(2011/07) July 2011

Yes Piyo... got it fr taka fair...this is for bb head the centre part has no bean...so u place bb head to rest then the two side with bean part will prevent bb head to turn n slp pressing against their ear...promoter say new born bb ear very soft if slp on their ear..will become flat


Hey sunshine!

I bought that beanie pillow set too!

Also two sets of bedding and an extra set of pillow case..

The promoter is super lor sor.. But after hearing her lor sor sales talk for a good 10 min, I was convinced to buy!! Hahaah

But i think their products r really good.. Their fabric is of 500thread count.. Quite good quality

Yes nana...the promoter super super lor soh...cos I need to rush back to work...then she took her own sweet time...omg but agreed their cotton material very comfortable

Piyo...3pcs set is @ $75...nv buy the whole set cos thinking to get the body 1 fr other place tht can sew bb name on it de..hehe

thanks for the concern mummies.. sorry MIA cos was catching up on lost sleep.. dunno is BH anot but gynae gave me some medication, and he say will have side effects aka hand will start to shake like Parkinsons patient...

Now I know how terrible it feels when you guys were complaining of morning sickness in the first trimester.. I never had it but now throwing up like merlion.. feels like crap

zachmom> Dh back in a weeks time.. Any longer and I would have marched to his office and screamed at his boss... Its mumbai leh i also cant follow.. If it was taiwan or shanghai at least I could have gone with him...

janice> try talking to ur bb every now and then.. I always say good morning to her, tell her we are going for breakfast/lunch/dinner, when she kicks I ask her wat she wants, is she hungry or wat, or we are going home now to rest.. I dont think she understands english anyway hahah.. but its a nice way of bonding and letting her recognise my voice..

Px22> i did talk to her at times, but almost giving up when she dun response much. ask her whether she is hungry or not, no response, so i threaten not to eat but still no response. ~faint~ like talking to a wall.


Maybe u can make it a routine every night before u sleep, to tell her about ur day / sing her the same song / tell her about what u are going to do together with her when she is born / or even tell her how daddy is like, just to bond with her.

When u r relaxed, bb will feel relaxed to and she will slowly get used to ur voice and respond to u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do it slowly and b patient [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I let my little bunny girl listen to Mozart a few nights before she start to respond when I play the same tune at night.. U will feel very happy and heart-warming when ur little princess finally respond.. It's a feeling that I didn't know exist until i finally experience it

Jan > be patient... my lil ger also like to act on her own when i never ask her to kick she will kick ask her to kick she never ans back... but slowly bond with her liao now she will ans back... like yesterday i was upset i told her what happen end up she kick me to encorage me... make me feel better... i think slowly talk to her daily what u doing let her feel u... slowly she will reply to you... like my hubby last time she refuse to kick let him feel... now she does kicks when she heard daddy talking to her...

my MIL is too much... one more time i not sure i going to "hack" her anot... Argh!

her words and sentance always make me and hubby in "war" one more time i going to "kill" her liao... she want me and my hubby marriage on the rock then she happy izzit...


Initially I also couldn't decide whether to buy a cot or playpen.. Then my auntie gave me her playpen which my 4yr old cousin used when she was a bb.. I found out that it doesn't have very good support for the back as the sleeping area is suspended and can rock. Unless if u let bb sleep inside the playpen at the base instead of the suspended sleeping area which is elevated, there is really not enough support for bb's back.

My auntie advised me to get a proper bed with good mattress that's why I went to buy a 4-in-1 cot that can take up to 40kg so that at least the cot doesn't to waste when bb grows up till 6 yrs old (unless she is super tall which is unlikely due to her genes) heheh..

Zachmommy, same same. I cried the night before I leave for this trip and even during the trip, missing my boy, so happy to be flying back soon, should be able Ti see him by Thursday!!!

Think the bond w our kid is very strong, and with our little bb in tummy too. Actually it's nice to see all of u talking to ur bb. I dun do that verey well, I need to see the bb before I can talk. Even when we used to sing a song to my boy when he was in my tummy, every night, when he was born, whenever we sing that song, he would cry, haha. So that didnt work for us.

Playpen vs cot. Personal experience prefers cot cos playpen can be very hot for the baby. My boy outgrown the cot by 10 mths when he could stand and it became hard to put him inside, despite bringing it to lower level.

Diana, ur mil one of a kind. Always creating trouble for u and ur hb.

