(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Actually if we all take a BIO lesson on getting pregnant. It is quite mind boggling cos not tat easy to get preggy actually. Not as easy wat the TV or the nurses (who come to our school) say... But i think it is still true (to a certain extend) that the younger u are the easier to get preggy (heard the best time is early twenties). And maybe mother nature like to make fun of pple cos sometimes she will bless those who dun wan babies... -____-


The fertility type of screening that I was referring to was what I did at SGH which is the basic one. They will recommend others if there is a need. The one I did at Dr Tseng's clinic was a watered down version.

The one in SGH included some blood test and detailed V-scan. I think they won't be able to tell if ur eggs are healthy or not [but when they do O monitoring, they will measure the size of the follicle. There will be a few that will mature but only one will grow BIG enuf to be released. Even then you won't know if the "egg" is good anot. Cos aft the sperm fuses into the egg, there is the growth of the chromosomes thing. Some have missing chromosomes or dun grow at all... Diana will know what I am talking abt right?]. But they can check the uterus size (they said mine was small- but does not matter lar. Cos mine was still big enuf to house my ger mah), the thickness of the lining based on the day of ur cycle, whether there are cysts or fybroids. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My scan recently was to check the size of uterus, whether there are cysts in the ovaries/uterus and whether there are abnormal growths,PCOS can also be identified during the vscan. Cos fibroids can cause infertility if it's a big one. Cos it blocks the way for sperms to travel up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, the v-scan should be done when u are not having mens bah...

hi ladies,

I went into the babycenter webby and wanted to use the ovulation calculator....it seems different from the previous, is it?

Hi Ladies,

Need your advise. I would like to check which day should be consider my "O" Day based on my BBT chart

CD21 36.3

CD22 was 35.8

CD23 36.1

CD24 36.2

CD25 36.6

Hi ylgoh, Yes.. i tested postive in OPK on my CD20 & CD21. I only BD once in CD22. Do you think I still required to BD today in order to catch my last chance?

Hi ylgoh, I got postive OPK in CD21 & CD22. Managed to BD once in CD22. Do you think i still required to BD to catch my last chance?

getzi, Just BD! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wishstar, halo there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi JJJ_Mummy> Thanks! So I should still BD in order for 100% cover to catch the egg? BTW, should I count my CD 25 as DPO1.

OPK test kits:

The explainantion is so clear! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The ones I am using now is those dirt cheap type (Wondo brand)- abt 50 cents per test. I bought from the forum, used about 20 sticks to monitor my ovulation for about 2-3 mths liao. So far I know how to "read" my real ovulation using the test kits. And this month, I just confirmed the results with BBT!!! ;p Finally I can plot a normal looking BBT. *keke*

Ovulation test kits should not test using 1st urine leh... A/c to the books I read and the instructions from the test kit I using now, the recommended time to test is either 10am or 10pm leh. Back in 2008, I tested at different timing and I only tested on certain days (i.e. like only D14 or D16 of my cycle - which is the wrong way). I only know the LH which first appears in blood, will only be detected in urine 4-5hrs later...


The positive on the OPK means you are GOING TO ovulate within the next 24 to 48 hrs. Judging from what is in your description, CD 20 & 21 indicates a surge in the LH and your ovulation is actually on CD 22 (basal temp hits the lowest). So BDing on CD 22 should give u a boi. While BD on CD 20 or earlier should give u a ger. This is based on shettles theory.

After ovulation, egg last for abt 24 hrs max 48hrs only. So if u BD on CD 22 chances are pretty good. Anyway as JJJ say, just BD lor... no harm one... ;p


All e best orh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

To rest of gers if u as lucky as getzi to see +ve opk, e best is to just bd to make sure tio. And e following 2 days just in case lar. N if u get dissapointed cos af visits, u can learn yr ovulation date- id af comes on CD 30, means ovulation is on cd 16!!! Jus double confirm w e CD where opk result is+ve or yr lowest basal temp! Jia you!

Hi ladies

back from ET just now sleep for 4 hours when reach home feeling the cramp on my tummy...

bad day arh... they have prepare me liao and let me breathe something i felt sleepy but still awake... then heard all the nurse say doc MIA etc... wait in the OT for 1 hour then the doc came in then they inject the medi into my veins and sleep le...

Eggs collected... 26...

Diana, 26!!! Tat sounds like a high no right? How many they fertilsing for u?


U welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mdm khoo

jia you jia you!!! am feeling kinda excited for u!! 26 sounds like a high chance!!! =D *chant... baby dust baby dust!!!*

fiona > thx fiona darling... how bb jovan? How many weeks le... Sat will put back... there goes i have to fast on Fri sgain le... but this time can drink just no food.

joelle > thx dear... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have a good rest ya! All e best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all,

I having OPK test +ve on CD20 however till today CD22 my temperature still low as 36.3 should i still need to test on today?

Good Morning.. Yesterday busy with wk so don't have chance to chat chat here.. hope today have time...

ylgoh & getzi> i guess ur need to see ur last mth chat to tell. cos every ppl have diff patten...

hi snowger,

i even bhit 36.1 the lowest..

normally my temperature before ovulation between 36.1 to 36.3..not sure whether yet to ovulate or still need for few more days....

hihi all, wan ask u gals a question.

i juz resign from my job, do u tink i shld stop ttc?

i been stress at wrk, duno if tht the reason why i ttc 1 yr never tio

if reali heng heng preggie, most co wont hire rite?

Morning ladies!

wishstar, i got BD on my CD9, maybe this weekend will try to clock 2 rounds. I hope! but last night had some issues with my hubby, not sure we can patch up over this weekend. kekeke


Hi Ladies.... see that some of you are interested in Preseed and Watsons is selling at about $30 (after discount). I have a brand new unopened box bought months ago at Watsons too.. can let go at cheaper prices. PM me if you are keen.

