(2011/05) May 2011


Now dun have eh. I m trying to call her to speak to her 1st. She is closing @ 1800hrs.


I never walk alot at all eh. Haz... dunno why like that. My hubby said very weird. last week one time off and today also one time off.

i am in customer service line. will need to serve customers one. so it is hard to be eating tea breaks or rushing to the loo while in the midst of serving customers.

also, can feel my temper rising when serving customers.


Now am otw home 1st. If really anyth later will go kkh a&e. Haz... Why so say de. Last week like tat, this week also...

going home liow.....tok to you mummies tomorrow...have a gd rest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies...

was in office since 6.30am..now really feel sleepy! opps...

how's your ms now? subsiding?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope everyone is well at work! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all mtb...pls share the braches u visit for maternity wear at

1 modern mum

2 sponge maternity

I went to "cotton on " to ask ...they don't sell maternity wear but becos some of their clothings are big and wide in cuttings so u gals can give some a try later on...since prices are petty cheap...can use for home wear

I m self employed and I go to my office only few days a month...still I want to look presentable when I am seeing my clients....so more concern on outlook and has been shopping a bit on clothings...if u gals don't mind the price ...maternity exchange clothings are beautiful

Pls do stay beautiful though out our journey [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mummies!

Im okay today, I took urgent leave to rest @ home and gonna call Gynae at 9am to speak to her and see what she says.

Last night, I done a "inside" check; found some very very light pink discharge lingering inside still.

Today standby on leave, in case gynae asks to go down to see her instead. I still had progesterone pills but didnt dare to take. Cos the last time, she asked not to take anymore and standby for Taipei Trip.

Haz... SIANZZZZZzzzzzzz!!

So Moody today. Hope everything will turn out fine!

Morning everybody..

I'm so moody today. Not enough slp cos my daughter kept crying throu the nite. Went see a doctor last nite cos her eyelid was swollen n red. Took medicine but this morning her eyelid became more swollen until cannot open her eye... Feel like crying wen I c her like tat.

Might be going back to the doc n ask him to give her a jab later... Haiz........


Dun worry, maybe its some kind of infection. My boy got it a few times last year. It was rather bad for him, till he cannot open his eye at all. Gotta put cream which will "sips" into the sides of his eye everyday.. And he just keep crying. I tried to humor him at everytime and spend a lot of times with him at then at home.

Later, u go see doc, ask doc for alternative medication and wat other things u can do to help reduce the swelling.

Good morning mummies..

I'm still at home..will be going back to work 1/2 day for the next 2 days. My helper seems surviving well. Gotta leave the hse and see how she performs..hehe

vv - pls call gynae for advise instead of self medicate.

Lin - maybe u ask doc for children eye drops see it helps.

Xuanmin: Wow... So early?

Lin: COuld be due to all the dust and smoke in the air recently. Dun worry, it will get better. Just let her rest more and drink more water. I'm sure with the meds, she will recover very soon. =)

vv: I got it the last pregnancy. Rushed to A&E coz was so worried! In the end turns out to be an infection. After a jab and some antibiotics, recovered and din return anymore. But still better to see gynae first before anything.

VV, dolly, apple n Hannah: . Thanks for the concern.. I've took her to c the doctor again jus now. He gave her a jab n a stronger type of anti biotic. Hope the swelling will go away later. Haiz... Really heart pain to c her like tat. The swelling was really bad till her upper eyelid sort of overlapping the lower eyelid..


I called gynae (just) and she asked me to take the progesterone pill, 3 times a day starting from today. And see her tomorrow @ 4.20pm. Haz...


Infection? Wat type of infection? Same as me, brown discharge and one time off?


Glad to hear that all is well for yr girl. U have to monitor very closely.

good morning everyone...

lin...do not worry the swelling will cm dun soon just make sure you ger drinks plenty of water to flush out the toxic...or you can give her some barley water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vv...ya take the pills and see your gynea tomorrow, i'm sure you and bb will be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vv - good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at least gynae gave u advise and follow according to her ya! U shd be fine.


