(2011/05) May 2011

Cloudpoem: I tried calling e clinic and e nurse said as long as there is no bleeding or water bag burst, then is normal n ok.. sigh.. at times really dun like e nurses there.. cos wondered if they r really experience or not cos some r new faces to me.. but i will try 2 monitor myself 1st but shame 2 say, thou tis is my 3rd pregnancy, i feel like i m still not experienced enuf 2 feel e initial contraction or labour symptoms leh..as i tink my pain tolerance lvl aso quite high..haha.. how many weeks r u now? :p


Sh: yes. Survive through yesterday.. Was on emotion trauma.. Hurhurr..

Kaykay: I'm also week 36+5days... U seek opinion? I wanna check mine next wed, when it's scheduled with my gynae.. I believe mine is next week or next 2 weeks. Contractions is less than 20mins interval..

Yesterday was worse! Over exert and BH keep occurring than I'm alone in the centre.. If anything happen, no one will find me too. Lol.

Jia you! If pain is too persisting. Rest rest rest.

i'm on leave too! but only for today :p

got the aircon servicing man coming in afternoon

i think i forgot how to take care of nb already too. also thinking wats the procedure to clean n bathe them.

mommies who r due soon - take gd care n smooth delivery!

Starfruit, fr today onwards I am officially working fr home till d-day then kick start my ML.

Sh, good to take AL and relax ya! Update us when u back fr gynae visit.

Now am at GP clinic bring my maid for the half yearly blood test & chk up

hey mummies,

haven't logged in here for such a long time! from facebook, know some of you have already popped! hope everything's good and you're having a good rest!

anyway, just to share: a friend of mine who has just given birth and had low milk supply was advised by her LC at Mt. A to try Malunggay capsules...which are supposed to be even better than fenugreek.

was searching for this product online and found is on www.mumsfairy.com. the website has other cool stuff for breastfeeding mums too...so it's worth checking out if you intend to bf full time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CloudPoem & kaykay: am also wk36+4 and last night also sharp pain in v-area like v-area dilating. 3rd time mommy too for me. I remember for #2 (coz he is the only one i had to go thru natural pains w/o induction), I was feeling uncomfortable the whole day from morning. Even went to doc to check in afternoon. Doc did VE then and said see u next week. Only at abt 10pm that night did I know for sure that I was in labour coz of regular contractions that were coming close and very regular plus getting more intense. So, when contractions were like 5 mins apart (by then was 1am the next day), I made my way to hospital. By 1.45am I had my bloody show in the hospital and 2.17am baby was out. For subsequent births bb don't usually drop until time for actual birth. But guess it might be cervic opening that's why we feel the sharp pain. My doc did mention that coz we are more exp and also had birthed before, we will be able to feel more pains/contractions then 1st time mommies or previous births.

Hope this helps explain. If you are still in pain, better to mention to doc and see what he advises. Actually, to us we always want to know how dilated etc etc and be informed, but to doc, as long as its normal, they dont see the need to disturb the natural process of birth.

apple, good u start working from home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

NEwtoitall: how many weeks were ur #2 when u experience that? I scared.. Cux u and kaykay nail the question.. Wierd feeling at vaginal area.. Like softening? Opening? Feeling is similar when we pee pee..

Though 3rd time ar, can get clueless too!

val, oh yeah... forgot that your boy is in hospi... how's he now?

apple & starfruit, that's what my massage lady wants me to wake him up every 3 hours to feed...

Hi mummies, I have a brand new set of Ameda Dual Pump & Avent Single Electric to let go. They are still sealed in original packaging. PM me or call me at 83680846 if interested.

cloudpoem, for #2, I can't remember when the sharp pain in v-area started - didnt blog on that. hehehe... only remember back aching and pressure on bottom like wanting to go toilet kind of feeling in the morning of the birth.

