(2011/07) July 2011

Xinyue, r u perscribed azThromycin as antibotics?

I told my gynae i cough until v jialat n she perscribe me this. Nw me so much better liao! aso beforehand, seen 2 gp n still cant recover loh!!


Zach's chinese name is also by jing zi long.. the day I deliver we sms him all the info and 2 days later we were asked to go down and collect a booklet. The day I discharged we settle his birth cert.. so much easier! N he gave us a wide selection of names with how many strokes n each meaning of it etc.. all in Chinese which is really alien to me..

Janice, for small baby, giving them a name is for future, no one will know how the future of the baby will turn out. Some of us goes to jing zi long, some goes to another guy and some goes to the taimaobi..hard to tell u which one is really good cos giving a good name will onie take effect when they are schooling or working.. u noe wat i m saying? like for zach, i doubt his name will hv any impact on him since we almost never call him by chinese name..

yaya > my cough only starts from evening, all the way till night time. daytime, cough's still ok. I was prescribed Co-Amoxiclav as antibotics.

I went straight to gynae when i was coughing..


JZL still $88 from the website.

Yah, cos my sis sons both from YLZ, I also want to avoid similar names.

But ppl say all these are from database and how u mix n match.

2nd name got 10 choices, 3rd name got 10 choices.

anyway, as long as we feel comfy.

janice.... mistaken already. i mean im giving birth at KKH. therefore for hubby convenience he will go to dis fengshui master(taimaobi) located there to count for bb names ;) hopefully this master is gd enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

FM, no need to make booking..juz sms him will do. once done he will call u to go down and collect. he will explain to you how to read the booklet, ur baby's characteristic based on the date/time he/she is born etc..

Yes yes Kimi, all these are computerised! Haha..tat's y it is so fast.. :p

kim/zach> thanks for the info!!! true...depend on how u mix n match but still will come to a point to hv similar name w someone....of cos, i not demanding for a totally diff or unique or special name for my gal but at least to avoid those common one...or those names that ppl can make fun of it lol....u know nowadays ppl v v 'creative'....can turn the name to funi funi name then it becum a laughing stk....haiz~~~like some mummies here mentioned before...you long zi like to give the choice of 'xuan' for gals....my bestie dotter...her name got a xuan lol....hahahhaa...seem like simple job to him...

janice> zachmommy is right!!! bb name is what we can give to them fr the start but no one can promiss good future for them after they grow up...still hv to depend on themselves...all these r definately out of our control....we as a parents, we do our part...how our kiddo becum....still depend on the long long journey!!!! dun bother too much....one step at a time!!!

Hi mommies, I've a almost brand new copy of Gina Ford, The Contented Little Baby, bought from Kino. I've wrapped it nicely in transparent book wrap too. Selling for S$22 with normal postage. Can also meet up at Raffles Place area. Pls email me weeling.chew[at]gmail.com if interested. Thanks!

HOT till like banging the head into the wall...or soak myself into a ppol of cold water....i tink w the body temp, the cold water will turn hot....hahahhaaha....

zachmommy > can I check if jing zi long asked for parents' ba zi, or just the baby's ba zi will do?

jas > sorry for late reply. re the chart with the percentile, the nurses give me a printout after each scan which sets out the percentile for each category and overall weight percentile. btw i'm next seeing dr tan at week 35 day 3, 3 weeks from last appt, do u think that's too late? when's ur next appt?

coopie, he ask for parents ba zi as well.. which reminds me i hv to go find mine.. mabbe this time round need to include zach's too. hehe

I also feel hot but been coughing... have to tahan... I want to drink cold cold... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i'm seeing her next sat, week 34 day 5.

actually thinking of postponing one more week, to week 35 day 5, cos it's at least $250/visit.

Then again, i'll most likely want to see my lil princess and to know that she's ok.

oh yah, wanted to check with you what vits are you taking at the moment?

i'm still taking folic acid, vit c, fish oil, multi vits.

i thought i should start on calcium pills long ago, but the nurses kept saying not so soon.

but we're already going to pop in abt 1month....

anyway, i drink milk everyday, so not too concern abt it also.

just thought would like to check if you're also taking the same stuffs....

jas, i m taking calcium, fish oil, multi-vits and iron (cos of my low blood count).. tot must stop folic alr.. calcium i started since 2nd tri

xinyue> i pop coke light leh....realli tabu-lay tahan ler... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i still on folic oso, gynae say no harm continue...just tat nothing to do w bb now...but dunnu will help in our blood...(something)....tats y i continue lol....for calcium pills, i hv been v v lazy to take...soo might as well drink milk...hahahahaa

Oh ic ...thanks for e great advises on e bb's Chinese characters. Yeah totally depend on herself when growing up. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I will go to this Jing zi shift or e one I used to go to at lavender met area.

I just ate NFC n order a cup of ice lemon tea. Cannot tahan e hot hot weather...dun know how I will survive during my confinement whereby my bedroom has no aircon. Sigh big time..

I still on folic, calcium n fish oil. Eat till so sick.

