(2012/04) Apr 2012

haru, you mean we still cannot eat sashimi even after birth while breastfeeding?

Talking about clingy elder kids... My 4 years old girl is still considered alright except for an occasional question such as "Will you still love me after didi is out?". She also decided to wet her bed almost every night since last week. She has been night toilet trained for a year plus already. Guess she is feeling the stress too...
Poor mummies who are feeling the discomfort now. For me, I'm actually feeling better than I was in 2nd tri! So weird right? I had horrible butt cramps in the entire 2nd tri coupled with back pains so every single movement was excrutiating. But now I'm (a little exagerating) feeling light as a feather haha. Getting in and out of bed (and I have a high 4-poster bed!)isnt as tough as when heavily preg with #1.

Excitement of popping
I really really think it's cos it's #2 so I am very chill now and not in a hurry at all to pop. Maybe that's why psychologically my brain is telling my body "no pain la, no pain". Cos I know that baby is easier to handle in than out! Yes, got physical discomforts now, but at least we just have to gao dim ourselves. When baby is out, imagine it's going to be us + insomnia + boob pain + aches + carpel tunnel + having to sooth cranky baby and not knowing what's wrong!

Haha. That my practical way of thinking la
of cos excited to see baby, but so not in hurry to pop

Some exercises that have worked for me, as taught by my physiotherapist:
1) When lying on side, put pillow or bolster to kiap between knees. Bend bottom leg and stretch hell of top (straightened) leg out slowly. Hold for a few counts and repeat. Then roll over and do for the other side. This gives a very nice lower back stretch

2. Pelvic bone pains. Stand with hands on hips, not "oi you so notty, why never listen to mama" style. Fingers behind (kinda on butt), thumbs in front. You'll find that your butt is kind of sticking out backwards, and that's natural cos it's compensating for the extra weight of tummy. But that's what's causing you pain. The additional strain.

So you want to use your fingers to gently push your butt forward while your thumbs push backward. Kind of like lifting your pelvic bone forward and upward. Like a hip thrust in a shakira sexy dance you could probably do in your pre-preg days. Just repeat a few times gently. It'll loosen the stran.

Also, try to stand with weigh evenly distributed on both feet.

Hope this helps!

Hey, just saw a mummy with a 5 year old, and she's proudly wearing a slightly cropped t-shirt that shows off her stretch marks. That's the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it, uh huh uh huh! Our battlescars

Nailpolish and pedis
I wonder... If it's clear or very light colour, can? Haha. I actually just want a good trimming. I tried recently to do my own nails. Can reach to trim la. But must rest in between and only attack a few toes at a time!

Yay to your super neat house!!

Just to share (I wonder if I already have and if so, pls excuse me. You know ah, preggie mind hehe):
I read somewhere that it's good for us to buy 1-2 pretty pieces of clothing now, to wear after giving birth. I got 1 top isn't maternity top but empire cut so can wear after birth even when tummy is still not back to normal. Cos honestly, can be quite demoralising what with the greasy hair and eyebags down to your chin. If mummy feels good then baby feels good too

Jiayou jiayou everyone!
Cayden's mummy
Do you experience any back ache or pain at your adomen?
The brown discharge could be loss of mucus plug..
Call your gynae, quick..
Lotusmum: tried to call kKH but cannot get through leh. Haiz!! No backache and no pain..

Discharge a little bit only, like a big spot on my underwear den it kinda stopped.

I saw e preg app saying it may start labour soon or a few days later after brown discharge.. Isit true? Ahh!!!
yes, my fren had show (dunno how heavy) then labour next day. wont be immediate like waterbag break those kind.

so wat u wanna do or eat, quickly settle first! haha
Lilcactus: haha! Okok.. Later I go see gynae.. Muz enjoy my fav food n drinks now.. Lolz. So exciting n nervewrecking!! (my first child)
Cayden's mummy
Just be prepared, may get contraction anytime.. May not be painful but got suan-ness. The time interval will be shorter and shorter..
what a coincidence! i have a 4 poster bed bed too! i have been putting a stool at the bedside for me to climb into bed since 2nd tri...hahaha...
So we have same bed and our #1s have the same bed! It's like we're living in the same house in parallel universes haha

Cayden's mummy
Wow so exciting!!!
ya!! what a coincidence!! looks like we have similar taste..haha..

Cayden's mummy,
try to relax ya!!!
thanks ladies! appreciate all the support. still no contractions. will try and keep you all updated!

lotusmum: noted!
.. hopefully the contractions dont start after midnight.. wahaha!
Cayden's mummy, sounds like your mucous plug! You may be next in line!

Feeling really unwell today. Couldn't have lunch and feeling really nauseous now. Anyone experienced this?
mummies, any one of you noticed any other changes to your body? i noticed that my boobs are getting bigger suddenly. and can feel some tingling sensation at times.
chalis: i been feeling nauseous lately too, can only take in small meals esp evening onwards. but i thought it might be due to heartburn.
lilcactus, i agree. boobs getting bigger(bought more new bras) and my breast milk has started leaking 2 weeks ago. i hope that's normal too...
Lilcactus: Yah... Boobs getting bigger for me too... But i think only lar. Cos now, everything looks small compared to the big belly. But I do think my bras are starting to fill up. Tingling feeling yes. I get them too. But no leaks.

