(2012/04) Apr 2012

silvery gal, we are exactly a week apart! You can due anytime too! Heehee.. ;)

As for checking of the cervix aka VE, i really hate it so my gynae will not do for me until i get to the hospital. I simply refuse! It's super uncomfy imo but pain...depends on the person doing. Once it was a nurse with super long nails and i just kicked her away. Haha.. From what i know too many VE is not good too...

pinkbunny, i am so nervous and excited!!! #1 was 39 weeks.

hi mommies,
i cleared and handover most of my work today. i do still have work meetings and appointments to attend to for the rest of the week plus some final paper works to clear tho, hopefully by next week i can officially work from home all week (if I have not popped)!

re: gift for #1
we got a stuffed bunny to complete my girl's fav stuffed bunny family. she has a family of 3 now so she "told" didi which one she wanted to be the jiejie bunny. just need to wrap it up now! i didn't think of getting something from her to didi tho..hmm..that would be quite nice. =)

i was the same too. water bag leaked for #1, so i wonder if i would know if this time its contractions that is the sign of labour! hahah...

Pinkbunny, I am still thinking le.. I was telling my hubby if DD come out late then I like waste my ML le. I told him I start when I am 38 weeks then he reply no different la 5 working day more only. Aiyo!! Shall ask my gynae opinion this sat hee
New updates
18th Mar - Sunsweet
24th Mar - Cayden's Mummy
29th Mar - Lilcactus
31st Mar - Chalis

Do we have a baby on 1st April???
Jus did my GBS swap last thursday, hope everything will be ok~

All the mommies here ald mental prepared for baby coming anytime? 555555..... i find that i haven't get ready yet~ and i had bad dream and insomnia this few day~

Maybe it's because my doctor away for holiday, then will only back after 12th April, my EDD is 18th April~~ So i a bit worried~
just back from my check up.
my gynae say i'm 2cm open, want to admit to get induce or wait till next monday appt see how?
Most like will be not later by next monday coz already 2cm and this is #4.... or if next monday more than 4cm must admit.....
hahahaha.... so scary, I quickly prepare those herbs and tonic from hock hua after seeing gynae.
My hb also so shock to hear this coz i'm only 36wks...
Got show and contractions, quickly rush to hospital, however doctor say not ready yet either go home or stay for a night. 39wk 3days. The contractions are making me uncomfortable. Like period pain but coming in every few minutes.
Me too hav on off contraction and back aching. Today den I realize my whole leg got very bad water retention.... Feel so suck...
Mrs kang - staying just in case midnight anything happens.

Reborn - maybe you might be giving birth tomorrow or the day after. My friend also dilate 2cm, after 2 days she was admitted to hospital then gave birth. Her was the 1st. So you must get ready and prepared...
If within this few days I think still ok coz my parents still in sg, they going for short holiday trip from fri to sun..... But again if this week deliver will be only 36wk, so premature?
Market rate for CL is $2300??? Pengsan!

Wow so drama! I didn’t’ know there are people who have had it worse WITH epi! Poor you. How about the other forms of pain relief? Do they give you any relief? Laughing gas? The thigh injection?

Wow already 2cm! better think it through quickly cos it’s already #4 wor! Oh high five, I just bought my herbs from fuhua today! Going to pack into individual portions so hubby can prepare and bring to hospital for me :D

Oh TMC is very nice, I like 

My #1 was also 39 weeks so I am excited too! Last week I kept telling #2 ‘don’t come yet, at least wait till next week ok?’ then *insert drama music here* NOW it is ‘next week’ liao! Haha!

Yay congrats on work handover! Bring #1 out for a small shopping trip to buy something for didi la, I’m sure she would enjoy that. Oh she’s into bunnies? So cute!!!

Jialat leh, if it is contractions, I don’t know what to expect! Thus, my *ahem* staycation. Haha.

Mrs kang
Ummmm…. Spend me time for facials, naps, watch movies by self, shopping, pedicures….. I don’t mind having an extra week for that!!!

Dragon mummy
Good luck!!! Keep us updated!!!

Went for gynae check up at 6pm.
Gynae did a VE and realised 5cm dilated but i didn't feel any contraction pain!
Burst waterbag at 6.30pm and rushed to mount alvernia in a cab!

Right now 9cm dilated... Delivering within the next one hour!
Hi all, I'm back! Finally have some energy to sit in front of the PC for a while. Discharged on last Sat but yesterday sent BB back to hosp for phototheraphy coz jaundice and she actually not suppose to discharge on last Sat, but I insisted. I opted for total breastfeeding, so unable to rest well. These 2 days have been pumping the breastmilk to send to hosp for bb, so at least can rest a bit. Doc said bb should be able to come home tomorrow. My poor bb.

