(2012/04) Apr 2012

Ms Tan, I've used Clarins for no.1 and now no.2. I realised like I've used a lot more for no.1! I think like 3 bottles pre delivery, now I only finished my 1st bottle, probably I have used EMU oil for this pregnancy too. No comment on good or bad, just used because it's recommended. I do not have stretch marks. I did noticed some "developed" on my tights but after applying, all gone.

For me, the ache when walking is at the left lower backside! Think that baby is pressing on some nerve. Now wondering if I should do some prenatal massage session.

And still coughing a lot at night. have finished antibiotics. wonder if I should go chinese sinseh to get cough mixture. I find that they are more effective in getting rid of phlegm and the one I went to before sees pregnant women too!
Hi mummies,

how do i access the FB group for apr'2012?
i cant find the group in my fb...

will do doing the shopping these few w/ends... abit kan cheong already!
MEinMe: wha .. Sound like the oil is good. I tinking to buy n try.. ;) I am applying the stretchmark cream that I bought frm Robinson. So far so good lo. But still can find tiny stretch marks at the lower tummy area. Tink no matter how religiously we apply still can find stretch mark
Vonvon, it;s a private group, therefore you cannot find. You need to PM Cheekyduck you details to add you then she will add you into the group.

Ms Tan, to start with, I was told stretchmark is in the gene, does your mum has it? You need to know that there is 2 type, 1 for pregnancy use and 1 for after delivery. Now, only left a few more week, I reckon no point getting the pregnncy one. EMU oil, I got from BP, alternatively, you may consider the pure olive oil which is working on the same logic. Pure olive oil, you can use on your little one too, on hair and dry skin and diaper area.
Pinkbunny, u mean u dunno you are in labour for your #1? =) no menses cramp like pain ah? Mine was becoz waterbag burst, so bor bian got to go hospital..so embarassing leaked as i walked heng, its 6am in the morning, nobody sees me. wahaha.

Wat is emu oil, for after birth to reduce stretch mark ah? i only apply stretchmark cream for my first, also used clarins but stretchmarks also appeared like nobody business, so it does runs in the genes coz my mum has it. so this time round, i'm not applying any cream liao. =)

El. u wanna try buying "pi pa gao"? i got lots of phlegm two weeks back..after 1 bottle (medium) one...much better le.. hee.. =)
Hi mummies here, can you advice wat e purpose of olive oil n bb oil ? Wat r thEy use for ?

Where is this 'Ocean' store u ladies r toking abt. At which part of Chinatown ?

Btw, do u all use shampoo n body foam to shower yr newborn or juz water alone ? If so, wat brands r u all using ?

Thx !!
I had that pain and it was horrendous cos all movements of the leg extend out from butt!! Sayang sayang. I had it thru out 2nd tri but now I think cos baby has turned, she's off that nerve so I've been released from it! Pre natal massage did not help me for that though and coincidently seeing my physiotherapist today so will seek her advice and can share with you

Mine was water bag leak so no pain. I called gynae but kept thinking "it's nothjng la, still can go red star for dim sum". I should have cos it leaked at 750am and I only gave birth at 2am!! But he called me in cos he scared will kena infection.

Stretch marks
My mum's are very faint and mine were horrible (even purple) in 3rd tri with #1. They became faint over time after birth. Stretch marks to me are like pregnancy battle scars and don't bother me so I just apply normal creams for the dryness and itch
jergens works well

Happy lunch, mummies!
Bbliss: did use shampoo and body foam for baby. For #1, I'm using Sebamed and will be trying out California Baby for #2.

Ocean store is located at People Park Complex Food Center Level 3. Swanston is located at Level 2. The bldg nxt to OG.
I think i am experiencing heartburn. But i cannot differentiate if its hunger.

I only know last time i can gobble up my bread with cheese for my brekkie cos hungry. But today i can only take bite size...

I haven had gastric problems before. So i am also not sure what medicine should i take to ease this feeling. Is it gaviscon? And if i can continue to eat normally?

