(2012/04) Apr 2012

Dear mummies, i believed alot of ppl complaint about ex ex ex parking at TMC, i went there for oscar 2 days back, guess wat, we parked less than 1.5 hours & the fees is $6
so damn ex ... now the valet parking increase to $4 instead of the $3 that i used to pay back in 2010 ...
Gender wise my gynea said next visit will know le , hopefully a GIRL :p ... ya i still suffering from MS ... the first one ends at week 22 like that ... hopefully this one will be fine ...
BTW i was gan chong to ask about placenta, the senior ultrasound scan lady told me 90% of preg mummmy intial stage are low ... will slowly shift up...
Oh yes, i was surprised i can still use my FBI card for the scan ... it is still valid wor ... got 10% off the package for the oscar & detailed scan, else will damn ex leh , everything monies ... haiz ...
When my gal is unwell, mummy is the one she wants... but when comes to play, she heads striaght to daddy.
Its how u guys decide to play the roles.. I'm the stricter one.. but weird, she still wants me more. hahaha.

I also need maternity clothes! esp bottoms!!

yes i think its true for me. daddy still goes for drinks with colleagues/friends, still can play games, use laptop. not much change to his life. but mummies main focus is on kid. if no one baby sit kid for eg, then cannot go for ladies nite/coffee with gfs etc.. everything about the kid comes first for me.
How true! For me baby comes first too. Hub can just lock himself in the room with "I need to do work". But I need to wait till baby is asleep or find a way to entertain her while I work

I did SAHM role for 18 months then he did full time daddy for 6 months. No mean feat! I applaud him. But I still prepared and froze most of her meals and all he had to do was defrost.

If I get home when he was giving her dinner halfway, immediately when he sees me, it's my turn/job to take over. He doesn't say it but I feel it.
I totally love him and truth be told, he is more hands on than many other fathers I know but I think I've come to the conclusion that men get a "discount" somewhat when it comes to parenting

Dragon mummy
Chin up. For many men it doesn't really hit them till they see the real baby. Cos technically their lives are no diff. No throwing up, no achy feet, no sore back, no acid reflux. Maybe when he is PSPing one day you can just go to him and throw up on him? That's bound to get his attention? Haha

For me, I demonstrated how dead tired I was by greeting him with this sight when he got home from work one day: baby playing around me, house totally messy, dishes still in sink, me lying face down on living room floor and just waving one hand up slightly to say hi. Haha. He got the hint then. Once in a while they need reminders

ahNah: your wifey is lucky to have you.

Pinkbunny: My hub can act blur and be totally oblivious to the surrounding (especially at home).
He's a messy person. I now send my own laundry back to my mum's place. His pile is still on the floor (2 weeks already!!!). He'll only start washing when he finds that he has nothing to wear.

I can't throw up at him cos he's playing games on the bed. I don't want to lie on a bed smell of puke. Yucks!
Hi mummies,
logging in late because I had a bad case of MS this morning. It was my first time projectile vomitting in the office toilet and this is already Week 15!

I figure that this baby doesn't like sesame seed because I felt queasy ever since I had half a slice of sesame seed bread this morning before I left the house. Baby apparently doesn't like peanuts either, cos I feel sick after eating anything with peanut butter.

Anyone else suffers the same way after eating certain food?
Morn ladies!!
I down with flu n is having very bad throat. Took medicine from gp (leftover from last time) but it is not helping. I'm thinking if I Wana head down kk 24 hr clinic or not coz I'm having bad cramps last night even lying down. Though now cramps feel slightly better, I'm quite worried over last night issue. No spotting though
At least you know what triggers your MS.

Wow, that's nice.. alot work ah.

Take care ya.. also good to go check it out for peace of mind.
Hey mummies,
Was anyone talking about cramping in the uterus/womb?
I do feel it this whole morning. Is it normal?
Is it because the womb is expanding?
Men: true that mummy life's change totally. I'm totally committed all my time on baby. The daddy is a disaster during the first 2 yr. He can't handle him at all. But I make sure daddy muz be the one bathing him, at least that is his own daddy time.

Same goes for my Sis, her hubby can't take care of their 4mth old. Not even for 1-2 hrs.

Ahnah, u r one of the more caring guys. My hubby won't even read up on pregnancy
actually i think i go out more than my hubby! hahaha..

I used to have my mj session alternate fridays while hubby will bbsit my gal but ofcoz he's ok as my helper is ard to help.
Ah nah
Of course not
there are some super duper on dads. I'm just saying a lot of them are, based on all I know and all those I know, know! It's somehow harder for mum to cut loose and take a break.

My husband's very sweet too, waking up for night feeds at times, changing diapers, letting our baby vomit on him at the start of a 20 hour flight with no change of clothes... But in general la, mummies are more hands on than daddies la. It's the imaginary umbillical cord!