Baby Dust to All !! (",)


Are u aimiIng for a certain gender? If not i suggest u just bd when e temp is on the down. Some girls have 2 daysof low temp b4 hitting e lowest. So u'll have to c how. Btw, ovulation test kits shld be used everyday during e fertile window until it hits positive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tats wat i read la.

I learnt most of e 'concepts' fr e bk called how to chose e gender of yr baby by dr shettles. Wat i told getzi is wat shettles say but summary la.

Hi Snowger,

i not aiming certain gender..just feel weird how come after get a +ve OPK test temperature still low....

anyway thanks for your advise

Diana: bb jovan is 23 weeks le..

after they put back the egg pls take care n rest more..

will u be staying in hospital or go home after they put in?

bed rest more ya..

Annissa: Thanks for your answering my queries. Yah, i think interpreting the 'ferning' may be quite a challenge too.

Chanced upon this info on LH & OPK sensitivity:

A surge of LH can build very quickly. A woman may go from an insignificant amount of LH to 40 mIU literally within an hour or so. Advisable to test twice a day.

An OPK that measures 20-40 mIU is adequate, and a more sensitive OPK (20 mIU) does not offer any real benefit over a less sensitive one (40 mIU). Some women may experience a "slower" surge, and "linger" at 20 before shooting up to 40 the next day. (This may differ from cycle to cycle for the same woman. It has no physiological significance.)

When a more sensitive OPK (20 mIU) is used, you may detect ovulation approximately 36-48 hours before O; using a less sensitive one (30-40 mIU) may give a shorter notice of 24 hours.

If you happen to use 2 brands within the same cycle, this difference in sensitivity can make the results confusing.

ttc mummies, i just got pregnant on my last cycle and was using clearblue ovulation test kits, read some queries here about the use of it so would like to share my experience and of course, baby dust to all of you !

based on regular cycle of 28 days, doctor said will ovulate between D14-D16. so I started testing using first morning urine on clearblue on D14. D14 -ve, D15 -ve and D16 +ve. And then nurse say this means i will ovulate either on D16 night or D17 morning, within 24 hours of the LH surge. Before this, dr said hb to empty on D13 or D14 so as to ensure by the time need to release, will have freshly produced sperms.

Eggs take 3 days to travel from the ovary to the womb and sperms lifespan is 2-5 days. So in this case can do it on D16,D18 and D20 (if sperm is long life type, will still be able to catch the egg in time).

The above is an example to illustrate how the kit works.

Hey Ann01jan,

Congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how many mths are u now? ;p

Hi ann01jan, congrats! Is 01 Jan your EDD? Such a nice date! You know the gender already?

Thanks for your infon on how it works. Your dr suggest alternate days to BD?

About fertilization, I read that the sperm can travel to our FT, no need wait for egg to travel to womb. And after O, our egg only viable for 12-24 hours.

Hi ttc mummies,

How is everyone?

I am new to this thread, also planning for bb in 2011. The discussion topic here on BBT and OPK strips really interest me. I am now planning for a gal. I have started to use the Guardian Brand BBT thermometer and recently got to know about the OPK strips in this thread..

ann01jan, thanks for clarifying.. ur advise is just in time for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was quite hopeful and start charting my BBT on CD1.. now then I know I need to chart 1-2mths in order to see the trend... but since I have irregular menses, so no point also.. aiyo silly me...

I ordered the cheaper version 25mIU OPK online and now know it may not be accurate for PCOS... so just went watson to get the clearblue OPK hopefully I can see a better trend... I read the instructions behind the box also blur blur... if only i have the energy to BD everyday! then can save $$ testing liao.

ask u all, if u are not using the 1st urine for testing, how do u cope testing during office hours.. I dun wana bring a cup into Ladies.. too obvious liao.. hee...

Hi maelyn, I'm also using guardian's BBT thermometer... check with u, will ur thermometer show the last temperature taken accurately when u press the button again at nite? I just realised today my thermometer a bit haywire.. they have been showing 35.50 each time I first ON it... No wonder I find it strange as I remembered I last saw the temperature was otherwise (eg. 35.25) with my sleepy eyes... then my BBT chart is now a straight line consistent at 35.50.. wahaha...


Nope, The guardian bbt thermometer does not report the last temperature correctly. So, I never rely on that function. At times , I find the thermometer to be a little faulty, coz this second I record 36.2+, then the next second can be 36.4+ ... not sure you experience this before? hehe..

maelyn, yah.. i always thought it was my sleepy eyes playing trick with me.. alamak.. i think most housebrand product... *_*"'

>Mdm Khoo, 加油。。加油。。U always reminded me that 世上只有妈妈好! Good luck to you and hope to hear good news from you here soon.

>ann01Jan, Thks for sharing yr info with us. Last time i heard people said that BD on the alternate day before we ovulate, the chances will be higher. So far I have tried for 5 cycles liao but still haven’t tio leh. Recently my DH told me that the sperms will not be strong/ thick enough and will become lesser if BD too much. If sperms not strong/ thick enough and lesser, BD also no use, is it true? So this month we have decided better we BD one or two times ONLY when I tested positive on my OPK or when my tummy is pain/ cramp due to ovulation. Hope that this method will work for me :)

Last Sunday, I pray at Bugis 观音堂, I asked for one lot (it is 中签) about my 2nd pregnancy matter. The lot telling me that: no need to spend too much effort and pregnancy is safe.

fiona > wow that is fast... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it seem like yesterday u first have jovan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB NN > hehe i also hope i got one boi one ger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

emily > thx thx... arh... u make me sound beri 伟大 haha...


Hi ladies. Af reports n I intend to go guan yin temple today to pray pray....cannot right?

