(2012/04) Apr 2012

chalis: my gynae will scan and take bb's measurement cum weight for every visit.

For the pelvic/vagina pain, i think it shd be common during the last lap of pregnancy as Cayden's mummy has checked wif her gynae. However, do monitor and inform ur gynae so he/she can help u do a check.

Seeing my gynae on wed and will also be asking him whether BB has been engaged. Not sure if he will check for cervix dilation as I just did a check on Sunday at KK.
Yup I have scans at every visit. And lol re your "rest assured I didn't buy anything from her" comment

I feel my tummy is very tight if I get up to walk after a long sitting session (like mrt ride). And pelvic area oh oh oh, very "sng"!

Those with #1s, tampinesone's water park is super fun! And got shower area!
Hi all, Just fyi, Went to Taka baby fair and found it was quite over priced ! Only bought a small packet of new born huggies diapers .
I have avent manual breast pump and medela PISA.. must i pack the manual pump to hospital coz im going to have a scheduled c-sect with epi. I read somewhere that when mummy take epi baby will have difficulty with bf.. they said babies will have the affect oso by being too sleepy. Epi can cross the placenta.
Chalis: my edd is April 5th.. Hee. My gynae actually doesn't scan for the weight, he base the baby weight by feeling all round my tummy! Lolz.. I mostly get the pain when I sit down! Like as if baby has not enough space and he will start kicking..

Mom2012: ya! Only toys were cheap.. Not many super good deals!

Siti hazar; I oso dunno leh.. Some say need some say don't need..
Haru: I just went to goodwood park hi tea last week, though didnt try the durian puff ( because hav to pay seperate frm the hi tea :p) .. The puff looks delicious lor.
The hi tea is also very good, I enjoyed it alot

As for Durians.. AMK central selling ya.. Near Jubilee sq there is a fruit stall.
siti hazar: i suppose it doesnt hurt to bring your own in. Really depends when milk comes in and how long you stay in the hospital. for no. 1 , i used the hospital grade one for engorgement when milk came in on day 3. hoping that i can come home on day 3 this time.
hey mummies
a very random question please! anyone knows of a pasar malam going on now? i want to buy one of those cute little suitcases (like real rectangular suitcases that has extendable handle, not the haversack with handle kind) for my little girl and heard they are being sold at pasar malams!
PInkbunny: saw the little suitcase with handle in T3. The same level as the food court. There are 2 kids shop that sells that. Think it's planet toys & my kiddos.
Pinkbunny: There's 2 pasar malams at Jurong West area now. One near Pioneer MRT (smaller scale) and one next to Gek Poh Shopping Centre.

Not sure if they sell suitcases though.
I will be in KKH.. im not too sure if they have pump. I will bring the manual pump in case i have engorgement. The last time i did not bring my pump and i did not request any. lucky u Chalis, u only stayed 3 days. I was there for 5 days. phew..
eliz mummy: saw u r doing a bp on those bakeware/bento items! wa, next month we are due liao, but you are still organising? haha..

i wanted to make cute bento for my girl leh.. do you have any books to recommend and which bento items shld i get as a beginnner?
Siti Hazar - please note that epidural will NOT cross the placenta and will NOT affect baby or mother's ability to breastfeed at all.

FYI - so please continue to aim to breastfeed your baby ASAP after delivery. It is crucial for you to breastfeed him within half an hour after delivery as that is when baby's natural instinct to suckle is strongest.

Good luck in your breastfeeding journey.

Pethidine is the painkiller that is given to labouring women that will cross the placenta and affect baby - so try not to use that.
isit?? hmm.. now i remembered.. its in the singapore motherhood magazine.. i will take note on the pethidine .. thanks for clearing me out..
Cayden's Mummy - No wonder i always feel pain at pelvic area.