My bb gal was doing her stunts throughout e whole night n its scaring me off. Really e whole night non stop movement. Any mummies encountered this? Is it something wrong wif her????

it ok de Jan ice...she just active want to play...my boy some time also

but i just dun bother abt him...he will do it at 3am,5am and 7am

but some how he seem like know when im working, when im not...cos during weekday he will start rolling at 7am...but wkend he will do it at 12pm

Sunshine, oh really but it's really like non-stop throughout e whole night. I dun get to see my gynae till 1st June. Not sure whether it's coz of me eating e chocolates n chocolate ice-cream.

wah, calcium since 2nd tri ah?

i wonder why the delay in letting me start on it.

but i'm not complaining.

everyday 4 types of tablets to swallow is enough.

i got my 2 boys to take turns to feed me the tablets, which they happily do it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Why cannot eat mac ice-cream? I still take Mac ice-cream once in a while to ease my cravings. Ice-cream is made by milk, got calcium ar.. unless you are saying ice-cream is cold, not good in chinese med in the sense.. if this case, any ice-cream or cold drinks also cannot take ler..

yes jan ice...think ice cream will make bb active...cos yesterday night i ate my strawberry ice cream...my boy keep on kicking n rolling...super happy inside

Hello Mummies,

Sorry to disturb,

i'm from mar 2011 thread and i have 5 Rice wine to let go @ $12 each (Take all 5@ $55) .. it's home-made by 1 of my aunty and I paid $15 per bottle.

pm me if interested. Thanks

maelyn/sunshinebb> no i did an internet search. we cant eat soft ice-cream from mac. i m not sure abt ice-cream or milkshake from swensen or cold-stone or watever.

Xinyue, oic.. So u r getting better already? V xin ku wi the stupid cough.. Sigh!!

By the way, i am taking obimin, fish gel, baby asprin and calcium pills,,

Hi all.. me also with bad cough.. now tummy muscle very pain.. sianz..

I just had my fillet o at mac today.. haha.. with coke.. maybe shouldn't do that with my cough.. haha

I ate (not today) mac ice-cream and also Mr. bean soy ice-cream.. hehe.. yum yum

jas>> you nurse told you no need to take calcium till now? going to pop soon wor.. is your other supplement includes calcium.. if so, maybe that's why..

one HK actress recently need to go for kidney stone removal after delivery cuz she took in too much calcium during her preg..

my son also like to feed me my medicine.. and he knows that day time i took the red (obimin) and yellow (fish oil).. and night time i took my white one (calcium).. haha.. and he will help me to off my reminder alarm on my mobile..

Thanks zachmommy! Think will go with jingzilong too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jas ) i have been taking calcium pills from 2nd trimester, in fact bought my first batch from them. Who told u not to take, so strange! But maybe cos u drink milk? At that time i thot i was lactose intolerant and told the doc, so she prescribed me calcium pills. But read elsewhere that calcium super impt, maybe u shld start taking- apparently baby will take from the mother's own store if doesnt have enough from the food.

Mac ice cream: i think they say cant take cos not pasteurised? I used to worry abt that and avoided such stuff, but now i take yogurt almost everyday near my office cos i figure that machine is clean? Hopefully anyway...

hehe back to fengshui talk abt names.. i will jus go back to my FIL after i give birth let him name his grand daughter.. hahaha he will do it for me FOC ba.. there r plenty in e mkt these days everyone also wanna calculate e fortune of e bb then namin e bb.. so since it isn't v ex (i reckon) shld b okie.. take everythin w a pinch of salt? believe e good things lol

hmm supplements quite subjective it seems diff gyn diff practice huh.. jus maintain being healthy ba.. scary to read ppl needin to remove kidney stones coz too much calcium.. i had to remove my gallbladder coz of gallstones wonder if it is calcium related too?

today me goin to c my lil girl.. in e afternoon.. exciting!

Wendy>> you need to remove your gallbladder cuz of gallstones.. does it mean they will link your liver to intestine directly for bile juice..

I had a friend's lil boy had bile duct problem diagnosis at 6 month.. he need to join his liver to intertine directly for bile juice for digestion

feimei > wa.. cokelight sounds so shiok..

heard that if heaty, drinking coke with salt helps.. especially for ppl with sore throat.

yaya > better la.. but still coughing once in a while. think drinking warm honey might also help.

Duno if I can take soda-ice cream float? 2 days back got some loose stools, hhee, so thk better wan to get back some junk diet!

Chinese name-can email the master to prepare what they need. I intend to register early.

Western name-We can tabulate this in JULY! so exciting!

Anyone starting to go on leave from 20 June? Lunch kakis, anyone?

chujie> i oso got my gallbladder removed 5yrs back due to gallstones...sooo many of them...big n small...too bad not diamonds...hahahaha...the gallstones cause stomach bloated, very uncomfortable....and alot of bile juices which cos me very xin ku...then went to x-ray....found out sooo may gallstones.... @.@

xinyue> will not drink often leh....thou it stated coke light is zero sugar but still gassy...will cos bloatedness.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I feel coke light worse than coke.. cuz use sweetener right? heard that sweetener no gd.. some cuz cancer too.. and taste a bit bitter..


chujie> zero sugar....no sweeterner leh...onli gassy!!!

xinyue> hahahaha....yea...can Burpppp....but now into 3rd tri...the bloatedness is back again.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] last nite oso bloated....drank peppermint tea before sleep at least feel better!!!