Lovexuan: Yes. Some people do leak as they move closer to delivery date. So no need to worry. U can start using the nursing pads too. Don't leave the bra wet, not good.
Cayden mummy

I think u be due for labour soon. the brown discharge is a warning sign.i check with gyn before.she say brown discharge is ok but be prepare for birth soon.take care.
Hi all mummies!

Am new here to this thread.. not exactly new cuz i have been a silent reader all these while.. like stalker rite?? hee.. in my wk34 now.. due 30th apr at kkh..

I was taking things easy all the way(hospital bag not even packed yet!! baby clothes not washed and i wont even wanto mention the nursery..) until caydens mummy post(jia you!!)... Its happening!! omg.. starting to kan cheong ald loh..

btw... cuz a check with all the mummies here.. anyone of you here doing preineal massage? supposed to help to prevent episiotomy.. If so how effective is it?

re bigger boobies.. yup.. think mine getting bigger and droopier.. haiz.. bye bye perky boobies... but they do itch quite alot esp at the end of the day.. have been applying stretch mark cream sparingly on them cuz read somewhere cant apply too much of those creams to them- mite change the smell of something.. they do help with the itch tho..

anyway to all mummies here!! jia you! and do kip us update on your progress! cuz for first time mummies like us ur post reali does help alot!

TIA!! cheers!
thanks Cheekyduckie. i just feel it's like quite a waste cos baby is not here to drink it yet. ok, time to start using nursing pads...
hi belleryn, i have been a silent reader all along until recently too! hahaha... ;)

not sure how effective is a perineal massage but i don't dare to try. but i heard we should keep hydrated and eat more food high in collagen and omega 3 fatty acids as it helps to moisturise the area. i tried to deliver #1 naturally but ended up with an assisted delivery so i had to have an episotomy. so for #2 i didn't think much about this.

talking about droopy boobs, i think my boobs are like kissing my belly. feels so weird.. LOL :p
Thanx for the tip lovexuan! Din noe collagen and omega 3 helps! I.tried the massage wif hubby help last nite cuz can't see mah wif the big belly and clumsy limbs.. not comfy at all.. will be seeing gynae this coming Fri.. tink beta to seek his opinion first..

And re boobies.. they are practically resting on my belly! Haha!
Good morning mummies! I can't sleep well last night, the while back hurts.. Try all kind of position just not right.. So tired now.. Yawn!
LOL on lovexuan's comment on boobs resting on belly! mine is tummy resting on thighs

sigh i also had quite a bad night of sleep. kept waking up to go pee. then #1 woke up at 630 and decided "i'm not sleepy anymore" :S

funny, most times i woke up, i kept thinking 'oh no, now that i've almost gotten everything ready, is today the day that baby will come?' then panic haha

i got my hubby to do the perineal massage for me when i was preg with #1. still ended up with an episotomy. this time i totally bochup. i suppose i've already been loosened from previous birth!
lovexuan: i'm week 36 on sat! time to start drinking coconut! yippee!

morning mummies, when i was preg with #1, these last few weeks i also cannot sleep well. but this round, i'm super tired, always lack of sleep cos got to take care of #1. so, so far always looking forward to night time to rest and sleep.

pinkbunny, mine too! tummy is resting on thighs. to the extent that its not comfy and i need to sit abit tilted back.
Haha lilcactus yes. But if lean back too much then lower back ache. Yesterday went out for dinner with friends and I had to frequently change sitting styles thruout the whole dinner!!
Bring forward my sat appt to tomorrow afternoon, coz feeling pressure from below on and off .. Better to go and see my gynae to play safe .. Mummies does you all put on wt faster in your last trimester? I put on 2.6 from my last gynae visit le..
Xiao xuan - Ya i also think its kind of wasted too, for me, my bm is always just enough, sometimes it is lesser than usual, i can only hope that my 1st baby dont need to be feed so much. Luckily she is cooperative... otherwise will be very stressed since i was fully on breastfeeding.

Chalis - I also feel nasaeu easily now, i dont get it in 2nd trim.

Mom 2012 - Me too very excited, cant sleep well few days ago, now i am so tired cant even get off the bed in the morning for work.

Pinkbunny - Totally have the same thought as you, everyday woke up thinking maybe today baby will be due
I feel that it is very difficult for you, still have to take care of your no. 1 when you are going to be due soon. Especially the 1st one will wake up at times when you are really deep into sleep.