Bb is 24 weeks now, supposed to be taking the food nutrients, and j have been eating junk food during this trip, hope no long term effect..

nana-mum/mdmkhoo> mine is exactly e same as mdm khoo's bb e initial stage. when she moves, i starts to talk to her, then she stop moving. she is doing e opposite. ok i try to bond wif her..now i realized from you ladies tat its not an immediate bonding, it takes time to bond. hahaa.. thanks thanks..i will try more.

ya janice.. our bb only 25 weeks she wont understand.. too young.. we need to train n be patient.. if she understands us 100% i would think its scary.. lol

MdmKhoo a lot of fire from FB to here.. chill ba.. she is MIL jus let her b MIL ba.. ur hubby ah.. still her son also lah .. jus take out ur bb foto scans n sit down n look at it same time touch ur tummy talk to ur lil precious (try to let ur hubby c) dun argue with him.. this is my way of makin my hubby feel bad for e way he treats me.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jan-ice slowly slowly we try to talk if bb response gd bb is still there and listening mayb she has no objection to wat u r saying? hehe hav u been satisfying ur cravings? :p mine doesn't kick actively as well but i can now start to feel slight movement mayb girls more shy coz my son was different.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elch if ur hubby also dun encourage then betta dun lah.. for me i got his support.. if realli cannot at least I know I tried and din.. jus wanna try hahahaha .. but also prepared for c sect ba coz it might still happen again ..

Px22 work is work ba.. being merlion no fun i still get tat sometimes now.. but improved n i take consolation tat it will eventually b gone.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wendy > really buay tahan lor... can she stop all those stunt daily... every day i heard my hubby come home tell me his mom this his mom that... must everyday call him tell him what to do me he is old enuff liao lor... told hubby tons of time liao he married me liao any decision is make by both of us not his mom his mom no need to teach us how to do... now his mom also treat me like a kid lor... she will discipline me... like pushing / hitting me if i try to go againist her way...

Jan-ice > ya lor... at first we got married that time my dad want to find my MIL and settle scores with her because she really pissed me off she beat and push me like kid like that my dad told me how can do this to me... but i stop my dad... since that i know i will upset my parents that day on i just endure all the pain inside me lucky got u ladies if not i going crazy liao... haha... but still ok lah sometimes hubby side me scold her when she bully me makes me feel i am not alone...

wendy> oh urs also like tat. i also dun experience my baby gal's movement alot. only once in a while..i find her more active now at certain timing. eg..early in e morning (ard 6am++), then around 7pm++ or midnight. mine doesnt kick, its more like flip flip flip inside. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] must sit in certain position or lie down then can feel her...most often very soft.

yeah you are right, i think bb boys are more active coz i often heard at week 20++, e mummy already feel e kicking.

i heard by month 7, e movement will be drastic so now i dun really care. hahaha..will ask gynae next time when i see her. why my bb not active?

mdmkhoo> serious huh? can makes you vomit blood right? well nothing is perfect lor, just avoid them. like my parents, i hardly hv long conversation wif them in order to avoid any sudden conflicts. i think my mum is having her menopause, scary and sudden emo. i hope i m not like her when i m old. old pple is like tat, sometimes we shd try to give them e respect by avoiding them. you know lor, cannot control our hormones changes.

sometimes i do let her listen to music but me lazy, rather watch tv. hahaha...

Jazol> nowadays eating 1 full meal (eg lunch) seems like my stomach is still empty. not sure whether e portion has shrink in size due to inflation or i hv become a big eater. does any mummies experience e same as me. but i will control after hearing wat u hv experienced. i will tell myself i hv already eaten 1 full meal.


I'm experiencing the same thing, always feeling hungry. But I limit myself because if I eat too much, the stomach will feel like bursting. It's good for preggies to take small freq meals.


I heard that some gynae can do a procedure to help you turn the baby head down. One gynae I've heard to do that is Dr LC Cheng. But of cos there is a risk involved. But no harm to check out your options.

tsukushi> yeah yeah feel like my stomach is gonna burst..feel so uncomfortable. from today onwards i try to limit my intake. just now order 1 roti prata and its not enough, feel like taking 2 pratas but control man.