Thanks in advance!
1xMummyJesline: ya if heartburn, recommended would be gaviscon. however not all would find useful cos tri 1, I took but does not help to relieve my heartburn! No harm trying!
Silvery gal, for me i packed bodysuit, booties and mittens, hats and receiving blanket. Heard diaper to go home will be given by hospital (not free of course, everything is added on to your bill).
pinkbunny, wow u still can go dim sum ah? mine cannot hold coz it burst. put pad also useless...hahaha...so i only bathe and dressed up then i go hospital liao. Had my breakfast there and waited for 10 hours before my #1 popped. I wonder if my #2 will come out faster. hee...
but i am telling him to be gd and stay inside till daddy comes bk from business trip in my week 38. My gynea not in Spore in my week 37. Diaoz...so hopefully #2 will come out in week 39-40.
Hi jesline,
U can try gaviscon if u feel acidic in ur stomach. Otherwise for gastric, I was on ranitidine and now famotin since start of my pregnancy ad I have gastric issue. Can try asking ur gynae if gaviscon and other antacid don't work.
hi mummies.. my edd is end of april..! counting down.. care to shared wat hav u guys prepared for ur newborn..?? tis is my #2 but i've yet to buy aniting n sudden lost of dunno wat to buy.. haha.. my #1 is 3 nw..
Did my 32week check. Baby is 2.3kg.. Kinda big. Hope she will allow me to go thru natural delivery... Praying hard for her lil head to turn down in 3 weeks time..
No la. I wanted to go for dim sum but didn’t. with #2, people always say the labour is faster so I think this time I won’t even think about dim sum la haha. Hubby lagi best. Cos I told him about friends who had long labours for #1 but #2 came out in like 2 hours and he panicked and said “why not let’s check into hospital 1 week before EDD?”. Haha he think like hotel like that, got early check in one

Wah hope your #2 wait for gynae and hubby to return before coming out to say hi to everyone!!

My #1 had very little hair so I felt it was pointless to get shampoo. So for the first 2 years I used J&J but some of the mums here have shared that J&J is not good. Have switched to GAIA and will be using that for baby #2

Ms tan
Me too, will only pack next month cos…. I just bought my laundry detergent and it will only be delivered next week so I can’t wash baby clothes! Haha.

Yyup hospital will ‘give’ you one pack of diapers for your stay, and whatever baby doesn’t use, you can bring home. But of course it’s reflected in your bill

Hi and welcome. It’s my #2 too and my #1 is 3.5. so far we ‘talk’ to meimei everyday together, I invite her to touch my tummy when meimei is moving and when we go out, I ask if she’d like to buy little gifts for meimei. Like small board books which I’m going to buy anyway (cos her old ones are quite badly chewed up!), but she feels like it’s her giving it to meimei. Whatever changes we make to the house (esp her room, since she’s going to share it), we explain to her that it’s done because meimei is coming to stay with us. I also try to read stories to her about welcoming siblings.

JL sale
Just went to JL sale yesterday at marina square. Wah. A lot of things 20% off. Bought avent storage cups (those who intend to BF, they are very good, and when baby is older, can use to bring snacks out and freeze pureed food also) and baby soap and lots of stuff. Free delivery for spendings above $150 so I took the opportunity to buy baby laundry detergent as well as wipes (even tho wipes no discount). All the heavy things, just add on to the cart!!

A breastfeeding good book esp for new mummies: ‘SO THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE FOR’ by janet tamaro. I’m a second time BFing mummy and have found so much useful info as well
mummies with lower back aches:
i learnt this with first pregnancy and thought i'd share. when you're standing, put your hands on your hips with thumb behind and fingers front. gently use thumbs to push side of butt down and at the same time, tilt your pelvis gently forward. just the pelvis, not the whole body. so the movement is kind of like your hip bone is dropping down about one inch. just repeat a few times. it releases alot of tension in that area and after a few sets you'll feel your lower back more relieved
Pinkbunny, I see I tot u really went for dim sum. Haha
Yah i also heard normally second one quite fast...gan cheong leh first time water break gt indication dunno this time water will break ornt. Later contraction dunno izzit in labour. Yah pray hard my bb will stay inside until gynae n daddy comes
hi pinkbunny

thanks! i checked with the nurse and they gave me an estimated bill but does not include those misc charges so just trying to ask around for a more closer estimate. now i see all the posts den realise even diapers also charged...wat else is charge?
yea renovation still not done by April but they said tne drilling work will be done so lesser noise.
my gyne is from gleneagle so can only choose between gleneagles and mount A. Heard mount a not bad and also more convenient for me so choose there.
Pink bunny: today butt pain miraculously went away! I think baby shifted to let mummy enjoy Valentine's! Still coughing but is much better after taking Chinese cough mixture.
Hello trx, my #1 turning 3 this sat.
hee this is also my #2. din really buy alot this round. Few new bb clothings, milk bottles, nursing bras/pads new breast pump erm tats all. Hee..compare to first time pregnancy, like super save money coz everything passed dwn frm #1.
vonvon: added u to the group already. Please comment on the intro thread so that we can track who is who.

Fantasy: Almost everything is chargable. Diapers, cotton balls, alcohol swaps, maternity pads, disposable undies, the razor used to shave if (if you need to be shaved), etc.

Cheekyduckie here with alternative login!
el> i bought the swaddle wrap from adonis & a(someting) when mothercare had discount of 20%. cause i read that other than swaddle, can use it for other purpose. as burping cloth, as diaper change mat, to cover from the sun on the infant maxi cosi. and others that i cant really rmember.
Hi mummies!

