughts of not following. Dun worry so much abt the weight lah. Weight is just an estimate & may be +/1 by quite a bit! Impt thing is u dun stress yourself or make yourself depressed. That's the worst thing for your baby. Come here & rant lah.

Now I'm on hosp leave n cannot backside itchy, I have plenty of time to be your listening ear heehee
actually since preg with #1 i reduced cosmetics. then post natal it took me 1yr to restart as i feel baby is constantly with me, wanna snuggle with baby. so i don't want cosmetics on my face to contaminate baby.
then as time goes by, it became just liquid foundation with SPF + blusher.
so it's easy to totally stop with #2 pregnancy.
for cosmetics, i dun really bother much abt it.. love buyin them.. but can do without also.. haha! too lazy to make myself up.. esp aft having #1! can't be bothered even w those BB cream/foundation/moisturser.. feeling guilty.. cos aging fast nw! =s
Any mummies attend pre anatal classes at nuh before?

I just did my first mani pedi 2 weeks back since im pregnant thinking now stable just trim n pamper myself. Going again next week which might be my last session but not going to paint nails colour!

Me also went to cut my hair short but stylist say no chemicals ( rebond or colour) wait till deliver.. Only did hair dye during cny.

I cannot live without make up too with my dark cycles!! But did cut down since preggy. :p

Any mummies have the to pack for hospital list?

Anyway, is it only when im hospitalized during that 2 to 3 days den i can register my baby name at the hospital? Else i must go to ICA building? Coz i will want to count my baby date n time of birth for chinese name before i register but 2 days very rush!

Also the baby bonus kit: do i need any forms ready before birth?
cleopatra: u can send ur hb to go get the name based on time n date of birth.
my *master* say just call him will do.. haha
we already visited him last month to inform him on EDD and gender. he gave our #1 his name too. very fast 5min he thought of a name liao after info given to him.
Then when ur baby come back hospital for 1st week review, you can register your baby's name then. don't need those 2 days.
Haha Jul... so bored home alone huh... borrow DVDs to watch la. I'm also very bored in the office... but some of my colleagues are so sweet. My Malay colleague went to BKK for recce last week and bought me 3 rompers in different sizes. Very cute and they are the button down type so easier to let baby wear.

Re preschool/childcare, I found a YWCA childcare centre near my place. They offer playgroup, N1/2, K1/2... When is the right age to start playgroup? I was thinking of letting him go when he is 12 mths old. My hubby says he'll have separation anxiety! Haha.. ;p

hopecg, cleopatra, I'm also lazy to put on makeup sometimes, but I still do it cos I think it's important not to look like a "huanglianpo" esp now when we're entering motherhood! Certainly don't want people to say I "let go" after having kids :p Anyway, I think cosmetics are ok cos they don't get absorbed into the skin. I don't wear lipstick though cos I don't like to taste it when I eat. I feel that the only people who don't have to wear makeup are the SKII models cos if you have flawless skin like that, you're qualified not to wear anything on your face ;)
Adeline: This is also my 1st child. I told hubby of what the gynae said but he asked then how are we supposed to know how to take care of the baby etc? I have not had good sleep last night with my hubby's snoring sound. I think he is going to fall sick too although he assured me he will not.

hopecg: hehe, I am afraid of boredom & would rather laze at home whenever I can as I walk alot at work.

Nattan, fleurfleur & ssmilez: I am considered rather tall at 1.72m. My hubby is about 1.75m alhough I told him he is shorter than me. LOL

Petrina: I also gained 3kg the last visit before yesterday's visit. Yesterday measurement was 2.5kg heavier so it's about 5.5kg within 2months.

Jul: Rather skeptical about his words as previously, I think he mixed up of baby's weight. I checked out the hospital rates at KKH yesterday. Hubby kept saying go for c section rather than try for natural & in the end cannot, then have to go for c section & it would then cost higher.

