(2011/05) May 2011

vicki, i know how to add frens using email add le. u just type the person's email add at the 'search' box, and then the person's name will appear there... u try!

mimosa, i have just added u as fren.


vicki, need to start #1 on phonics so soon? if i just leave it to cc, is it fine? or will afraid that they are not able to catch up huh? they will start the phonics lessons in N2 huh?

mickeyboy, actually i nt too sure either. like when i was still stayin at mom's plc in sgoon, tat cc #1 went has speech & drama for n1 & they start to teach phonics too.

but d current 1 he is in, speech & drama will start oni in n2, phonics is in k1 if rem correctly. d reasons they give me is cos kids actually learn better when older where they can concentrate. their practice is fr k1 onwards, then they will start preparing d kids on syllabus tat is compatible with pri 1. but i guess tis current cc approach have alot of outings for d n2 kids onwards whereby they'll learn thinz more hands on. i did highlight to my hb when i first switch him but hb say nvm. wat we wan is a convenient cc tat we can send him rather than syllabus. cos in future once i shift to woodlands, d area nearby r all those kinderland, learning vision etc. #1 will b in k1 so i tend to worry cos those cc i believe will already have phonics in plc by n2.

mommies who has n1 kids, wat abt ur cc's practice on phonics?

Pinkydap & hopeful: I added u on fb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mimosa: hmmm my PD says ard 5-6mths, like this period. Sad. I'm praying hard. But my bb nowadays can flip from back to tummy and tummy to back, and midnight 3-4plus am like will suddenly cry n wake up cos he flipped from back to tummy -_-||| when he plays on motion gym is worse, he's like rolling here n there n end up roll out of e gym mat den land on e floor

Vicki, Little Fly, MickeyBoy, Mimosa77 - thanks for your concern.

MickeyBoy- If my girl got fever, i won't let her go to school. but this time round, is to ask the teachers to help up to monitor her temp more frequently.

Mimosa: Added you too. The CNY romper I want is OOS. Hope can get in their next shipment.

Jenny: Saw your bb pic. Sorry he’s crying but makes me want to laugh. My bb also do that before breaking out into wails.

Vicki: N1 can still let him play.  Good to expose him to phonics but don’t make it a must that he got to master them. Kids ok with new environment. They will acquire new friends very easily. My #1 got bought over with new school with new toys to offer and air-conditioning! Btw, my #1 school don’t seem to even taught phonics at N2 but he acquired it during his N1 years coz his old school covered it. So not to worry!

Wah stephanie, ur bb can flip from back to tummy + tummy to back alrd? Mine cant flip either way... i feel he is slower than korkor ar, or its me being too impatient? haha..

twinkle, so how's her fever, and all of u, all fully recovered? Weekend is approaching le...

maybe i shd also find out from our cc on whether the phonic lessons will start in N2 or K1 ba... but i feel i may not be able to teach my boy ar, i m not confident [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mummies, my bb is currently having running nose, but we actually plan to bring him for 5th mth jab tmr, shd we still proceed? or better to wait after he recovers first?

Mickyboy & Little Fly: Thanks!

Stephanie: wah!! u boy very good leh!! my boy so far only can flip from back to tummy, nvr try to flip e other way, hmm... any way to encourage him?

oh no, he really roll out of e mat ah? i just bought a 2nd hand one from WTS leh!! means my boy wont play long also? oh no, i sure get scolding from my hb liao =P

Little Fly: ohh... i havent decide which one to get leh, hope still have stock bah.. but dun worry la, CNY still long way to go, haha...