See birth story - if you are interested. http://networkedblogs.com/fQpSN

Anyway, I was having menstral cramps - quite uncomfortable - now stopped. We'll see... usually from now we keep getting the feeling like we are going to pop.. but for me, one week will pass and I will still be here. hahaa.. think it's just the body getting ready.. so don't panic too much, k?


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Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

hi mummies,

me now a bit worry, at week38 day5, no stil no BH or jus slight BH lesser than 5times, no backaches, not xin ku at all ... is it normal?

lucki for me, my pregnancy is very smooth, no morning sickess, can eat, rest well ... jus too comfortable for me...but make me worry if it is normal ...

will b see gynae next mon ... gynae always say it's normal lah ... nothing much else...

Dolly, if u go PD they will ask u to do the same thing, wake bb up every 3hrs to feed and try to get him more alert during the day by talking to him and play with him. So when comes to evening, he will be tired and that's how the day & nite confusion cycle changed.

Ling, no sign of labour at week38+5 is still normal. Don't worry..best u can hold till 40wks!

Just done with my gynae check up, 36wks 2.5kg, gynae checked for my dilation, so painful!! But he say no dilation yet.. Told him my tummy pain so he check for me & do a test (dunno what test) he insert a stick of cotton but in it, any mum noes??

he say no sign of labour yet..

Ling:- I think its norm.. I heard myths that the worse the morning sickness is, the healthier the baby, dunno true anot.. Hmms..

apple, if can hold, wan to hold till week41 for 1st may ... keke ...

kaykay, good lah, no dilation no sign of labour yet ... let baby gain more weight .... jiayou ...

Hi ling: u are one of the most blessed mummy that dun go through the awful side of pregnancy!! Take it easy... Like wad dolly say, u have till week 40!

Hi kaykay: no sign of labour? Is it good news to u? The cotton thingy test should be swab test? How much was it?

I'm taking my annual leave from this monday. Maternity starts after labour day.. Is it worth it? I dun wan to waste my leave unnecessary... Hope I'll pop by these 2 weeks.

ling dont worry so much is perfectly oki and count urself lucky..my 1st 2 pregnancy was light to..very smooth no sickness no bh no nothing and bb is perfectly healthy..every pregnancy is different so if u got a smooth one den u are very lucky and that will make u wanna get pregnant again soon after give birth lol cuz u will miss the fortunate feeling during pregnancy..haha

Ling, wk41..hmm gynae may not allow coz scare bb poo inside! try your luck..good to be a may day bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] every yr celebrate b'day during p.hol

CloudPoem, u can ask your gynae to issue u HPL instead of taking AL ler..coz u might want to use AL to offset your notice period or exchange in $$ upon resign. Since u plan to leave, just enjoy your entitlement of HPL la..

Dolly - I think if your food intake that affect the jaundice level. Cut down ginger & sesame oil..and no wine at this moment.

hehe ... ya, me enjoying the smooth pregnancy ...

split, ya, had told hubby, mayb can chase for a baby dragon next year ... hehe

dolly, mayb cut down on the ginger n sesame oil now... till bb jaundice level down ...

mummies, jiayou ....

apple & ling, i've cut down on all yellow related products le... didn't even take the papaya soup too...

v, i've received the bottle caps from the one of mummies you have recommended... thanks ya!

Hi apple: u mean gynae can issue me HPL but I stay home to wait? I dunno if my gynae is willing.. And wad reasons should I give?

I want to reserve the leaves up as well.. I don't think my coy will exchange for $. They damn niao one. Recently axe a few cleaner Aunty and employ china people.

If can, I would try asking..

dolly, soon bb jaundice will b down ... u must keep drink more other soup, try peanut n pork bone soup for more breastmilk ...

cloudpoem, jus ask gynae lah if can give MC or HPL ... no harm try ... say u need some rest, body cannot tahan liao ....

