(2011/07) July 2011


Papayas when ripe will have orange flesh and yellow skin.


To have break in between the papaya fish soup is recommended by the TMC book I got back in 2008. Not sure why though but I think no harm taking continuously if we want. The soup is given to mummies after birth in TMC. Very yummy!

Can use fish bones, not necessary fish meat. I use threadfin bones previously.


sunshine> i also NEVER even touch avocado before but mummies here say it's a 'heaven' fruit...soo great n oso heard fr my ex col...soo i decide to step out n try...but not every stall make it nice but my workplc here got one very 'gao' n nice...n the taste very good...got 1wk...i drink consecutively leh...now abit more lazy... =P

elch> yea...i heard ppl using threadfin...wat is the chinese name??? =P ya...fishbone oso can...no need fish meat anyway after brew...doubt u will eat the meat becos all the taste will be into the soup lol...meat will be tasteless!!!

feimei, agree not every stall make nice avacado drink. i like the best at alexandra food centre.. nice nice and cheap some more.. around $2.50 per cup.

my office here, not as nice as that, but thicker and lesser cos alot of ice cost $3.50!

feimei...is it..k will try to drink

yesterday hubby comment my tummy dun look very big leh...hmm how big he expect it to be....LOL

my tummy size at week 23


sunshinebb, i see is big liao lor.. mine also.. i think maybe slighly bigger than urs!

thanks chujie... in dat case think i think i shld use baby lotion instead of powder rite.?? since found out lots of comments on powder is nt so gd ;)

sunshine.... still ok la.. nt so big nor small. think is time for everyone to post a 24weeks tummy here ;)

e thing abt eating papaya now is also a worry babies might get jaundice coz of e colouring i realli dunno how true.. i din take .. but my son still gets jaundice for 1 mth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yaya> my workplc one...is oso $3.50....it's thick n i always request less ice n less sweet...but less ice always = no ice but uncle did not charge xtra....kekekekee...i tried other hawker...they all added water one...diluted, so not that nice...n the color very pale...if 'gao gao' one...the color is dark one!!!

yaya> huh? really? all along i tot i m same week as suying. yeah, me too, always looking forward to hv my ultrasound, not much of e gynae though. hehehe.. i dun really hv much problems so i dun know wat to chat wif e gynae. wat does ur gynae or u chat wif her/him abt?

sunshinebb> from e pic, ur stomah looks so pointed. its a boy right?? my mum said my stomach looks pointed but dun know why its a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i said already verify by 2 doctors (1-gynae, 1-sonographer). anyway mine also looks slightly bigger than urs at week 23 days 4.

janice... yeah... im 23weeks 5days nw ;) so far i take MRT still no ppl giving up seat. is my tummy still small or ppl r blind???

my kelics say my tummy still small. N yes yest. noon sudden tummy so pain seems like princess is trying too make a big turn but no space & sqeeze til im so painful ;(

suying, me also la.. no body give up seat, so i just stand there and wait for pple to get out from their seat lor.. >.<

Feimei, mine here, need to pay more for less ice.. sucks right.. >.<

janice, ur EDD is 19th July? i thought no one same day as me... mine is 19th July...

Just to share that my amniocentesis results came back today and my baby is okay, just a alpha thalassemia minor like my hubby and I. So happy and relieved. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yaya> tink if less or no ice, sure hv to pay xtra...same everywhere but this stall uncle very nice...hahahaha...he din charge me...maybe he noe i drinking for lil one inside...soo free lol... =P

most of the time when gg home...ppl will offer mi seats but these two days...no luck...becos those who occupy the reserved seats r Aunties!!! aunties think they hv the RIGHTS to sit l;o.... -,-

ahh.. back to topic on seats in MRT..

yes.. aunties think they have all the rights to sit.. when they see preggy occupying the reserved seats, they will stare and stare..

i told my hubby.. reserved seats sign got 4 icons.. the preggy icon is invisible to most.

i encountered few times, aunties fight with me for seats.. so just let them take the seats happily lor...

now, when i enter the train, just find a place to stand where there is something for me to lean against or some pole for me to grab.. safety first..

xinyue> dun take it to heart....they dun giv us the seats....make sure their DIL or daughters will NOT deserve the seats when they r preggy lol...i belief in retribution!!!! soo no need angry w them.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

feimei > yeah.. but really :mad: at the begining of the preggy journey.. very uncomfortable and still have to stand..

hehe.. me too believe in retribution.. but sometimes, cannot tahan when they give me a 'are u really preggy look'.

xinyue> for me I don't expect pple give away seat from priority.. but I will goto the centre and expect anyone to give up their seat.. more chances mah.. so far.. quite lucky.. hehe..

