(2011/07) July 2011

J2010T > Lol..those baby clothes in Taiwan, cheap and nice.. Hard to resist not to get more..

XW > Ok, thanks...

heehee.. one baby fair coming up this month..


BB Clothes: Talking abt washing bb's clothes. I like to sun my son's clothes to kill bacteria and i also like the aft smell of it. Likely to start washing in early June since the weather is gonna be HOT HOT HOT during that period.

Oh, i'm also using 2 sets of the clothes/hankies hanger that's either round/squarish in shape to hang his many handkerchief, burp cloth, mittens and booties. It's very useful as it can hang abt 10-20 hankies without taking up much bamboo space. Can purchase the hanger from Daiso.

I didnt join the FB so cant chat there...

Anyone plan to do the cordlife thing? I also have major things not done like bb insurance, cordlife, hospital bag, bb chinese names, haven buy cupboard for bb clothes...aiyo the more i think the more i stress...

experience mummies, is it better to use milk bags or milk bottles to store milk?


I'm a newbie to cloth diapering too but have read up a bit since im starting to collect my stash for #2. If u are using traditional flat cloth any detergent should be good. Nappy liners will be good to collect the poo. If no poo, throw it into the same laundry with ur diapers and u can reuse again. I think ur own bb's poo is no where as gross as someone else's baby's, so dont worry so much. It will come naturally.

If u are getting modern diapers, pureen abd is a no no. I used traditional flats during my 1st confinement and gave in to disposables. Didn't work out with all the leaks. Only recently then I learned about modern diapers that are as absorbent as disposables and some contain leaks even better than disposables. As for detergent, I bought 2 brands to try - country save and planet. Dunno how good yet. But any cloth diaper friendly detergent should work with normal laundry.

our thread is back alive!!! hahahahaha.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maelyn/xinyue> for those #1 or hands down clothings, do u gals soak it before washing? becos some of the hands down abit yellowish if jus wash it, dun tink will remove the yellowish thingy....soo tinking dunnu can we soak the clothings????

Re: handwash

but mus rem to rinse very clean leh...otherwise will still hv the detegent on the clothes....

sunshine> if i m to dry the clothes, will do it along the corridor...if dry from kitchen...dunnu wat will happen horrr...soo at least u dry along corridor, u can watch out...i gg to buy those stand...(when u pass by those saloon, they used it to dry their towels, those kind of stand), it's foldable ya~~~

ST - I signed up wif cordlife during the baby fair @ expo last month... Good deal. Cheaper to sign up there..

Hopefully, they will be there again dis coming baby fair..

For me its gd to have.. Juz in case and they can store it thru out...


I'm planning to sign up cordlife in may. Pm me if u need referral!

I also haven't settled on the name yet. U have 1 mth after delivery to finalize.

@wildchillies: hi, MAH gave a bath tub during my 1st preg in 2008.not sure about now though.. are all the rooms fully renovated now?

hi ladies

back from lunch..had a full meal until stomach bloated like dunno wat..kekek..


i hv purchase bb insurance already & more or less selected bb chinese name..think for the rest, just take it as it comes..

for me, i prefer milk bags, take up less storage space..had purchase a pack 1st..see how's my milk ss b4 buying more.

RE: Skin itch

thks Liz, tsu, pudding & xinyue 4 e tips..think my itch might be due to fungus attack..cos i suspected it was becos of the shoes tt i hv been wearing ever since i'm preggie..i have been apply dacarium (opps..think i got the spelling wrong) & it is better though the itch is there.


wow..u r lucky tt ur 2nd preg dun hv this terrible itch..i can feel for u..cos my skin has all along been the sensitive & dry type..so ever since young, will exp itch now & then..really hated it..so my last resort is to find ice or heat to numb the pain


I am also curious to know how to get rid of the yellow stains in second hand clothes. I bought a few pcs of new clothes for #2 to go out cos my #1 clothes are stained. But I will only wash them once before use since I kept them in plastics.

I am using kodomo now and it is very soapy so I always set extra rinse on my machine.

hi ivfamily.. yes i had hell and was always in tears.. cuz its sooo unbearable.. and my legs were scars all over.. scratch till it bled.. haiz.. but all worth while when u see your little one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei > i will soak it for maybe 30min to 1hr before washing. Also need to scrub scrub scrub and sun them.. yes, I rinse 3 times..

my corridor no space to dry clothes, house not much sun. we also dont dare to hang out to dry.. sigh.

tsukushi > thanks.. will be using the traditional flat cloth..

