(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!


I osoread tat if bbt does not fall can mean hit bfp!!! Gd luck!

Re sperm: i think it takes abt 2 days to regenerate. Which is y pple suggest alternate days. Bit i think the tip on emptying before e fertile period is quite useful... :p think will do tat for nxt cycle.

For gals who bot the cheaper test kits... Wat is the mIU? My cheap ones are 20. My friend told me clear blue is more sensitive than 20... Is it true?

Mdm Khoo - I googled on what's grade 4 embryo. Is a very good embryo. Happy for you! Success is just round the corner.

Hang in there tight! Everything's going be alright!


i was on clomid for 6 cycles. nausea yes.. plus alot of 'pregnancy' symptoms. as for headaches, i do have the occasional ones between the brows kind.. but not too sure if its due to clomid or the weird weather. hope this helps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBT thermometer, need to depress awhile to get the last recorded reading. If release means ready for next reading.

Mdm Khoo, good news is in the air.

Summer, maintain the high reading.

good morning ladies[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mdm khoo > lotsa luck! best is twins one boy and one girl, hor? (my frn that time got triplets, 2 boy & 1 girl~ wah) envy envy...

sometimes i feel like i dun wan to try natural liao..got to tcm, wait n wait...

princessy > been on clomid 100mg for the past 2 days, so far im ok, fine and good.

emilybaby> me too wanna go Bugis 观音堂... gotta wait till next week. hmm.. can I ask 2 things together? (1) Job matter (2) Baby matters

Or better to ask just one?

fiona> take care!

Anyone here using Clearblue Monitor & Clomid together?

babycome2me> i went Bugis 观音堂 on my CD3, as long as we 诚心诚意,i think Guan Yin Niang Niang will be understanding, i realy hope tat she don't mind. we can ask watever we wish to knw at the same time, but if we ask all things together, will it be confusing us after we got the lot? Tat time my lot telling me alot of meaning (in chinese), but i only can understand and pick up "no need to spend too much effort and pregnancy is safe" i did't get someone to explain to me, i jus chk from the book tat provided by the temple. as long as it is a good lot, i alrdy very happy

>Mdm Khoo, jia you! ^0^

Snowger> ya accoding to TCM is the BBT stay high will get a BFP!

MdmKhoo> WOW wow wWOW is twins!

AnnissaKoh> so far still high! but hope it will hang on

Just for Sharing.


The Uterus has to provide a hospitable environment for the developing embryo. There has to be sufficient warmth and nutrition available for proper growth and development. If conception has occurred, the embryo has less than a week to implant into the uterus. Implantation into the uterus provides a direct link to blood vessels, which supply vital nutrients to the developing embryo. This link has to be maintained until the placenta is formed at about 3 months into the pregnancy. The Uterus has to be able to support the development of the fetus directly in the beginning and then by supporting the placenta for the rest of the entire pregnancy. Any weakness in the Uterus will result in miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) of the fetus. But first the Uterus has to be able to allow for implantation to occur. A very common cause of Infertility of modern women is invasion of Cold into the Uterus. Modern American women have a fondness for cold drinks and cold foods. We are a Nation of people who put ice into every thing we drink. Even if we live in warm climates, we can still be exposed to Cold pathogens, even in summer! This happens quite frequently because Americans don't like to sweat or to be hot. If we are outside in the summer months and work up a sweat what do we do? Jump into a swimming pool, go into air-conditioned cars or houses, drink cold drinks immediately subject our bodies to extremes of temperature. If we are sweating, our pores are open and our body is cooling down naturally. If we enter into the Cold or drink Cold drinks, our pores will slam shut trapping moisture under the skin. ( This leads to other problems discussed elsewhere). However, if a woman is menstruating, a channel has been opened directly into her womb. Cold has an easier time entering the body and going deep inside. Cold that invades the womb, will prevent an embryo from implanting or remaining the time needed to fully develop. Even though fertilization may occur, a pregnancy won't come to term. A woman usually can tell when she has Cold in the Uterus because heat feels very good when pressed against her abdomen. This can be heating pads or hot baths. She might also have a craving for hot drinks.


