(2011) TTC 2011 Mums!!!

Lynzi: hugz! bet you had a great time, so are they having sale now? I will be leaving ard 6++am in the morning so shd be quite ok i guessed.

I will be heading, KLCC (Crumpler), Pavillion, Starhill and Sunway Pyramid. If have time will be going to Mid Vally pt as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Popomin> Haha, wat u have not done for ur wedding preparations? Need help ma? Need idea for gatecrashing ma? Keke...Still go time to do, ok, will look out for ur private wedding shoot...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks mrs carice & diana. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha, xiu, i got no gate crashing. mine is the simplest one.. hehehe. i wan it fast & simple, chop chop..

Popomin> Fast fast chop chop & simple also gd, more lovey dovey time for u & dh... Keke When u flying off to AU & HK?

Hi Ladies... Afternoon... hehe.... I am slow to report.... pai seh....

Yesterday whole day brought my mum to the doctor... so tiring....

halo hapimin! long time no chat with u le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiu, im flying on 28th, come back on 7th, fly on 9th to hk, come back on 15th.

so u muz miss me.. i think i need to backtrack alot when i come back, see can find any gd news from u all or not. hehehe.

diana, got look at ji shi.. my in-laws so pantang.. sure cannot siam all these. sian. u mean u also dun have gate crashing last time? :p

Popomin, aiyah... its the marriage that counts... not the wedding day lar... I think this way lar... so is a bor chap bride...

haha... so bor chap that I forget to bring my wedding gown on my wedding day... haha.....

hapimint, wow u so cute leh. u really bo chap till nv bring gown? hope i will rem, but i think i will rem la.. the most impt thing to me on my wedding day. wahahahaa...

im also a bo chup bride.. till now, my guest list is not up.. less than 4 wks to go.

xiu03, no lar... I brought my mum to review with the doc so that she can go for operation on Tuesday....

Go for Sleeve gastrectomy, which is reducing the stomach to 20% for weight loss lor...

diana, u havent customary ar.. having soon? opps i dun rem leh, or u got mention b4? u can tell me at the other side if u wan, if u shy. lol. :p

Popomin, I didn't fix my guest seatings and all till the night before wedding... and yes, I forgot my wedding gown in the morning... haha...

Can remember the look on the videographer and make up artist face when I said that I forget my gown....

So funny... but my poor hubby is the one that drive around like crazy so that can bring the gown to me....

my MIL told me, next time you got bb, dun bring out k? wait you leave her there and forget to bring home... hmm... highly possible? haha.....

hapimin is so cute and blur leh. im also a blur sotong de..

so everything (guest list) went on smoothly as planned? i think i will do last min also lor. haha.

ur MIL suan u hor... but im sure u wont forget de, cos she will cry ma. hahaha.

MummyMonkey: my AF also reports this morning liao....good for us, can finally try again this month[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jiayou!!!

popomin > I think got say before nong nong ago... I also forget when lazy to look over....

Tell u the story...

Me ROM in 2008...

Me Singaporean , Hubby Malaysian...

Want wedding dinner must have both sides...

My Mother say NVM we dun need wedding dinner ROM can liao she say she beri Chin Chye...

Grandparents also approve say no need custormary...

My hubby and I tot we can save the $ because he felt that in Malaysia he also dun wan...

End up this yr CNY we kanna shoot by his relatives... MIL blame me for the Delay actually is hubby dun want also... she told hubby that all relative asked liao cannot dun want...

So we tot simple one will do... End up I got one Crazy idea is that if I got preggie now I can skip the wedding dinner in Malaysia...

MIL knew I went KKH she ask for what I told her for BB she scolded me say preggie later how to travel to Malaysia and have wedding...

My hubby and I dun care we feel that the most important thing is BB... got dinner no dinner we dun care...

That y hubby put the dinner date at DEC lol... by then we still got time for trying for BB...

Hapimint> U are so cute but this has made ur wedding day more memorable...Wish ur mum's op will be a smooth & success. ...

Popomin> Yup, will miss u, dun miss us too much also....will ur 'o' falls on ur honeymood period? Hee..hopefully yes, then 加油 make an overseas 宝宝. LOL

Mdm Khoo> Ur hubby is the only son? Ur MIL want face bah so she want u to hold the banquet...Hope u can conceived soon so tat ur mil can respect u & ur dh decision on not holding a banquet...Maybe if u conceived soon, she will shift her focus since she may be looking forward to the arrival of her grandchild...

diana, oic.. u can copy & save this, next time got ppl ask, u paste again. hehehe. hope i wont ask again. :p

xiu, yes leh. will fall on my honeymoon period if my menses is due soon. hehehhe.

i wan made in sg de.. hope i can make it tis 2 mths. lol. :0

xiu03 > No lar he got another Bro... She beri Stubbon my DH is eldest must held dinner first no dinner younger one cant married... so my BIL and his GF kept asking us to held dinner... hehe...

Komathi: my bump show up as early as 4mth preggie..

Mrs Tan, ya so gd? onli show during the 6-7 mths? r u the petite type??

Popomin> Ok, but if preggy tis 2 mth, u not scare morning sickness will affect ur wedding and maybe more troublesome to go for honeymood since it takes time for the baby to be stable...

MdmKhoo> Oh, ur MIL's thoughts is quite traditional...Which part of MY is ur dh fr? Sabah?

xiu, wont lah. im not scared, somemore not ez to strike leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi all,

I'm also ttc-ing for 2011 baby hence hope to join you ladies for support and baby dusts...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi elch, welcome here..

join us when u free. ur surname is wong? same as me leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jaster, i hope so.. so sometimes dun expect is the best.. the higher the expectation, the more disappointed we will be.

Thanks all for the welcome!


Wong's my hubby's surname...haha!


To play it safe, BD on Day 10-18 to cover all 'bases'...




haiz..this month i didnt work hard as my O falls on the day i was in kl.

how to BD with the lil one in between rite?

only BD once the nite before we left.

if tio then i reali heng ah.

