(2011/12) Dec 2011


My gal also holdingn playing with her feet. And u know the old saying, when bb holds or sucks their toes, a new sibling will join soon. I must be the one to break the old saying then...lol.


Seems our thread is the active one for 2011 mummies. Most all migrate to fb for the other month's mommies. Wonder how many more silent mommies out there?

Tangerine: LOL mine didnt grab, but he'll cover his didi when i change diapers. First did it during his 3rd mth.

Yoyosan: Coz my hubby dont like to intro these commercial food to baby. Actually me too - coz i duno the ingredient exactly, i'll prefer homemade food. Cannot cook overseas mah, unless i book a villa....perhaps i can...but villa for 3pax abit dingdong. Sigh.

Curry, my heart also feels the pain. Went to pd just now and it seemed baby's condition got worse. He was given the nebuliser at the clinic. He felt the discomfort and was screaming and pulling his hair. Sigh....got to take more medicine now.

Tangerine, mine grabs his feet not his didi.

Yup, bbs get well soon.

v bad flu season, even me sahm also kanna from my hb.


Stay in good hotel, w international buffet, bb can hv plain porridge, bread, cereal, fruits etc in the morning. Afternoon depend on rice cereal. Night can be milk feed only. Only 8-9 months, milk still prioriy. Doesn't mean u die die need 3x meals a day right? And also depend on bb, my #1 then only 2x solids a day.

what post natal supplement r u mummies taking?

My Gynae gives me fish oil, vit c n calcium, more for bfing. Wat others r u all taking?


Hahaha..u r up too? Ahem, then let me tell u...dun need die die hv 3 meals. Milk milk lots lots ok. Anyway it's gonna be a short trip so no prob one. Go plan for ur hols...lol.

Just woke up yawnnnnnnnnn

Oh my hubby loh. My dad can only handle lucas for 10mins max then needs to go puff to regenerate his energy lol.

Stop using wedge when he stops reflux, so give my dog le - poorthing always the 2nd hand user.


Now the flu season ah, pls take care ah. Hope all mommies and babies doing fine. *sprinkle magic powder*

mummies/babies who are sick: hope you all get well soon.

tangerine: my boy is now in a phase of pulling his ears and feet.

yoyosan: taking multi-vitamins and calcium. Plus sometimes fenugreek/mother's milk tea.

Went to Takashimaya just now, bought thermal pot to cook porridge and Tiger vacuum flask KK recommended. Also bought some pigeon snack biscuits for baby to try.

Used the Phillips blender/steamer to make pureed carrots and spinach. Really convenient. My boy actually ate the spinach, made a face but finished about 2 teaspoons.

That day during the mam gathering i bought a pacifier, but havent try it out. Anyone using it already? I wonder if Gab will reject it...

Tangerine: I also noticed my boy sometimes scratch his didi when i change diaper. I thought he was itching =P He also does grab his feet.

Today started rice cereal for kz, he fussed and screamed like we are feeding him poison! Haha.. Nvm try again tmr (-_-)

SQin, can try when he is feeling happy, easier to try new things.

yoyosan, I take calcium pills, fish oil capsule, multi-vits and fenugreek. Swallow 8 pills every morning, then 3 capsule of fenugreek in afternoon and evening. Hope I won't get kidney failure with all these pills! Also taking sacred tea or brown rice tea. But bm supply really dropping now. Will be stopping all these pill popping when I stop bf.

Took out the walker from the storeroom last night for Yunrui to try. She can only sit in it, kick her legs a bit but the walker not moving. In the end she got frustrated and I had to carry her again.

Get well soon to mummies and babies who are down with bugs!!

Oh.. My gynae gave me calcium, iron pills and fish oil, which i take daily. I am also trying to finish up multi-vit from the pregnancy package and also that bottle of fernugreek, but too many pills to swallow so these 2 pills I dun take everyday.

Yi chin, ok, tmr I try. But he starts to fuss the moment we put him on the high chair. Hope it's just a matter of getting used to! BTW how many fernugreek u take each day? Seems a lot!

Yar.. All mommies and babies, get well soon and stay healthy!

Yi Chin: Oh lord thats a lot of pills! My gynae only gave me fish oil which i stopped after baby's full month. Very sian to swallow pills. Maybe you can try to replace with good food? Such drink more milk, eat more fruits and veggies, plus eat fish and drink soup daily? i think that is more than enuff lah dear.