Ayana - Ya i was told not to eat as there are too much chemicals and pesticides, is unhealthy for pregnant woman.
i am going to Goodwood Park to try to see if they what they have later! i need to satisfy my durian craving!!!

cannot believe i still have not gotten my cot from ikea! planned to get it during this school hols but end up bringing my girl out everyday and putting that aside..on the bright side, i have washed all e baby clothes, but realized that i don't really have NB clothings! mostly are from 3-6 months onwards.
I just ate durian yesterday. today i feel so fat already!

siti_hazar: have u given birth at KKH before? Have a few questions about KKH.. am taking a single bed ward..

pinkbunny: sorry never come across any pasar malam lately..

chalis: when is ur EDD? hee.

anyone with EDD 5th april and hosp is KKH?

b@by: ya.. sum more today my belly button turn inside out.. tink my bb is really getting bigger n bigger!!
Cayden's Mummy - My EDD is 6th Apr
but in NUH

I am having breathing difficulties. Whether i am sitting, standing, walking, i am always out of breath. Any reason why?
Cayden mum, i delivered my 2 gals at Kkh but was 4 bedded. This time round I'm going for 1 bedder like you. I wonder if they have pump to rent? The last time my gal latch on well so didn't got to find out.
Lilcactus, you may want to search for Bento Craze in FB. My group of scrapbooking kaki had created that group for bento sharing.
Thanks! But super argh cos I was just at T3 on wed but didn't look!!!

Little DD
Thanks... If I go to that area I'll check
have absolutely no idea where gek poh shopping centre is!

Hi five, I'm also keen on bento! But no patience! Hehe. Will check out eliz's BP!!

Ooooh thanks for the link. I'll go check!

To add on to what mel mentioned: pethadine is usually not administered too close to birth for that very reason. Can make mum too sleepy to push, and baby drowsy when born

Pant pant. I'm also suuuuper tired from all the march hol activities! I need a week to recover from them! Haha. Did your girl enjoy disney on ice? We're going tomorrow!!

Just attended TMC's tour today and the guide mentioned only single bedder can room in with baby?? I thought any bedder also can. Can anyone remember TMC ruling from previous births?
lil cactus
really? like only at night or day time also?

was it you who posted a link about how all hospitals are supposed to recommend rooming in? do you have that link still? TIA!!
Pinkbunny: Yes. For TMC only single bedder can room with baby. Cos not fair to disturb your room mate. But they will still push baby to you to BF. But will bring away after you are done. For single bedder, they take longer to come pick up the baby, if you don't want to return also ok. I was in single bedder 2 years back, i had the baby to myself most of the time, only sent her back for diaper changes, baths, other checks.
Woo been busy lately to come in here to chat!

Juz bought the tiger "magic" food jar as i happened to see it @ iseatan shaw. So whoever want buy can try there :)

Wah seem like most of your bb gaining good weight, mine seem bit small wor. Only 2.14kg @ wk 33.5. Tink i need to eat durian supplements! My gyne dun measure bb weight every visit lo. Next visit @ wk 35+ muz ask her measure!

For mount A, was told only single bedded can room in bb. That's y i choose single bedded. But heard super popular, so can only pray hard. :-X
haha, i am still ok but i feel a lil sad that the school holidays are over. I do enjoy the time spent with my daughter..i will have my hands full with #2 when its the June holidays already.
Morning mummies, haven been posting here for sometimes only at fb forum

Playpen: mummies who have bought playpen for baby instead of cot, may I know what's the pros n cons? Thought of getting one this time rather then a cot as I'll be doing confinement at my mum's place. I saw the brand graco with bassinet quite sturdy but the price abit on high side. Wonder if I shld just get it... Hmmmm.... 
Sherg, u might want to check out the height settings for the play pen, since your mum will be helping to look after the baby. Don't let the old folks bend too low to change or care for the baby. Bad for back.
fantasy: how much did u buy the food jar? Hee.

Sunsweet: hee maybe can just bring along, just in case? Im also not sure but hospital all should have bah..

cheekyduckie: cant imagine if they really chase us out of the hospital! lol..

SG: I think playpen mattress are too soft/thin, have heard must buy other good quality brand one to replace. After all they are play pen, not real beds. And some babies do not like to be "confined" to play inside.. Personally I feel a cot is much better, can wheel around, adjust the height, some can convert into toddler bed.. Playpen is much too deep. JMHO!

rgd Scholl compression socks:
They are very good! Although sometimes feel very tight but they make my legs slim! LOL. btw, chinatown 3rd floor "Ocean" is selling the full length ones at $45, 2nd floor selling at $46. LOL..

rgd OG sale:
bought fitflops ytd at 10% off! hee. I went to browse the PJ section, Impression has a nice range of cotton PJ too! They are just nice, not too thick nor too thin, pattern very sweet. Front opening with buttons all the way. Also have silk ones but quite ex. The Silk - silk pj that I bought were selling at $17.90.
Cheekyduckie, my mum will b working during my confirment. Just tat she will b helping me to cook my meals
so I guess most of the time I will b taking care of bb.