Recommendations for calculating chinese name

Any mummies planning to send your bb's birth date to calculate for chinese name? Any famous master in SG to recommend?

maelyn> i went to this one near to lavender mrt to change my chinese characters a few years back. my motive is to get married, and i really found someone 1 year later. of coz i also went praying la. it works for me.

then i bring my dh there to change his name for his career but it doesnt seems to work for him. his career is still as bad..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

any mummies try e same fengshui master as me too? e one near to lavender mrt. no need to change my name in IC only need to write 100 times.

my girl jus practicing her kick inside n i happened to saw the hump up n down on my tummy....hahahahaa....then i asked her kick again...she kicked n the hump soo obvious then when my col want to see n asked her kick again, she kicked at lower part belly which cannot see the hump lol but i can feel it...hahahaha...buay tahan....tot ppl playing w her...

janice> as mdm khoo say, try listening some music...enjoy the music w ur gal...she will response more to u...if when u rub ur tummy n tok to her n she din response, dun worry....still continue to do it daily, ur gal will feel ur bond n she can listen to U...it's not a day or two mission....long term...hv the patience and enjoy!!!

Yup janice... i been talking to my ger since she was an embryo you might think crazy how come i talk to embryo... i did my ivf before that stimulation till my transfer i been bonding with them... all 20+ little one... after transfer day i been talking to two of them ask them guai guai stick to mommy... although end up i have left with one lil angel i still continue pls guai guai mommy only left you pls grow well... tlll now been talking to her... for mths bonding she can feel... like feimei say is really not one two day it takes a long time to let baby feel u... jia you...

feimei i also want more mc.. but cannot leh later my boss think i chao keng.. early morning wake up to dua lao and vomit again.. lost 2 kgs in 2 days. dunno good or not since I have been complaining tat i put on too much weight since pregnant hahaha

diana> me too i have been talking to baby since she was 5weeks.. cos i was spotting and crying and cramping, and telling her to stick to me and we jiayou together...

Marianna: same, I was talking to my son since then. I had spotting also, cried and kept telling him to hold on tight to me....so now...when I wanna feel a kick, I ask him and he will kick, most of the time!

px> can u remote n work fr home? my side is able to leh...but u really not in gd condition to come to office mah...in office, u oso keep sticking on toilet bowl...isn't back to sq 1 that u boss wun c u ard at ur desk??? as long u still can work fr home...still consider work mah...sometimes i mc...i still work fr home...to keep my boss's mouth shut...i oso dun feel gd if he tink i keep taking mc...

piyo/diana> ya..she everyday active...when feel like kick more...u will see the hump up n down...if not...she jus 'entertain' u...jus kick at lower belly area....but since she started to kick actively...every working day...by 6pm, she will kick...telling me time to go home...ytd she kick abit early, ard 5.45pm...then i tell her haven 6pm...then she stop...then at 6pm....she kick again...realli surprise me is that...how she noe the timing??? hahahahhaaa....realli funi... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

feimei> can remote but boss sms me ask me to go in office.. he say take cab and claim he will approve. there goes my remoting... very big hint liao

feimei: they knw our schdule very well so they knw whn to kick.. like my gal, she kicks me during office hour esp whn i am sitting in front of comp to work.. same pattern like her gorgor.. bt my gal is more active thn his gorgor..

px> alamak....he die die wan to see ur face lol...terrible!!! tmr give him ur foto, paste on his monitor...soo he can see u daily lol...buay tahan such boss!!!

jazol> yalol...i think they used to our daily routine liao...

diana> urs oso ur mini alarm clock to wake u up, right??? hahaahahaa

feimei > yup when daddy kiss her in the morning and shut the door she will kick liao i ask her let mommy sleep again 10 min k she will kick again 10 min later i tell her ok ok mommy wake up liao then she stop haha...

hmm Mdm Khoo sayang ba ur mil shld not physically touch u i m sure ur parents v heartache their precious daughter kena bullied.. for me my mil dun dare to touch me.. coz i m pretty much holding e highest position in my hubby's heart she dun wan to lose a son wanna gain a daughter n i m quite direct with things i dun like mayb coz i m spoilt at home but not rude ba.. hmm mayb u shld realli talk to her n tell her for things to work u need her to jus not bother too much with u.. then ur hubby who i believe shld love u loads ba will listen to u also ba..

Jan-ice.. after 30 weeks was when my gyn told me need to monitor n count e movement.. i tink it's 10 times a day.. our lil girl shld start their act soon lah since we abt e same time gestation..

maelyn my FIL is a fengshui master so he will decide e chinese name for my babies .. so far he decided my son's name n he seems okie .. :p i dun realli believe but since it's an available service hahaha i jus use lah .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


agree wz wendy, my parents were rather upset whn my FIL kept saying that the eldest son n dil is good whereas we are the one looking after him... esp whn my FIL commented that i am his maid...

sigh.. tink we need to fight for our rights if we are being bullied