Yeah, I also heard before could be cos too heaty..


Thanks, haz.. so worried though. Hao bu rong yi come to 12 weeks liao, now such thing happen. haz.

vv, hope u are alright now.. do take care.. maybe for now bedrest [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lin, hope yr girl recover soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I went for the scan yesterday... turns out to be a scare... bb is fine and measured at 31.5mm at 10weeks. Gynae said that a little big at this stage but will continue to monitor.. my girl at the clinic told me that bb ok inside .. almost fainted on the spot... she's so busy running up and down in the clinic and can't sit down... after she went in the room, she was strapped in the stroller (to prevent her from running ard the room) but she tried to stand up and kept on shouting "Mummy, are u there?" (bcos i behind the curtain and getting ready for my scan)... my gynae loves to talk to her (my girl can tell my gyane that mummy pain pain, please see her) till the nurse comes into the room and hint to him that next patient is waiting... btw, my oscar scan is on 8 Nov at TMC.


Glad to know u are doing good! And bb fine! Yes, so u must continue to stay cheerful and positive. For me, I am trying my best to do so too. For now, am having bedrest and didnt walk much. Will rest from today till tomorrow gynae appt, hope all ok at tomorrow's scan tomorrow.

Auroa - good to hear that..is 3.15cm big? mine at wk10 is 3.1cm but gynae din say anything..hehe

Wow ur girl cute [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] she must be exciting wanna see bb too..u shd have bring her to see the scan and let her see the bb inside ur tummy.

Lin : can understand how you going thru... it's like seeing her so miserable & we can't do anything for her... don't worry... all will be fine...

vv: so have you taken the progesterone? you better don't move so much, ya!

auroa : glald to hear that you & bb are ok... thank god... agree with vv, you to stay positive..

vv, do you want to consider postpone you trip? better to play safe, in case anything happen at least u are in SG can see your gynae anytime, unlike if u overseas will be more troublesome

morning everyone...

yoyo...take care..dun worry..tink positive..everything will be alrite..rest more =)

auroa, glad to hear everything is fine..take care too ya..=)

vv i remembered tt my last pregnancy it also happens ard 12-13wks but once pass this stage all ok liow.....u rest well today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


do take care and rest well.. think everything will be fine! i slipped and fell while getting out of bed yest too, n hubby insisted that i go see gynae to check, so thankfully everything is fine.. dun worry too much, think it ll turn out well for u too..


ur gal so cute, stil can tell doc u pain pain ask doc see u first.. tot the no. of weeks is dependant on the size of the baby? haha cos my no. of weeks seem to be moving by a few daz here n there each time i see the gynae.. but as long as bb is good and healthy, den all is fine..

thanks ladies... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, i felt the bb movement yesternite. Was placing my hand near the right side of the rib cage and it's swollen and the left side seems to flatten and then feel something push hard for 2 times near the right side of the rib cage.. shouted for my girl to feel it but bb quickly shited back to the centre (maybe frighten by my screaming) and dun want to move anymore...too bad hubby on ICT and din get to see it.. was surprising that can feel the movement at 10 weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Moms and Tots (Nov 20th-Nov 23rd)

It’s time for moms and tots to turn into a fashionable duo. It will be a fun-filled family shopping spree with lots of attractive products and services. Don’t miss out on the special buys and fantastic discounts!

Event type: Retailer & Sales

Venue: Singapore Expo, Hall 4A

Admission: Public – Free Admission

Event Schedules: Time: 10am to 10pm

Parenthood Fair 2010 (Nov 26th – Nov 28th)

Parenthood Fair 2010 promises to showcase bigger and better deals, contests and absolutely fabulous prizes. Expect to see a myriad of fun and exciting games for your kids as well as great entertainment for all.

Event type: Family

Venue: Singapore Expo, Hall 4A

Admission: Public – Free Admission

Event Schedules: Time: 10.30am to 9pm


Postpone trip, got. I also thought about it. I calculated, the best time will be in early Jan, no need to top up difference except re-booking fee @ SGD 30.00 per ticket.

