(2012/04) Apr 2012

MEinME: My gynae is pro exercise and all. So she will just clear me lar. Just like how she encouraged me to go for Yoga, swimming and even pilates. I think she is a modern gynae. She also doesn't stop me from eating anything. To her everything in moderation is good. Must eat healthy and balanced diet. She even told me maternity milk is not necessary will just cause weight gain.
I believe a lot of manufacturers are just afraid that if they dun put disclaimers like consult doctor, they will get into trouble is anything happens. So you actually see that statement on every other thing. Even the salonpas! I will dieeeeeee without salonpas lar! haha.
Any edible medication of cos must becareful!

Since we are on topic of shoes, try not to wear totally flat slippers with no support at the arch! Your feet with no support will grow wider and bigger and you have to live with it for the rest of your life! We can go slimming, wraps, exercise to reduce body size, but expanded bone structure on feet is like irreversible!
I dun want giant feet after pregnancy!

cheeky: thanks for the tip. i didn't know this is the cause of wider feet. i've always wonder how come as women age their feet grow wider and was hoping it doesn't happen to me. now i know how to prevent it!
I spent $700+ at Egg Maternity!!! Not easy to find my size!!!
My feet are already big big. Can't find shoes at any shoe shops. I can only get my working shoes from Pedal Works.
Tangerinez: Yes yes. The extra weight will cause pressure on my feet! And feet will expand to cater for the weight. Else will we fall flat. =)

Gohstan / Dragon Mummy: I am currently wearing Crocs (they have some that is ok, not too casual for work), Fit Flops, and some from random shoe shops.
I try to get open toes ones cos i realised from #1 time, my feet really bloated at 3rd tri, cannot squeeze into any covered shoe. End up have to wear slipper. Even with slippers (which are like 2 sizes bigger than my normal size) i still have prob fitting my fat feet in at the end of the day.
CheekieDuckie..u are really v blessed
ur mummy buy maternity cloths for u. Guess the feeling must b good to shop w ur mummy.. Today I start wearing maternity cloths ler.. Some of my non maternity tops I cant in anymore ..:p
hi CheekyDuckie,
i am a slipper/flats girl!! any recommended slippers or flats for preggie mamas? I have a few pairs of Birkenstocks and the rest are mostly flip flops, hee...

for the first time today, i didn't feel hungry at tea time!hahah...managed to tahan till dinner time. maybe coz i had a huge milkshake during lunch! yumz!! but dun dare to take anything sweet e rest of e day liao..hee...
I love my slippers and flats too! Since I don't really have a need for heels anymore. I do love those too. I love shoes, period :D

My most frequently used pair is...the cheapo cotton on slippers. And crocs! Have long heard of the comfort of fit flops. Really ah, so comfy?
Oh all this talk about shoes is making me crave for my bkk foot massage!!!

You got my pm with email add and details for fb?

Lol on your public declaration of love for salonpas. I heart it too!

Aiyoh tell you girls ah. I had a splitting headache all afternoon from spending 2 hrs in an enclosed room with 20 noisy kids. That, and me having to raise my voice to get heard, and the lack of oxygen all contributed to my massive headache!!!
FB Group: Sent FB request to Smoke and Pinkbunny. Please check. Paisei, the PM went to my SPAM mailbox. Thanks for reminding!

Slippers: Make sure they provide good arch support. The little raised part at the bottom of your feet. Birkies are ok. Crocs, Fit Flops also have the some support although they are slippers. Notice how these slippers have contours for different parts of your feet. They also "curve" upwards at the side so that the side of your feet have something to rest on.

Cotton on slippers i am not too sure though. The "slippers"/"Flats" from most shops like C&K, URS, Pretty Fit, do not come with the support. Most of them are just flat at the foot part right?

And contrary to what a lot of people say, a little heel can be good. Cos all heels come with arches somehow! But not too high lar. 0.5 inches is ok. But must be VERY VERY CAREFUL not to trip ok. 3 inches is definitely not ok! Too much stress on the balls of your feet!
But I still try to skip heels, unless I have a fanciful dinner/function to attend. Too tiring to walk and stand around in. And I am just clumsy by nature.

All the talk about shoes... making me crave for PEDICURE! hahahahaha....
CheekyDuckie - i feel better wearing heels hehehe.. but kitten heels for now! At least got a bit heel lah, feels and looks better hehehee... plus now i put the nonslip on the bottom incase slippery.