Just let bb tried cereal for the first time~! He loves it - drink until 打枪 liddat!

But i think too diluted already lol. Good think that he likes to eat from spoon. Tmr i'll make it less dilute =D

So mummies, when can we increase the portion?

SQin, we didn't put Yunrui on the highchair cos her sitting balance still not that good. So I carry her upright in 1 arm and feed her with the other hand. Maybe it's because of the highchair and not the rice cereal that makes him angry?

I take 9 pills of fenugreek a day, 3 pills, 3 times a day. The GNC staff recommended one. Had been swallowing that amt since #1.

ejunko, I'm actually taking the fish oil for long term with the hope of reducing my cholesterol level. Now bf, so added on the calcium, multi vits and fenugreek. Maybe for another 1 to 2 months, then will stop already. If not I'll really get kidney failure.

If baby no constipation for 2 to 3 days and taking cereal well, can increase 1 to 2 spoonfuls every week.

Thanks Yi Chin, so if dilute abit also can right? Or must be more gao?

Anyway you very steady! Until now i still need to break pills into half to swallow because my tonsils are huge. =(

My sinsei friend said so long we eat 5 diff colors of food per day, we shld meet the nuitrients our body needs. Of coz portions varies. So perhaps when you stopped taking those pills you can check it out:


Ejunko, depends on how baby likes his cereal. Yunrui prefers hers machiam like Campbell soup. When I make it thicker like mashed potato, she spits it out.

Mommies i jus come bac fr phillips carnival sales..

Boohoohoohooo... Blender sold out liao.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Forgot bring my IC cant exchange free ipad cover or buy e members special.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nvr mind i wait for next carnival sales heee...

Stil got 20% voucher expire 1/6... Got to spend on my dual pump spare parts liao...

Blender prob wait til motherhood expo c got gd promo anot...

Mommies, all feed wat brand rice cereals as 1st try huh? Bellamy? Four Leaf? Organix? Others???

My bm oso decreasing... Sobz sobz sobz.....

Kip drinking hot milo n my brown rice tea..

Bought red dates tea packs too...

Nowadays pump up to 1hr leh!! Then can squeeze out abt 160, sometimes 180... Boohoohooohoooo!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chamz.. I tink gg to buy sacred tea liao!!!

Wah, 1 week didn't login so many posts! Yeah, sad my bm also decreasing! Been drinking mother's milk tea daily. But like not much use. But I only got myself to blame coz I lazy n dropped pump freq to 4x daily now. My fren recommended avocado milk shake. I just drank. Will let u all know if it's effective!

Anyone feeding bb water using cup yet? Was told to give her a sippy cup after each meal. Going to taka now to buy a sippy cup.

Tiffany likes her rice cereal very much! N I gave her banana, apple and avocado purée so far. she frowned when eating avocado. Made a face like eating sour food when eating banana and apple! So strange! At first I tot the apple is sour but not leh v sweet!

My hubby also wants to bring her go swimming! We tried once in our bathtub when she was 4mth but she got scared n screamed! Then we stopped. Now we started preparing her again. Let her like playing in water first.

Today is 2nd day of rice cereal. Gave 1 tablespoon at 11am feed.. This time more mashy (thk yesterday one very watery). He managed to finish it with the help of his bib... Haha! Then I 不甘愿, try 2 tablespoon at 6pm, and he finished all! I thk I will ask my mum give him 2 tablespoon daily for this wk then intro purée on fri. Yes this fri I will take leave and feed him purée then go motherhood fair!

I still put him in high chair today. And now on and off put him there so that he won't reject it so much and so won't fuss during mealtime.


I started w nestle cereals (sample pack), then bellamy rice cereal plus nestle cereals mix together.

Apple puree,

Wat brand apples do mommies use?

I tried n C kept trying to throw out. I tot it tasted ok but my #1 say sour! Maybe adult we more used to sour taste. Anyway, pls share which brand u all give. Btw I boiled instead of steamed, but that shdn't make a diff to taste ya?


When I first intro cereal, bb still poo daily. But last 2 days no poo. Din change cereal. Is this considered as constipation?