Checked hotel & SQ, space all ok. By then I will be 22 weeks liao, advisable to travel? In Dec, airfare extremely high, double the price!!


But wat explanation did your gynae give u?


I took liao, now bedrest loh... Super sian. Still contemplating whether to change dates for taipei trip


Thank you, very assuring. Haz. I will try to stay positive.

vv, it's good to change the date... u might want to check w yr gyane 2morrow whether can travel at 22 weeks...think airline guidelines by 28 weeks cannot travel unless got doc letter... Dec will be expensive due to school holidays and super peak period.. there will be lots of pp, so not advisable to squeeze with them lor...

vv, it's comes to worse, can cancel the trip and get refund? previously my friend cancelled his trip bcos grandfather passed away and produced the cert and got 100% refund back. If yr gynae can write a letter to justify refund, is the agency able to refund u?


I booked direct with SQ online - so I doubt its 100% refund. Probably 75%. I think I will check the gynae if I should travel in Jan instead @ 22 weeks. As for room, only secure with credit card number only.

Very sian, why has to come to this state loh.. I googled and found the following info.


Causes of Brown Discharge During Pregnancy

The most common cause for brown discharge during pregnancy, particularly late in the first trimester, is that the body is getting rid of the older blood remnants in the cervix. As the body grows, the original blood which is used to protect the womb is no longer required.

Thank you ladies, this forum really makes me feel so much better with you all advice and all..Really feel so glad.

vv: decide later after checking with gynae bah! don't worry lah... i've the same situation before i left for my europe trip... i actually asked for injection before proceeding with the trip...

hi mummies, i'm new to this forum. my bb is due late may 2011. so, i'm abt 9+ weeks now. look forward to getting more tips from all of you out there!

my sister in law told me that i should start getting some stuff for baby from drugstore.com. but, i'm not sure what to buy. also, she was asking if i'm planning to buy a wooden crib or playpen. but, i don't know the diff. can anyone help to advise? thanks!

Morning everyone... Or should say afternoon soon... Lunch time is round the corner.

Vv - take care n rest well...

Btw, when is the same time to travel? Understand cruise don't allow pregnant lady more than 24 to board. So sad..


Really? U mean u have the same situation, brown discharge also on & off and u asked for injection? Then what happened during yr europe trip? Do u walk alot and how do u manage? Pls share with me... U know, its like quite indecisive for me to change cos I feel tat since already plan, just go for it because wont know whats gonna happen again in later part of the pregnancy... Haz..

I ordered Mac Delivery, didnt want to ask maid to buy or go out to buy le...

cassandra: welcome to this family... i've a bb checklist, you may pm me for your email address.. can send it you & have a look. as for crib or playpen... depends on individual, i got playpen for my girl. cos for the 1st 5 mths, she lay on the mattress... after 5th month, she has known how to flip.. we can remove the mattress & let her play on the bottom of the playpen.. till now she's 14 mths... when she's naughty.. we will ground her inside the playpen... so if you are willing to splurge, you may consider getting a crib.. but the bb will only be there for 1st 3 to 4 mths..

can't remember the name of the infection but i remembered i had to do a swab test before i knew what it was about. it was a pinkish red discharge and was only once off.


vv: mine is a tour to europe so it's planned way before.. i've spotting when i'm on 4th weeks... then had it again on 7th weeks.. before hand, i've consulted my gynae that i'll be going for holiday soon and asked for progesterone for standby... 2 days before my trip, discovering i've spotting... went to kkh, A&E & get two dose of progesterone jab and was advise to take the pill together to stable the hormones...

since it's a tour, most of the time we were on the bus... did highlight to my hubby that i can't walk much... as there's f&e time, have a rest @ the fast food or cafe once you feel tired... you can tell whether you can walk or not?

can understand what you are going thru now... best, ask your gynae for the jab..

