(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

morning ladies!

JJJ, u miss mi ah..?? =P

I'm on course for 2 days...n yet so many posts ley...

mi no luck ley....2day CD3 liao...*sigh*

MdmKhoo, Jia You ley...i want grab babydust from u...kekkekeke


Heellllloooooooo...... wishstar

Hi MiloQueen, ooh I didnt know doc gynae usually won't recommend fallopian tube test at an initial stage of TTC... no wonder my gynae ignore me... haa.. I have super irregular cycle too. just started relying on TCM.. hope it works..

I just started bbt.. still confused how it should work despite google-ing around.. so when my temperature shoots up by at least 0.4 degree, means I have ovulated or ovulating huh? *scratch head*

anyone bought the low cost OPK strips here? I wonder if it works as well as those exp brand like clearblue...

mdmkhoo, do keep us posted of ur progress... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I saw in other threads, they say can start communicating to ur babies even at early stage... so everyday, u can try touch ur tummy, and tell ur little darlings to be strong... and quick grow big big so that mummy can love them after 9 months... some works and miracles happen...

me too, CD3 today. Chemical pregnancy for last cycle.

Babysee....advisable to chart your BBT for 1-2 cycles to see the trend.

If up, most likely that you've already ovulated. You may still BD tonite, if you were to ovulate later. This will stay up to your AF comes.

For me:

Pre-O is 36.4+, then 36.2+

Post-O is 36.6+ then above 36.8+

1-2days before AF, 36.6+

I do have the cheaper OPK strips but not very useful for me cause I drink a lot, my urine is too diluted to detect. Clearblue works well for me.

Hi Joelle, I think it should be the hsg test. I went for my gynae checks in Mar and Jul to ensure I'm healthy to conceive. Doc spotted 1 cysts and 1 fybroid but told me they should be fine as <5cm and just need to monitor to ensure they don't grow. She asked me to 'work harder' and if I still don't hear good news some months later, maybe consider the test. My preference is still to try naturally but abit discouraging cos my cycles are about 35-37days long so everytime wait so long then the right time come and outcome still negative. Don't wish to subject my hubby to the sperm test too. Will be going for a long holiday in end Oct and hopefully can devote time to 'working hard' without stress from work etc (must confess there were 2-3 times I doze off and we missed the golden times hehe).

Hi babysee, yes that's what my gynae told me. She told me she usually won't recommend those for a start if the ovulation, ovaries and cycles are pretty consistent. Would suggest that you get the low cost OPK strips as you need to test frequently to understand your cycle if you've not done so before. When I first started, I kept testing randomly and it didn't seem to give me two clear lines. So my doc suggested that I test regularly from day 11 using those cheap ones and if I spot a difference (clearer line), test with the clearblue ones to get more accuracy and confirm that I'm ovaluting.

Hi ladies....

Yesterday night went to inject to mature my little darlings [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the needle so long like 5cm ouch and beri thick...

tonight me had to fast... from 11.00pm all the way till tml after the surgery to retrive the eggs... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Snowger: pai seh my reply super slow. No idea can do braces while preggy or not. But I cannot imagine teeth pain, then MS then hormonal queen. Hehehe!

mdmkhoo: lots of luck to u!!

MdmKhoo >> All the best we are rooting for you.

Hi All >> I really MIA for a long time, have been busy with work as have some new projects, just got some time decided to pop by and see what have been happening.

CD 16 for me today, still not ovulating, i went and see my fertility DR over the weekends, and found out from him those with PCOS and not on medication, there will be no signs of ovuation, anyone have similar experience.

He has asked that i continue with medication - Metaforme, anyone of the same condition, i am wondering should i get a second opinion? And if so, any fertility DR to recommand?

AW_BBGab >> Dr John Tee from KKH for my first baby. Excellent Dr.

For the current DR, he is a fertility Dr, from Mt. E.


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb again. have added many BB clothings. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in gd cond cos only let my gal wear not more than 3times. lol.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge. items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs (except for those that have been RESERVED), items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do NOT leave PM or postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them. calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!


please do not spam this thread with your things for sale, esp when u r not one of the thread members. your posting is more suitable for the WTS thread. and if you cannot post in that thread, it prob mean u r still not qualified as a 1-year member thus not qualified to sell anything at all in the forum. thank you.


i'm seeing john tee as well!! i like him! now seeing him for my infertility too. he ordered clomid and a hsg... but still no luck. gonna see him again soon! :p


i think dental procedures are not advised for preggies. maybe it applies to braces too? but then again... i'm sure there are plenty of pregnant mums with braces around. :p

Hi AnnissaKoh & MiloQueen, thanks for sharing... I used the low cost OPK 3 times and got twice positive... haa... anyway still not preggie and I wonder if it's like Pre*** / Guar*** brand Buay Zhuen one..

MiloQueen, can ask u which clearblue u are using? I went guardian & watson trying to analysis.. but duno how it really works. eg. the Clearblue digital ovulation kit consists 7 tests ($56++) so after 7 tests, can we buy refill strips and use the same digi monitor? coz I can't find any refill for that digi monitor.. so find it very strange and exp..

