(2011/12) Dec 2011

Girltradester, yup I did it without epidural.. Too rush.. Not in time to take.. Hehe.. Also good.. Save $$ ended up hospital have to refund me my remaining depositsz haha.. Oh ya.. I just held Bb celebration last weekend.. My CL just left yesterday afternoon.. On my own taking care of Bb.. The night shift is tiring.. But we shall never give up.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm still adapting to his needs.. As for breastfeed, can't get him BM now, cos on medication..

Christine-my parents also ask me to get the Xi kou tang, but my MIL ask me not to use it.. Cos later Bb get used to it.. Anyway, my mil said that let Bb cry out then it's easier for us to clean the white patches.. My fingers too thick.. I use my little fingers to clean and i always leave cleaning his mouth as the last task.. So that even Bb cries.. I can carry him after cleaning his mouth.. So I start clean him up by starting with his bottom.. His fav area lol


Mahjong-you may try my CL from Pem confinement.. She just left yesterday afternoon.. A easy going auntie, friendly and help me out a lot during my confinement.. She wakes up very early to hand wash baby clothes and my clothes.. Boil water for my shower, boil red dates tea, takes care of Bb at night, sweep floor, mop floor, clean toliet. She always washes her hand after cleaning Bb butt and before shower him.. So cleanliness wise she's ok.. If u want her, u have to go thru PEM cos she don't take private assignment. Cooking wise-I find it's ok, cos I had high bp during my pregnancy so she cooked bland for me during 1st two weeks of confinement for me to recuperate my body and detox.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I love the way she cooks steamed fish and steamed chicken with chicken essence cos I dont like chicken essence.. Oh ya.. She don't watch tv.. During her free time, she either reads recipe books or take a short nap. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thx girltradester & Lyn for your sharing - So your bb still has the white patch or not? Cos I been cleaning yet the patch is still there doesn'y seem to fade off at all???

Lyn - not skin, is on the tongue. 1 mommy told me is milk trush due to unclean bottle tit, but I actualy sppon feed FM leh! Really cant understand how??

Btw, may I know what are you mummies eating after confinement? Normal food? Any food or drink to avoid since we are on TBF? Anyone still drinking the red dates drink?

Sorry to interrupt. I m from march 2011. Selling prelove manducca carrier @ $260. Traditional bouncher swing bed @$20.

Push to strike walker fp@ $60

Keen email @ Berichfromhome @gmail.com

Oh.. I used the handkerchief to wipe his tongue every morning and night.. As for food, I'm still eating confinement food until day 40.. My CL told me cannot drink cold water until 100 days.. Cny cannot take mandarin orange, no cucumber.

Lyn, thanks. Erm PEM is good ar? What is her name huh? Can I request for her?

My nanny just told me after confinement no need to continue to drink red dates tea cos it would be too heaty for our body. i intend to order tingkat dinner for hubby n myself, afternoon can use slow cooker to cook 1 pot of ingredients, or steam fish, etc. As we are breastfeeding, so we need to fill up on protein.

i havent got to bathe my baby....but i dun think i see any white patch on his tongue,,

And i dun exactly recommend my nanny. She blew up at me one night and made me cry n said sorry to her. My hubby had to come out to help me. She thought i have no milk n suggested feeding formula. Then she said i was uptight over what her actions and asked too many unnecessary questions. i ren all these cos i still need her help. To think i had asked her to extend 1 more week a few days after she came in (i got her in in the 2nd week of confinement for 3 weeks). Now i got to find a way to tell her not extending. She still thinks we will keep her 1 more week. And i find that she doesnt clean my house as well as i would like. one day i could not stand the kitchen i cleaned the stains myself. She's quite good at showering baby, but at night she sleeps tooo well - I would wake up at about every of my baby's whimper at the next room and pop over to see. She would still be sleeping.

Is it a standard for nannys to rearrange the kitchen to suit their liking? She overhauled the way i arranged my kitchen. Also broke a glass coaster, glass flask and broke my toilet seat. Also requested for only gardenia brand raisin bread and wholemeal bread with vegetable margarine and blueberry jam (which we bought blackberry jam but havent seen her eat it), nescafe red (green one we have at home cannot), lavender scent shower foam (which my mum searched high n low for it).

