(2011/07) July 2011

dun tink mine will change much...hahahaha....tats y the aunty told me...dun buy too big cup size...cos is our underburst getting tighter....so she say can buy the same cup now...if underburst tight, can oways go w extension but if buy one that fit nicely for underburst but cup dun fit...then that's the prob lol...i find she got a point...soo i jus buy one 1st!!!


nana> rest well...terrible weather also part of the cause for falling sick!!! i wan to koon-ing liao...Zzzzz.......

hi ladies

been busy for past few days..hence mia..how's everyone?

Me bad mood recently, cos i felt unhappy w regard to my bonus..felt tt so much effort put in over the past yr & yet, rank so-so..somemore these few days, all those stoopid pple unnec. throw temper ..

feimei, J2010T

Cannot leh, next time when breastfeeding all the more must wear bra with breast pads. Coz milk will leak! you don't wanna have wet t-shirts!


Vagina won't loosen that much la.. my hubby still feels very shiok. In fact he says better. God meant for woman to give birth the natural way. So as much as possible, natural is still the best. Unless it is really due to unforseen condition that you have to go through c-sect.


I think sure will leak leh, that's what breast pad is for. My BM is not the alot type, but also leak especially when the breast suddenly feels engorged.

My colleague and friend r lucky ones whose breast didn't leak lei.. They bought those bundle breast pad packs and end up all passed to me in case I need them.. Heheh..

Breast Pad was the most freq purchased item during my #1's birth..kekek..used at least a few pairs per day..but not too sure whether it will leak again this round.

on bra size.....

I thk is cos of our tummy growing "upwards" and getting in the way of our bra.

Just buy a looser bra with a bigger size lor...

For spring maternity, they got new type of nursing tank top bra...got adjustable hooks this time.

feimei > agreed with what the sales auntie at triumph said. that is what happened for my case. underbust still same. cup size went up..

Daph> impossible wat? after cutting and stitching back our v, but tat part already loosen right?? makes me super worried. how come ur dh feels even more shioker than before pregnant? is it coz of e gynae stitch it back tighter?? i wanna ask my gynae but feel embarrassed..hheee.

i dun know, seems like my stomach not much space for my big bb gal. she didnt turn at all, still same position

janice-can ask ur gynae to stich back tighter. dun hv to be embarrassed cos i am gg to do that as well. haha. moreover the gynae is my dh sec fren lor. dun hv to worry abt the space, ur bb can adjust themselves. maybe she is comfortable so no need to turn lor.


How good sex is is all in the mind. And maybe i was too tight before, so now abit loosen is good. Haha. If you say vagina will become loose, it's more of the birth canal, not the opening of the vagina where stitching is done. You shouldn't have too much of such concern. Trust me even if you choose to do c-sect you'll still have another set of concern.


believe me... u wun wan to do c-sect... esp if ur pain tolerence is not high... tho labour pain is really painful, but its only for dat few hours... if got stitch, only the recovery stage... n recovery is fast... but recovery for c-scet is long... really long... not only ur tummy needs to recover, ur uterus need to recover too... dat takes an even long time... recovery road will be much much more longer than natural delivery... think abt it...

hi XW...r u feeling better?

jan-ice...haha try natural lah...is bullshit the v will loose leh..cos it will go back to it original size de...

janice.. no personal experience, but my frens all say loosen also a bit only.. most imptly is u have to be hardworking n do the kegel exercises then the V canal will tighten back again..

And in worse case if u are really concerned- u can opt for plastic surgery.. they can even sew back the virgin hymen for u and tighten everything for 1.5k only...

Yup, definitely need to wear bra and breast pad at home else milk will leak through yr t-shirt. I rem mine leaked and wet my t-shirt when i had my ex-boss coming to my hse. My hb kept hinting at me and i looked down on my breast area and saw patch forming. Damn embarrasing.

And wrt loose vaginal. Dr will sew it bk aft delivery. I dun feel any diff before or aft birth. Din ask my hb, but i dun think there's much diff lah. So dun worry. C-sect has it's disadvantage too as all operation carries a certain risk in it. As far as possible, try to go for natural.

PX: Hw are u doing? Fully recovered yet? Ah lao bk in Spore already?

pillow/daph/XW/sunshine/px> hmmm....coz i hv no idea - ZERO idea. i dun dare to ask my close gfs. i just see their r/s wif their hubbies not so good after having 1 child. so i m really scared n tot its due to v loosening after child-birth.


better le... thx for asking... now resting at hm lor...


r/s not good not bcos of V loosening... its abt new found responsibilities not properly distributed... after i had my #1, i quarrel w hb almost everyday... cos it seems like i m doing all the work alone... from looking after boy to doing housework... some more i have to work... u wun believe dat my boy is alr 5 this yr n hb din even change his diapers for more than 10 times... its when i decided to have #2, then we sit down n have serious toks then our r/s got better... btw, my #1 is born thru c-sect...