There's a very funny thing I read many years ago:
Mummies know each child's classmate's name (and his mum's), the timing of every ballet recital, soccer session, allergies, likes, dislikes, pet peeves... Dads are vaguely aware of a few little fellas running around the house.

Thankfully no one I know is that extreme!! Or else would be quite sad hor?
Oh no. Hope you feel better soon!

Yikes projective vomit? Maybe better lay off the sesame seeds ba. Do you watch Little Britain? There's a character in there with similar vomit style :S

Same, no idea what is triggering my MS! Every time it's diff thing leh.
Maybe because i got lots of "sisters" since childhood.

Marriage life is not easy ... everyone go up n down.
Long story.

Learn to accept and adapt, it will make everyone happier.
My hubby is quite hands on with the kids. Can play with them, shower them, change diapers...If he wasn't so hands on, I definitely would not consider having #3!

Actually finding out what triggers MS is trial and error for me. If I try something 1x or 2x and have same horrible outcome, then I have to strike it off my foods list! The funny thing about peanut butter is that there was one week quite early on in the pregnancy when I loved to eat it! Had a peanut butter sandwich almost everyday! But now I can't touch it.

Until now changing of diaper, milk feed leave to maid.

my job is play with him after work .. teach a little bit.

wife is busy with #2 now. Wan to carry also cannot.

It is true mum knows all the details and yet daddy only knows the overview pic. That is the diff between man and woman.
hi mummies, i am selling my pre-loved baby cot with 3 adjustable levels & can be converted to toddler bed.

It's in natural colour and in very good condition: 8/10

please PM/email me for more details if keen.
Collection at Yishun

Mossie, do take care. I m down with flu too. Terrible feeling! Lucky hub brought #1 out to in laws place allowing me to have more rest.

Mummy Jesline, I also have a lil cramps on my right lower ab today. Dunno why. It will be another 6 days before I see the lil one again...

On a happier note. I finally confirmed my CL! $2300!
Wow ah nah, #3 coming along? Congrats! Poor thing your wife, not being able to carry #2 must be heartbreaking for her. Luckily got a helper to help out! Or else very siong! Really peifu those SAHMs with 2 or 3 kids and no helper!

Congrats on confirming your CL. One load off your mind! Yay! Wow it's $2300 now? Local ah?
pinkbunny, no lah ... #2 still in the stomach .. but have to unload every thing from her what.

It is #1 she cannot carry .. so either maid or me lor.

But i guess boy still doesn't know his mummy got #2 inside the stomach ..
Very funny.. I used to drink coffee everyday..my fav kopi C n or Tea C.. But after find out I pregnant.. Whenever I drink them I will feel discomfort in my stomach.. Is like not get use to it.. I then stop for sometimes.. Sometimes try again n that kind of stomach discomfort came back. I tink my bb don like coffee
but I miss my coffee :...(
Hi Everybody! =)
I'm back from Oscar...baby was quite cooperative and this is the first time seeing my baby jumping, kicking, flipping..and even did a headstand! I had a few drops of tears at the side of my eye..Did any first time mum experience this?

The sonographer in TMC was really nice, she told me i've passed the scan and 50% more to go, which is my blood test. they took 4 tubes of blood from me. now nervous nervous..have to wait for the results! Anyone waiting for results now??
Hi All,

I seldom post here but have been constantly following this thread.

I am having no. 3. Currently, my mil is taking of my first two. So when we found our abt the 3rd pregnancy, we were at lost cos we knew mil won't be helping for this one. And she refuses to have a maid. We have come to accept and decide to look for nanny or infant care.

However, recently, mil announced that she will stop helping us totally by end of 2012. My no. 1 will be going for the P1 registration next Jul.

So now might have to get my own mum's help. I would need to hire a maid, move house, decide on the P1 school for no. 1 and find new pre sch for no. 2 .

It's just so stressful.
Oh whoah ahNah and pink bunny..so I'm not a crazy person ya..i tried to act by rubbing my eyes like they are itchy..wahaha..secretly wanna wipe my tears...
Hi Sharon..hugs to you...can feel your stress...so many things lining up for you to settle..really hope that things will be smooth! =)
i didnt tear at the oscars. but i nearly teared the 1st time i hear bb's heartbeat. for both my pregnancies. this oscar, bb was lazy, resting on the waterbag/placenta. so daddy and me told bb to move/jump a bit, and bb really did. amazing right?
Coraine: Me ME! I did my scan @ TMC on Monday! Going gynae next monday for results. So gan jiong even though this is #2. haha...