A condition known as a "cold uterus" means that the uterine lining has not responded appropriately to the warming hormone (progesterone). The vessels which supply blood to the uterus are constricted as a result of this "cold" response. Women with this diagnosis often have a combination of patterns of kidney yang (the warming energy) vacuity and blood stasis. They will often have premenstrual low back pain, cramps which respond to heating pads, and clotty menstrual blood. Prescribing warming herbs and invigorating the blood will help resolve this pattern.

Monitoring the basal body temperature gives immense information regarding where the imbalance occurs as well. Temperatures which exhibit no biphasic pattern at all and are relatively low (around 97 degrees Fahrenheit) and are accompanied by cold signs reveal a diagnostic pattern of kidney yang vacuity. Remedy: supplement kidney yang. A biphasic, ovulatory pattern will begin to emerge, and reproductive hormones respond accordingly. A monophasic pattern of high temperatures which are accompanied by heat signs will respond to yin supplementation and clearing of vacuity heat.

A sawtooth, erratic pattern of temperatures means there is not enough hormonal regulation occurring to normalize the temperatures. Most often this will be accompanied by symptoms of liver depression qi stagnation, a pattern which occurs as a result of maladaptation to stress. Women who exhibit no pattern at all to their menstrual cycles often have liver qi stagnation as well. One month the cycle may last 35 days, and the next month it is 26 days. There are severe premenstrual signs some months, and other months there are almost none. The problem most assuredly lies in the liver qi (i.e., stress.) and its associated endocrine effects, and the remedy will be to course the liver and rectify the qi. What does stress do to the body?

Checked that 97F = 36.11 degree celsius

Sounds like my symptons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Did not manage to see Dr Tan KS yet. Clinic closed.. <sigh>

snowger, my cheap OPK is 25mIU.. not sure for clearblue and I couldn't find any info inside. For sharing, the clearblue FAQ also mentioned that results may defer for women who are pregnant (i dun mind...), menopause, on medication and PCOS.

MdmKhoo> so happy for u... it's babiesdustSSS for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


E instructions is wierd. Why wld preggy be using opk? :p


Gd news coming! jia you! Rest more ya! N lots of happy thots!!

Hi all,

puzzle.....my temperature after OPK test +ve frpom 36.3 to 36.5 however today temperature as 36.3...do you know what is the reason?

no clear temperature shift for ovulation..sigh!

AnnissaKoh> I tried to depress the button for a while after u mentioned.. sadly still show the same temperature... think my memory function is haywire liao haiz..

snowger, coz some women may not be aware they ARE already preggy and still using OPK.. so results may defer for their case loh...


My omron one oso wierd wierd one... the temp I saw is different each time I on to check the previous temp... ;p so btr to just jot it down then chekc back later...

Haha... I know what you mean. Cos there is a program on Discover home n health called "I did not know I was pregnant". ;p so the women were rushed to A&E to find out they were going to give birth! lolz

Morning to all, my usual temp is 36.4+ but CD10-13 temp dropped to 36.1-2. I din test on OPK. Will drop for so many days meh? Managed to BD only on Sat night which is CD12.

snowger, heee... I watch that program too!! I'm so obsessed watching babie programs lately that hb feels bored..

sorry ladies, I just start tracking my bbt and only have 11 days to share...

JJJ mummy, my temp also dropped for the past few days.. I'm suspecting whether the weather temperature affects our bbt? the hotter the weather, my bbt falls and v.v. usually 36.4 too. dropped to 36.15 - 36.25 for the past 3 days like u...

today is my CD11. will start using the cheaper OPK from CD14 as I have irregular menses. then tap on my new clearblue resources only when the OPK show positive just to double confirm? Gosh, I have so many backup plans for myself... I'm worried the more I am well prepared for O tests, the more disappointment as pining high hopes inevitably...

babysee, sometimes i also think it's the weather and sometimes I will sleep with air-con and sometimes dun loh. The reason y i dun use OPK is also largely due to the disappointment in due cause.

