(2011/07) July 2011

w160879> hahahahaa....i rem zachmommy selling but u even steady, rem how much she selling...hahahaha...we same same la...but not all things i can rem leh...some daily things, i can't rem....hahahaha...

Hi Mummies,

Anyone needs GINGER?

My dad has lobang...

$12 a box - 4kg...

No loose purchase.. only by boxes....

I used 1.5boxes during my confinement la... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If anyone keen, please PM ME... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei > u need button front pyjamas during hosp stay for easy breastfeeding but I'm not sure abt the gowns provided. TMC is dress type that tied to the back so diff to bf. I bought my own - 2set in case I stain them..

Lizzie > I signed up for YP oso yet to receive. I bought my own copy to read.. They're very slow!!

sunshinebb dear.. can u adv me which playpen u bot? hmm no mattress rite?

eh.. Feimei many things i cannot rem too leh.. but will try to rem to train my brain..

KKH provides e gown tat allows u to lift up to bf.. hehe not intending to bring my own nite gown.. coz it is "free access" hehe.. but try to bring a shawl to cover up also look quite presentable..

i've yet to pack e hospital bag a lil lazy.. also.. :p

hihi morning

w(160879)...i bought the $99 tollyjoy playpen...yup mattress not included...so i got a anti dust mite 1 @59

intented to let bb slp till he know how to turn then bring him to slp with me on the bed...then the mattress can put on the floor during day time to let him rest or slp

i oso haven packed my hospital bag...my cousin nagging say how come haven prepare??? -,-"

hubby oso said quickily packed n put in the car...otherwise he will 'ga-lang ga-boh' when things happen!!!

my frenx asked me to pack into 2 separate bag, one bag for bb, one bag for myself....*touch wood* in case bb need to stay longer...then at least can leave bb bag there....shld i practice that???

feimei > if start packing now, then u will have to wash the baby clothes, etc now??

sunshine> i oso think so lol....cannot pack cos haven wash bb clothes...n i waiting for her online clothes to arrive....kekekekee...bot one very cute one...for her to wear home.... :D

xinyue> yalol...onli planned to wash next mth....plus clean the drawer...soo wash liao can organized the 4-tier drawer n put all her barang lol...but yet to buy the stand for hanging her clothes....will buy this wk...!

i love that...so many planning to do...wow full of anticipation....can't wait for the day whr 1 by 1 of us posting our bb birth stories...

haha i like to slowly pack then can change n take out

Feimei i tink no need 2 bags u will surely visit bb is *touched wood* bb need to stay longer so no need to leave 1 bag there..

hmm thanks sunshinebb i try to pop by this weekend to get e playpen ba .. any reason y u din take e other $79 one r they same size?


I just went gynae to show her my super ugly popping out varicose veins.

She said it's more of discomfort than any risk.

Can put cream or use support stockings.

I think I'll just Bo chap and tahan for another 10weeks.

She asked me not to carry my boys or carry heavy things.

Now still doing my glucose test, another hour to go...

jas> i see....walk too much oso will result in the varicose veins to develop more n faster...yalol...tahan + bo chap for another 2mths bahhh...after that then c how it goes!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for Update ya~~~

how come all mummies gg for glucose test??? u all hv been Sweet mummies recently???

jas > you can try to register for admission at the hospital reception since you're there? that's what I did, so on the day of delivery I just need to show up, everything else settled already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] good luck with the glucose test. I'm clear, phew, can continue eating durians [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Last visit, My gyane talked to me about different type of delivery. He sound like Cesarean is good and safe for both baby and mummy. Thus I'm quite confuse, as i read from website it might get infection and take longer time to heal compare to natural birth. Anyone here can give advice?

Personally, my opinion of doctors who pyscho preggers to go for c-sect is because they can have better control over their timing. They'll slot in the c-sect either early in the morning before they start their clinic or late in the evening aft their sessions. Gd $ for them and it doesnt distract their timing. Esp so for pte doctors who run their clinic in one location and they need to drive to the hospital to deliver the bb for natural birth. That's my personal opinion.

W(160879)....hmm 1st i like the blue col...then think the hight is higher compare to the $79 1, so u dun really need to bend to much to place bb in...more solid feel

agreed with cactusnah

feimei: I'll just pack one bag coz it's easier to manage. Dun forget yr marriage cert if u already have decided on yr bb's name. U can do bb's birth cert and apply for bb bonus in the hospital during the few days stay in the hospital. So marriage cert has to be packed in the bag too. Oh ya, i also brought along a memo from my gynae to show the nurses when i was admitted. It's just a simple memo to inform the hospital of my edd and condition (i was tested Strep B positive) so nurses there will need to put me on antibiotic, etc. That memo i also keep it in the hospital bag.

shopping: This is my 2nd pregnancy. 1st was natural. Hope the 2nd one will be as fast and smooth as the 1st. But will depend on circumstances coz every pregnancy is diff.

cactus> memo fr gynae??? my gynae fr the hospital i m in...do i still need to ask for memo??? kekekekee....what is Strep B???

pinky> got meh??? i din noe hv leh...i only went for the financial counselling....she jus told me the charges....

err i think i saw got such tour..u so fast go for the financial counselling? ur gynae send u for it?

maybe i when i go for my appt next tues,i ask the recep counter.when's ur next appt?

pinky> i did on last appt lol...my nurse arrange...becos i told her i wan to plan my $$$ mah...hahahahaa...usually they will arrange after u reach 25wks lol....

my appt always on wed one...becos my gynae n diabetic doc will hv joint clinic at diabetic ctr...not O&G ctr....

pinky > was told by the nutritionist that all tea (eng and chinese) contains caffine. best to avoid, else drink only a bit.

PX> i see...heard when edd nearer....when chkup, gynae will put their hands inside n dig???? err...dunnu dig for wat...hahahahaa.....

ya...np...jus let me know when...when i walked passed Asian kitchen jus now...feel like eating the fried rice...but mus go early one...everytime full hse...

pinky> but not daily, n moderate in-take, shld be ok la...i mus hv kopi daily...1 cup...but recently...i damn itchy mouth...sometimes i drink tea in afternoon, becum 2 dosage daily...but of cos not daily...maybe twice per wk lol...know ur limit...tats the best!

feimei: Yes, i got a simple memo from my gynae to state down my edd and condition and pass it on to the nurse at the recep counter when i was admitted. Yup, Strep B test is done between 35-37 weeks. I was given a few days of antibiotic pill to be inserted to the v*. I was also put on antibiotic drip when i was admitted. Kept reminding the nurses there that i'm Strep B positive and ask them to put me on antibiotic:p Was puzzled, surprised and guilty that i was tested positive. But gynae said nothing that i did wrong and it's pretty common apparently. BUT, i dun think all gynaes will summon Strep B test lei, so u can chk with yrs. I'm glad i did the test coz the bacteria will pass on to the bb when we give birth thru the birth canal if left untreated.

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Brand New Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump


Safety 1st Deluxe Bath Cradle


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


jas> thot u went for gynae appt??? u back to office???

shopping> u did so early ahh...my gynae din say leh...


if c-sect no need for strep-b test rite? I tink i did the last round..but that could oso be my prev gynae wants to 'ketuk' me off my moolah..

i forgot i hv 2pm meeting juz now..haha. I was the last to go in luckily my bosses din say anything. pregnant does hv its privileges hor..lol

