(2011/12) Dec 2011

Ace, I used avent nipple protector during the vy first week as my bb chew on me till bleeding though she has no teeth. Lol. But I found it not vy useful, still quite painful, n the protectors always come out when bb is sucking. I tot the Avnet one not good and I felt sooo painful, so bought medela.. It fits better however still can't always in place when bb is sucking. So I think I only used a few times. But hopefully it s useful for u.

Ejunko, I heard that the walker is not gd for bb development also. I think I read tis on a magazine n in some countries where the awareness is better, v can't even find walker in the market. But I m not sure about jumperoo or exersaucer.

Yoyosan, I sometimes can get 100-140ml within 5 mins pumping, but is fr both side. I heard that bb is better than milk pump, I personally feel bb is "best milk pump" also,coz I feel with bb sucking the let down come vy fast ler. Haha. Maybe v shouldnt worry so much as now bb can get nutrient fr solid also. Just monitor the weight gain.

Haiz..., i miss my own mummy now, she went for holiday with aunt n no one take k bb I hv to take leave take k at home... It s rili vy tiring as my bb always fuss during nap time.. My mummy has to handle her alone for 5 days a week... Still gotta settle her own lunch n sometimes cook dinner for us... Mummy is best...


Last sat intro rice cereal to bb. Find it more troublesome than just milking only.. Wonder next time how can my mum handle it alone... Need to feed bb, prepare solid for bb... I bought Avent blender n steamer also. I thought it ll b convenient for my mum... But now I imagine my mum need to cook her own lunch, need to prepare bb milk, need to cut/ wash/ cook solid for bb, then my naughty gal just crying crying n non stop rolling... If next time she can crawl even worse... Omg!!! Dono my mum can handle or not... Feel so sorry for her, finally retired still gotta help me take k of bb....

my bb still on rice cereal. Not adventure enough to feed him other food yet. Guess the next one I will give is oat cereal.

Echo: I think same for jumperoo, but not sure about exersaucer leh...ouh i miss my own mummy too...

Annie: Sure! The studio is big enuff, but because there are decos, lightings and wires etc, so must be careful abit. Maybe we can hide some wires...i'll see how.

I still have no idea on how the avent blender cum steamer work. Still thinking if I should get it or should I just get a handheld type of Braun blender as I heard that the avent one will not be used when baby grows older? I am afraid that it will take up space n become a white elephant in the end. Can someone enlighten me please?

Girltradester, what kind of avent blender did you get? Useful?

Echo... Xian.. It doesn't work.. Tik it is too big .. He suck n suck n nothing come out n got frustrated

I tried latching him n he bite me agn! I screamed v loudly at him n felt so bad

Tried putting on the shield n he refused to latch. Had to quickly warm up ebm for him n he finished up everyti..


Tried nipple shield when I cracked up in the beginning, it worked mostly coz she was still really tiny and sleepy. I think by now they know there's something in between that slows down the flow, they will assert their rights n reject :p

What is the youngest age we can start porridge? I remember that I started at 8 months for #1 and 2, porridge with meat like pork or fish. But since #3 started rice cereal earlier, and is taking rice cereal quite well now, can I start porridge already? With meat?

Snowyotaru, I feel that definitely will need the blender for a few months. Whether u want the steamer feature is ur choice already. To save cost, u can always get the basic blender at less than $100, cook or steam food in pot/ wok/ slow cooker, then transfer to blender to blend. I manage well with just the blender for my #1 and 2. Now must handle 3, so I prefer the steamer cum blender to save me some time.

#1 coughing since Sunday, saw gp for med. today #2 coughing and fever, so rejected by childcare. Going to bring her to see gp later, then send to my mum's place, then go back to work in pm.

I haven't see dr yet this year, but my medical benefits almost half gone with 3 of them taking turn to see dr.

yesterday i tried using my new blender to make sweet potato for Youle. Looks yummy, she finished all.

But there's a problem! i then realise sweet potato may cause diarrhea which she already have! sigh... later tonight i'll try banana instead.

Youle buttock look red. And there is already rashes developed! She'll cried out loud when i change her diaper, must be painful for her...sob..sob... Hopefully she'll get better soon.

Shirley, my girl had diarrhoea a couple of times, and the PD told us to use running tap water to wash her butt. Coz the water is cooling so it's more comfy for them, then also don't have to keep wiping which might aggravate the rash / soreness. Then usually what we also do is after washing, just tap dry with cloth, hold up her legs while she's lying down and use a handheld fan to dry her bottom. Like bbq satay! Haha..

snowyotaru or any mamas!