I am going for hair treatment & cut before delivery in June. Other than that, I dont even apply toner to my skin although I just loved buying cosmetics & skincare products. However, I notice that I have more wrinkles around my neck & collar bone after pregnancy. Looks horrible but I guess there is nothing I can do now
<font color="aa00aa">I think the minimum age for independent playgroup class is 18 months where most kids should know how to walk and eat snacks themselves.</font>
Mrs Kang / Cleopatra: He is located near Queen's street directly opposite the chinese temple.
His is the last stall along the hawker centre railing.. Master Huang
He charges $36 per name. He usually gives 2 names for us to choose. Different meaning with similar strokes. So it depends how u want your child to turn out, then u choose the name.
Usually we'll take the first name he give cause it's quite good already.

best to go see him first. he can actually give a name based on edd. but if u want to csec or exact 8 characters then u tell him. so he'll ask u to call him upon birth.

Make Up
maybe my hb too used to me not putting make up. when i do, he'll say like monkey backside.. haha
But i like it when i put full make up for events. though it takes me abt 1 over hr to finish the whole routine.
my hb dun like me to put make up. he doesn't like the look or feel.
Zo, for your height, nothing to worry about la.. you can afford to put on a bit more esp if you are in your ideal weight range (according to BMI calculation). One of my friends gained 17kg and she's petite. She managed to lose all her weight gradually after giving birth naturally. But if your baby gained a lot of weight suddenly then that's something to be concerned about.

Moi, oh.. didn't know 18 mths is the usual age cos I did a search on MCYS website based on the area and age (12 mths), and they came up with this centre as one of the options.

Petrina, hehe.. maybe your hubby's taste is more natural look? So long he's happy and you happy, then ok la
nattan: i asked hb b4.. he say he wanna see the same woman immediately upon waking up and during the day. Some woman look pretty horrendous w/o make up cause we have never seen them w/o b4. so my hb say he don't want shocks. haha
i say he siao lor.. go out muz be pretty. then he say he ok can liao. so pretty for what! LOL

18mths is for CC. 4mths up is for IFC. so when u put 12mths, i think it's for centres with both facilities..
Is good to stay home rest when u have the chance. Nothing to do, take nap lor..
I just wake up from nap also, becoming very tired these days..today I woke up at 10am, drink 1 Milo. Take nap from 1230 tp 2pm. Heating up my lunch now..after lunch nap again.. Hahahaha..
Some more with the weather outside. Better stay indoor.
Petrina: Same! My hubby also prefer my natural look without makeup. But these days would look listless if I dun put makeup to go office. btw, u mentioned about 1st week check up after birth. Thought confinement period cannot go out? I didnt know we have to bring baby for checkup so soon...

Nattan: This week is your office retreat huh? then u would have the whole office to yourself
)) free &amp; easy
Petrina, ok.. my hubby has seen me without makeup since I didn't wear makeup while schooling. But since I started wearing makeup after starting work, he thinks I look better, so I just continue lo..

Priscilla, are you on MC or HL also?

Kadice, the retreat is next week. When that happens, I probably won't be in the office at all! Whole office would be shut down and I'll just "work" from home.. hehe. BTW, yes there's a check up for baby about 1 week after birth to check if he's doing ok. If your baby has jaundice, he'll be staying at the hospital or you can take him home, but bring him back to hospital everyday for the UV treatment, which was what my friend did.
nattan: nice to know there r couples out there dating more than 10yrs.. hehe
anyway i think most wives dress/make up for their hubbies.. so if your hb like it then btr do it. haha
my hb like me dress nice. he doesn't like me to wear chin chye though i mentioned it's more comfy. so during weekends, i try to dress up for him. which is weird since weekdays i chin chye wear to work then weekend dress nicely.. haha
Petrina, ya.. we've been together over 15 yrs, married for about 10. Now you can guess my age! Yes most wives dress/make up for their hubbies. I do it willingly since I'm a bit vain also.. haha ;p Furthermore, my hubby still looks boyish, so I definitely don't want to look older than him! I only wear chin chye at home and during weekends, except when we go out. But most of the time, he's in t-shirt and jeans :p
nattan: wow.. first child after 10yrs! i dated my hb for 8yrs then get married.. got #1 immediately..
I'm glad my hb looks older than me.. haha abit ah pek.. keke. so i look more girlish when we stand together..
Hi nattan,
I am kind of self employed..so no MC or HL. How I wish can get paid if MC..or ML, ML also no salary.
Getting lazy these days, don't feel like going to work at all.. But still have to work at times, if not no $$ to feed baby. A lot of commitment.
My makeup regime is very very simple one..almost like no effort. Just some liquid foundation to even my skin tone – draw my brows – some blusher. That’s it. Can go out liao….weekends lagi worse, don’t put makeup at all..and tie up hair plus pin my fringe. :p
I wish I was at home now ….feeling very nua but yet a lot of work piling up at work now. My boss is on compassionate leave so need to cover. Hope to tio a lot of unnecessary arrows.

