(2012/04) Apr 2012

Do you mommies still wear make up to work? I still do and the sweating is really not helping much....

Really can't imagine confinement lor.. some more have to breast feed, I hope bb won't be drinking my sweat at all lah!

cayden's mummy, sian hor? like eating normal dunno why keep putting on so much weight...haha..diaoz...

LittleDd, yup yup...i still put little make up leh. sun block, eye brow (a must), concealer & blusher. ahahhah
dun worry, i'm sure yr bb will drink your sweat during confinement! wahahah coz we will be sweating like nobody business, unless we hide inside aircon room ;p
i still rmbr, the sweat + milk + chow sng smell eee...only smell good after bathe.
oh, u mummies not sleeping in aircon room? i was told by the confinement agency can sleep in aircon room. cannot on the fan.

it's the wind, not the cold temperature that is prohibited during confinement, no?

wah if no aircon + no fan, i cannot. stuffy leh.
I also wear make up to work lar. If not look like ghost.

I will be bathing and washing hair throughout confinement. Aircon is a must for night time. Fan will be left running in day time in living room also. Will just be wearing t-shirt and shorts also. That's what i did for my last confinement in May. And with such "skimpy" dressing and fan and aircon and all, still perspire like crazy.
End up, I resorted to either going to the room to BF and on air con, so that I don't have to activate the aircon in the living room.
Hi mummies, I was busy with year end closing and also final audit, so was not follow the thread for quite sometimes.
Would like to ask if any mummy has bought the herbs for shower and dried hair shampoo? Can share where to buy and which one the best?
I heard my colleague told me last time they gather all mummies from the thread and dud bulk purchase from a shop at bishan industrial park. Anyone know keen and know where to buy? My colleague has forgotten the brand but she said very good as can smell the lemon grass ..
Wow everyone seemed to be very excited, yesterday was feeling a slight pain at my stomach area, was wondering if it is contraction, keke then i can give birth today 29th feb, such a special date. Then my baby will be prematured, no no... I have ordered confinement food from newbaby. The food is not too salty, just nice, can accept, just that i still prefer the red dates tea prepared by my mum. Nicer than theirs. Food is tasty too but abit oily which will require abit of effort to remove. I have Delphin too, both my husband and i love it unfortunately it has became our white elephant as we are staying there. Thinking of letting go at a loss, anyone hope to get one can get from me. To save yourself some money than buyin new set.
me too, didn't on the air-con last time, just use fan. but recently the weather is getting so hot... i guess it will be hotter during my confinement period. might consider switching on the air con when bf, so that bb and i won't get too sweaty.
my last 2 confinements were in Jan and Feb, still quite cooling.
i ordered the buy 4 get 1 free Country Save from Bumwear website since it has free delivery for orders above $100. Honestly too lazy to go to United Sq to get it. =P Let me know if you need a box. I can always pass you a box at the discounted price which i got it for. Guess I will use it for the bum wear and baby's clothes as well as hubby's sweaty clothes since i will have like 5 boxes!!

re: baby cot
any mommies using/used Ikea's cot? Was there today and very tempted by e compact size of the cot. But...i just bought the mattress for my existing cot! sigh..coz our bedroom doesn't have much space and to have the existing cot in our room is going to make the room pretty cramp. Any review on ikea's cot?
I'm using the ikea cot. The white princessy looking one. Hensvik. No problems, no complaints. Will re-set up this weekend

Wah today after din had major scare! Thought I was having contractions, #1 kept jumping and asking me to sing, couldn't find hubby, tummy pain... Scared!!

So going to put more effort into packing hospital bag! Argh!

I'm at 34 weeks now. Gulp. Technically will be popping in 3-5 weeks?! Argh!!! Headless chicken run begins
Wow I would like to buy together for e lemon grass smell bath n shampoo.. Can include me but I've no idea on where to get it..
arggg...my tummy is sooooo itchy!!!and i can see red dots again on my both side. must be bb moving too actively today. i busy w closing, he oso kept himself occupied =p

hi pinkbunny,
woo pre-natal aqua class sound really interesting. where is it and how much was it? still on?

hi ms tan,
yes the weather is very very hot nowaday. i hate it to take bus and walk to office every morning. hubby no longer let me drive to walk as the bump get bigger. he scare hit the steerling wheels.

hi Cayden's Mummy,
i always catch the flu as my dept is quite big, with ppl flu and coughing now and den.
hubby bought me a mini ioniser from ogawa
to use in office i put it right beside me. and together w the vitmin C gyne gave. work well *touch wood*

hi LittleDd,
i'm still applying light makeup - sunblock, loose powder & little blusher.
but i tink i'm gonna stop soon when i stop wearing my contact len. gonna change to spec after my for-nightly disposable lens is due to change.