Mickyeyboy: maybe u call up the clinic to check with them better?

hopeful & pinkydap: no prob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if u gals wanna join fb grp find SMH May 2011 n request to join with ur nick.

hopeful: no prob. I'm a first time mum too. mummies here r v helpful n i oso learnt alot along e way [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mickeyboy: hee my bb oso recently jus active in flipping. my PD says boys develop slower n every bb is different. Be patient, maybe one day ur bb will surprise u keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mimosa: my bb actually started from tummy to back first, den one day he suddenly flipped from back to tummy n abt 2 days ago he's like rolling when I let him play on motion gym. Hmmm I tried to give him as much tummy time as poss, thou he hates it haha but I always say jiayou bb u can do it n applaud him when he managed to flip hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha don worry, maybe can put a thin mattress below? I jus tot of it, ltr I try n tell u hw is it. Hee bb will explore e toys on motion gym, so don worry will go to waste [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stephanie: I sling my baby when going out. I'm currently using X sling so easier, last time before he's stable I use babysafe sling very difficult and heavy coz all weight on my one shoulder and back. I go my mum's house need to take bus + 15 min walk. I think part time childcare is at other areas which need to take bus. Yah, I saw u on FB le, have approved =)

Little Fly: Luckily u got helper. If not how to feed both? Or ur #1 can drink himself rite? Nonono, definitely no more baby. I'm stopping at 1.

Haha yah very funny. I was also laughing when he was crying that day. Actually all of us are laughing. Actually can get another better photo of him frowning but I nv on flash n he moved so the whole pix distorted.

Mimosa: Also slept quite late at 1am+ but luckily still managed to slp, better than nothing. Yah, I think the nurse shld let u no. I also realised someting must be wrong then look at the expiry date. Coz I nv request for sample and they give so much, cannot be so generous rite? Haha.

Jenny: icic ya I think X sling better cos even weight distribution. I usually use stroller cos i can't tahan sling. Only sling when take cab. Hmmm wow lidat seems like ur hse quite far in. Do u go to ur mum's place often? Maybe she can help u take care of bb awhile while u take a breather. Hang in there, when bb grow up n can communicate will be easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks alot mummies! I have a clearer picture of how to wean n sterilize the utensils. The avents bowl states sterilizable but not the spoons. So I hv to use very hot water on The spoon.

My bb has ultra sensitive n eczema skin but duno y without nappy cream, he did nt get rashes. Or maybe He knows it will b like this w grandma n skin jus got immuned too! Keke

Deon, have u found out the mio baby channels that r good for bb for me? ;))

Stephanie: Yah my house really out of nowhere. Last time dun intend to buy there at first but after thinking abt it its so cheap, only $169k for 5 rooms, cheaper than other places 4 rooms. So we buy there. Actually I'm thinking of trying to sling baby and bring stroller on bus but not sure if I'm able to do it coz stroller is 7kg. Hope can try it one day.

Morning Sunday everyone!!

wow the thread move so fast and i couldn't keep track!

Guess most babies are reaching or had already reached the 6th month milestone.

Let's all jiayou together,support each other and await for their 1st year celebration!

hi, i am a silent reader of this thread. 2ww, i saw one of yr thread u mentioned yr bb drink less than 250ml per day with 2 cereal feeds. can i ask did yr baby wet her nappy much? did u give her water and how much? my bb refuse to drink milk but milk with cereal is ok, i worry she dehydrate cos her nappy is dry even after say 6 hours.

Hi hi

I m interested to know if water needed during cereal feeding too. Pd advised to give only 20ml water to bb last time only.nw I start my bb on 30ml milk mixed with cerlealac cereal n he has constipation n eczema breaking out. What shld I do?

I think once u start solid can slowly introduce more water.

Unknow ic bb dun want milk from a bottle, try & spoon feed water instead of using bottle. Pigeon has this set of spoon (comes in 2 one yellow & one green) the green one is for soup & liquid. Its very good & easy to use. & easy to feed bb liquid too. If bb is dehydrated the forehead will be sunken, skin will also be dry. Try & feed some water. If really worried bring to doc.

hi starfruit, thanks i will look for it. but i just wonder is it she is teething hence refuse bottle but ironically when we gave water from the bottle, she drink a lot. but we are scare that she drink too much water. sometime she will vomit the phelgm after the water. we really at loss what to do. brought her c doc, doc said her throat a bit and gave med but after med still the same. is this a phase or we shd change to sippy cup?