Guess what? I dated my hub for 10 years too and we married on our 10th year together. Now, been married for 6 years now….also long time pa tok…hehe
Pris: u can get 1mth ML from govt. just apply after ur deliver.
they use ur YR2012 assessment to average out ur monthly and pay you in cash.
Petrina, originally I didn't want kids. My hubby loves kids though. I guess after becoming a Christian, I gradually changed my mind about having children.

Priscilla, what do you do? At least you get to work from home so if not well, can just rest. just take it easy if you feel tired.

Ssmilezz, dating 10 yrs is pretty long. I guess in Sg it's necessary cos of the high cost of living, many couples need to save up for a longer period of time before settling down.
I in property line.. So mostly need to go out when got appt.. If not, sometimes afternoon just drop by office to do paperwork.
Nowadays become very lazy lor..

Petrina, lucky no cap, if not, not enough to cover my 1month expenses.
Nattan: Wow Together for 15 and married for 10!
ssmilezz: Dated 10 yrs married 6 yrs so total 16 years.

You ladies are long marathon runners here! For me we dated for errrm 4 yrs then married for 2 yrs BUT we are not very young hahah ... in our 30s so better start since HB loves kids.

Make Up
HB has no pref on whether i use or don't use. My daily makeup regime is just tinted SPF and BB cream followed by powder. Concealer for dark circles and pimple scars (if any) and draw eyebrows.
Only on special occasions then i will add mascara

Used to dress up during dating days and realised HB doesn't really notice or care if i dress up more or casual. Anyway on special days i will still bother to dress up. Now preggy alot of clothes cannot wear so what i wear is basically what i can FIT in.

Fat Butt
So sad ... colleague noticed that my butt is bigger than my tummy!!! Don't know wat to say. Its a fact and i cannot deny just sad that i have a Fat Butt. I wonder why cant the fats go to my tiny breasts?? U ladies reckon after we give birth it will go away?
SMS hubby to tell him and he said it looks the same to him but even with or without makeup to him also same unless i extremely Wayang makeup then he will notice.
Zo: Do you have a CL to help you during confinement?
Thats where DH and i will learn from her after paying her so much however i have experienced from taking care of my younger brother when i was 12,i know thats a long time ago.
I believe it will all come back to me.
DH and i have been reading up as well to mentally prepare us.
Priscilla, oh.. that's good then. Being a pty agent gives you a lot of flexibility. But it must be tough going out to meet clients when you're pregnant?

fleurfleur, will be together 16 yrs this yr too, so same as ssmilezz
We're also in our 30s. But I don't regret waiting till now to have kids cos I wasn't mentally prepared a few yrs ago.

Re makeup, actually it doesn't take me more than 10min. I use toner, SPF moisturiser, concealer (for my panda eyes), pancake, blusher, eye shadow, mascara and sometimes eye liner. Sometimes pluck my brows a bit. I don't use lipstick cos I don't like to taste it when I eat.

Aiyo.. everyone's butt increase la.. so don't care what your colleagues said! Just make sure you control your diet and exercise after delivery and you will slim down again
I still put makeup everyday. My husband also say me, put makeup for who to see? But I put not because of anyone else but for myself. It just makes me feel good and confident.
Sian, just got an obvious pimple on my chin and people noticing it, so paiseh.

However, I stopped going mani/pedi and rebonding/dying hair ever since I got pregnant. Now feel that my hair is in a mess - black on top, light brown below. But no choice cos of chemical. My hair is so long and heavy now, need to cut it b4 my bb due. Do you ladies find yourself feeling hotter in 3rd trimester? I wake up in the middle of the night with wet face! We just turned on the fan cos we don't on air con whole night as our daughter sleeps in the same room as us.

