(2012/04) Apr 2012

How do u get the mustela samples? I also want. Im using Drapolene at the moment for my baby boy. need to try for 2nd baby just in case he can't use the same as his brother. hehe

last time some mummies did recommend breast milk storage bags? actually did not thought of using storage bags until 1 mummy said the avent storage cups can only use for several times....

is it the brand from Lansinoh n Baby One??
Ya, sorry! I meant cayden's mum! Gizzard is er some innard I think. I'm making the soup without any inside parts. I don't know how to eat heart la, liver ah, intestines la...

Btw my baby's head has been down since 31 weeks I think, but at that time, gynae said still can move around and turn if baby so wishes. But now I think so space to turn liao!

My upper part of tummy (under rib cage) is sooooo empty now!

Cayden's mum
Where in chinatown did u see the stockings?

I agree with you. If not enough water, body will want to retain more to keep hydrated. But our blood vessels thinning does not help :s
hi mommies!
i just finished the trial confinement meal from natal essentials. (Yes greedy me ate everything at one go, coz it had my absolute fav vinegar pig trotters! damn full now..). food is pretty yum and portion is generous. I would place my order with them for prob 2 weeks, and ask my mom to cook for another 2 weeks. if not, might get pretty sian of the food. hahah...

hmm, i dunno what i can cook to freeze lei. Normally i cook fresh for her daily. but she is easy, normally pasta, noodles with some fish, etc...if not will ask mom to cook for her. =P oh ya, think i will most likely get the Ikea cot.

my Country Save detergent arrived today! gonna start washing the baby clothes and diaper!!

think i will wait till friday when my daughter has class in town to go to Taka baby fair. Actually i just need to get wet wipes and breast pads...still need to go search for some decent nursing bras! i remember i only had ugly nursing bras when i just gave birth to #1 and i was so demoralized and didn't want go out much.. but this time, with an older child i am guessing i will not be staying put at home like i did during confinement so better get some decent lingerie for nursing in case i need to go out. hahah...
Hi sunny,

Oh I dun mean head down = delivering soon. I know head down is the desire position position for natural birth

I mean engaging = delivering soon. Cos engaging mean head engage into Pelvic area right? Or am I wrong? Haha I also heard from my neighbor. Haha
Haru- I also planning to order the confinement food from
Natal essentials for 2 weeks.. But still haven't call them for the trial...

SSP- taka fair selling maxi cosi, graco, britax, ferrari etc car seat... I went Yday but very crowded n long queue for payment. Some of the pigeon items also no stock...
syiok to see got confinement food delivered for u mummies.. i dun think they have it for muslim. lucky i still have my MIL to take care of me and baby.

I need to test check my breast pump also. I feel like I don't have time to do all that with my coming to 2 years old son crying for my attention all the time when im at home. He will shout calling me whenever i go to the kitchen or even to the toilet.
I think head down and engaged is different.. head down means baby still got chance to turn over although its very low chance. Correct?

Taka selling loads of car seats and cots! But never see the price. Can go during weekdays! Weekend queue + crowd was horrible!

haha i love chicken gizzards! yums! my water retention is really so much better now. my friend told me to get the version until the waist one for use after birth. but thats $57 normal price! lolz..

fantasy: arh!! SMH forum sell braun thermometer around $60 only leh! LOL..

pinkbunny: the chinatown shop is at people's park complex (IIRC), its a yellow building with a food centre on the first floor and textile shops on the 2nd. The shop is called Swanston at 2nd level. The place that sells cheap toiletries..
Maybe next time go and buy the full length ones!

siti hazar: can just fill up the form on babysafe's website (they are the distributor for Mustela here) at babysafe.sg and they will post out to you

haru: reccomend the combi wipes as they contain no chemicals! going for $11.90 per pack of 3. Although it was cheaper at Babycare festival at $10.60..
oh dear, I still very xian to start packing!!! Those that can go in, like disposable panties, maternity pads, nursing pads are in; pyjamas (I still "seasoning"); toiletries (still using); nursing bras (haven't wash); contact lens barang (haven't pack); hair dryer (still using, I need to pack my own high power, hospital too slow); baby go home clothing (already instructed helper to do 1st round of washing); what else did I missed out?
hi Cayden's mummy,
oh! i saw that before n it looks pretty good. I will give it a try!

you can check the daily menu on the Natal Essential website and choose the trial to be on the day on your preferred menu. =P

haha, i just loaded my 1st load of Bumwear! haha..but I still have another 2 bags of clothes to go! hahah...and still have no cot set up yet. the list of undone stuff goes on...
Haru, I have already packed the bumwears, I do not intend to use it straight away, therefore, do not intend to wash them now, probably after 1-2weeks then I'll wash them. Clothing are already sorted by 0mth, 3mths, 6mths, 6 mths, will wash them as we go along.