Mahjong, her name is auntie tang reference number 434 from PEM. Will highly recommend her cos she really take good care of my baby.. I think my baby recognize her smell.. Miss her haha.. Cos at night she carried him for hrs until he sleep.. Every time I carry baby or want to feed him, auntie will come over and take over and ask me to go rest.. If u want to pig trotter must tell her in advance so that she can wake up early and prepare..

My CL brought her own toiletries.. And she broke my plastic tongs and kept saying sorry.. Food wise.. She is small and skinny and eats very little.. Got once she busy until never eat her bf and ate bf at 1pm.. I was there huh.. Auntie why u never take bf?? Ended up I so paiseh and my mil also see her so hardworking and bought her share of bf everyday.. Think she very happy to work for us.. Haha.. Always got something to eat.. Soya beancurd, ah bo ling, satay, cakes hahaa.. Thanks god I have her with me.. Sometimes at home bored I lOok for her I chit chat with me

Hi Mummies,

Maternity and Newborn Photography packages on promotion. Simply "like" my facebook page to be entitled for it! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Littlemissrabbit-photography/207704205926205

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My CL was lousy, as I sent her off at day 17th. But she will use what ever shower gel we prepared. She eat bread what ever brand we bought. But broke your toilet seat?? How she could do that ha??

I started using handkerchief to wipe her tongue from yesterday morning, seem a bit cleaner. Maybe cotton too soft to clean.

I m 6 wks already but I m still drinking the tea. Not really red dates lah. is with the goose berry, tang shen, black dates and the tu zhong. As my back is quite bad. I have epidural for first bb and this 2nd bb I ahve the Spinal block plus epidural. So quite bad to my back lah.

I guess maybe is a bit heaty too cos my bb face is not really smooth and pink. At times may have small pimples - esp after I took Durians...

Thanks LYn. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Christine, w 2 kids, r u a sahm? Oh, and my nanny uses small square gauze to wipe bb tongue. She says better than cotton wool n cleaner than hanky. Can get from guardian.

Though the toilet seat was alr loose to start with, we had n

o prob and used it for a good 2 years. The nanny sat until the toilet seat hinge broke, twice. Had to get a new one for $58.

So at 6 weeks, is ur bb sleepng n drinking better? My bb still falls asleep while latching n I'm not always successful in waking him up to get his fill. So end having to feed again in 1 to 2 hrs time.

I m not a sahm yet but plan to be so, as my first one is actually in P2 this year. Cos we don't like the maid idea as we are alone here with no MIL or parent in Sg. Leaving a infant to a maid is too risky. Can't find nanny around my area and don't want to sent to infant care. So no choice lo!

Milk wise she still fall asleep but she will let go the nipple then fall asleep, day time drinking every 1-2 hr still but at least at night she will sleep from 11-3am before she start again the 2 hrly feeds lo. Which I m happy nw at least can sleep a but better. Compare to last few weeks.

I first thought this is a WTS thread. It's flooded with people selling things.

Hi! Would like to join this thread as I just delivered on 23rd dec..it's my third boy. Hope everyone is doing well.

Hi mummies,

I delivered my bb boy on 5 dec.. Dec thread has been quiet.. Hope to join this thread!

My bb is 4weeks old now n he is drinking 850-950ml. Is this too much? He will vomit after each feed ..am afraid we r over feeding him.

Any mummies facing same prob?

Let's try to revive this thread! I think the earlier contributors have shifted to facebook.

Nidal: How many times does your bb feed a day and ebm or fm? If it's 8-10, then that's an average of 100+ per feed. Sounds fine to me. Think you can try letting him rest in between the full feed or try burping him. I seen my nanny do that. Even now that im on tbf, i sometimes would let him rest before changing breast.

Lyn, can you PM me ur confinement lady's direct contact no if you have? My SIL giving birth in April.Thx very much

Girltradester: each feed about 120ml and 8-9 feed per day.. Giving him ebm & fm.. Bm about 500ml per day and the rest top up with fm...