Sometimes make sure you stand in front of pple not pretend sleeping or read book..

wendy> just curious. if eating papaya cause concern for jaundice cos of the coloring, then won't carrot be the same case too? since both papaya and carrot contain beta-keratin, which causes our skin to turn yellow should we eat them excessively. I guess just gotta consume in moderation..no everyday la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chujie > good for u! after few encounters, I also don't expect ppl to give me seats (priority or not). I will stand at the joint (the part between the 2 cabins). At least something for me to lean against and not as squeezy compared to the middle. I kenna bumped into a few times already. >.<

So piss off.... call back hm. N Bro in-law ans phone. Ask him jus to inform MIL dun cook mine & hubby dinner. He say mi back y i always call so late. I told him hw i knw wat time she go to wrk?? He say dan u call her HP & inform yrself. Super angry lo.... jus a small favour he cant assist to inform my MIL since he & his wife & kids stay for free, eat for free & both r nt wrking. Is it a tough job????? Nt i petty over small matter as i & DH pity the kids & we dun wan to be so bad. Wat the hell attitude he is gving mi!!!!! i nv own him!!!!

xinyue> sometimes got good souls ard....soo still mus stand infront of the seats!!!

ixoral> my frenx oso mentioned dun take tomatoes...hahahhaha

feimei... my sugar level. shld be ok. but last sat mouth too itchy nv control. sugar level shoot even higher. lollzzz..... sun back to normal le. rite nw trying to control. but sometimes still eat if i really crave for the food. ;) noti mi rite

suying> how come your BIL and wife are both not working.. very old or younger than your husband? They got look for job or not

suying> sometimes eat abit ok la...u r NOT prisoner...dun treat urself like prisoner...jus that u not used to the change n diet yet...slowly...hving high blood sugar doesn't mean adnormal...we still live as per normal person...dun constrain urself...jus hv to control!!! Cheer up!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun get angry over such ppl lah...make urself angry, no 1 pity U...then jus let ur mil cook lol...when she asked y din informed her...u said u did called back but maybe 'someone' did not wan to pass the msg mah...wat can u do, right???


how long have they been jobless? both leh.. at least one go and look for job la.. stay home everyday.. the job won't come to you right..

I am going off for my gynae appointment now.. tata..

feimei.... whahahaha... u r rite! but i have been kind gv MIL a call le. thinking of a way to cut off my hm line. cos my house like thier house like dat. BIL wife mother keep coming up my house & keep calling. nt auto at all....

chujie.... BIL all along no stable job. even til his son nw is 1yrs plus he wrk contract job only. til last yr dec nv wrk til nw even his daughther is out nw only 2mths old. can u imgaine hw they survive??? true lo... at least 1 go look for job. instead of dat BIL blame mi ask mi y nv help him look for job. idiot him sleep sleep play online game nv wake up early to find job still wanna push the blame to mi

feimei... dats y. so i nv really control much. jus nw at least my kelics still allows mi 1 small chocolate to eat ;)

ya la... wait for money drop from heaven & from us to feed thiers kids lo.

pinyrose... ya freeloader.... thick skin ppl. w/o brain... kids suffer only... dun even have the $$ buy toys.... all i & DH contribute... pity rite.

hi ladies

talking abt giving up seat on e mrt, I went into e train earlier, carrying bulky items on both hands & stood in front of e reserved seat but e lady just stare ahead so I just told her ;"do u think u deserved this seat more than me?" she Iquickly stood up & apologized n left at e next station.