Jenny: wow! that's reli v cheap [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe when got development, things will be better?

i got my hse in yishun at 360k 4NG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

oh..wow i salute ur courage, i nv have the courage to lug bb n stroller up to bus. either i walk for short dist, or cab with bb on carrier. jiayou jiayou! maybe when u try, get ur hubby with u in case?

mummies, would like to ask, how do u know when to train bb to hold bottles themselves or use sippy cups? my bb kept trying to hold his bottle and direct it into his mouth when feeding but always aim wrongly and he's like super hungry, so kept crying. Also, he has been arching his back, like trying to sit up, how can we guide bb in this development? Thanks lots!

Stephanie: Yup very cheap, now I think can sell 400k+ but no point coz sell exp, buy also exp. Dunno whether got any development anot. We asked for a market they say no demand. They dun build of coz no demand lah. Ur house very exp, u buy it new or resale?

We got try bringing stroller on bus but is my husband carry while I sling baby, quite some time back. I thinking of going out one of these Sundays on bus then maybe I try to sling baby and carry on bus with my husband. But other pple might think he good for nothing. Haha.

Actually I quite tl with my husband again. Know I sick still go to work on Sat then baby wake up early n I cun slp. In the end I even more sick. When he come home he still got the cheek to tell me if he buy car he will go to work every Sat. Then today he told me he wan to buy car. I say he crazy, boss gave him $100 increment and he wan to buy a car for the post?

My baby same as u, hold bottle but push on his eyes, then nose then finally mouth. But I only let him take his own plain water bottle, I scare he make himself dirty with milk.

Good morning mummies... It's monday again, sigh...

In the end, we nvr bring bb for jab, gotta wait for another week le.

Stephanie, ur hse at yishun so exp? its near to north pt huh? u just bought it recently?

normally when bb wanna hold the bottles, i will help him to put into his mouth first, then only release my hands. when i feel that he is going to pull it out, i wont let him do that. i think they still dunno how to hold it themselves now, can only train slowly but cannot really let them hv the freedom, or else they will really play w the bottles n nvr drink ar...

mine also starting to want to hold the bottle, i ket her hold.. good to train early lah. but of cos i still hold on to the bottle cos she will suddenly move her hands away and let go of the bottle. but very cute to see them holding the bottles and trying to drink themseleves.

Mickey, forgot to mention, yes if bb not feeling well, cannot jab, must wait till they are recovered before bring for the jb. ur bb ok already?

Bunnymum, sorry I did not go over my mum's place last weekend so cannot check out for you.. I ask my brother to check later ok ? so sorry..

Me on SCV lah...

bb still on and off got cough, and sometimes will vomit i think its bcoz of phlegm? but at least i dun see him having running nose le. hopefully by this sat, he will be getting better ba. i tot bb on bm is very strong and wont fall sick? but how come its still the same, he still gets flu/cough, my bm not powerful enough ma? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Stephanie,urs yishun consider quite $$ wor.

My #2 dosent like to hold bottle.in fact she started rejecting bottle ever since I intro fm.no issues previously when I use ebm.now she associate me wif bottle = fm = total reject. Even dream feed also entertain me at most 30-60ml b4 she close her mouth tight. I super stress cos I m not pumpin enuf for her demand n I have no more spare in freezer.

Bunnymom,not sure mio same as scv or not but I quite like playhouse Disney.u c if have babytv,cbeebies & jimjam on mio or not.but tho tv can occupy them,rem to limit their time.short attn span n impatient.

Mickeyboy,I have d same ques too n wanted to give up bf cos it dosent seem to make her stronger n I feel so tired tryin to keep up her demand. .my #2 keep fallin sick.d worst was 1 day b4 she reach 2mths old she got fever n has to admit kk.even now on/off cough.pd told me no way to avoid cos kor kor bringing virus Hm fr cc.