As for slippers, I still wear my Havainas and my Fit Flop. So shiok lol!
I miss going to manicure & pedicure too. Unable to sit long at the salon now cos will feel hungry, need to go toilet and etc.

I tried doing my own last night. So tedious!!! Especially pedi... no long flexible to bend my legs bcos of my bump.
I wear black Reeboks on the commute to and from work then change to flats in the office.

Find that the Reeboks have good grip, esp since the ground is often wet from the rain, can help prevent slipping!

I wear Birkis on weekends. Really want a pedicure though, no way I can do myself, I am a total klutz, always smudge!
I was at the Robinsons sale last nite and bought quite a no of wireless bras at very good price. I find wired ones very suffocating as the stomach grows and wireless ones are so much more comfy and helps to avoid blocked ducts in future.

Re shoes, i wear my crocs and fitflops during weekends. Am still trying to find a good pair of flats for work. But no luck so far. Oh, din know that we shld be wearing those flats with arch support. Will try to look out for it. No wonder I feel tired even after standing for a short while on the MRT station while wearing flats now. And yes, my feet did grow a little ever since the 1st pregnancy. sigh... Yes, I also need a pedicure badly...

Hi yanqiu,
Welcome. Which gynae are you with? Is this your first baby?
Hi mummies,
I had this hue maternity pillow shipped in from US. around $200 plus, letting go at $50. very good condition and great for supporting the back. collect at bukit batok. sms 96922155 for photo.
Went for my triple test yesterday and pass. Phew!

Anyone start to feel baby movement? I felt like a ball rolling gently in my tummy from 11 weeks. Abit kua zhang I know but this is my no. 2 so I guess I felt earlier. I can only feel it when I lie on my side. These few days got a kick sometimes. I hope very soon, I can feel it when I touch my tummy. I think my son will be very excited to feel my tummy move.
congrats mossie on clearing ur test! not gg for oscars?

i feel bubble popping in my tummy, not sure if its movement. But i saw baby moving yesterday on the screen at my gynae clinic! Thats so amazing~!
Congrats on clearing the triple blood test! I also started to feel bb's gentle movements after 13 weeks. Recently I also felt a few gentle kicks once in a long while... =)
Ni, the test was with scanning. I think is call down syndrome test in kkh, shld be same as Oscar.

I thought it was too early to feel movement too but the feeling is quite special with the ball rolling feeling so I din think it is cause by gas in tummy. Only when I lie on side. I was too sick to do anything these few weeks so I will just lie in bed and nudge my tummy and feel the moves. Heehee... The only thing that keeps me going.
Went for my OSCAR and blood test last Sat at TMC. Clinic called yesterday to say everything. Going to see gynae this evening. Dunno can see gender or not.

Anyone thinking of storing the cordblood?
Mossie, what is triple test?

Any cure for pregnancy insomnia? I have been waking up in the middle of night and spent unknown hours tossing and turning. When I finally get to sleep, the alarm rings. End up I will feel so tired in the afternoon and the cycle starts again.
i tried e fit flops recently n its really comfy! i plan to get a pair for my mom for christmas!

i am with cordblood for my #1, plan to do the same for #2. =)

i am gg for my triple test next week. i should be in my 14th week then.

i have become a light sleeper too, but one thing that has changed is that i am not so tired in the day. used to doze off in the afternoon, but now i can skip a power nap. i normally get woken up in the morning by #1. she is my human alarm. hahaha...

i am so tempted to visit the baby expo but i can't take leave tom...=(
Amiang, b4 sleep..on some soft music.. or read some children bedtime story books.. Soon u will feel sleepy n fall asleep
or drink milk .. It works on me.. U can try yah.
Hi mummies
Yawn. Woke up like a kid for morning school and brought #1 to zoo. She totally knocked out and I'm so tired but can't sleep! For pm nap! That's a first :S

Haha my slippers have totally no support at all. But yes agree a bit of heel is good! Good for the back too, less stress on it. Did u girls see the victoria beckham pic? When she was very far into her preg? Still wear high high heels!

Congrats to all who passed their tests! Yippee!

Hey I didn't get ur fb req leh. Can send again pls? Gam xia!

So funny you, hungry when doing mani pedi hehe.