btw, just come back frm taka bb fair, gave in to temptation & bought e medela freestyle. hope my investment is worthwhile

suying> dun pay the bill n let it get cut off...dun bother to pay...rather u spend the $$ on urself or ur own gal...y wan to pay for other usage, somemore buay pai sey....use for free!!! *pui*

if he say y u didn't help him find job, u F him back la...if i help u find job, i will take the pay la...wan anot??? realli make me pissed off too....wat is his motive to live in this earth??? tink his kids will be shameful to hv such a parents!!! (sorry for being soo mean, i really cannot tahan such ppl!!!)

suying> if wan to eat choc, can eat but eat those dark choc...i ate that...milk choc is sweet, dark choc is bitter but if u can tahan the bitterness, dark choc is ok to eat...i m crazy...i love dark choc...the bitter, the better...hahahhaa...

suying...u very kind heart leh....im very xiong de...make me angry...i will dash to their room pack their thing n throw out of the house....i dun give a damn

can call me heartless...so wht they hv younger children...if not they just won't go find job n thr will be no ending to it.

feimei.... i perfer milk cho. lollzz... cut dwn a lot cho & milo. haiz..... so xin ku.

sunshine... i hope i can be like u.... but u knw seeing the kids like dis 1.1yrs & the other wan 2mths+ only. hw i bear to do dat ;(

Chinook: Congrats on the double joy! Happy for u! But how come it took so long for yr amnio result to be out? Hw many weeks are u nw?

Seats: Think the Circle Line passengers are more gracious. I've been bringing my boy to school since Dec and we always have kind souls givin up seat to him coz i think there's seldom kids in the MRT amongst the morning crowd. And my boy has the habit of pretending to 'make milk', feed bb and talk to his mei mei (my tummy) in the train. I'll be standing in front of him and he'll hug my tummy and speak softly to my tummy. Coz my tummy was small, many din notice i was pregnant. But aft my boy's action, i was offered seats on several occasions. Kee kee.....

SY: Yr BIL is really one of a kind. Not paisei and still wanna blame u. Furthermore he is a father of 2. Sigh........

suying> yes, everyone see the kids will not bare to chase them out but their parents really make ppl pissed off n the kiddos will leant from them when they grow up....throw the adults out n keep the kiddos lol...hahahaha....say is easy la...but no 1 can do it...but the two lazy bums really mus teach them a lesson to WAKE up their sense!!!!

feimei.... u r nt mean. im sure all mummies here feel angry for mi. i shld Fxxx him off rite. hmm... i think i shld change & dun gv face liao... ya i knw cos of kids we softhearted. dis is human nature lo ;) say is easy. i really dun mind kids stay & the 2 get out of this house man....

cactusnah... ya lo father of 2. still so brainless n wan enjoy take things for granted only. nt even a yr gap lo for his 2kids. seems like they give birth to kids to earn $$$ only. stupid thinking rite. if gt the 3rd wan i & DH gg ask him move out if he complains room small. cos rite nw he & son sleep living rm. wife & daughther in the rm. when his wife no mense everyday u can see her neck gt curry chicken. buay paisei wan lo... shameless couple.

As i mention b4 bath oso togther even my MIL orwhoever at hm they dun care. yest case MIL feeding boy to eat dinner n baby sleeping. both gg to bath MIL tell them bath y must everytime 2ppl go bath wan wat if bb wakes up. they dun care & jus proceed bathing togther. Fxxx sia.... from my living rm i can hear his wife sound. those sound like playing water inside the bathrm like dat. shit them la.... buay zhidong..... worst senerio is wife gt menses both still can go bath togther. wow piangzzz... i really gt no eyes to see!!!!

really shameless to say.... but dis is wat im facing.... i feel relieve saying out... cos mummies here will support mi rite ;) whahhahaha....

sunshine.... of cos la..... think my princess angry & feel shameless to have this kind of uncle too ;) hope i & DH could gv the best to my baobei ;)

Su ying > for me i sure buay tahan scream at them liao lor... like my BIL and MIL relatives buay pei sei come to stay my hse for a few weeks to save hotel fee free use of water and soap i already so pissed off liao... i cant imagine long term to have to have free loader to stay in the house... despise such ppl... want to save $ spend others $ as theirs...


In train nw... Was crowded but got kind souls give up seat for me. Not sure abt u but i noticed ppl who tend to give up seat are those gals in mid 20s n some older uncles who may have been a father b4. Those who dun give up r mainly young males...juz my personal opinion coz happen to me.