Good Morning, ladies! It is Monday again... very blue start for me, cos had a small argument with my hb regarding e halloween party, we cant go ler... =(

my bb got frighten during my fren bb 1yr old bday party on sat (we left at 930pm), after that he keep woking up n cried so loud and so many times in his dream that night, the chalet was v crowed n noisy that time, i think he got over-sitmulated or wat... then next day get frighten by my bro loud voice and my hb loud sneeze, kept crying during his nap and yday nite... e weekend b4 also get frighten when we tried to put him in e swimming pool.. now we cant go for e halloween party cos my hb n my mil said better dun go crowded place to make him scarred again... so disappointed, haix... how come my bb get frighten so easily? any of u have similar experience? how to help him be more 'brave', not so timid?? =(

mio is under singtel whereas scv is under starhub.. personally i feel that starhub scv would hv more choices for babies.. but so far i didnt subscribe any yet, my #1 is not cartoon fans. i think he only likes barney, thus we only buy him dvds...

vicki, is she teething? my #2 is teething now, i can see the white thingy coming out. tt explains y he is on milk strike last few wks ar...

mimosa, when i feel that bb got frighten, i will give him eu yan sang 'bao ying dan', or any kinda 惊风散. not sure if it really helps, but psychologically i feel that it does help...

making bb more 'brave', my mum taught me a method... she asked me to put the bb's umbilical cord at a higher place, eg. top of the cupboard. but i must say, i just follow though i dun feel convinced. my bb will get frighten too, so its old wives' tale, see if u wanna follow onot...

Jenny, mickeyboy, Vicki: yalor we bought it last yr June when property prices r high n cov high but no choice, need hse before our wedding. It's resale opp northpoint. Valuation 324k but seller asking high cov.

Jenny: hmmm increment $100 not worth to buy car. Last time when I drove my late father's car, I still have to fork out $550 for installment and there's still petrol n maintenance etc, so not v worth. U got talk to ur hubby?

Mimosa: hmmm do u bring bb out often? Maybe bring him out more often to "train" his braveness? My bb used to get startled n cry out loud cos frightened, even small noise oso, nw much better, can even smile n laugh when strangers play w him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bb holding bottle: thanks mummies for sharing. Should we use those holders to help bb hold bottle better?

Mickyboy: ya, we did give him 惊风散 after he got frighten, and also do the 'ham gian'... but that is already after frighten liao, really hope he wont get frighten again... prevention is always better than cure ya?

oh no... i think we didnt keep his umbilical cord XD we r so bo chap....

Steph: my mil brings him out every morning n evening, my hb will bring him out at night when he free, n we also bring him out during weekends! My bb really likes to go out, when he make noise, we will bring him out for walk, he will be quiet and keep looking ard... my hb always use this trick when he cant settle him down :p he will talk n laugh with strangers tat he likes, some ppl he dun like, he will cry, he choosy XD Actually he already improve, last time he also get frighten with small noise.. But still will get frighten when daddy / granny sneeze so loud behind him... And that night, it was really so crowded (everyone rubbing each other shoulder during cake cutting...) n noisy inside e chalet...

Good afternoon Mummies!! Never log in while on leave and i see some mummies leaving here for FB. Dont go leh.. stay here and chat la.

Unknown and BunnyMum: What i did is keep pushing my bb drink water. Coz she is drinking less milk = less water. With that she always have constipation. See her buttock red red i also very heart pain. I always mix about 80ml to 100ml of water to the milk powder and cereal. I dont know how much my MIL feeding her as i only have the chance to feed my bb cereal on weekend. Generally she can finish about 60-80ml of water everyday (other than the milk and cereal intake)

As for bb holding bottle, yes my bb started holding bottle. Her hands will automatic come and grab the bottle when the bottle is near her. But she can only hold the small avent bottle, not the big one. Think too heavy for her.

MickeyBoy: Really meh? if you want your bb to be brave got to put higher. Aiyah, my MIL just ask me to keep in a drawer. Actually i also forget which drawer i put. hahah

ya 2ww, i oso feel that most of the mummies prefer to chat in fb, and they can respond very fast! personally i'm "scared" logging into fb, coz i feel its very addicted. once i see ppl reply, i will tend to go n click and chk... then mummies there always respond very fast, which means, i will hv to click almost every 5 min ar... like that i cant work at all, haha! so i think i will still prefer to chat here, at least i dun need to refresh every 5 min... fb, most of the time, i will login when i pump or after office hours...

well, i think it's just old wives tale lar. if u rem where u keep it, just move it to a higher place ba. i just follow what my mum said, but bb still got frigthen sometimes, i think cant be help de...