BBNN> I have PCOS but duno if am even ovulating.. ask gynae and he seems no urgency to treat me yet... can I ask what medication u are referring to? clomid?

WishStar>> I am seeing Dr Lim at Mt. E. He used to be gynae, but what i understand is he is so successful with his fertility, he has stopped delivery, so i am not too sure if he is still considered gynae.

BB_NN >> Does Dr John Tee see for infertility too? Will he handle IUI or IVF cases? He helped me deliver my first baby :D Excellent Dr. I can only sing praises for him.


heh... i'm not too sure if he handles iui or ivf but he did mention if my hsg results shows my tubes blocked, i would have to try those. i seldom question him.. u know his chope chope pattern la... :p i just guai guai follow all he said. haha... my #1 oso delivered by him... i like his chope chope attitude thou i know some ppl who likes to ask questions find him too "dismissive". :p

Joelle >> Sorry i am such a tweet, the message under BB_NN is meant for you, sorry about that.

Babysee >> Previously i have mild case of PCOS, so i still ovulate, but now according to my DR it has gotten more serious, therefore, i am unable to ovulate, or maybe no detection of ovulation.

Maybe age, coz i am going 33 next year and my hubby 35, so i think he might see more urgency in us. My DR asked me to take Vit B12 / Folic Acid and Metformin HCL 1000mg per day (02 pills), no clomid.

BBNN: oh! I heard of him! But I am scared of KKH leh. need to wait long time???

Babysee: I have PCOS and my AF super irregular! one yr come twice nia leh. kua zhang right? but managed to conceived from clomid. now am trying for #2.

Joelle: this braces thingy I have been thinking for so long. Until now still haven't do hahaha

BB_NN> I even asked my gynae some funny questions like - since my menses now finally came, does it mean I dun have PCOS anymore? will I recover from PCOS? I really dun understand what is gg on...

he just repeat: "No... No.. will not be gone" me went *_* "' finally he tell me go natural first. find him 6mths later...

Ooh does folic acid helps to conceive? I thought take it only after conceived coz it's meant for bb...

AW_BBGab> omg... I thought mine already serious... My AF come after 3 mths. My cycle range btw 2mths to 6mths. Did u consider TCM?

babysee, yes I bought that one from wastsons too. I think $50plus is promo price now, sometimes about $70. Very ex and I also find it strange that can't buy refills and everytime got to get the whole set. I googled and read the instructions apparently it's like that refills not sold separately. Don't know if the rest know of better lobangs.

Mdm Khoo.....waiting to hear your good news. Keep your spirit up.

I bought the ClearBlue from US, US36 per box with shipping. I've ordered extra to save on shipping. Letting go at $52 per box, 2 boxes for $100, exp Dec 2011, please PM me if you are keen. Thanks.

WishStar >> I guess you can say that, but i think maybe fertility DR are more specialised.

AW_BBGab >> I saw Dr Tee at the Private Suite in KKH, ok leh, unless he has something to rush to, i.e. delivery, etc, else, fast, and there are appointments to follow.

BabySee >> As i know, Mensus come does not mean no PCOS. PCOS after the deliver of the first baby sometimes the condition will go away, sometimes will be worse, like my case, or some cases i know, PCOS only comes after the delivery of the first child. So i guess there is really no telling.

Normally, for my fertility DR, he also tell me to try normal for 6 months, but i try for 3 months with him monitoring the ovulation, than convert to IUI.

Folic Acid is meant for the development of the child, but normally before you get pregnant, some DR will ask you to start eating, unless u suffer headaches and vomitting from eating Folic Acid, than you will be recommanded to stop, else can just eat.

One more tip, you have to be comfortable with your DR, if not, very difficult.

Joelle >> Same Same, i like his "chop chop" attitude as well, but he will handle all the questions that we asked too, but have to be fast, so what you want have to think first, and than rush in to see him, talk fast fast and than out :D

Babysee: ya OMG right? Haha! I thought I cannot get pregnant Liao but somehow miracle happen! So jia you! Dint give up! TCM not for me. last time I lived in beijing n went for acupuncture n take those meds but AF still never report.

BBNN: I think will try KKH. Cos go private gynae also got to wait. my friend's gynae also Dr Tee, heard he is gd also. this cycle will work hard, will do alternate if still strike, will think further.

AW BBGab if u happen to meet Dr Tee can help me check if he does iui or ivf, if he does I will go back to him tnx

mdm khoo you are a great MTB^^

Hellow gals.. wow today very very busy don even have a chance to login lor... keke but 2molo no boss day... can happy chat chat here..

mdm khoo > lots of luck to u! so brave! pray hard for u ~~

babysee > i use opk strip abt 50cent each. so far its negative. Dunno is it I got PCOS or what...... Doc give me clomid and ask me to try....

There are 3 types of opk around and I got the first one - high sensitivity.