Yoyosan. Ya, Michigan is yearly "pilgrimage". Waste of money!! Last time with just my boy we can chalked up $10k/ trip. now with Emma.. I don't dare to imagine.

Today I just started cold war with my hb. So unreasonable! He doesnt want to attend church with me but will help me send my boy to Sunday sch. But he's always in a hurry to pick him the rush me to come out of church! My church is so big, ans there is only on exit, so gotta take turn mah, and some more my stroller wheel quite big already hitting so many other church members, so took a while to get out. Then I went a get a DVD, met my other church friend to pick up a box of breast pads. I told him to pick up the boy at 1:30. He kept calling but both my helper and I did not hear the phone.

Thinking we'll se him at the Sunday sch venue, we headed towards there. He called and I pick up, he yelled so loud at me over the phone, "where are you?! the church was done 20mins ago according to someone!! ... .." So pissed, yes, the church was done 20mins ago, but there are those who never wait for prayers mah!

And becos it's his birthday, I decided to eat out for lunch after church then have prawn noodles for dinner. So angry I couldn't talk anymore exp, "do you want lunch?". He went on to walked away, so fine, then we go home. after reaching home, never bother to help, and went sat in front of tv and watch tv while my helper and I quickly soak veg, cut veg, cut fish cake, boil noodles, heat up soup and cook prawns! Hate it!! Like as if I am a maid! I some more went and got large prawns, I should have just use those for veg stir fry!

Then evening he decided to take us out for dinner and still refued to talk to me, kept asking my boy to "ask if mommy ready to go for burger."

Boo-huey! I refused to talk and went on to prepare my vongole dinner!

still angry!

Hi Acequenn and usaginoko! Nice to see you here too. =)

I will prob start my boy on brown rice cereals first next weekend. Just gotten weaning sets for both my MIL's house and mine.

By the way, I bought my Avent steamer cum blender from Taka sales. Although it was $199, there's additional 10% off this weekend for Taka cardholders. The bundle is also more attractive with drinking cup, feeding bowl, 3 260ml milk bottles and a bottle of hair and body wash. The Taka Avent promoter was very nice, she told me their bundle is confirm better than Philips fair so I bought it on Friday night. Hopefully, my MIL will make full use of it and prepare meals for my boy.

By the way, does any one's baby have really red anus after poo? My boy has been on Similac since birth but on and off he will have redness at his anus after pooing. Sometimes it will only go off after a few days of applying Desitin. Any one has similar experience?

Yoyosan: I also made apple purée yesterday and Ethan loved it! Dunno what brand tho. Small ones from fairprice. I made one whole apple and kept in the fridge, and fed to him a few times in the day as a snack. He looked like he could eat more but I didn't dare give him everything. Scared later lau sai.

Bubbles: I started with Nestlé then Bellamy. He eats both, like no diff. I find Bellamy easier to mix with bm, and creamier too. Nestlé also has added sugar in the form of sucrose so I think Bellamy is better.

KK: Chill chill! Can't help u but hope u feel better after venting!

Can add me as friends on FB. Search for SZ Sheng. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yoyosan, I used Biogro new Zealand organic apples.

V small ones. My aunt bought for me from ghim moh market I think. Yeah you may be right! Bb's taste bubs maybe more sensitive than ours. So they find it sour but we don't!

Kk, hope you are feeling better now after one night. Maybe due to memory loss after pregnancy, but nowadays after sleeping, the next morning I usually forget about the fight w my hubby the previous day!

Tiffmama: have been trying to feed my boy water with sippy cup since last week. He is still not able to control how much water he sucks in and quite a bit will just leak out onto his bib. Have to pull the cup out after he takes a few sips otherwise he'll choke on the water. It's much easier than feeding water with spoon though =)

Bubbles: I'm also feeding Cerelac (Nestle) & Bellamy's. Baby doesn't mind either but seems to eat Cerelac faster, prob cause it's sweet.

Have yet to try feeding pureed fruits. Introducing vegetables first then fruits which are sweet later as recommended by PD, so that baby is used to vege.

Yoyosan: My boy is pooping more often now then before starting cereal. But I noticed that his poop is more firm and smell more strongly now. Check yr baby's poop and if it is very hard like round pebbles then prob constipation & baby will cry when trying to poop. Can feed more water or reduce cereal feeds for a while.