If you want the Avent blender and dont mind a 2nd hand - its just 2 days old still in box (sob), im letting go at $180. PM MEEEEE! Got 2 yrs warranty.


Went to kiddy palace over weekend, saw the avent blender at 199 in a big bag of free gifts... Tempted!

Has the studio date been confirmed? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies dropping a lot of hair now? My hair has been dropping a lot since one month ago. Sigh...feel so stress every time I wash my hair. Hoping that this phase will pass soon.


If u worried abt white elephant, then any blender eventually will be. Or u can be like me, for my #1, I steam or boil then mesh it using sieve. V tedious, need time n effort. If u can afford time n effort, tat can be another way without using blender at all. But for my #2, no such luxury so got to use blender, faster preparation.

I'm a Oct 2011 mummy and working for U Family - a free community for families and they are having a welcome gift now. Just sign up to be on their mailing list and get a free scotch brite sponge. www.ufamily.sg/signup

There's gonna be a Baby's Day Out event happening in Aug too so do join the mailing list to be updated. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies! I am better already but this morning really cant get out of bed.. no energy at all. so on mc.

Ejunko, can see that u really regretted! lol

Yi Chin, I will kill myself if i am pregnant now! haha!

Btw, my god-ma (who is a babysitter all her life) said can start porridge at 6 mths+. Regarding the meat.. i not sure.

Studio gathering: Maybe we can arrange in July? Since there is already a gathering in Jun at Annie's place. Preferably sat or sun since some of us are working?

SQin: Rest more! Hope you feel better.

Ya sia...very regret~ hope hubby still allows me to get the magic thermal cooker *sulks one corner pull hair*

Ejunko, if you don't use the avent blender, then how are you going to prepare baby's food?

Yoyosan, Yi Chin, what is so great about the avent steamer n blender? Other blenders can't do the job well? I haven't see the demo.

Tigger- been dropping so much hair that my colleague asked if I got new hairstyle (think my hair is flatter now). Even washing hair I will practically collect a clump on my fingers each time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

snowyotaru: I have a philips blender. So i'll probably get a magic thermal cooker, dump all ingredients in and let it slow cook in low heat, when times up for meals, i'll filter to blend then serve.

I think when bb reaches 8-9mths i'll skip the blending step...i think only lah lol. Subject to baby's progress.


Already 2 months, and still dropping. Worst when DS pull my hair.


why regret? At least I don't have to worry to find time to watch fire.


If u bought a day earlier, I would hv taken over from u.

nvm la, u still can use mah otherwise how u serve to L now? And magic thermal cooker really that good? Dun buy n regret again wor. Lol.


Blender no diff from other blender, except it comes w an add-on feature, steaming, which I think other blenders dun hv. Nothing spectacular. Like yi chin says, other blenders also can do the job. we just wan hassle free of not getting out the wok to do separate steaming.

Annie: Coz i totally forgotten about wanting a thermal cooker. Buy so many things together machiam im a great cook lol

Yoyosan: I already have a blender, which means now i have 2. -_-"

Oh i really think the magic thermal cooker is not bad leh - at least really no need to watch over fire~ hahahaha!

Snow: can view demo of the blender here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mxmPHEpjcM

I've no regrets buying leh. It's really hassle free.

I'm super irritated with dropping hair all over the place too! Everyday I go ard the house with a handheld vacuum cleaner just to suck up my hair. It's been at least 2mth already.

Shirley: how come sweet potato will cause diarrhoea? I haven't tried but it's next on my list. So far given apple, carrot and now pumpkin. Bb loves pumpkin. His poop has been very dry, like play doh.

I had also been dropping hair till quite depressing liao

R u all doin anyti to it? Hair treatment? Tonic?

Btw jus started bb on Happy Bellies cereal today... It smell really weird n I tried tasting it too.. Really yucky .. Not like Nestlé .. Hv any mummies out there who had let ur bb try Happy Bellies? R they ok with it?


Dun give too many orange-yellow food continuously. bb skin might get a little yellow. Too much carotene? Break in bet w another color fruit/veg.


Haven't start yet. What cereal type u bought?


U try the thermal magic cooker then tell us outcome ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

That is another expensive buy.

yoyosan: If no taker for my avent then i wont be getting the cooker now. Maybe 3-4mths later when i stop using the blender. Update you guys then.

Ace: How weird is it? Did baby reject?