Baby movements
I feel fluttering sometimes! A bit like when hungry the "grrrr" sound hehe. Sometimes also like baby is pulling on my inner tummy walls and then letting go very gently. Hehe. #1 also used to give me that strange feeling!
Thanks for all the advice...
I have no problem for getting to sleep but it's the waking up in the middle of the night that is really annoying... Cos I'll have difficulty falling back to sleep after that. And worse I keep have funny dreams and wake up feeling I did not sleep at all! Really depressing...
I think I just felt my baby, or wait, is it just gas? I don't know how it feels haha.. it feels like a twitch for a few sec and then no more. Gosh, how does it feel really??? 16 weeks this Saturday and still not sure how it feels!

Just came back from Changi airport and got my Mee Rebus fix from Wangz Cafe. Raining and mee rebus goes along very well! Heehe...
Went to Chinatown also to get some cloth materials cos my hub is going to do belly bands for my skirts and pants! Hehehehe....
Bought a stretchable denim material and already told him i wanted an A-line denim skirt!
Wow andreanie
Does your hubby wanna take orders? Keke

Insomniac mummies
Sigh let's hang in there and hopefully it'll get better soon!!
pinkbunny - orders? hehehehe... don't know if he have the time. Will ask him ah! hahah...
He now on the sewing machine already, working on the belly band extender for my skirt. Yesterday i wanted to wear my skirt and can't button it anymore! We went to Tanglin Mall to look see the maternity clothes there but is soooo damn expensive, he said "no need to spend so much, I will do for you". I thought he joking until he bring me to buy the materials today hehehe...
But he can sew lah, unlike me i hate sewing! His mum used to be a tailor hehee....
andreanie, you hubby is so talented! Can sew

Wow at least can save some $. Those selling outside are really exp. Maybe he can start sewing bb cloths too kekekek :p
Pinkbunny: I sent u the friend request already. Also dropped u some mssg on FB! U check ok? =)

Andreanie: Yes yes! I saw u! Finally! hahaha... Added u to grp already!

Haru: The fitflops very comfy right? Haha... I am so happy with mine! Now considering buying another pair! Expensive ah!

Arggg... I am soooo tired after Yoga! Very Shiok! It's like all my old joints loosen up after just 1 session! Feeling great!
Ms Tan - Yalah outside the maternity clothes too expensive! I was literally shocked yesterday. Oh he already planned to sew baby's first baju kurung for Hari Raya next year! Hehehehe.... (i should have recordered it when he says that! hah!)

CheekyDuckie - Ok! Will join in now! hhehee...
ok added you in FB liao!

how nice of him! "no need to spend so much, I will do for you" is so something a mum would say, not so much a hubby
Bad start for my morning... GRRRRR

Received 3 smses at 1 plus in the morning... disrupted my sleep.

3 overseas transactions!!! - Some asshole hacked my credit card info and max out my credit.
Morning mummies, was on mc yest coz i am coughing quite badly but i dun dare to eat the medicine doc gave me so i just slept for the whole day.

I was still thinking of what slippers i should buy yest because i can really feel the pain on my ankle and knee. I was surprised to see all of you discussing about slippers.

Yea i am hoping to go to the baby fair tonite but hubby might have to work late. I also leave near expo!!
Dear ladies

Sincere apologies for intruding. I have a Baby Bjorn white in color - used less than 5 times when I had my girl.
If you are interested, I am ok to let go to any offer above $60. Last Bought at $120.

I also have an electronic Casio Piano to let go at $120. Totally new. Normal retail price above $200.

Pick up : Along north east line.

Please PM me with your contact number if interested. Thanks and cheers !

Dragon Mummy - Oh no, which bank do you use for credit card? Can you file a fraudulent use report with them and get them to reject the transactions?
pinkbunny - hehe my hub is the sort of like to try new things and once he said he will do, he will. Both my skirt and my belly band is ready to wear within 2 hours! He sewed it all yesterday night hehehe...
dragon mummy
oh no that's awful! how did that happen? you did some online purchases? yikes how scary. so how? managed to settle with your bank?

mummies with aching feet
try to kick your shoes off when at your desk and point and flex your feet. it really helps
Morning mummies,
It's TGIF.

Cheekyduckie: nice workout! Where did u go for yoga? I am thinking of doing prenatal yoga or pilates. Emailed updogstudio, no replies
maybe will swing by their studio over the weekend.

Ni: interested in prenatal yoga in big splash?