Cayden's mummy, yah I always like cot than playpen but becoz I tot of the trouble of dismantling for moving bk my place abit headache. Sigh ... Haven settle this main problem yet. Scared I place bb on bed my #1 will "disturb" him.
SG: ahh I see, cos as cheekyduckie says, its bad for the back to keep bending down, as playpen do not have adjustable height. Bad for elderly and bad for mummies also! Am gonna avoid bending down after birth. My cot also can dismantle though.

1 suggestion to you, maybe u can buy a mattress (either cot or single size) and place on the floor? Can surround with lots of pillows to protect baby (although first few months they cannot flip anyway). That way, you do not need to worry about baby falling or need to move any heavy item back to your own place. About ur #1, just need to teach him.. U put bb anywhere he/she also can climb to disturb one.. lolz.
SG -
Playpen: easy to keep and store and move around. Quite safe when your baby can stand, they wont climb out easily, unlike cot which cant go so low. Tendancy to climb out when u are not around.

Cot: can convert to toddler's bed but the length is somehow fixed. It will be easy for them to climb onto the bed and get off by 2-3 years old.
Ya, how much is the tiger food jar? I want to get too!

Personally I also feel playpen is not so versatile. I used to have one that my sil passed down but I returned cos I dont think its useful and gd.

Went for gynae checkup this morning, cos I tot bb not much movement but gynae checked and say all is well. Bb is 2787g at week 35. He will try to predict when will bb b ready to come out at next visit, week 37.

Regarding the hosp beds, I did hear my clinic assistant tell me, that there was a peak period that was so kua zhang, that she ever saw mummies who have given birth but due to lack of beds in tmc, they had to wait along the corridor until there are rooms avail!
Ya! The other day at my TMC hospital tour, we couldn't view any rooms cos they were all fully booked! So kua zhang

Re cot vs playpen: we have both! For #1's time playpen in our room, cot in hers. She was ok to sleep and play in both. The cot was a cheapo one, I remember $80 from metro, tweety bird one. Mattress was very thin so we got another thicker one with good circulation. Height is adjustable for when baby starts to stand.

Some of my friends have even brought this model for holidays cos it folds up to be really small. Then just put quilt + blankets instead of mattress.

This time, we might just set up the playpen cos my hubby can find the cot but not the screws to fix it up! Pengsan

Cayden's mummy
I almost went to OG today too! Did u happen to see any kids suitcases? I'll go check tomorrow
Hi Friends, I am going to be 35 weeks tomorrow. Feeling a lot of pressure and a bit of pain in the groin area especially when I get up from sitting position after a while... wondering if thats normal ?
Hi mummies,

Other than OG, where can we buy cheap silk pj.. Wanted to buy few to wear during confinement only... So don't want to spend to much, don't have the habit of wearing pj...
pinkbunny: no leh i never see any kids suitcases.. but i wasnt really looking out for them also :p but now no 20% off liao..

mom2012: should be normal, I get that alot too! I sit too long also feel pain..

Blackangle: Isetan and other major departmental stores will sell. Alternatively, neighbourhood shops also sell PJ.. those like AMK central. I saw at chinatown too
seems like all e mommies getting PJs for post-delivery/confinement period..is there a special purpose for e PJs?

when i delivered #1, i opted for single bed room but they were out of it so they gave me the entire double bedded room instead. turned out to be good coz hubby could sleep in the other bed!hahah.. but this time i am most likely gg for double bed room since hubby won't be staying w me. however, i do wish to room with baby...=(
Blackangle: I saw it at People's Park Complex (yellow building with a food centre on 1st floor)

haru: the dress PJ has front opening buttons so easy to breastfeed. And also easier for the nurses to check ur wounds down below instead of wearing top & pants..

Mom2012 - i have experienced that too, even my inner thigh near that area is aching for some time already. After seated for too long, i walked like a penguin.

Haru - i am not sure about other, but the reason i am using PJ is because it is easy for bf, since i will just need to unbutton, it can also prevent 'wind' since it will cover the legs and arms.