Nanny will feed him whenever he cries, sometimes just one and half hr from previous feed... Wondering if he is really hungry...

So envy you r on tbf!

Nidal - 120mls sound a bit alot to me, cos my bb only take abt 80mls ebm or direct latch on. Not sure hw abt girltradester ? And my dont really need to change breast. she will latch on 1 side for abt 10-15 mins then she fall asleep then next feed abt 2hr later. When I express I can only get 40-60mls per side. But I feel is not fully empthy as per latch on by my bb.

Guess is because I m not gd at expressing yet.

Girltradester - Have u ever express your BF? How many mls per side? I m not sure do I really have lots of milk but anyway her wt increase quite well. Think she should be quite well feed lah ho?? Cos I ever have 100mls EBF and start to feed her, she drank 30mls, stop and burp then another 30mls stop and burp then she full and sleep soundly. So 120mls really sound a lot to me leh.

And btw mixing with so much FM hw to increase BM? Cos BM is by demand and supply ma, ho?!

Used to latch bb on exclusively but during day 6, there is pinkish spot on his diaper n PD said its a sign of dehydration.. Meaning bb not getting enough milk n told me to top up with formula milk.. SInce then I will top up w FM after latching on or feed with ebm.. Started off with 90ml N after feeding he will keep crying n nanny said he is still hungry so increase milk intake to 120 ml per feed now.

Worried that we r overfeeding him but he will keep crying if we don't give him milk... The thing is he will sometimes vomit milk 1-2 hrs after feeding though we already burp him..

Mimi-sorry I don't have her direct contact.. She mentioned before she don't take private.. Have to contact her thru pem..

Wah.. 120ml per feed!! Mine is only taking 80 ml per feed, sometimes lesser cos he always drink half way and zzzz

Haiz..my nanny left yesterday, now my mum staying over to help me since hubby is away for work thus week. Bb refuse to sleep day and night! Feeling alot of frustration. How are your babies behaving? Do they have a regular schedule now?

I havent been pumping, but the last time i did, i remember i get abt 60ml/50ml after 10-15 mins. I get more on left than right side.

My bb also had pinkish red spot then, the pd recommended glucose while the milk comes. Now, we have a tin of glucose n fm used once/twice only in the house.

I understand your frustration.. All babies seem to go thru such stage.. My bb too.. There will be 1 time per day when he will be awake for 4-5 hrs.. Need to be carry and walk ard the house.. If lucky, he's awake during daytime still ok.. But If it's at night, very tiring.. Sometimes he will cry even when we carry him, hard to please.. Hope such situation will end soon..

Yup, Nidal is right. My bb gone thru that too. She will be awake at 12-3am. No matter what I do - feed her more, feed her formula, make her awake from 7-9pm. Yet she will just be awake and sometime cry non stop during that period. Initially I thought maybe colic - feed her Eu Yan Sang - Pou Ying Tan, apply medicated oil to her tummy - still no help. And the best part is when the clock touch 3am, switch automatic off and she will go to sleep again.

But dont be too disappointed as the stage will be over when she grow bigger. for mine she is better when she is about 6 weeks old. That is when I also do some J&J Bedtime lotion massage to her at 8pm, then last latch on abt 10/11pm. She will sleep till 130am latch on again then 3-4am. Still abt 2hrly BF but at least is BF then she direct go back to sleep. Less frustration. I really so frustrated that time till really dont know what to do, luckily my husband came and take over for 1 hr so that I may rest.

Guess we have to just go thru this stage. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Jia You Ba!

NiDal> think u over feed ur bb.. I am from nov mummies side .. From our experience , it's better for u to pump out bm and gather in one feed then give to bb.. This is Prevent overfeeding.. Vomit is a sign of overfeeding or ur bb got phlegm.

I also feed my gal will bm but she never full with bm do I decide to pump out and feed her ebm.. Ever since I express out her feeding time is regular .. Another way is try empty ur beast to est the volume that ur bb drink .. Tbm mummies in our group will express one time to know the full amt and empty breast aft latching to estimate the volume feed..