Ok, here's my birth story:
27 Mar - A bit discharge at 10.30pm but no contraction, admitted to hosp at 28 Mar 12.00am+, nurse checked no contraction but already 4cm dilated. The previous day was walking a lot under gynae's advise, so think that's why I dilated so much without feel anything.
Nurse called gynae and gynae said wait till the next morning whether the contraction will comes in. If not, she'll break the water bag. Unable to sleep for the whole night in the delivery room.

28 Mar - Finally able to grab some rest ard 6am+ in the delivery suite, woke by gynae when she came in ard 7.30am. Still 4cm dilated & she broke the water bag. Contraction came in within an hour, but still manageable. My gynae came in again at 9am+, still 4cm but cervix quite thin already. She said most probably will deliver in late afternoon or night. After hearing her comment, i was sweating coz i thought should be very fast. Pain already a bit unbearable, asked for injection on thigh & laughing gas.

Initially still able to rest a bit after the injection, but the pain killer does not hold long. Pain like hell ard 12.00pm, still dilated 4cm. End up i did not persist anymore and begged for epidural.

Able to sleep in after got my epidural ard 1pm. 4pm gynae came to check, i was fully dilated! She asked the nurse to get ready and told me if i push well, by 5pm bb will come out. But she asked the nurse to take off the epi. I was biting my nails looking at her when she told to turn off the epi.

Start pushing at 4.30pm, and the whole process took 2 hrs as i'm not able to push correctly. BB was out at 6.30pm and weighted at 3.68kgs (39 wks 1 day).

Was so relieved once the bb's out, and was numb with the pain when gynae do the stitching while i was looking at my bb with the nurse. All the pain suddenly gone and never bother what did the gynae do down there, lolz.
I get my supplies from Hock Hua aka Fu Hua. The pitted red dates is $4.40 for 500gm, black dates is slightly cheaper.

Pinkbunny, is around 2.2 to 2.5k now. Mummies engaging CL, is that the rate?
wow. i paid 2k almost 4 years ago. prices sure have gone up!!!

i also got mine from fuhua

wow! so fast!

congrats! how come your gynae asked for epi to be turned off?!
Pinkbunny: she said if i can push correctly, then i'll haf painless delivery within an hour. If not, after epi turned off 1 hr, i can feel the pain then i will push to the max to quickly get the bb out.
Congrates to all mummies that already pop.. I hope I can pop early too.. Now 37w 5d.
My first one was 17 days earlier... If the 2nd one same as first one, then should be out tmr.. But, till now still got no sign of labor yet... Sigh..
Hi all,

morning! May i join this thread? as i feel that i will pop early.. most likely in april.. i'm 36 weeks now, wanna ask u mummies if u feel the "numb numb" feeling on ur lower waist?? i felt dat yesterday, and oso diarrhea once. isit signs dat labour is coming soon?? it's my 3rd bb and cos age gap quite far so i can't really remember how the pain feels like :'(
lovexuan- well I was awake when they 1st cut me up .. they got me to sleep dunno its via injection or the mask cos I had both.. haha

Totally in drifted to deep sleep after the breathing some gas via the mask..

Lucky this time I did not puke out my dinner after the ops.. the other time I think I had early dinner (ard 4pm) ended up puking..

I see many are comparing if the no.2/3/4 will be delivered earlier?

Well for me
No.1 was born on Week 39+1 (natural)
No.2 was born on Week 38+1 (c-section)
No.3 was born on Week 37 (c-section)

well it was true for my case each child arrives earlier.

Now I'm thinking of contraceptive measures.
I did not do ligation. So now wonder what other contraceptive measures I can go for..

I'm planning to Exclusive pump for 1 year for No.3 so can I still go for Pills?
Coinbank is such a good idea. I think I should intro coin bank instead of goodgirl sticker chart for my #1.
Start teaching her to sve $$ to buy her own stuff!

Congrats! Baby must be out already? Share your birth story, ok?

I also have the numb feeling, diarrhoea and horrible backache! in my 39th week, I can't wait for baby to come out! Am quite sick of being pregnant!
Yes, we have to educate our children to save money since young and share with them every single cent is hard earned money from the parents.

Other than the education on saving, the idea of coin bank come to my mind as it can keep long (those plastic one, and not ceramic) and grow together with my son. so as to remember my son the gift was from mei mei, so he has to sayang and take care mei mei.

anyway, i am still looking and still cant find one that my son may like.

mummy_baby 2008:
I also felt the numb and pain but no discharge, so think still got to bear for some days...
hey all
I think my contraction getting stronger but still irregular. I also start to have diarrhoea since last night. Some say is a sign of labour too... But dunno la.