Ling, dun worry if u have not signs.. maybe u will carry bb to full term. a full term bb is alwasy better than one that comes premature!. just hang in there, bb will come out eventually.

cloudpoem, i believe most gynae will give mc/hpl, but u may want to check ur company policy if that will be counted in maternity leave, cos for my company, if u take mc/hpl and follow by ML, ML will be backdated till the first day if ur mc/hpl

Hi ling: during my #2, a china mother ask me to 'donate' my placenta to her Cux she wanna 'cook' it as medicine for her father who has a very bad cough or wad illness.. I got a shock and didn't agree.. But why would u want to process or keep the placenta?

I'm going to gynae on wed, to check dilation and hope that I can ask for HPL till I gave birth.. Fingers crossed.


Hope ur boy will recover fast.

Just bleed again.not a lot.no pain.got to monitor. Now in my in law place. I bleed also nvr ask mi anything. Yesterday. Discharge also nvr talk to mi. Sometimes i m thinkin is she a human.i really hate her to e core. Always act pitiful in front ofy hubby.also make my hubby think n feel tt i bully her.

starfruit, ya, now jus wait n see when lor ...

cloudpoem, now stil thinking to process or not... had asked a few etc doc/mrs wong/chinese doc... most say not advisable...

at first is tat many old folks say will help mother to build back the health fast...

now i find it hard to 'bake' it dry, powder it, make into capsule ... troublesome...

a few weeks ago, one mummy askin abt process the placenta .. so i post it ...

think the early post was wrong link,

correct link for recipe for placenta


Serene: might be the mucus plug that is disposing.. Monitor if it's accompanied with contractions..

Take it easy, I learnnit yest. Not worth to burn the wrath when Bb is gonna be affected too. Not easy, navigate ur kind or don't see her...

ling and cloudpoem,

i dun bother abt her..just sian..she suggested to go newton circle and eat..

i am so afraid tt i might go into labour..

Hi mummies, imma back home.. From check up & lunch..

Today check up I ask my gynae check for dilation & it was so painful. Heard ppl say must relax..but I relax, more painful.. Zz..

Cloudpoem:- The nurse did the test, swab test I think I heard that, what isit ahh??

It was uncomfortable.. The nurse even say I might have some spotting due to the test & check on dilation, when I go home.

So I was thinking - how would I noe if it was show or what?!!

I think it cost $3x stated on the bill..

Gynae still say I am ok, nt sign of deliver at all, but I just feel not right, like bb might come anytime, got a weird feeling.. Tummy not right these few days.. Got 2 time LS ytd.. My grandma also comment that if gt stomache kinda pain, it might be it! Cos its my #1 so be more alert.

dolly, i read fr Mrs Wong's bk tat jaundice will becomes noticeable fr 3rd day and peaks ard the 6th day, gradually diappearing after 10 days. How long yr boy hve jaundice? Did u sunbath him to indirect sunlight for not more than 20 mins per day? Did the PD said wat caused the level not to go down? due to physilogic or BM? If BM, PD will need to stop feeding him BM for now.

kaykay, i think the test tat u took is checking for the bacteria test (can't remember the medical name)... need to check before and if got bacteria, need to treat before delivery so tat bb will not be infected.

Auroa:- ya I think it might be it.. Hope everything is ok. Next check up 2wks later.. Getting nervous!!

Now having contractions & whole afternoon tummy kinda pain that I tot the dilation check might triggers labour, scare die me.. Tot gonna deliver so fast??!!

kaykay, relax... the dilation checks wun tigger labour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

val: oic... den u better rest when can ba... is ur boy better now? did the doc said when he can discharge??

dolly: dun worry!!! im sure the readings will reduce to normal... cannot totally dun drinks soup wor... can brew some other soup for ur BM... if not, there will be not enuff fats in the BM...

Serene: bleeding stop oredi??? no point making urself angry wif someone u hate... will onli stress urself which is not good for u... so cool down... tink just ignore can oredi ba...

Ling: so good!!! wish i had a smooth pregnancy too!!! my #1 consider quite smooth oso... but dun now why tis time round so tired and alot of body ache... tink getting old liao... body cannot tahan... haha...