I'm due in April too. A bit late on the scene. Just wondering if those of you who are having second child, went for pre-natal classes this time round? I didnt and wondering if i should have.
blue_turtle: Thanks!
oh my... so no matter we use or not they also charge right?
Hubby saying he bring own diapers for bb to use haha. but since all is chargeable den no point la.
oya all mummies, as is my first bb. there r many stuffs i dunno. so need your advises.
i bought a avent manual pump but heard is gonna be real tiring especially during the first week with low milk supply.
so thot of buying a electronic one during this weekend bb fair.
friend recommended me avnet single electronic pump.
anyone used it before?
also i intend to swop between latching n bottle feeding so a nipple-like teat would be preferred to avoid nipple confusion.
i heard NUK siliocn wide neck is good.
i already bought pigeon starter kit (wide neck) and cousin gave me avent anti-colic (2 ways valve).
dunno whether these 2 is good enough or should i get the NUK teat.
pinkbunny : yea my ger hav been choosing tings for her lil bro on her own.. n she noes tt i cant carry her animore so she'll onli disturb my hubby.. so far so gd..

SG : seems like we've got the 2 kids of the same yr.. my ger turn 3 on jan.. hav yet to buy aniting yet.. waitin for baby fair tis weekend.. but tis wil b my 1st time breastfeedin.. my #1 was on FM.. for breastfeedin isit necessary to get the storage bag.? i'm a SAHM. and if we were to feed them wit storage milk how do we noe how much to giv..?? until they stop drinkin..??
hi~~ all mummies~~ have u all start to pack ur "anytime go" bag ald? I not sure what should i bring, bec this is my first time. Any advice? I ll give birth in Thomson.

And nex week i have to do the blood test, not sure is it for GPP~~ hahah..anyway it's sugar blood test. Bec doctor say my baby head and tummy a bit big, so need to do the test. Is there any mummy also do the same test as me at weeks 31?
Kumiko: I did random blood glucose test at my 31 week gynae appt too after gynae checked and said baby is big. No fasting or anything. Do you have to fast?
I have yet to start packing... I'm also delivering at tmc. They provide bb blanket n clothes for bb. So if u dun mind, bb can wear that home. I will bring sweater, nursing bra, breast pad, socks, my own clothes for gg hm, disposable undies n some toiletries. Hb will also bring laptop, camera, charger, jacket n his own change of clothes coz he's staying w me. Did i miss out anything? anyone recall if tmc provides toothbrush?
Kumiko: I just did the blood test last week @ 32 weeks coz gynae worry of gestational diabetes. Need to fast for 10 hrs. Draw a tube of blood, then drink the sweetie things and draw another tube after 2 hrs. Not sure yours are the same test.
Hi everyone,

would like your opinion on:

1. Delivery in Mount E in terms of bill size and the nurses
2. Should I get a breast pump now or after delivery?

: )
ya anione got the estimated bill of tmc also..?? i heard the price increase quite abit compared to wen i gave birth 3yrs ago..
Fantasy island
(chope, is that the name of the place that used to exist on sentosa? With the big water slides and all?)

Extra things could be diapers, maternity pads, the cotton sheets they put under you in bed to prevent you from leaking blood on the mattress, cotton swabs… anything!

Re milk supply: just latch, latch, latch, latch, latch as much as you can

Yay! Good on you and clever baby for letting mummy enjoy butt-pain-free valentine’s day!!!

Swaddle cloths
I simply use the regular muslin cloth. The nappy kind. Can use for everything. When burping baby, to wipe up spills, ‘pillow’ for baby, to swaddle baby and as a regular cloth nappy. For the mums who like to sew, I remember there were a few here (and one hubby too, if I remember correctly?), spotlight has really cute designs, then can buy a few and DIY into whatever size you want! I would so do that once I get a hang of my sewing machine. Once I set it up. Once I find the space for it. hahahahahah

I’m not sure if the kodomo detergent got 20% but I think so. Cos I didn’t buy. I got the ABD brand instead, powder form. Kodomo too expensive for me!!

Actually I did attend some classes even though it’s my second baby, but it was for work purposes and I really did learn a lot of things! I found mrs wong boh boi’s classes very useful (alamak, here I am promoting her again!), as well as some from the breastfeeding mothers support group.