Any1 here using any no rinese shampoo or dry shampoo? I just order 1 from the birthshop.com. hope will not be too late to reach me.

Dunno somehow i got feeling will be deliver by the weekday, my frez see me today say last week i didn't swell and tummy didn't seem so low but today i'm so swell up and tummy getting lower!

Somehow i feel the more bb u have the more u tend to be more afraid and scary... Now #4, feel so scare, ppl keep on telling me to bedrest if I wants to tahan till next week, but How can lo? Need to send my 3 kids up and down, household, got dog somemore and cooking? so many things to do.... haiz....
I bought $400+ at hock hua yesterday also... not much thing. But those instruction by my cl must buy... Buy those better ones, is for ur own body lo, dun buy those cheap cheap as it would not tonic our body much.

Fees for CL
I pay $300 dept to my CL last yr ard dec. Still got bal of $2k to give her for her last day. Mine is stay in CL, will be sleeping with my 3 kids. I think mine consider cheap coz i tell her no need to look after bb at night or feed. Since i will be total bf so my cl only needs to cook for me and my family, do some laundry and floor cleaning. Hard to get CL... I didn't get from agency... My cl from malaysia.
Upon CL collect dept, best to ask them print their passport or photo it. now got my case cl runaway with the money.
Hi All, do you know any insurance plans that would cover the regular prediatric visits after the baby is born ? Also, is the entire vaccination program expensive ?
i am also looking for dry shampoo, i heard the best brand is wella. But very hard to find wella in spore now. think no distributor carry this brand anymore.

Can show the picture of the dry shampoo you bought?

And you spent so much money on the tonic and herbs? what are the stuff you bought?
looking forward to hear your good news!

wow, congrats!!! enjoy bonding with your new bundle of joy!
Hi aprilbaby (aprilbaby),

when is ur due date? and when did u started to have the "numb" feeling?

Jojay (jojay),

i do not have any discharge too, today again i have diarrhea, yesterday once, today once, last week had some spotting so i went to the hospital straight as it's my #3. but they said no contractions so i went home. didnt do any VE.

worst still, i haven packed my bag yet!!!
So many mummies have delivered! Jia you .. Everyone! Now in my 38weeks .. Walking w difficulties as bb head engaged already!
Regarding herbs: went bencolen street (the yuan yin miao temple there..above food market) to get herbs n tonic stuff last sunday with mother in law n hubby. Follow the list wat my confinement lady ask me to buy. Really a whole lot to buy ..need to bring shopping trolley! My fridge is packed!
Hi mummies!

Ok, here's my birth story...

At 39 weeks 4 days preggy!

2nd April 2012: gynae appointment at 3pm. But we waited until 6pm before it was my turn! Gynae decided to do a VE(glup!) and the expression on his face was priceless when he checked my cervix opening.

"My goodness! You are 5cm dilated and i can feel baby's head. You don't feel any pain? If you didn't come today, you would have given birth at home or anywhere except hospital!" I really did not feel any contraction pain or i am too used to pain cos my pelvic had been hurting all this while.

6.30pm: Broke my water bag at gynae's clinic before rushing down to mount alvernia hospital in a cab.

7.30pm: Admitted into delivery suite and started yelling for epi though i still didn't feel any pain.

8pm: Strapped onto CTG and the nurses were amzed at how strong the contractions were but i was still smiling away. 7cm dilated!

8.30pm: Pain started. Epi administered. Super painful this time cos anaesthetist was not very skillful. 8cm dilated!!

9.30pm: Fully dilated!

10pm: Gynae arrived, midwives assisted me in pushing and baby was out after 20 hard but numb pushes...

Baby weighs 3470 grams. Phew! We stopped putting on weight after gynae commented baby was going to be big!
Length: 51cm Head circumference: 35.5cm

Feeling super sore now and my back is aching like mad.
Second time mummies, when do we usually pass motion after delivery? I am so afraid it will be painful! My stitches feel so raw.
Congrats lovexuan!

Thought it was cute that you yelled for epi despite not feeling pain yet. Lol

Well done and welcome baby to the world!

How many weeks were you when you delivered?
Lovexuan.. What a fast process for you!
is amazing you don't feel any pain although u are 5 cm dilated, I bet your pain threshold is high?? Hehe ..

Congrats mummies who had your new bundle of joy..

I think I pooed 1-2 days after delivery of no.1 and the poo was soft..

Just went to the tiong bahru fruit stall and bought coconut 3 for $2.50 and the coconut jelly $2. all just arrived like 30 mins ago, mummies can go buy given that today's weather is so hot