Hello mummies,

Need some advice on 2 issues:-

1. BB eye discharge

My bb is having discharge and tend to tear in her left eye for the past week. I wonder if I should bring her to the doctor. Wonder if it is blocked duct. Any advice?

2. My #1

My older boy, he is now 30mths, attending full day child care. Since last week, he have been started to cry again in the morning (separate anxiety) when my hubby bring him to the centre. Then last Friday, the teacher told me that on Thurs, he was sitting on the floor and when she get all the children to move to the table to do worksheets, he refused to move and keep sitting on the floor. Then when they prepare for outdoor activities, he still sit there and refused to move. The teacher went ahead and when she came back with the class, he is still sitting there and seems to be contented (another teacher was there watching his behaviour). This was very surprising as he usually love to go for outdoor activities. Then when I discuss with the teacher further, seems like he like to play by himself without interacting with other kids. I’m kinda worried for him as he was ok previously. When I asked the teacher if there is any incident in school or special happenings, she told me there isn’t. My hubby wrote a feedback to the centre supervisor the week before on some issues, wonder if that have any impact on the treatment to my boy. I was thinking if I should bring him to attend some classes to motivate his interaction with other kids. Really worried... appreciate some advice…

Hi BBpoohfamily: My bb's eye also got discharge 2 weeks ago. It was those greenish thick thick type. I ask my MIL and she say because i BF my bb and i ate coconut that is why BB's eye got discharged.

Im not sure how true but i google online and realise that it should be blocked tear duct. it says must massage the edge of the eye. I did so and it goes off in 2 days time.

But im an inexperienced mum here so maybe later see if those experienced mum can give some insight.

MickeyBoy: Yeah at least i know i have one kay kee here!!!

outer edge. further from the nose. nearer to the hairline. poor english but i hope you can understand

eat coconut will have discharge? does that mean both bb & mum are too "liang"? i tot when bb's eye got discharge, its bcoz bb is too heaty? if i see that, i will probably drink more "liang" stuff to make my body not so heaty leh. how come its contradictory?

bbpoohfamily, bb is on fm or bm? if its fm, maybe need to drink more water? it cld be due to eye infection too, if worried, can bring bb to see PD ar...

Busy Monday for me...

Mine too, so cute when bb try to hold bottle themselves. He will poke the teat into his nose. LOL. Its too heavy for their little fingers. I will let him pretend to hold if he don’t try to push it away instead.

Mickey/ Vicki: BM is still the best lah coz it has mummies antibodies too, just that the flu virus is very strong these days and bbies are trying to build up immunity.

Mimosa: my bb also got frighten by loud voices. He jumps when there’s sudden sound. Cries in noisy places like market… I think they will outgrow it eventually. Sometimes he gets too stimulated during day and will shout/cry in dreams at night then I have to be the human rocker again. Its sweet to rock him to sleep in my arms and he enjoys it too but my hands ached until…

Starting phonics, try this: http://www.starfall.com/n/level-k/index/load.htm?f my #1 loves this.

Kristle: my bb only just reached 5mth mark yesterday.

Stephanie: I tot sippy cups are for infant like

1yr or over? The holes in sippy cups could be too big for bb and they may choke?

Jenny: I giggled on your post. Hope you recovered by now as didn’t see your post here. I hardly bring bb out even on weekends. My hands are full with my super sticky, attention-starved #1 and my hb always use weekends to catch up his lost sleep. I relied on my bbsitter instead.. She has an active social network around her neighborhood and I’m ok with her bringing my bb everywhere. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbpooh: I think you need to speak with his form teacher to find out how is he in class. It could be an off incident for the outing or he could be silently rejecting the class due to some reasons (classmate bully or something). Or you can try to coax him to share his feelings about his school.

Little Fly, finally you came in. Tot you abandon here and post at FB...

You are right man.. sometimes they will poke the teat in the nose!! so so funny!



I don’t think it is infection as she seems ok. I read abt the blocked duct in the net, will probably try the massage and see how. She is on BM.


For my boy I think must really sit down and talk to him see if he can tell mi something. He can only say single words but hav to try and see if I can fish out anything.


I read from the net, besides massage, can also use breastmilk and drip into the corner of the eye. Heee, prob will try all these and see if it helps.