Lilcactus - I am wondering why we have to drink coconut juice b4 labour? To clear the impurities? what other benefits are there?
Me also can't sleep well..haiz, coughing and need to pee.. Maybe really loosen after no. 1, leaked a bit whenever I cough..time to be more diligent with kegel exercise..
Mrs Kang - my gynae was very sarcastic, telling me my baby is growing, i dont need to grow!!! SO ANGRY, indirectly telling me that i am fat.
pinkbunny: you shld go to those cosy coffee places, like TCC, where they got cushioned sofa seat?

b@by: well, some pple believe that coconut drink will cleanse the baby, so that when they are born, they are less bloodied or with less of the white sticky stuff. although i really dont know if it does help, but i certainly dont mind drinking cold coconut drink on a hot day! when i had my #1, i only got to drink it twice and my girl popped at week 38. and she has those white sticky stuff but not much blood.

those of you mummies who wake up thinking is this the day, are you all full term already? For me, I wake up thinking "yeah, i'm one more day nearer to full term!" haha cos i dont want any premature labour =)
Dragon-my gynae not so sarcastic la.. Hee.. But he will say like mm look like mummy is happy putting on weight hee.. :p then I will just laugh at it . Hee.. But just that after that my hubby will nag at me. Haha
belleryn, you're welcome! i heard we got to apply some sort of essential oil or lubricant while doing the masaage in order to feel more comfortable. anyway it's always best to check with gynae! the last time i had a 2 inches long episotomy wound cos baby #1 was stucked and gynae had to insert the vacuum ring inside me. so this time i am mentally prepared for something similar cos i am going to deliver another big baby!!

pinkbunny, my tummy cannot seem to touch my thighs! they are still so perky. LOL! but it's funny with all our bulges everywhere resting here and there... hahaha..

lilcactus, you're close to full term! i just had my 3rd coconut yesterday. i am taking it twice a week. yummy!

babydrag0n, i was the other way round. when i had #1, my breast milk was leaking all the time even after 3 months and i had to express constantly. my fridge was filled with ebm BUT my girl refused to take ebm and by 4 months old, she even rejected latching on so in the end i threw it all away. sigh! i hope i will be more successful with baby #2 and breastfeed for at least 6 months to a year...
i had a bad night too. could not sleep well. i have been having terrible abdominal cramps since last evening though i am pretty sure they are not contractions. i also started having funny discharge that looks like clear odourless fluid. there is so much of it that it looks as if i peed on my pants. thought my waters broke or something but cannot be right?
lovexuan: oh you are week 38 but tummy has not dropped? did you gynae say if bb is engaged? i'm trying to look for those round small coconuts! so far only seen at ntuc.

how come u dont suspect the water to be from water bag? it can leak right? my fren told me her colleague's pantyliner constantly gets soaked through and that's when she realise her waterbag is leaking!
I'm crying at the sayang loss of your EBM!! Hopefully #2 will guai guai latch on. Try to latch on soon as you deliver ok? That's what I'm gunning for too!

Dragon baby
Haha thanks for the empathy. Insomnia is ok. #1 waking up in the night/early is ok. #1 waking up just as I've fallen asleep on a particularly bad night is ok. But.... Hubby sleeping thru it all AND waking up saying "wow I'm so tired!l grrrr. But thankfully he is not working today so he brought her out for breakfast and playground so I could sleep (after she came into my room a million times to update me every 5 mins with "mama I'm putting on my panties now". "Mama I chose my pink t-shirt". "Mama papa say must wear purple shoes". "Mama can I bring my bicycle?"). In the end didn't sleep and ended up pin ming trying to finish up all my assignments before I pop!!

Yup I'm full term liao! 37 weeks this week! All emergency contacts (where we can put #1 in time of labour) on standby liao! Cos we have no helper so when labour comes got to see what time of day then we know where to put her hehe. Like Amazing Race!

Periniel massage
Yup can use lubricant like KY. Re tears and cuts, I think some gynaes are more quick to snip while others are a bit more patient ba...mine then was quite chop chop so he just went ahead and snipped.
lilcactus, yes my tummy did not drop. it was also like this when i had my #1. but my gynae told me baby's head is already engaged. cos now i can feel that the area below my chest is hollow too..less heartburn and i can finally breathe easily! this time i did not gain much weight too compared to #1. every pregnancy is really different!

i bought my coconuts from the market's fruit stall. i find it fresher and tastier. if you buy from ntuc, you will need to open it yourself. don't forget to get hubby to do it cos it's not easy to open imo!

actually this discharge has been going on for almost a week already though it seems to increase with each day. but on somedays i am still dry. so if it's really the water bag, it should be like wet constantly right? not too sure! never had this when i had #1... i read from babycenter that it's normal as we are losing water from the water bag to prepare our bodies for labour?
pinkbunny, it was really a waste! in fact i made a rash decision cos i was quite upset that #1 refused to take my ebm. really hope to be more successful with #2! i remember latching on right after my girl was out of my tummy. she was still covered in vernix and all and feeding away. but the next time i saw her was 4 hours later and the nurses told me she took formula milk. so am i suppose to specify clearly that i want to fully breastfeed? will that be better? strictly no formula milk this time!!!

pinkbunny: haha your girl is so cute. at least your hubby can handle bringing her out so you have some peace for a while. my 2.5 yo girl's character and daddy so similar until they 2 always pek chek each other. end up i have to step in again. hee

i'm very hoping that delivery happens in the daytime on a weekday! so that my #1 is in school and i dont need to worry about her.

lovexuan: i tried to find the coconut at abc market (i work at alexandra) but i only found those large green husk type one leh.

i'm not too sure on the discharge too, but i noticed i do have more discharged on my pantyliner this week or so!