re: confinement in Apr/May
i also knot imagine confinement during that period with even hot weather =S
but according to my mum( gonna be my CL too haha), she can said can on air con wor but i got to wear socks all the time except during bath.

as for the bath stuffs - my mum got the "da feng chao" for me from those medical shop (30 pack - one everyday) and i finally got the Klorane dry har shampoo! it was OOS for 2 months!dunno whether the shampoo is good thou as is friend recommend one. and seem like dry hair shampoo brand quite limited in singapore wor.
she "allow" me to bath after i'm discharge but hair can only be wash after 7 days after much debating LOL. initially she said no bath/wash hair for 12 days! i knot imagine that especially i got oily scalp and not forgetting the "bloody discharge" below.
Hi mummies, isetan private sale is on 9th march!

Cayden,s mummy: I m using sharp purifying n humifier for our masterbed rm. Bought it 2 mths ago , so far so good. B4 using, can feel my throat is always dry..now not any more .
Hi Fantasy,

Where did you get Klorane dry hair shampoo? I search those watsons, guardian and those pink palour shops at AMK/TPY also cannot find.

How much is one bottle?
Woo hoo mummies! It's march! The final stretch esp for the early April mummies! I'm hoping to assemble my cot today. Haven't bought slot of baby stuff or packed my bag. Do you find you are more laxed with subsequent pregnancies?!

I've been perspiring like crazy too.. Even with aircon on. I will be having a bath throughout confinement.
yes, its count down to Apr!

me too more lax with the #2 and have not packed anything nor washed anything...

i am perspiring like nobody biz too!

in office, i have aircon with me and a standing fan, just for me to cool me down. even if it is walking from the bathroom to the living room, i will be wet!

i will considering bathing too with DFC and i also brought little dreamer shampoo for washing.
will shampoo every 3 days.

just placed my order confirmation with natal essential!
Hi mummies.. Been so busy so seldom log on .. Finally is march and we are all counting down to April already !! Btw any can add me to the facebook group?
Ms Tan: oh its on 9th! Great! Cos I have gynae checkup that day and can shun bian do last min shopping! Must pull hubby there this time. Really unable to carry things and push around pple anymore.

Yup, its Mar! And I am still unprepared! Must start doing some stuffs liao.
SG: I went to do eyebrow embroidery after my gynae gave me the go ahead last month. Hahaha.. must have eyebrow when taking after birth pictures mah.

Wished it was the last week of March like now. My EDD's only on 26th April! Still seems so long
This morning, i sweated alot just by standing outside the office for 10 mins waiting for my colleagues to come.. Lolz!

Challis: ya I have not washed anything yet too! Try to do it this or next weekend..

Ms tan: thanks! Will go check it out!

Fantasy: thanks! Will go check that out as well! Hehe. Yes I heard April and may is quite hot.. Sianz! Sum more my MIL says no bathe 30 days and no wash hair 40 days.. How can??!!

Btw the dry shampoo u ladies are talking about, is it the powder type or liquid type?

Ytd saw gynae and my baby is in head-down position already.. So scary! Lolz!
Yay Taka baby fair is confirmed to be 4th - 25th march! Must share any deals u ladies come across ok. Hee. I know babysafe will be having 15% at their section in baby department at level 3..
hi Blackangle,

i remember i felt it once but i reckon that was because i took a cinnomon bread. =(

hi gohstan,
i got it from Guardian @ City Square! and the lady told me stock just arrive and i can only see few bottles left there only. before that, i tried a few guardians/watson also no have =( snatached out by others i guess.
so be fast if you wan! i think it cost $14+? couldn't rememeber cos hubby paid for it.

hi lilcactus
i also having gyne visit on the 9th!!!

hi Cayden's Mummy
wat?!no bath 30 days and wash hair 40 days! i will go crazy! r u going to follow??
thanks for informing on the taka fair.
i can finally use my taka voucher for something useful! gonna get thermometer..i saw someone recommending ear one? which brand is good?
fantasy: where is your gynae visit? mine is at TMC, Dr Beh.

the ear thermometer, i think majority got Braun? cos bp and spree there always lots of order. mine also Braun, so far so good. But I do remember PD normally recommend the normal thermometer for newborns, they say more accurate.
Fantasy: ya the best brand is Braun.. In ear one is the best.