Do get your pump, storage bottles and milk bags ready.
Me too.. Have yet to pack anything.. And have washed some baby's clothes the last time and kept them in the vacuum bag.. Maybe have to wash again...
Lotusmum, my helper has just started her 1st round of washing yesterday and I've instructed her to wash again mid-Mar and once more when I go admitted!!! I know I very KS to have washed so many times!!! I just want them to have the "seasoned" feel. LOL
thanks Cayden. Ive already fill up the online form. hehhe

I will be delivering on 18th april coz i opt for c-sect. hubby wants to buy the baby cot and baby essentials and clothes only in april. He got pantang not to buy too early. dun really understand why but i bought for mummies stuff aldready and kept it nicely. heheh.. I just need to buy the maternity pads, breast pads and a sling for my baby.
Siti- I m opting for 17 Apr for c section 1 day before u so that bday will be same as my No 2.. But have to wait for doc to give green light on that day....
Hi lotusmum, oh "kian" i know! Lol tks!

Hi pinkbunny,
Ya my bb's head down during last visit 2 wk back, Gyne oso said still got chance to turn back (touch wood)
That'y i so anxious to see gyne dis fri, wk 34 start to see bb position n how heavy he is now! Hope no weight gain on myself!

Hi cayden'mummy,
Wat?! $60?! Arggggg
N the socks i wear it last night, but woke up w itchy foot(top) n have to roll up. Tink my feet is too swollen till it causing me some pain
i shall try again tonight.

Oya fellow swollen feet kaki, my friends n mum told me to look out when the swollen reduce, cos tt mean in labour soon wor!

Talking about milk bags, i din bbuy any wor. Cos i scare low milk supply before seeing the tread in FB. Haha i Got some leftover from my cousin thou. maybe i shld get some hor?Any other brand can fit in medela freestyle other den medela own bag? N where got cheap lobang?must do homework this round sia! Lol
oh ya! my breast pump is still in the original box! haha...forgot to test my sterilizer too!

i have the Playtex milk bags which is leftover from my #1. i have also ordered a box of Lanisoh milk bags from the states which my brother in law in bringing back for me. If you need milk bags, i believe there is a shop at United Sq that sells the Playtex.
oh ya, talking about slings..i just came across this sling called Sakura Bloom that is selling at Novena Sq. It looks very good but costs $160!!! Ouch!!!
Hi mummies, can intro me a good baby carrier? I know there is ergo and beco, but not sure which brand is good
i have a Beco which i used for #1, its pretty good and excellent support for baby. would be better for when child is more steady and neck and stronger, i feel.
Sunny,Blackangle : Thanks for the info. Will probably go down some weekday to take a look.

I have been wearing compression stockings during the day for many months cos got varicose veins. Severely limits the outfits I can wear. Can't wait till the day I can dump them back into storage again!
Fantasy: lol! At least u have the local warranty for the thermometer.

The milk bags I also din buy as my Fren advice to buy after giving birth, after all we still don't know how our supply will be like. Later not enough milk to store also. Btw at bulk purchase forum got people selling milk bags cheaper than retail also

I'm so happy! Today my hubby set up the baby cot with the cot mobile with lights I bough at take baby fair. Looks so pretty!!
Milk bags - I'll be using Playtex, freeze in 120 or 150ml per bag. I've ordered via oversea spree from Drugstore. Also, I've purchased Medela milk bags from BP thread, another good and reliable choice is Lansinoh, I've used it for no.1. If I need more, I'll get from BP, much cheaper than retail.