Are you all taking 1 week MC leave (ask from your gynae) before your EDD? I'm planning to do it so i don't have to waste my annual leave.
I also did not take up any prenatal courses for my #1. We just learned on the job. I feel every woman has the mother instinct. Once you have to do it, you will naturally know how to do it. So don't panic. We all learn from experience.

When i delivered at TMC last time, they offered free bathing baby lesson everyday and I attended that. That was useful though.
Hospital Bag List

For Mummy
• Disposable bedroom slippers
• Slippers
• Socks
• Pyjamas/Nightgown (with front button for
• Maternity pads
• Maternity disposable underwear
• Nipple cream
• Nursing bra
• Breast pads
• Going home outfit
• Tummy Binder
• Make up pouch
• Comb
• Cleanser
• Toothbrush/Toothpaste/Floss
• Bathgel/Shampoo
• Body Lotion/Face Lotion
• Contact lenses + solution/ Spectacles
• Handphone + charger
• Shawl/Sweater
• IC – In wallet
• Marriage cert
• Pre admission letters/documents
• Receipt of your antenatal visit to gynae
( for additional medisave claim of
• Cord blood kit
• Baby bonus kit
The list above is what i have to share you can add more to cater to your own needs. I have a hospital bag list for dad and baby too.
joycie: Actually 14 days MC annually really very fast finish. I also dilemma to take MC or AL before my EDD. Unless i really bo chap and max out my MC.

Adeline: So funny u know HB saw i put Contact lenses + solution in my list and he was laughing and said "WHAT?" u are going to be there 3D2N why would u need Contact Lens? I said when i discharged lor etc. he said he can understand the BB cream but not the Contacts. I said why i bother putting BB cream if i am gg to wear specs?

BTW what binder are you using? Have you bought yet?

Sorry to ask again .. Baby Bpnus Kit collect from where and what does it contain?
Wow Adeline, your list is so loooonnggg... I think I'll only bring half of those things you listed :p Some more you have a separate list for dad and baby? Haha... like going on holiday leh...

joycie, ya, I also think that dressing up and make up is to make myself feel good and confident. But I've not gone to the extreme of curling my hair and putting on false eyelashes like what 1 of my ex-colleagues did. She needs a full hr to get ready for work.

I've been feeling very warm since becoming pregnant. Normally I turn on the aircon before bed time to cool the room and then turn on the fan to circulate the cool air. But recently I've been sleeping with the aircon on also, waking up to switch it off only when my feet are too cold.

I hope my gynae will give me a week's leave before EDD la.. but not sure whether can go or not. Have to discuss with my big boss.
i also dated my hubby since my JC days and got married about 12 yrs later. haha.

adeline: thanks for the list, didnt expect it to be so long!
Yeah – 10 years dating is quite long hor…my hub is actually younger than me by 2 years. So another reason is – need to be financially stable before settling down. How did your hub and you meet? From school days?
I don’t use lipstick or any lip products cos I don’t like eating it. :p Never figured out eye makeup cos I wear specs all the time so didn’t bother.
Normal for our butts to get erm bigger la..our hips/pelvis should be expanding right? Else how to prepare for birth?
Me!! I have been super hot lately. Can be drenched in sweat in the middle of the night. Last time, I need to cover myself even when the aircon is not on. Now, cannot liao.
My hair is a big mess. It’s very thick and messy.
But people say, we will drop hair after giving birth right? So maybe having a thick head of hair now is indeed a blessing?

Fleur: Apparently Dr Chan sells binder according to my friend who see him too!! Hahaha.... i thought it was funny but i have not checked it out yet, will do so on my next visit and will share with you.

I am definately bringing my contact lenses!! Hahaha....easier for me i feel.

Baby bonus kit can be collected at any hospital at their reception counter or customer service desk. For gleneagles you can collect it from the the service desk where you started your tour, the ladies there will hand the kit to you if you ask them. It is for the CDA account, which the forms can be submitted to the hospital and they will proceed with the rest without having you to go down to the bank itself. For us we thought it was for the convenience as i dont like to wait in line at the bank.

Nattan: Yup i wanna treat it as a holiday!! Hahaha.....it is long but just being detailed as to not forget what i need. Yea it is up to you on what suits you best.

I was even telling my DH if he wants me to add pillow and blanket for him for his stay.Haha...i know it should be provided but not sure if its clean.