ST > alternatively, can get those 4 or 5 tier toyogo boxes instead of cupboard.

for mummies who sign up with cordlife...how much to pay upfront? $5K? Cheaper to sign during fairs? need referral? then got to pay monthly how much?

sorry ah i know can ask cordlife ppl but wanna have an idea first before approaching them


Totally understand. My legs are also in a sorry state. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ivfamily > Can share what baby insurance you got?? You can also PM me..

cordlife/stemcord.. which is better?

tsukushi > can use bleach to remove the stains.. or the ABD powder as recommended by one mom here..


Paying 5k is for lifetime (21 yrs I think). U can pay by inslaments but paying one shot is a few hundreds cheaper. I'm not so sure of monthly amount cos I paid one shot the last time. Heard it's cheaper during the fairs and u can still use the referral scheme as well.


If u are with Tmc, the FBI/SBI card gives 6 mths free insurance from AXA. But we took up AIA eventually. Accident coverage is very useful. We claimed so many times in the first 2 yrs. Insect bites also can see doc.

For me I took up cordlife.

I'm not so comfortable with bleach on bb clothes leh. Scared I don't wash properly to clean out the bleach. Maybe just live with the stains and wear at home.

hi tsukushi, don't worry, the scars will go away before u know it.. after birth, i didnt do anything to it.. and the scars fade away without u even realising [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] abit ugly now lor but will go away so don't be upset.. also, try to keep cool, wear cooling clothings.. cuz i realised whenever i am feeling warm, i tend to itch alot

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i will also apply my boy's california baby's calendular cream to help heal the skin.. not sure if it actually helps tho.. i just apply something over.. ha

tsukushi> i bot the jolly joy wash, wanted to use that for washing...dun think these bb detergent can remove the yellowish stain...

xinyue> where can get the ABD powder? dun tink i wan to go the fair this mth...lazy to travel all the way to expo...kiddy palace got sell?


heheh..let me go home & dig out the plan..basically its Prudential policy for mtbs frm 16 wk onwards..


i rarely wake up scratching & can imagine the agony..but like wat u mentioned, all is worthwhile when u c ur little one. So the itch also went away after delivery?


yup..tt's why i hv been applying lotion all over my body since young :p hehehe..my hub cant stand the lotion greasiness but for me, i cant stand dry skin.


my back is in sorry state cos i will scratch..:p


we also dun dare to dry outside e corridor..though i always see my neighs doing so..even drying out of the window also diff cos my upstair neigh (i think its e maid's doing), didn't hv the common sense to at least drip dry their clothings b4 bringing out to dry. I was so annoyed tt day when i brought my clothes out to sun dry, the upstair neigh hang out their dripping wet clothings outside. It was such a long time then (back in dec) that e sun came out..so i went upstairs to give them a piece of my mind..

ST - It depends on the plan that u wish to take.. They have 3 plans.. Mine is the annual plan where I will need to pay $1050 after baby has been delivered and they managed to take the blood successfully.. The $1050 is the baby fair promotion.. Usual is $1650. If u have the FBI with TMC, its $1250. So, the fair has de beta deal..

Out of the $1050, half will be from baby bonus.. The other half u fork out... They will deduct from ur baby OCBC acct...

Den annual payment is 200 plus.. Cant remember de exact payment...

xinyue - Me prefer cordlife...

@ivfamily.. Yes the itch goes away after birth.. My back were filled with spots though not itchy.. Cannot were bareback clothes for a long time but still d scars fade off.. Just have to bear with it for now.

tsukushi > decided to be with MOunt Alvernia, they also got free 6 mths insurance with GE (terms and condition applY).. ahh accident coverage.. thanks.

ivfamily > oh, the one by prudential.. I thought ur plan is something like what tsukushi mentioned or some investment cum education plan for baby..

OK.. wah.. dripping water from clothes.. mine, imagine, at the aircon ledge, can see used sanitary pads, cig butts and other rubbish.

feimei > Should be this ba..This one, think kiddy palace have. NTUC might have also..

XW can confirm if this is the one??

cincin, if anyone of us is keen in going to the website, we would have taken note of it or bookmarked the URL. Kindly stop spamming this thread else I will report it to the administrator.


yes, this is the one... not sure of it can remove the yellow stains due to long term storage tho... cos have not tried yet...

wendy, mabbe cos i took flu medicine last night and the effect yet to wear off and I have a 9am meeting! I got 4 missed call from my son's school and I din noe till i reached office. Then realise I did not receive letter from the school saying he has water play today so i did not pack any stuff.. called the other half who happens to be working near home and has a car and he said doesnt matter, let the boy sit back n watch his frens have water play!! I was not happy cos i knew how much my son love to play with water..the last time such thing happened, he was kinda sad and down..and i was stuck in meeting. no choice, i left the meeting at 9.30am, boarded a cab to go back to PUnggol from Shenton Way, pack his stuff, took the same cab back to Mountbatten so that he can play water.. of course the smile on his face is priceless!!