Haru, I've 1x MIM sling, 2 x Pupsik pocket sling. Sling is good when they are still small. As they get older, better to use carrier, I've Ergo.
Yup me too, thankfully I have a girl who is not fussy about food. But still, the thought of having to cook everyday… I don’t think I will be able to. Prob half and half la. Mostly I freeze pasta sauces for her, or pre-cut and pre-marinate pieces of salmon or chicken then all hub has to do is heat up/pop into the oven. If you want a good kids’ recipe book, check out Annabel karmel.

What kind of nice nursing bras you looking for? Sexy sexy kind one ha? Hehe. Heard mothercare has good ones. But not cheap

Caydens mummy
You got it from swanstons? Ok cool I go check soon! I live quite close by

You going to bring bedroom slippers? Socks (to wear in delivery suite)? You also mentioned you wanna bring pampers right, cos you don’t like the hospital using huggies?

Striking off the list
Today I cleared a drawer from my #1’s chest of drawers and nicely packed all the clothes for #2 in there! Yay! I thought I was very efficient in packing my #1’s clothes by age (same like meinme – newborn, 3 months, 6 months etc) but then…. I cannot find all those bags!! Alamak. So these clothes that I have washed and packed, are either new (gifts from friends and family) or those in a ‘chapalang’ bag from I dunno where, of my #1’s clothes from all ages. Haha. Efficiency is so not my middle name

I am a BIG ergo fan. I love that the weight is spread across shoulders and waist. I love the comfortable shoulder straps. It’s good cos it supports baby from buttocks (baby sits on it as opposed to bjorn where it supports baby from groin). But it is a bit bulky to carry around when not in use. i started off using baby bjorn air from about 1 month plus to about 6 months. Then my girl got heavy and my shoulders hurt soooo much.

yup, lucky you have your MIL to help you cook! my MIL is not in SG, and my mum's cooking er... no comment :D

Wow today tried the winter melon soup and guess what girls, my water retention feet feel ‘lighter’ than usual! Very easy, I simply blanched chicken bones, then added it to boiling water, together with gou qi zi, slices of winter melon, dried mushroom (that has been soaked and cut into small pieces), and slices of ginger. Even my little girl loved it!
just wondering
is anyone feeling super sleepy again? this morning i had so much trouble staying awake. i had to ask my #1 to count to 30 while i closed my eyes after i read a book to her. she was kind enough to give me 2 minutes, and in that short span of time, i could even dream! talk about efficiency!
Hi meinme & haru,
Tks for the recommendation for the milk bag n where to buy!

Re: baby carrier
Seem like ergo is popular! Will note it down!
Btw my mum told me not to buy those carrier w bb facing yourself as this make bb uncomfortable & leg kui kui wor.but i saw many parent r carrying like that leh.so dunno whether my mum'sworry is a valid concern bo

Wah that good. Shall ask my mum prepare tmr heehee
Pinkbunny, yes, I've already packed, pampers, wipes, cotton balls, cotton buds, tissue for my little man in a kid recycle bag! This Sat, I'm going for my gynae appt, I'll ask if i can do that or I need a note from gynae to do that. I'll be c-sec, no need in delivery suite, I'll bring sock as I'm used to wear sock o sleep.
Hi mummies! I am a EDD April 2nd mummy! Really happy to see so many of you Apr mommies here!
can i check anyone of you tried Richfood confinement food catering? Any of you signed up for jamu postnatal massage packages ? Felt droopy after first bb so seriously considering.
Fantasy, it's "correct" to carry baby from their butt, if facing outside, you are "hanging" the baby from the groin. I'm particular about this, I've carried my girl in sling (legs closed) till after 1 year then I allowed anyone to carry her with her legs "split"!
hi meinme,
oic so that the meaning of carrying from the groin!
now i understand why some ppl using the sling, especially for bb gals!

oh ya mummies, any cheap and safe body lotion/cream that we can apply? my skins (hands and feet)are so tight and dry. Maybe that's why my swollen feet start to ache(from tightening of the skin)? i'm tinking of using baby johnson oil haha since is safe for bb it should be ok right?
left only few weeks to deliver, dun wan spend too much buying a cream specially for pregnant lady cos i'm lazy woman who dun usually apply cream =p.
please advise!

thanks everyone!
I had been using EMU oil, from BP. Or Pure Olive Oil is fine too. For itch, I had used aloe vera gel from BP too.
hi meinme,

where to get pure olive oil? not cheap right?

haha actually i dunno wat is BP? it meany bulk purchase from this forum too? under the WTB? i never try before leh. dunno who r the reliable middleman =p
Fantasy: I was using Ergo with #1. Ergo allows baby to sit on butt when facing forward or backwards. This is unlike Bjorn. I had a Bjorn too. Bjorn confirm is hanging by the groin. From how i see people uses Beco, I think it's also butt, not groin.
I also own 2 slings and 1 pouch. But hardly use. Most of the time is Bjorn (before i realised that it was groin hanging), after that I switched to Ergo.