Yoyosan... First .. We let him try Nestlé Rice Cereal .. Taste yummy.. We tried it too, it taste abit sweet though

He had finished 1tin but thus we let him try Happy Bellies Oatmeal .. Smell weird n taste yucky.. Dun really knw how to explain

My mum do not wan to let him try n my hubby gotten another 2tins of nestlé rice... I thot of giving him Healthy Times too

I already let E try porridge a few days back after PD said go ahead.. she ate quite a few mouthfuls. =)

oh n regarding the jumperoo, i rented from mygrowingtoys too! @$45. will be arriving on friday.. hehee..

JUN is a major milestone for all of us and babies! so exciting!

Shirley: have been using pampers active, find it v absorbent and baby has no rash. Did u use 'active' or normal one? I have only tried the former.

Ejunko: I bought small thermal magic cooker, I think 1.5 liter one for about $50, not so expensive and not too big for making baby's porridge. Have not tried it out yet though. Have you started using yr steamer/blender? It's really quite convenient la, just wash and cut, throw in, fill water and turn on. No need to watch fire or timer and transfer food only once after blending. Make large batch, put in ice cube tray, once frozen transfer to ziplock. Then just heat up 1 cube when time for baby's meal.

Ace: started with brllamy's rice cereal then nestle rice cereal and now intro happy bellies oatmeal. All of them mixed with FM. My boy is okay with all of it.

Yuet Sim.. Did u smell n try Happy Bellies urself?

It really smell n taste weird lol

But bb quite ok with it ;)

Btw where did u get Brillamy cereal?

Yoyosan: yah I read up abt giving bb too much beta carotene (in orange foods) which may cause them to turn orange. But apparently the condition is harmless. It's a sign of excess vitamin A. Dark green veg also contains beta carotene so it's not just orange foods. Maybe I'll try avocado/banana after pumpkin then.

Shirley: I've been using Pampers since birth, never had diaper rash. I use desitin cream too.

Ace: Bellamy's can be found at the organic food section in Fairprice.

I'm finishing up my pack of bellamy's already. Wondering if I shd intro brown rice or oatmeal next. Yuet Sim, any change in bb poo after switching to oats?

Yuet Sim: I know it is convenient, just wonder how long will i be using it thats all. Dont like to keep things in the cupboard, my house very small ah lol.

Oh is it the magic porridge cooker??? I thought of getting that too, but since i have the Avent now and whole fam loves soup, i'll just get the 4.5ltr.


How come everyone says about watching over fire ah? Lol if you guys seek convenience then its about time to invest in a thermal cooker - no fire no electricity needed - Magic~! Lol.

Ace: Nestle really smell nice. Or you can try Organix? Organic and gluten free. Super bland though. *bluek*

Hello mummies,

These few days when baby latch, she will pull at the nipple and suck again, then pull again. SHe does this repeatedly. Any babies doing this too? I wonder what it means, she is full?

I started her on Bellamy rice cereal, but she took a few mouths and start fussing so I thought she doesn't want to take cereal yet.

Cookie monster ...

My boy had always been doin it all along

Pull .. Smile at me .. Suck .. Pull .. Smile at me .. Suck

N I will b screaming away cos the milk is spurting all over n sometime on his face .. N he will smile even more. Cheeky boy

But lately my nightmare began.. He started teething at 3.5mths n recently he had been biting me!!!!

I had been scolding him.. Telling him sternly.. Etc .. None worked ..

Really scare me to latch him anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yuet_sim, I use Pampers Active size M.

Tangerine, do u apply densitin only or together with powder? My MIL only put powder, she use diaper cream only when baby got rash.

IMHO i dont think it is necessary to put diaper rash cream if there is no rash issue.. i put barrier cream..been using pampers active since birth + barrier cream..so far so gd..never kena rash before * touch woodzz*


using pampers active too. Alternate bet barrier cream n desitin cream usage. Puffing on powder every diaper change too.


I read before, that when bb bites, u shd push ur breast towards him, so he'll let go, instead of u pulling back to free urself. Cos he'll be suffocating, n their first instinct will be to let go to breathe, n u can get ur breast out safely from their teeth grip. Hope my gal dun bite me ever. Now she gum me I already pain. Can't imagine being bitten. Ouch.


Curry, baby much better now. Still having some phlegm though. Tried giving him the expensive eu yan sang phlegm medicine today. Hopefully, the phlegm will be totally gone. How's yours?

Any mummies going to stop moo moo career soon? Thought of stopping completely so that I can rest n enjoy life better but afraid that I may regret stopping it now. Anyway, 6 mths good enough, right? Thinking...thinking...