Nooo I'm not gonna follow! Haha! Can use the herbs wash body lah.. But the hair.. Maybe will try to tahan about 2 weeks.. But definately before 1 month! If don't wash 40 days will really die man. Sum more how to face people during full month celebration?

All these beliefs are frm china anyway.. Dont need to follow so stubbornly right.. Now we have clean water, hair dryer.. Haiz..
Hi all,

yes, same as fantasy, I would like to have some recommendation on what to buy from little dreamers as well.

do let us know! thanks
hi sunny/cayden's mummy,

thanks! will get that den =D

ya and abt the bathing part. pre-natal class i attended also said the same thing. in the past knot bath is because worry water contamination etc. but they did advise to bath w warm water too.

hi lilcactus,
my gyne from gleneagles - Dr Cathryn Chan but i'm seeing her at her clinic at Hougang
pink bunny,
the only thing that i wished the ikea cot has is the drop rail, makes it easier to put baby in. but then again, for that price it is a pretty good deal! i am so close to getting the cot. just that I am stuck with a completely new Babysafe mattress now! sob....

cayden's mummy,
wow! so soon!!! head down position already??
Ya! My edd is 4th april.. If early 1 or 2 weeks will be around mid to end march.. Time really flies!

Btw is the dry shampoo u all referring to is powder type or liquid type? Heard there are a few diff versions?

I'm still awaiting to join the FB group.. Haha..
oh cayden's mummy, which means you are already full term or coming full term already? anytime will pop liao ya?

all preps done?
Cayden's mummy: my edd is 1 day earlier than yours. How's your preparation?
I halfway packing the things to hospital, but have not wash all the BB clothes & nappies... Not yet set up the bb cot...
Somemore juz moved to new place 2 days ago, haven't finish unpack things... really hope bb won't pop out tat soon...
The pre natal aqua aerobics class is for 5 weeks and either held at YMCA or if you can get a group of 8 expectant mummies, can arrange for a condo. I think most of us may not be able to last a further 5 weeks as preggie mummies la! I was asking if anyone was keen for the mum+baby aqua sessions, which are good for babies after 4 months, then they are not so sensitive to chlorine.

For those interested in the aqua aerobics for MUMMIES, maybe you can call the number that’s on the webbie at YMCA to enquire

If we are talking about the same cot (http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/50213565/?) then there are 2 heights – can put baby on top level when still small, and when older, can lower it so baby cannot climb out. You want something that can lower the side rail for you to put baby in? but er, your two hands will be holding on to baby liao, how to lower rail? Don’t remember how much I bought it for, $300 plus I think, 4 years ago. Should be cheaper now
Littledd - my edd is near to u. Mine is on the 28 apr. can't wait for it to come... Very tired now. But I m going for c sec so was hoping to select an earlier date...

I will still bath n wash my hair during confinement. For my
Previous 2 confinement I also didn't follow...
LittleDd, can go ah? i also wanted to go for eyebrow "tattoo", the natural one lah...but keep postpone "ing" ahhaha...i will look pale w/o drawing my eyebrow. =p how much u pay for it?
Cayden's mum: My edd is 1 April. Baby's head down since 32 weeks! I can really feel the pressure.

Did anyone go to the mother care sale today?
klorane shampoo - i've bought before from guardian.

this time round, think i will just heck it and shower and wash hair since i don't have a CL! juggling 1 preschooler and 1 newborn with little help, i think i would prefer to feel clean and not argh with all the sweat and sticky hair!
i happen to read in forum a recommendation for dry shampoo by spray from unity.. green bottle and refreshing so i just got one thou not sure if that's the one...
batiste dry shampoo..
hi mummies,

tinking whether to find shifu to see my bb's name..
already have a name in mind which hubby and me like alot haha.
but the thought of asking a shifu to see keep coming in cos i heard my friend said a good bb name benefit the bb and also the relationship with the parent or even help with the parent's career etc...
but afraid the shifu may just "reject" the name i chosen.

wat do u all tink? anyone seen any shifu and got any good & cheap recommendation?

Fantasy: haha babe paiseh!! Totally forgot about it -_-" PM u now..

Challis: ahh I see! Yes can feel pressure but worse is his kicks which are directed to the top of my womb! Super uncomfy. Am getting quite serious water retention too! Got a big red patch due to mosquito or insect bite.. And developed into water bubble! Argh!

bubuya: same as u, clothes not washed, things not cleaned, cot not set up.. Just focusing on buying things now.. Haha! Gonna go buy the laundry detergent soon and start washing!

Lilcactus: haha another 2 or 3 weeks to go Liao! 35 weeks already! So scary time flies!!