XW> oh gosh, it must be hard on u. this is why we woman r e greatest mum. we r having much difficult life than e man in a way, we hv to manage our job, household chores and our kids at e same time. so ur son is much closer to you than your dh right? isnt tat a comforting feelings..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway next time will be my turn since dh is not in sg. i know c-sect is much risker, so i will for go for natural if possible.

thanks all!!

frankly XW .. i went thru e same thing with my hubby but he still not v hands on.. my son only turning 2 i tink i will hav tougher times coz he sticks more to me than his dad.. i guess he is trying to b a better father ba.. we din sit down n hav a serious talk i jus wanted 2 kids .. :p

hehe #1 was born thru c sect as well.. Jan-ice if u realli need to know more mus ask n tell ur gyn i tink no pt being embarrassed de.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning MTBs!

Haven't been on this thread for a while cos busy with work, only occasional reading.

I want to understand more about breastfeeding so may I ask if anyone know if this book is good?

Title: Successful Breastfeeding

Author: Kang Phaik Gaik

Or any BF books to recommend? Thought I should read up a bit since I have been pretty relax and just enjoying my 2nd tri.

cactus> thanks for asking! yes hubby back from bollywood.. but gastric flu still not fully recovered.. choked on my vomit last night while I was sleeping grrrrr.. then LS again. It jus comes on and off... But as long as see DH I dont feel that bad anymore.. he's my miracle pill..


agree w wendy dat u have to ask ur gynea watever u r unsure of... dats wat a gynea is there for... to ans ur qns n queries...


i really have a tough time during these 4-5yrs... even tho i have my MIL to help, it doesnt really help much cos end up my boy is closer to her... i had the feeling hb heart not settled yet... (cos #1 is not planned) so when we decided to have #2, i really sit down n have heart to heart toks w him... make sure he is going to learn to take care to our kids and help me... i dun wan my MIL to help too much this time... if u think ur hb is trying, then shld be ok... cos i know mine isnt... so gotta used extreme methods... hee...


rest well, take care and get well soon...

Morn all

another long day ahead at work..


wow..u must let ur DH see what u wrote on the thread..he must be soo touched ^_^

Btw..hope u r doing better now..t/c!


U can always do kegel exe to tighten the v-muscles..think can do it after a day or so after delivery..even now, also can practise the muscles.

hi all,

i just came back from seeing my gynae. bb gal weighing 708g at week 24 3 days. am happy my weight has 'tone down'. heheehe...

has asked my gynae (finally!), she said sure will be loosen, must do exercise after tat. i believe there will be a different bet original and after birth effect for e v.

Dear mummies, i'm considering purchasing a new breast pump and choosing between and PISA and Freestyle.

I used the medela mini electric plus and feel that it is abit loud for night use. Also it pumps one side at a time (meaning the suction is left-right-left-right type, not at the same time)

Any of you mommies have experienced both of them and can provide any comments?

Hi mummies,

Been a while since i log in... Been busy with qtr closing madness... Just managed to catch a breather and read up archives...

Nana-mum yap there is another baby fair fm the 22-24 April but not sure which merchants will be involved...

We are planning elective c sec as DH would like to choose date and time of birth... going to be a long recovery process... but in this case no worry on loosen v :p

ivf> DH knows.. when i fetched him from the airport and i saw him, i immediately broke down and started crying non stop... but he is a block of wood.. even if he feels it, it doesnt show on his face..

Janice> dont worry too much first.. jus like not all women have stretch marks, not all V will get loose as well. Wait till it comes then find ways to improve it lor.. And mostly I think its how u "play it up" in the room, rather than the tightness of it..


Great to hear tt ur bb girl is doing well..i wonder how heavy mine is..got to wait till 5/4..so long wait..but at least i know he is doing well..always jiggling along to music..kekek

Dun worry abt stretch mks..i didn't get any stretch mks from my 1st preg..mabbe becos mine is small bah..& i always put lotion b4 sleeping at night..cos my skin is dry type.


I can imagine the scene...so how long will he be back for..or not flying again?

My DH will be away for 2wks in mid April & again another 2 wks in early May..hopefully, after tt, no more flying..


I just bought freestyle..yet to use..so cant comment as yet.

I oso back fr gynae!!! My gal hit 1kg at 25w 6days!!!! I gt shock n asked gynae bb too heavy??? He luff n keep saying no-no, she in the range, dun worry!!! -,-"

Oso checked placenta n water lvl, all gd!!! Her head size oso gd but din ask how big since he say ok, then shld be in acceptable range bah....n my gal head move dwnwards liao too!! When see her jus nw...her hand in boxing position...hahhahaa...gg to treate her mummy as sand bag, wan to hum-tam me hard liao... o_O"

Px22> why ur dh so un-emotional or he is plain tired?? i find my dh more emotional than me...i become more or less used to it (maybe stronger). after a few years of staying apart, my dh has tears a few more times than me when aparting at e airport. its e hardest moment lor.

ivfamily> next week will be 5/4. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei> gynae always say ok ok good good, everything in e acceptable range. i find my bb's head a bit on e big size, so quite worry at times. still quite doubtful of my gynae's word.

so fast ur gal gal is moving downwards alriz..she must be really active lor. mine stays put and never move her position at all. btw how much you paid today??

envy feimei..... i cant wait for my coming appt next wed. count dwn in 1 weeks time ;)

And I'm waiting for mine this Sat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Haven't seen him for a month le, kinda miss him.