* 20 mIU – High sensitivity

* 30 mIU – Normal sensitivity

* 40 mIU – Low Sensitivity

I got a write up somewhere -

If you have regular cycles and no known problems then, the Normal 30 mIU sensitivity are the ones you should have and the ones we recommend. We have given more detailed information further down the page about why you may need different sensitivity ovulation tests and how to discover if you do.

What about the sensitivity of ovulation tests and why might I need a different sensitivity?

Ok, we are going to dispel a few old wives’ tales here and give you some facts:-

Firstly, virtually every woman in the world will ovulate almost exactly 14 days BEFORE she starts her period – not the other way around!! That's fine for women with nice regular cycles of 26-30 days between each period but the trouble is a lot of women have irregular periods or other conditions such as PCOS, a lazy ovary, previous miscarriages, endometriosis, currently breast feeding etc., etc.

So what exactly happens is this:-

In any one cycle and on average, 80% of women will ovulate normally but around 11% of women will not ovulate at all and another 9% will ovulate twice or more. The latter explains a lot of those unwanted pregnancies by Roman Catholics trusting to the "rhythm method" to prevent conception!!

Now the “average” woman ............is there such a thing? Will have an LH (the hormone that triggers ovulation) level of between 5-20 mIU/ml in her system. When the surge occurs the basal level rises to approximately 50-200 mIU/ml and at this level ovulation occurs and the egg is released from the ovary. This means that for most women the 30 mIU ovulation sensitivity tests will be ideal.

But how will I know if they are not right for me? I hate to say this but it is trial and error. Firstly, if there is a problem and you don’t seem to be ovulating normally – DON’T WORRY – it is not unusual. The reason is usually simple and is down to the fact that each woman is individual and can have different results from ovulation tests – here are just 2 examples:-

We have a woman approaching menopause who notices the ‘test’ line on our standard 30 mIU tests never seems to get as dark as or darker than the ‘control’ line or doesn’t get any ‘test’ line at all. This means the level of LH never reached the level that is considered ‘normal’ when the surge occurs. In this case this lady should try the higher sensitivity tests (20 mIU) as this will pick up the LH surge at much lower levels. On the other hand we have a lady who is suffering from PCOS and this can sometimes (NOT always) cause the LH level to be consistently at a higher level than ‘normal’. This woman will appear to get a positive result with our 30 mIU tests over many days and she is therefore not certain when she is ovulating. In this case we would recommend she purchase the lower sensitivity (40 mIU) ovulation tests which will better pinpoint the LH surge.

tanny99: wow, very informative. Thanks! And my headache increased after reading it! Oh boy, another thing to be uncertain about!

Need advice: shld use 1st urine in the morning or late morning/afternoon to test for O? clearblue instructions say 1st urine, some sites say 1st urine not good cuz LH levels surge only when we are up for a while. HEADACHE!!! Sorry for such a silly qns, going to start ttc-ing so reading up 1st.

Saliva ovulation kit: Anyone using this? Your reviews on it?

AW_BBGab> u are shedding some light to me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least I know there's a possibility to get preggie! hee.. jia you for ur second one!

babycome2me> tt's very informative and at least in layman terms for me! u know hor.. for my case, I tested those less than $1 OPK strips and got positive on 2nd round, keep BD-ing.. then 2 weeks later, I try OPK strips again to see what will happen.. i got another positive.. both were equally dark . Two months later after I tested the last positive OPK, my AF never came... so I wonder if I am missing some bio lessons here..

now u cleared my mystery!! I could highly belong to the second category... ie. PCOS sometimes cause the LH level to be consistently at a higher level than ‘normal’. I used the 25mIU previously...

thx ladies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thx wishstar , awbb , bb_nn , joelle , Annissa , fiona , summer , babycome2me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

another 8 1/2 hr more... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyJosh....Clearblue can be used any time of the day while the cheaper strip needs to be used between 11am to 8pm.

I can confirm on Cearblue as I've called them to ask personally.

I ever used the Saliva tool but I've threw it away as I was unable to "interprete" the ferning pattern!!!

Morning everyone

hope all of you are doing well ya. Been busy these few days so din have time to log in. Finally managed to catch up with the post.

Mdmkhoo- jia you! We will wait for ya good news!


Mdm Khoo: we countdown with u k! *hold khoo's hand*

BBNN: Ok Ok! Will ask him...if I huat la...or else no chance.

babysee: it is not impossible, I remembered what I did is We went for our 3 weeks trip in Aussie then BD alternate days. got preggy n planned to name Her MIA cos stands for made in Aussie, but in the end a birdie is in sight. Hiaks!

Babysee: ya when holiday no stress mah. no one will complain tired n no mood BD also. so how long have u been TTCing? your # 1?


AW_BBGab: yeap... it's my #1.. TTC for 4 mths.. but last menses cycle was 3 mths.. wan to have bunny bb and feeling gan jiong... guess I'm making my situation worse for me.. hee..

Any idea how many mIU is clearblue dig ovulation kit?

Mdm Khoo, how are u today? Jia You!!Jia You!!Jia You!!

