(2012/04) Apr 2012

Lotusmum- yes some times if I didn't put it properly before I start pumping, but most times no. If there's leakage it could be because te size is wrong.. One side could be bigger than the other. It could be good to get M for one side (the smaller one) and use L for the other... If not a lot of previous milk wasted. Hee..:)
Love xuan- hugs... I understand.. It's as though for us the world stops revolving and only revolves around the kids but for the hubby the world just continues. Mine also just flew yesterday.. Flying long term in June also.. Sigh..
Yes I agree about not using physical force on children in public, though I got to admit its getting very hard for me sometimes encase #1 can be really stubborn at times..
My hubby is the patient one. Haha..
Mrs Kang & Baby Tots- my pd told me that babies on bm may or may not let out air, but they must always be burped. 5 minutes is a good gauge of when to stop. Sometimes if the feed was smooth they won't have any air to let out... For my boy I would sit him on my lap and burp. Also, initially I was very gentle with my #1 for fear of "hurting" her but doc said that can't bring up the air. Must cup hands over the back and with a certain amount of force in upward motion. So far no problem with burping.. Maybe you can try to sit baby on your lap and support the neck with one hand and burping the other.. Hope it helps..:)
Haru- hang in there mummy!! The worst will soon be over..:)
I am also constantly jumping up everytime little one makes noise before he wakes the sister up.. But last night sleeping on his tummy was really really good. For the first time since his birth I had proper sleep.. Although broken because ha to pump, but I think got around 4 hours in total.. Grateful!!
Maybe you can try yours to sleep on tummy in the day to see how he takes it first? Before trying at night..
Patsie08, at first I also burp my baby while she is sitting on my lap but my girl fall asleep. Then i decide to try to put her on my shoulder and burp, first few time is good.. Very fast. But recently bo effect again -__-!

Babytots, my girl is on total FM. She only vomit milk of she is not burp. Normally if she burp she will not vomit milk that why I very angry when she don't burp. My mil usually try awhile if she don't burp then let her sleep. But after awhile she will vomit the milk out.
Hi love xuan, for beco carrier, does it allow u to sit dwn while still using e carrier ? Comfortable still ? Thx
Mrs kang, you gave up bfing?

I have a whole new problem..my bb refuses fm, will struggle n struggle until sometimes vomit milk.
We give him fm twice a day, to train him n also cos my ebm just sufficient. these few days, he can taste it's fm, n will start to struggle..

I'm fine with fm, my elder son has no problem drinking both..if I'm sahm I will pump my internal out for bb. But I have to go bk to work eventually n bm surely will drop..
Mummies here, do yr bbs at times will move their eyes to be like 斗鸡眼 ? I realize my gal sometimes will move her eyes to look like tat. Mi kinda worried. She oni 1.5mths old.
Sjbaby, yup I gave up bf. coz I can't handle the stress and my supply keep dropping. So I have to give FM. But I have my girl abt 1 month of breastmilk. I comfort myself at least I did gave her abit.

Bbliss, ya me and my hubby also notice my girl sometime will 斗鸡眼. My hubby say maybe their eyesight still not good that why will like this. Should be not a problem ba
Bbliss- yes my boy will do that too.. Guess its a phase because their focal length is still very short and trying to focus on things thats why sometimes will do that.. Haha..
SSP- thanks.. Saw it..:)
You using it too? Is it very hot? I wanna get it for when I go back to work because I just pump at my workstation.. Need it to be discreet. Last time use pupsik have to keep hiding whenever a colleague walks past. Haha..
Mrs Kang,
actually reflux is very normal in babies below 3 months old and it may not be due to wind or no burp. their muscles are still not strong enough to hold the milk in the stomach that's why. if no burp, try to carry baby in an upright position for at least 10 minutes before laying her down on the bed/cot.it helps to keep the milk down. my #1 was like that too. she would merlion her entire feed. but this time thankfully i don't have such problem, touch wood! every baby is different. hope it works for you. oh yes, the pd i went to taught me to burp baby by supporting his tummy and rubbing his back with 3 fingers in quick motion. always works.

Bbliss, yes. haha.. i always sit down to eat with baby in the carrier when i am out. it still feels comfy and baby is fine. but need some practice to eat while carrying baby in it.
Mrs Kang and C&C mummy, so yr bbs oso got tat ah... Hmm....m juz wondering by when will they not roll their eyes to be 斗鸡眼?

Lovexuan- thx for e info. Hehe... Mi mostly likely getting beco even thou am still toying bet beco n manduca. Have eliminate ergo Liao..

Btw, mummies here, do u bring yr bb out for shopping or for a walk ? If so, is like hw many mths old ? (excluding trips out to c pd)
hey all, i had the same prob w bb vomiting so went to pediatrician and found out she has gastric reflux. now am feeding her in a more upright position (i.e. always hold her so head is higher than stomach) n burp every 10mins..must also hold upright for 1/2h before putting her down to the cot and have cot inclined. can read up more fr here http://babyreflux.co.uk/
ok lo.. not very warm. They got different fabric. U can call and check with them.

pigeon baby wipes
any mummy here using pigeon baby wipe? Just find out a great deal... Per pkt only $9.50, cheaper than the 6 in 1 pkt $19.50. Comes with foc delivery to ur door with every carton order... Each carton 3pkt x 8 set
I love manduca too! Was deciding between manduca and beco too.

I started to bring baby out after full month. We go out everyday! Library, supermarket or nearby malls. I do marketing/grocery shopping everyday too. No crowded places yet. Weekdays while my girl is in school and off to my mum or grandma's place on weekends. That's cos my baby would only sleep when we go out. At home he would not even lie for long. Just want to be carried.
Reborn- per pack $9.50? Is that cheaper than the 6 in 1 pack??