Yesterday I passed by one of the CK branch, this week Whisper brand got some discount, I even hestitated whether to buy or not cos buy meaning I have no confident and menses will come? But if I dun buy ususally the opposite effect will happen... dun want to tell my hubby later he scold me for being stress for nothing again... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

JJJ_Mummy> i also like that.. donno want to buy or not.. but i the end i just buy lor...

btw gals, i think BBT is good for doctor to read, for us only can tell u when is ur AF going to report...

Hi All, i m new here. wow ..so much information here. We are going to try to have a baby too. we got married a few months back and wish for a baby soon. My cycle is longer.. around 35days or so. I have problem identifing my ovulation date. what is OPK and BD? just to make sure i understand what you girls are saying.

TTC Terms

TTC: Trying To Conceive

BD: Baby Dance (Make Love)

LMP: 1st Day of Last Menstrual Period

CD: Cycle Days

O: Ovulate

DPO: Days Past Ovulation

2WW: 2 Week Wait (After O, For Menses To Come Or Not)

AF: Aunt Flow (Menses)

TTC Methodology Terms

FA: Folic Acid (Taken Daily To Help BB's Growth)

EWCM: Egg White Cervical Mucus (Appears When Fertile)

OPK: Ovulation Predictor Strips (Used To Test If Ovulated)

HPT: Home Pregnancy Test Kit (Used To Test If Pregnant)

HCG: Pregnant Hormones (Detected In Urine If Pregnant)

BBT: Basal Body Temperature

FF: Fertility Friend Website To Record BBT www.fertilityfriend.com

BFP: Big Fat Positive (On Pregnancy Test Kit)

BFN: Big Fat Negative

BFW: Bai Feng Wan

Preggie Terms

BB: Baby

MTB: Mother To-Be

SAHM: Stay At Home Mummy

FTWM: Full Time Working Mummy

EDD: Estimated Due Date

MS: Morning Sickness

BF: Breastfeed

M/C: Miscarriage

D&C: Dilation & Curettage (To remove unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy)

Other Terms

DH: Darling Hubby

EPO: Evening Primrose Oil

KKH: Kandang Kerbau Women's And Children's Hospital

TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine

TMC: Thomson Medical Centre

thanks..I am very excited and in mean time very worried. Work is very stress and ttc also very stress. when i try to use online tool to calculate, they need me to put in very precise date or luteal phase but i do not even know my Ovulation date so how do i determine my luteal duration. i wish to concieve a boy for the first one.

JJJ_Mummy> in that case, next time u just buy the pads 1st... and tell yourself "well, I'm gg to use them after maternity" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pommes> me here! me here!

over weekends while shopping, hb keep telling me "how cute that bb is... how adorable that bb is..." I think he's drooling like me... yet I know, the more if we want it, the more we may not have... yet cannot control the feelings of wanting a child... hmm... Are u ladies' hb as enthu for a bb too?

I am TTC for a rabbit baby. Started last month.

My menses is on average a 32 day cycle, usually come ard 25-27th of the month. Aug’s was delayed to 5th of Sep partly due to nursing a 2 week plus bad cough

Because of the delay, I am expecting my Oct’s menses to come around this week. We BD almost every 2-3 days since my last ovulation (I assuming it is around 25th of Sep based on the calendar. Since my period last month was delayed almost 2 weeks, I should push back another 2 weeks right to calculate ovulation?)

I am experiencing this ‘suan suan’ feeling in the lower stomach like menses cramp. I seldom have cramps since young. Have been going on for a few days, stopped and today slightly more ‘suan’ than before.

Feeling tired than usual – but I think highly it is due to my increased exercise regime.

Other than that, I feel as normal. Can I start testing now? Few days ago, I tried testing using Predictor but I don’t know where I did wrong. Nothing appeared, even the control window was blank.

I scare to be disappointed. Sometimes see on TV, people want to have baby always have ‘pregnant’ symptoms but turn out to be negative….

I am trying to lose more weight before finally pregnant. Been going for a lot of exercise classes like aerobics / swimming. I worried that if I am really pregnant, I might ‘hurt’ the baby with my exercise. But I don’t want to just do nothing and wait.