Not to mention my boss kept sms-ing me askign me where m i, how come left the meeting 1/2 way etc..sighs! N i onie took my breakfast at 11am..

life as mrs.tan really sucks!!

XW > ok thanks..

zachmommy > mummy's best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sure hope the scars go away after delivery. I used cb lotion but didn't work for me. I needed heavy cream like Shea butter. I use calamine for instant relief nowadays.


I find that an accident plan is really useful fir an infant. My son kept bumping his head and we saw the PD many times, all claimed from insurance.

I cannot hang my laundry outside at all cos my neighbor cooks all day long. Even hang at the window also smelly! Wish I could tell them off for making us inhale so much cooking fumes!


Bravo! Because of these spams i now skip over them. But sadly there's yet another spam right after ur post!

ivfamily: I used to have an inconsiderate neighbour who drips water to my clothes. I wrote in to complain to HDB and they pasted a note to ask everyone to be considerate. Thereafter, i nvr have such problem.

FM: Yes, that's the one. I've also switched to this Pureen detergent aft my boy turns 2 years old. KKH selling 2 packs for $11.50. Was using Pigeon laundry detergent prior to ABD.

Zachmummy: U're still having insonmia? U din manage to catch some sleep during yr recent trips?

Sigh, sometimes it's so pek chek to get the guys moving right? Rather do it ourselves than 'begging' them coz to them, it doesnt seem impt at all but to the kids and us, it's matter lots coz the kids will feel left out and rem the incident. Kids have superb memories.

Hey, Zach is in Mountbatten CC? Which one? I'm staying near thr lei.

tsukushi > Ok, noted. Thanks...

sigh.. drying clothes is a headache! no wonder there are people who invested in a standalone dryer to dry clothes!

cactus, he's at chiltern house.. exactly what i told my hb..he was young before, how he will feel if his frens get to play and he dun get? especially in school!! Especially if ur kid super love swimming very very much..I got no choice but to sneak out from office lor.. felt guilty but I suppose my son's smile is more impt than anything else.

sadly, i din catch any good sleep anywhere! In BKK i will wake up at 4.30am SG time which is 3.30am BKK time then in HK i wake up at 3.30am everyday and din get to sleep until 6.30pm (after i totally m tired after playing bejeweled) n gotta be up by 8am to get ready. Frankly holiday or no holiday still tiring for me leh.. haha

i never hang my clothes outside before leh cos I dun hv the strength to put the pole out with clothes..i scared i will fall off!! As usual, cannot ask the man at home to do it. So i always hang indoor. :p


i salute u..cos frankly, i wouldn't go through all these esp when i'm involved at a work meeting. Think my boss will kill me for leaving half way w/o a word. Honestly, what could hv been better improved is to chk w e centre exactly what happened..you wouldn't want another episode like this right? Else, tell the teacher to at least remind your kiddo (if he's old enough) abt the items to bring the next day..also gd to instil a sense of resp in the kids as well.


sighh..tt's why all my spaghetti straps are left in the wardrobe & untouched for so long..i use the scar removal lotion but doesn't seem to help in lighting the scars..hv to go for those body whitening session, which i did it prior to my wedding day ^_^


hee..i think HDB approach your neigh directly, else they also wouldnt be so 'zi dong'


erks..sanitary pads?? terrible..hope its unused ones hor..

zachmommy> last round ur gynae visit, did u told her abt ur insomia?? what she suggest??? can give u anything that help u to sleep better/longer???

iv, my boy is only 2 yo..not sure how come I wasn't receiving emails from the school..usually they will send it to me but i hv not been receiving so i din tink anything abt it.

feimei, my gynae juz gave me the flu pill that will cause drowsiness lor..but i tink the effect came in too late. I ate at 10.30pm, 12am i m still wide awake..then this morning cannot wake up and come to work still in daze!! n with that phone call i cannot concentrate in meetings too..haha. Mabbe today oso no coffee..I tink i will not eat that medicine tonite liao.

actually i sleep better when my hb was sleeping in another room but how to tell him to move out of the room?? Lols..

iv/xinyue> i living 2nd last flr...up above me...used to be a indian or malay family...i suspect they dun hv dustbin at home...they will throw chicken bones, those empty kopi bag or those packet drink plastic bag out of the windows n all these rubbish jus landed at the ledge of my kitchen window or air con ledge....i took photos n sent to town council...i think town council wrote to them but oso no use...they still continue to do it till i tink recently, they moved out n come a china family...dunnu good or bad...no more rubbish...but more noise...keep dragging things la...dan early in the morning....do cooking...wah liew...the smell.... :S y....y hv such neighbours???? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ivfamily > used ones.. now, not sure still got rubbish, didnt monitor nor hear anything from hubby..