Milk Bags: I also haven't buy any. Will wait till milk supply stabilise first. Anyway, I will be using the Sensible Lines milk tray for freezing and storage. No need milk bags.
Ergo allows baby to be hung in front, but facing the person carrying. Not facing outwards. Oppss... Bjorn is the one that allows baby to be carried in front, either facing in or out.
Need some help... Think I posted this but no response.

Any idea if NUK standard latex teats fit Medela bottles? If so, do I need to get NUK's collars for Medela's bottles as well? Do they sell the collars individually even? Or will the NUK teats fit into Medela's collars and bottles already?

LittleDd, Lor has replied you in FB. Yes, can fit.

BP thread: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/581296.html?1331001328

EMU oil:

Aloe Vera gel: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/6624896.html

FYI, EMU oil, I've used up 1 bottle of 200ml!!! I've used it for anything under the sky - itch, cut, sore, moisturiser, stretchmark prevention !!! starting my 250ml bottle now.

Yes, Ergo can only do facing baby and carry on your back, no outward facing.
wow seems like Ergo is very popular
btw mummies where can i get Ergo baby carrier? i have a baby sling pass down by hubby friend but i am afraid i dont know how to use it,hehe althought i saw some mummies using it to carry their baby so easily.
nice to know u have already selected the date.. ive selected but i dunno if the gynae do take note. So u mean the gynae need to say yes or no to do c-sect for us? i only know if we have fever they cannot perform the c-sect to us. hmm..

under the BP got sell the milkbags which is cheaper than selling outside.. im using medela PISA and i still have a few bottles for me to keep my BM.. will buy if later when i need to get back to work my supply increase.. or not enuf space in the fridge.. hehehe

im totally excited coz this sat we're gonna checkout the baby cot at baby kingdom.. my husband can't wait to see tat he make his trip by himself to take a look first. but for a while only. never really check... hahahhaa.. cann't wait for saturday..
Dwie Indah> First few year shop in paragon has Ergo or you can shop online for more design. I personally loves Beco which now also has design to can face front but a bit more groin supporting if face front. I suggest you go youtube and key in ergo and beco and you can see all the ways of carrying baby.
For storage of BM, after expressing into the BM bottles, can we just put it into the freezer? If I'm not wrong, we can only store it for 24 hours? Will that "harden" up the milk if we left it in the freezer for say 2-3 hours?

Was thinking of getting a chest freezer to store BM only. Where can I get those?

When we go out, what do we need to bring if bb is on BM? Pump, wipes, bottles, flask with hot water, cooler bags?
thanxs for the recommendation on EBM storage bag! i think i also wait till birth then decide whether need to get a not...

oh ya, when taking EBM to thaw, is to thaw in the fridge right? n when need to heat up, i saw someone mentioned to body temp. hw mummies test the temp? thermometer??
Chest Freezer if you intend to freeze up to 6months, our normal household freezer is good for 3 months. Get a chest freezer if you are over-supplied, you may check out Carrefour having promot for Techno brand $299 with free delivery.

If you are latching, no need to bring anything, just change of clothing will do. If you are doing bottle-feeding then you need more things which I cant advise as I always latch direct when outside.
LittleDd> if store BM in freezer can keep up to 3 mth. Deep Freezer 6mth. Yes it will harden to ice and need to thaw longer. If keep in fridge must finish within 48 hrs. The small freezer can get from Carrefour at less then $200 I recall. Yes when go out need to bring all those things unless you ok to latch on the go.

my first time wanna try latch on wen going out.. do i really need a nursing dress or outfit? nursing dress or blouse are not cheap.. i might be buying 2 or 3.. but i can't use it everytime im going out.. do mummy here wear blouses with buttons in front and latch baby outside?