I'm a mtb in few weeks time and I would appreciate any mummies feedback on the electric dual breast pump that you are using as I am still undecided over Medela Pump In Style, Medela Freestyle and Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast pump.

Hope any kind mummies can share with me on their feedback.

Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@kiam kiam: went to see pd yst and he diagnose bb with reflux cos he is vomiting.. Prescribe him medicine n told us to reduce his milk intake.. no vomiting today but bb keeps crying fm 7 to 11pm.. So headache.. Dunno what bb want.. He cry till his face is so red and lips trembling.. See already also heartache..

Yes, I do pump out milk.. Problem is nanny will feed him whenever he cries.. She will say bb is hungry even though it's less than 3 hr from last feed... Sometimes I will said maybe he just want to be carry not hungry, don't give him milk n she will not be happy... Do bb reject milk if they r full or they will drink whenever milk is given?

He is 5.4kg @ week 6.. Doc said he is gaining too much weight... How abt other mummies - how heavy is your bb at week 6?

Nadal- 5.4kg at Wk 6, what is the birth wt. Bb won't reject milk. They will suck when ever u give them. If he is having reflux, u should give him small frequent feed. Are u still given 120ml ? BF and formula? At wk 6, bb is more aware abt their surrounding. They need to be carried and talk to. My girl start smiling and trying to talk to us. Think u have to stand firm and tell your nanny stop just keep feeding him. Cos is must easier to just feed him full them he will go to sleep again.

Nidal: Your nanny is still around to help you?

My bb just turned 6 weeks today and he weighed 4.8kg a few days ago. Think he probably reached the 5kg mark today.

My question is when to start pumping to store in freezer in anticipation for going back to work. Any idea?

Nov mummy: Birth weight is 3.14kg. He drink abt 850-950ml per day now.. 50% BF 50% formula. trying hard to cut down his intake.

Yes, he likes to be carried.. Carrying him is ok but sometimes even carry he also cry.. N his cries is really very loud...

I talked to him too n he will respond n smile sometimes.. Very cute..

Girltradester: Yes, I engage the nanny for 2 months.. Need her help as I still need to take care of my big girl...

I read that u shld start pumping 2weeks before gg back to work.. R u gg bac to work soon?

hi moms, i have 1 motherlove more milk plus to let go at $50 incl postage or $48 self collect at tampines. 120 capsules. Expiry 06/2016. PM me if you're interested.

Hi mummies!

I've given birth on the 14th Dec by Dr Adrian Woodworth at Mt. A. =)

Nidal: What is the amt of milk your PD advised? Tell your nanny not to feed bb more than that? Sometimes baby cries doesnt means he is still hungry - im sure your nanny knows that. If she don't, ask for refund =P

If carrying dont work all time, perhaps you can try diff ways of soothing and see if it works? (other than feeding) - Burping / Swaddling / Music / Change diaper / Change position / Change environment (to less stimulated area) / Motion such as swinging etc...?

Welcome Ejunko.

PD said reduce intake to abt 800ml per day. Nanny a bit stubborn.. She sounds like I ill treat my bb cos refusing to give him milk when he cries..Will bear w her since she's leaving in 2 wks time..

Hello mummies!

My baby girl was born on 14 dec, at 37 weeks. Birth weight only 2.3kg.

Now at 7 weeks, she is about 4kg.

All ur babies much heavier than her leh.

Hmmm... Kind of worrying now. Must feed her more?

Hi Hi Yi Chin,

Our babies born on the same day =)

whats her current milk intake?

Hmm, most newborn gain approx 150-200grams per week, some more some less, so long as you didnt under-feed and your baby is happy and alert then i guess you needn't worry too much...=)


Ejunko, my girl on tbf, latch on every 2 to 3 hours. Feed on demand, so cannot calculate total volume. Can only count no of wet diapers. She is definitely pooing and peeing a lot though.

Baby is having more awake time than last month. Not so boring now cos can talk more with her. But means lesser personal time to do housework or surf the net.

Anyone brought baby to vaccination yet? My appointment with pd is next week. Should be getting the 6 in 1 jab I hope.