Bliss- why eliminate ergo? I live my ergo carrier!! :)

Mummies, my boy still has not started going out yet.. Just to in laws and parents' place..:) my first girl we only took her out after 3 months.. This time round think we'll start soon..:)
i found that the combi wipes that a mommy recommended here are pretty good. dunno why i find that recently the pigeon one a lil too wet...

hey mommies,
whats ur plan for the school holidays? my girl was not well yesterday so i kept her home yesterday and today. so she is kind of on school hol already! busting my brain to think what/where I can bring her with baby in tow. 4 weeks sounds soooo long to handle a baby and 3+ year old all day...*faint*
haru, i love combi wipes too! Currently bringing out to use cos too wasteful to use at home. It's scary! I am using 12 packs of pigeon wipes a month. And yes, why is it so wet? Now i have to pat dry with tissue before putting diaper rash cream.

I have stopped my girl from going to school cos hfmd is now on the rise in her class. But still got to go for parent teacher meeting tomorrow. I am thinking where to bring her later. Don't want to stay home. Thinking of NEX(water play...again!?) or amk hub(there's a children's fun fair!)... Must go places with well equipped and clean baby rooms.
I am quite ambitious. Sentosa's water playground, tampines 1's water playground, science centre or zoo? All with water playground... My girl LOVES water! Haha.. Maybe i will bring her once a week. The rest shall be nearby malls.

haru, which area do you stay? How about other mummies who are keen on a playdate/meet up? I am at north area.
Hi mummies, would like to know if. Can mix ebm which were left from previous feed with ebm from fridge for next feed?
N also, can we mix ebm from two pump session tgt when they are of different temperature?
Once the ebm is warm or drink, cannot mix with new ebm, must throw away. If u wants to mix 2 pump session together, can but within 24hr from ur last pump of milk inside the fridge.
Missing our holiday oversea trip...
Think got to wait till bb at least 1 yr old den can go oversea Liao.
So far no plan yet, but most likely I will be the only one bringing lo
I want to go for outing too!!! Tampines one water park is fun! Sentosa one is it port of lost wonder? Or near the food court? Never been to nex's water park!! Sorry girls, all abit far and inconvenient for us
we stay central. If you don't mind the small water park, how about vivo?
i am so pleased coz i managed to clean e house, finish the ironing, laundry, paperwork, feed #1 and put both kids to nap this afternoon! and my mom bot me my favorite avocado shake for lunch!!
pinkbunny, yes!! Port of lost wonder! Vivo? Haha.. I don't mind too. In fact i am ok to go to any parts of sg. I am always travelling around! Keeps me sane. :p Hopefully we can arrange a meet up before maternity leave ends for some mummies! It would be fun to see so many babies of the same month. Heehee..
Same as pink bunny, Tampines and nex are too far for us.. We are in the southern part of Singapore.. Sentosa and vivo are fine.. :)
haru, lovexuan

I dint know avocado milkshake can boost supply! Which shop did u gals get the milkshake fr? I m a big fan of Koi. Recently, drank 1/2 cup of ovaltine fr koi n green milk tea fr SOD to destress!
blessed, i love the avocado milkshake from icebreaker! I used to diy but my girl started to dislike it so it's quite a waste to diy. Now i buy from that shop thrice a week. Ooooh...you tempted me. I am gonna get my dose of KOI tomorrow! Or SOD? I love their brown rice milk tea! :p
Oops, actually i was just quoting the places i had plan to bring my girl this hols. But vivo sounds good! The last mummies gathering i attended was there too.

Just a show of hands, how many mummies are keen to meet up?

Date: Prefer a weekday or weekend? 2nd or 3rd week of june?
Time: preferably between 11am to 1pm?
Location: vivo? Or any other suggestion?

For me, preferably weekday around 11am(i just feel it's best to meet early and head home around 3pm to 4pm plus before office crowd and baby's bedtime routine). Just a suggestion, lunch at vivo's marche(or any family friendly places..) and/or singkids/port of lost wonder for our elder children? ;)
Me too hands up hmm I think 3rd week June will b gd n choose non peak hr like 11-1pm.. I stay north so lovexuan we can go together
Hi mummies.. I'm fine with meetup. But is it advisable to go out to the water play areas ah? I'm a bit kiasee ah.. Now all the viruses on the rise.. My girl just came back from school outing to eXplorerKids at AMKhub yesterday and ran a fever.. Sigh.. Dunno why it always happens to her.. Sigh..
C and c mummy:
Sorry for late reply. It can feel slightly warm but still not too bad. Should b ok in aircon room. mine is 100%cotton. They have cotton blend as well but not sure which is cooler. Maybe u can ask the seller.
i didn't know that! just love it coz it tastes like chendol!hahah..my favorite still is mr avocado from alexandra food ctr. where is icebreaker?

I'm on for the meet up! i think dry land play would be better, if not gotta dry and change our #1s, seems like quite a lot of stuff to lug along!haha..
hi mommies,
i stored my EBM in milk bags recently and put in fridge before i transferred to milk bottle for feed. noticed that there seemed to be some small little bits, is that normal and will be mix in with the milk after warming the milk?

Mummies, there is already a FB page set up for our group
PM cheeky duckie/blue turtle to ask her to add you

Dry play: good idea. How about a park? Botanic gardens? I would lovve to check out the new bishan park. Tho it's quite far... But it looks so nice!

Yes agree to go early but if it's park, maybe we should avoid hot noon sun

Can I suggest maybe we can do a lunch at a kid friendly restaurant so that mums can eat/BF little ones while older kids play at the play areas? Less stressful for us too and lesser barang to bring

I hear food for thought at botanic gardens is nice but have tried. Keen?

Weekdays better for me. Weekends are family time