Auroa, he has jaundice since the 2nd day till now, almost 10 days le.. Well, we didn't really sunbath him.. His skin still flaking after the phototherapy... It's the gp we have seen this morning @ polyclinic.. He didn't mentioned what's the cause but asked him is related to my confinement food since I'm bf.. He replied no..

Yaer, thanks for your concern.. Have been drinking all kinda herbal soup... This morning my maid asked me why is there two layers of milk in the ebm.. She thought the milk spoilt, told her that's fat/oil in the ebm... She's look amazed...

Hello mummies.....

finally my son slp! sigh....had a long day....after gynae visit today aftnn, rush to buy this gal's bedsheet cloth to make cotsheet.....(sewing all done my MIL....haha....i knew nuts.....)

then rush to collect cake n celebrate my son's bday in adv at cc....he was so happy.....

gynae did the VE same as last week and my card shows dilation of 2-3cm only....last week was 1-2cm.....damn painful n he keep saying this little pain i cant take it i sure cant take labour pain.....so i was prepared for epi....!

so if bb shows no signs of coming out by sun morning, gynae say i can check in mt a by sun noon if i want cos its better than suddenly labour pains and flutter and reach hospital late etc.....n gynae say by sun evening shd be able to deliver.....yeah! i ask izz induction but he say something like tat but its safer......so don know wat he is going to do extactly.....

now already hv difficulty in sleeping well at nite.....plus the stomach cramps i'm getting.....


hang on.....2-3 more wks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re:strep b test

my 1st n 2nd both gynae didnt recommend amy strep b test leh.....i guess he keep mum means nothing i need to do for it ba....


i ask gynae if bleeding shd i go hospital immed he say no need if no pain.....so mummies u may use tat as a guide and call ur gynae 1st before going to hospital?


jia you,.......she don ask, then u don say! mayb she waiting for u to say then she consider win liao....hahah.....

now my mil this round oso act veri smart, she try nt to be involve in too much....cos round 1 she involve too much n cause too much unhappiness....


why nt bring ur boi to pd to check.....

hope he gets over this soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Woke up to pee & cant get back to sleep.. Sigh..

Sh: yay!! Sleep in more during sat and gear up for Sunday's action!! How many weeks are u in again? Sorry, I know mummies keep posting, but ii keep forgetting. :x

I only know kaykay & newtoitall is with me? Same weeks.

dolly, need to "sun" him leh as it helps him... as for the flaky skin, can use aloe vera gel to gently apply on his skin... agree w SH, i think it's best to bring him to see PD to check. Hope his level will comes down soon.

Starfruit, i signed w stemcord yesterday... signed 5 yrs plan w them.. think more worthwhile to take up the 5 yrs plan.

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sent my son to MIL place already. today got to do final clean up and prepare bb room......

now doing my income tax filing too so that all these long outstandings i dragged can be cleared by today!

hi how is everybody... so tired weekend still have to come back office... too many stuffs to handover and the person who is taking over my work seem not interested at all... keep taking MC and leaves... sainz... i can just pray my little gal dun pop out so fast... if not this round audit sure jialet... i even dreamt that i was being called back to help out in the audit... lolz.. really bu fan xin to leave my work to the new guy...

can start feeling water retention buliding up on my finger.. cos typing will feel the pressure at the joint.. cant type fast now.. haiz.. driving even worst.. i just wondering those driver.. when did u stop driving... just now when driving at ECP, dear mr crampy leg come find me. lucky the traffic not heavy..

Sh & auroa, his pd asks us to bring him to polyclinic instead as he needs to do blood test... The gp mentioned that the jaundice level is going downward... If it's upward trends, will need to admit Kkh again...


Blurlemon: can sense u are a workaholic! Dream of work when u're supposed to be resting... I know how it feels, but when the other party keep dun turn up, they have to settle it themselves... And y are u still driving at this stage?

Dolly: how's ur Bb? Can I ask, if his jaundice level been high since birth?