Btw, no one replied abt the breastfeeding book...really dunno whether to get or not...any advice mummies?

ivf> not flying le.. this one is adhoc.. I would have gone with him and went shopping myself if it was other countries, but this is India.. no shopping, and mumbai no sight seeing one. Plus bad hygiene he dont want me to go. End up sick in Singapore.. also the same. He swore not to leave me alone anymore until baby is out safe and sound..

janice> hubby trained up to be 百毒不侵 since young.. nothing will stir his emotions one.. he dont cry at funerals, he dont get angry or flare up.. jus emotionless on the face.. but inside him is turbulent.. Thats y FIL MIL GMIL can all quarrel n scream n shout at the same time and he can shut everything out.. very good training.. I have to get use to it lorz hahaha


wow..1 kg!! do u find ur tummy big? many commented tt my tummy is small hence, doubt my bb will be heavy either..


my gynae also e same..always say everything ok..doing well..so sometimes, no need to ask qn also know his replies.


aiyah..then its ok lah..not on a long term basis..no need to be emotional..kekeke...machiam like so easy hor..but then again, take heart..at least he is back.


Paisey..dunno abt this book. i got a bk which comes along free when i purchased e freestyle during e taka bb fair..but yet to read...figure out only to ready nearer to edd as sure to forget if were to read it now.

my appt was yest..baby is abt 500g at 23 weeks.her head is 6.33cm..gynae say good head size and her weight is average...

they all weight also say good.i think they based on baby's previous weight and see how much they grow ba.

when i told him my tummy small..he said tummy size doesnt matter coz mummy's size also plays a part. as long as bb is growing well.and he said mine is growing..so that is all that matters.

felt relieve to hear that.


Thank you for replying! Was hoping to read up while I have the energy now, and also cos' I don't intend to go for any classes, maybe I will just buy and read [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


People do say no news is good news, which is usually the case for gynae. Nothing wrong, so nothing to say which is good! Don't think unnecessarily, keep yourself happy.

PX: Wa, bet yr hb must be feeling heartache seeing u cry. Else he wont comment that he'll not leave u alone anymore till yr delivery date. Awww...enjoy this precious moment...

LadyGeorge: Will u be able to loan the book from the library? If can, why dun u loan it first and see if it's gd. Am sure national library has many BFing related books u can read up on.

hihi all mtbs

too busy today till now then can log in

jan-ice n feimei...glad to hear both ur gal doing k...u mean ur gyne will auto tell u bb weight? my did not inform me my boy weight lah during my last visit @ wk 22...gyne oni say i put on alot of weight

my next appt in 3wk time...just nice fall on my birthday....haha gg to hv a date with my boy boy

janice> agreed w pinky that gynae will based on the growth of bb from the last record...n tell u if bb is doing good...not that they always say ok lah, good lah...but if really come to a prob, they oso can't probably tell u everything ok one, right??? u choose the gynae, shld hv faith in his/her professionalism lol...for us, 1st timer mummy...sure doubt their saying but to them, they got many yrs of experiences so give them some confident in taking care of u n ur bb!!! i m seeing my diabetic doc cum gynae so my bill is always ard $116...

pinky> ya...she hit 1kg but my wt din increase much..i put on 1kg this mth onli...tats y gynae say everythings good!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya...u shld not worry abt ur tum tum size...mine look big cos i m those big bone structure....soo dun compare all these...as long u noe bb is doing good n u r coping well....thats enuff.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sunshine> gynae will tell u the est wt...u can casually ask when gynae doing scan for u...


Px22> kekeeke...ur hubby is so funny...nothing can pentrate into him huh. hahahaa...so how do you guys communicate? i mean he is expression-less, how do you know his feelings lay?

ivfamily> oh, yours also like this, i tot only mine like this..everything ok ok. hahaa..

pinkyrose> ur baby is small..i mean compare to mine, which is good lor. like mine, i need to control my diet. u can pump up ur diet..wif more nutritious food.

ladygeorge> i cant help worrying...starts to hv e worrying symptoms (depression??). i dun really feel my bb's movement alot.

feimei> how come ur bill only $116? mine comes out to be close to $200 including the folic acid, fish cod oil and calcium. the folic acid, fish cod oil and calcium can only lasts for 1 month intakes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] abit heartpain on e $.

sunshinebb> yeah gynae just tell me her weight, then i forgotten to ask her abt head circumferences, which she measure lor.. (see she is worry too right). today i chop chop, finish very fast wif her..kinda regret now...must wait for another 1 month.. SIGH SIGH

i think your gynae will tell you your bb's weight when you reach week 25 (1 month from week 22). if not, remember to ask your gynae in your next appt.

niceeee...then you can enjoy your day wif ur bb after e appt lor?? mine coming next week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]..but 1 year OLDER liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]..sob sob