Me too, delivering at TMC. I got this from the Mt A website, should apply to everyone I guess, regardless of where we deliver. I also suggest a jacket for mum, cos I remember being cold and had to end up wearing my husband’s very unglam jacket

What To Bring
Original Documents
• Identity Card or Passport (for foreigners), Spouse’s/Parent’s Identity Card
• Doctor’s Admission Letter
• Previous medical health reports e.g. X-Ray, Laboratory Reports, Blood Test Results, etc.
• Letter of Guarantee from your employer / insurance company if part or all of your medical expenses are to be borne by your company / insurance company.
• A list of all medications you are presently taking, and the dosage.
Personal Items
• Pyjamas or night dress
• Non-slip slippers
• Personal Toiletries
For the Expectant Mother*
• Night dresses with front opening to facilitate breastfeeding
• Bras (larger than your normal size)
• Socks (to be worn in the Delivery Suite)
*It is advisable to pack what you need one month before your expected delivery
For the Newborn
• 2 pairs of mittens
• A set of baby clothing to be worn during discharge
For the Father-To-Be
Bring along a sweater, as the Delivery Suite may be a little cold.

I remember that Mt A also provides bathtub for baby. Anyone knows if TMC does the same?

Welcome. Breast pump: get now cos after you deliver, where got time?
El: ya lo ~~ i also need to do the test because the gynae say my girl's head and tummy big~haha ... i have to fasting from midnight 12am, and no drink even plain water too. So poor thing lo!

odiey: They say need to bring the breast pump to stimulate don't know is it true la~~haha .... Yup! really not sure what tmc will provide~ i only know they ll provide some baby stuff~ but not sure whether they will provide any accessories for mum and dad or not~ like slipper, toothbrush, toothpaste etc.... You ll stay in 1 bed room is it? i heard that 2 bed room husband can't stay together is it?

bubuya:i think my test is same as yours. They say they will draw by blood at 9am, then they ll let me drink something and draw blood again at 11am. that's mean no food and drink frm midnight 12am @_@ not sure i can take it or not~~ haha..

Oh ya! How's El and bubuya blood test result? Everything ok? I scare my report can't pass leh~~~ hope everything will be fine~ my gynae say if the baby keep going big size like this, i might need to give birth around 37weeks.
Just check frm tmc website, this what they list out~

What to Bring For Your Stay
For maternity patients, please bring along your:
• personal nightgowns (front-open types for easier breastfeeding)
• maternity brassieres
• cardigan or dressing gown
• bedroom slippers
• sanitary belt (optional)
• sanitary towels (optional)
• polythene bags (for your soiled linen)
Note: It is advisable to have a bag ready with these necessary items packed 2 to 4 weeks befoe estimated delivery date.

We will provide the following for your newborn baby:
• baby vests
• disposable diapers
• toiletries
• a baby bag
• wrapping blanket
• a pair of mittens
Basic toiletries throughout your stay with us will be provided. However, you may also like to bring along your personal clothing, cosmetics and toiletries for a more comfortable stay. You are advised against bringing large sums of cash or valuables.
pinkbunny: thanks for your info~~~ hahaha....i tell you what! i attending Mdm Wong Boh Boi lesson nw~~ next tues ll be the last lesson, i really really enjoy her lesson very very much!hahaha... and really useful for me as this is my 1st pregnancy~ haha...really a bit blur before the lesson, but after 4 lessons, me and my husband at least not dumb dumb anymore~haha.. and i scare i ll quarrel with my confinement lady nw~haha.. as mdm wong taught us a lot of things which i think some of the Confinement lady ll not follow. haha
Kumiko: yalor, i tahan till after drawn 2nd tube of blood then can take food, so it's ard 12pm liao...
Blood test not out yet, next week see gynae then only can get the report.
All the best to u... Cut down ur sugar intake from now on, shouldn't be a problem
Kumiko-I think I passed the glucose test becos at KK no news is good news. They will only call you if something wrong. Anyway I will see gynae in two weeks time to confirm.
My glucose test different from yours. No fasting required as just randomly take blood. Hope yours was scheduled for early in morning. Otherwise I'm sure you'll be very hungry by the time you can eat!
good luck to all mummies taking tests!!

hey i thought we're supposed to be done with cravings by now. but i'm suddenly super craving for salted veg and duck soup!!

i really like her sessions
did you attend her session at AMK last weekend? we may have met! i was wearing a black dress (so clever hor, wear dress, then kena sit on floor haha)

ohhhh seems like TMC doesn't give bathtub.... then i got to buy loh
Trx, eh I haven buy any storage bags...will buy soon. Hee.. Tink initial stage just latch n latch until milk stablise then start pumping n store ba. U can try like 30ml first then see hw's yr bb's appetite... Increase if he/she still look hungry but sometimes bor bian gt to waste some milk de coz bb also gt mood, sometimes drink alot sometimes little. Very diff. To gauge, take time ba

hi mommies... we are drawing nearer and nearer to our EDD. wat are some of the things that are not bot yet? care to list down and share? scared i overlook hehe.. for me its:

1) bath towel
2) diapers
3) 1 tin of FM to standby
4) pacifier to standby
5) diaper cream
6) herbs and such for confinement

this is my 2nd preg, feel so lax, but still worried that i may overlook and forgotten to buy any stuff...