SQin, I wish my bb as receptive as yours when it comes to cereal! Day 1 she took 1 tiny mouthful of Bellany then refused to eat and cried.

Day 2 morn I tried again. She saw the spoon with cereal then started crying. Took only 1-2 drops of it? Then just now I gave Cerelac she eh eh eh with digusted face while eating but managed to finish 2 tiny mouthful. Conclusion, she likes the sweeter cerelac but hates cereal in general.

Hi all, we are looking for a high chair so that baby can join us during dinner without her sitting on my lap and trying to snatch my spoon. Any recommendations? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ikea high chair. Coz most makan places outside also use ikea chair. This way train your bb can sit in high chair outside. Cheap n easy to maintain.


Hope ur anger diffused. Cool cool...man, they r totally different species. But that's y we love them too isn't it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That's my thinking too, same as Usaginoko, that's y bought Ikea high chair for my #1 n now #2 will takeover. Still as good as new. U might want to include the feeding table n also the cushion that are sold separately. Cushion so in case chair to big for bb, they'll have the padding to let them sit firmly inside.

Die. Think my ah gal having constipation. My hb tried to stir shit just now. After that she still no poo, just farting smelly gas whole day. Oh dear. 3 days no poo. Break her own record liao.

yoyosan, i use the fuji apples from ntuc. Bought 3 avocado yesterday, hard like rock! Do I gently press on it everyday, when soft means ripe already?

For your rice cereal, maybe keep at the usual amt, don't increase anymore. Wait till her poo more regular then u increase the amt.

KK, hope u're feeling better! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sometimes, I tell myself, I don't a man to bring up my kids, if he can help, it'll be a bonus. Most of the time, I'll try to manage as much as possible by myself. :p

Yi chin,

Dun need press everyday. Lol. Hard like rock, leave in room temp, forget abt it, 3-4 days then see. Press gently, if yield to touch, shell turns more blackish, will be ripe. But I usually had to wait longer than that.

Only taking 2 tsp, 1-2x, I think she din latch long enough nowadays to hv enough liquid. Later need to spoonfeed water liao.

Yi Chin, Fuji apples from ntuc are from china leh. And apples are number 1 in the dirty dozen! So it's the number 1 candidate to go for organic.

Avocado - when it turns from all green to all dark brown, it's ripe enough. It will feel softer than when it's all green but still pretty hard. Since u have 3, u may want to move them to the fridge once they are all brown. If u continue to leave at room temperature, u will bound to have to throw away at least one coz will become too ripe. I only gave 1/8 at a time! 3/8 I made avocado milk shake for myself. The 1/2 I film wrapped n kept in fridge for next day - not sure if that's ok actually.

Yoyosan, , Tiffmama, Tangerine & YiChin,

Cold war just ended. Cos we just found out our external accountant died on 17th.. So gotta have constructive discussion..

YiChin!! ^5, that's exactly what I told myself. And I even told him, if he wants to help, do it gladly!

Can you share your babies' feeding plan on a typical day? I am kinda lost cos my boy was a routine child and if was very easy for me, even when weaning, I know which meal to replace with cereal or puree. But for Emma, sigh! She has very small stomach to start with and until today, she is still on 2-2.5 hourly feeding!!! She will be turning 6mths next week and she is only taking 4oz!!!

I know I cannot compare her with her brother, but even when I check with moms with girls, they seem to be able to drink more and at 3hourly interval if not longer!

Bcos of this, Emma is still waking up 3 times nightly, 2:30, 4:40 and 6:30am!! And of course I see the consequence of putting her next to me for the convenience of feeding her.. Now she sometimes wakes up during these times and not feeding fully! Just suck, falls asleep and wakes up 2 hrs later for suck.

Felt such a failure!


Have not been logging on for quite some time. So many updates...

KK, my girl turning 6 months in 2 weeks time she still taking 4oz each time every 3hr. Sometime she cannot even finish 4oz. Like your's she is waking at least 2 to 3 time for feed. Not sure whether I should be worrying about the amount she eat.

Any mummy got their mensus back? My baby is on full bm feeding I dun know why and how my mensus would come at this time. Oh pls let me at least feed my baby with bm till she's 6mth. Just 2wks more..