Diff between man and woman. Yeah... Man are generally good at big picture, woman at details. And no one can deny that mother and child will always be connected. It's like how my mother will understand what I want without me saying much, and how i can understand what #1 wants when she can only babytalk. I will do translation, and hubby can follow up run the errands. haha...
I have also insisted that hb bath #1 and takes charge of all diaper duties whenever possible at least for the 1st few months.
Must have some roster, duty rotation. Else mummy will be totally shacked out.
hugs to you sharon. it'll all work out.

no la not crazy la. it's such a loving tender moment what. give birth also i cry hehe, the moment i first saw my daughter. she was blueish and slimey and wrinkled but oh so beautiful

your sharing reminds me of a moment i had with my #1 - we were just watching her at one of the scans and gynae said 'ok everything seems alright, nothing special to tell you' then she waved at us!

maybe you want to consider writing down these lovely memories so you can share with your kids when they are older? i have a book in which i have been writing to #1 since i was expecting, and will start soon too for #2. it'll be such a nice thing to give to them, esp when our memories start to fade over time.

oh and those printed out scans? better scan (no pun intended) them cos they will tend to fade over the years. like m-a-n-y years la. but still.
lilcactus~ Yes!! actually somehow the baby knows what are we talking about..!! isn't it weird...

CheekyDuckie! WAHAHAHA!! wah so nervous right! by the way i dont know when can i get my results leh...cos my gynae appt is 1 month later! maybe i call next week and ask..the sonographer told me blood test results will be out the next day~

pinkbunny~ wah..so gan dong... =) so i think u will cry when u give birth to number 2 too ya??
Sharon - Have just signed both my older kids up to start childcare in Nov. Have a helper but not sure if she'll be leaving in Dec 2011 and even if she doesn't, would not want to leave her with 3 kids under 5 in the afternoons. No grandparents to help look after.

Am also crossing my fingers that my kids can adapt to childcare. #2 has never been to school before and #1 has only been at half-day kindergarten.
Thanks El. I am slowly coming to terms and finding alternative help. I am sure things will work out eventually.

It's just that at this moment, I am so tired. Coupled with so much things I need to find out and deal with, I feel even more sian.
Hi ladies,

Would like to join in & chit chat. Am expecting #2. Will be 13 weeks tmrw. MS is still bad & have lost some pounds which is not a bad thing after all, as I am not the skinny type
Wondering when will it tail off. If not, i am going to suffer from pre natal depression soon.

Jus did the scan & blood test at gynae's clinic. Keeping fingers crossed till Monday when results out.

Ni: hi! **waving frantically **
Hello dink!!! Awww! Nice to "see" u here!!! I'm in my 13 weeks too! So our edd will be pretty near each other!!! So exciting! Dun worry MS will say goodbye to u soon! I m quite lucky, no ms for both pregnancies!
Hi mummies
I have just recovered from a bad cold and been lying in bed for 3 days! Tough to handle cold n MS at the same time also don't know how I managed to survive.

Clinic called me just now. I passed my 1st trimester scan! Hurray!!
Sharon - I know what you mean. The hunt for good alternative help is very tiring. My hubby and I went to view at least 6 childcare centres before we decided on this one. I still have the uncertainty of my maid to deal with. She still hasn't told me her plans after Dec.
Pinkbunny : Not job stint, HB on sponsored masters studies, so I just tagged along for an extended holis lor... muahahha...

Been wondering the oscar scans every1 did tummy scan, tts y some mummies have to do a few time? Coz I done mine scan thru V-scan.. very fast, and the sonographer was taking the measurements and also show us the heart and the brain.. I think.. yeap I did shed a few tears too.... and HB was super excited when he saw the little one jumping up and down.. but coz they burnt the scan to a dvd, we could send a copy of the file back home for the grandparents to see... every1 was excited.
Ladies! I've had a nervewrecking few days between my Oscar results (1:20 risk for T21), the cvs procedure n the results. Today, we got the greatest news that baby is okay! And the bonus news that we r expecting a girl (our first two r boys).

Thank God! Hubby n I feel like we can breathe again.
El : Yeap its a good break for the both of us.. and also nice timing tt we are having the little one here.. at least HB will get a good 6 mths to bond with the bb before we head home and back to reality of never-ending work...
im back from the clicnic. Doc says im having contractions hence the cramps. I also got urine infection to add on to my flu amd ms.. haiz...

went for a scan just now, baby is fine but my waterbag is out of shape, maybe because of the contractions. They say not to worry too much abt it. funny thing is, i had so many scans but i have never seen my baby move, only can see the heartbeat. the baby is so quiet compare to #1. i was hoping to see the baby dance for me.

Gina, how many weeks are u now? u can know the gender so fast?
Mossie: sounds horrible. Did you go kk to scan? Dr give any medicines?

Gina: congrats! You must be overjoyed!

i just googled my contractions. Apparantly, it is braxton hicks and although i am on week 11, it can start as early as week 6. hopefully it is nothing, but i will bring the matter up with the gynae in 2 more weeks.