Thanks for the abbreviation list!! It is sure damn helpful for me who is new to this thread!! :D

Buying Pads,

Just buy and dun think so much! afterall you need it after delivery! Less think, less stress!


I usually test for pregnancy after I confirmed that I have missed my cycle, I thought this way will be less dissappointed leh. Anyway as long as your exercise is not too vigorous, you should continue with your exercise. If the baby is meant to be yours, it will always be yours. Dun worry too much.


I was always watching that channel when I was preggy. Esp those birth programs. Cos it mentally prepares you for what is to come. ;p

Just to share, me oso just started BBT charting... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My temp did a sharp drop (36.2) to lowest point (36.01). The next day it goes up (36.06) and nvr returns to the low point again (i.e. aft tat is up all the way). This is my test cycle. So if the lowest temp = ovulation, AF should report 14 days after the CD where temp is lowest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I read somewhere that lack of sleep can cause BBT charting temp to become inaccurate. Best is sleep at the same time everyday and wake up same time to take temp. BBT is like science test, so everything else must be constant to track the changes... lolz

Buying Pads:

I think it is ok to buy cos like what maelyn says u still need it aft giving birth uh. the only time I pantang was when I was in first trimester... :p


I agree with maelyn, waiting to test is always better cos you get more "confirmed" results. False hopes of faint lines and dissapointment is no good on the long run.

Understand from the gers in this thread that "Predictor" brand is not really very accurate and the faint lines seem to mean negative?

babysee - my hubby is still very hopeful we will have children. Me ah... only left 50% hope. TTC for more than 6 months and still so negative.

Janice - Hmm.. the last round I tested with the Predictor, it gave me a false positive. I still feel quite sore over it.

I never give it much thought about stocking up the pads leh. Got discount will just stock up. hehe...

Hais.. sometimes I console myself by thinking, no children yet means got more time for "er ren shi jie" ... wanna go holiday can just go. Dun need to think too much....

Bbt is best taken every morning when u first wake, before u drink, talk, stand up or do anything. U should have at least 3 hrs of continuous sleep too.

i guess i got to wait a few more days before i test. Too many baby news around me le...hopefully can be a mummy soon.

I bought predictor because it states that it can be tested before period. -_-


I would suggest tat u spend as much two perso time ss possible cos aft bb is out, not much chance to 2 perspn. My personal exp... Feel should hv waited a lil while more...


Bbt should test first thing in morning when u wake up. No getting off bed or anything else... Must oso b same time every morning. So if u decide 730, sunday mus oso wake up 730am to take temp. :p


I just tested the guardian bbt thermometer again. I depressed the ON button a little longer, the last reading came out!! then when i released my finger, the normal turn ON sequence was followed thereafter. U go try again. This means that the last reading feature works, haha.. blur me for so long..

BBT....from my experience, a change in temperature means that there is at least 0.2 point dip or rise such as 36.4+ to 36.2+ or 36.8+ to 36.6+ or 36.2+ to 36.6+.

Snowger> ya lor... i sat & sun wake up test then go back sleep again.. lolx

haiz.. my bbt start to drop le. 36.8 --> 36.7 --> 36.6 (CD 26). i guess AF will report on time!

SOooooooooo sad!

i bought the guardian BBT thermometer. I used it only for 2 times, the thermometer didn't function properly. Not sure, is it I didn't use it properly or what. But I definitely can't take the BBT temp so faithfully. I totally dropped the whole idea.

Hi maelyn> thanks for telling me.. the last time I tried to depress longer, the thermometer went off... I go play again...

Pommes> I am really puzzled with my bbt takings now... for consistently 3 days, my temp is 36.21. cannot be so accurate one right? *scratch head* actually, I also duno why am i doing the bbt when my menses irregular.. I duno how to read also... or maybe it's becoz it's my 1st cycle and am still trying to understand the trend...


Hi babysee,

my mense also very irregular de...after charting bbt for 5 mths...i give up...n stop charting this mth...cos i duno how 2 read...showed my gynae...she also din mentioned anything...*sigh*

