(2011/04) Apr 2011

G'morning ladies,


So sorry.. Just saw your post.. Actually if children are eating well. It is not necessary to give supplements. My dr says it is just wasting money. There isn't much added benefit to taking supplements if there is a balance diet plus if your kid is still on formula milk.

I told my dr whether my girl should take any since she is such a fussy eater but she said so long as she still drinks fm, she is fine. =) hope that helps..

My #1 has been falling sick too.. The kids in school just keep passing the bug to one another.. And I too end up falling sick.


Ya single pump but it's an electric pump. Can plug into socket n can put battery if bringing out. I selling 200... Retail I think is 300 if I rmb correctly. I can throw in spare parts like the valves and funnel n all so everything is new....


Good good... My stamina cannot keep up with him Liao hahahaha...


Your baby can do pincer grasp ah? I wonder how many moths then can cuz my 7mth 6 days boy cannot do it yet... Keep wanting us to feed. I keep e melts in a lock&lock container....

Michelle S

210ml is what is stated on the tin leh for 6 months so i just thought that's recommended? No? Oops. My girl is drinking only 120ml so i thought that's like super low but she is still peeing and pooping so that's why i'm not that stress (plus she 90th percentile so can afford to "diet" a bit)


My girl is still completely toothless too! And showing no signs of teeth. She has finally, started moving her butt when on tummy so I think that is a first sign she may learn to crawl in the weeks to come.


I was breastfeeding until 5 months and then I stopped cos of too much work travel. Once I stopped my menses came within a week. And for those who say that means very fertile.. I suppose that’s a yes cos I just found out I’m expecting #2! My #1 is only 6.5months

Thanks to smiggleprincess n fungfung on photography package.but I signed with studioplay in the end.looking forward to photoshoot with my little ones.

Hope smiggleprincess enjoy her x'mas photoshoot!

By the way, how to join apr mummy fb group?


Really thanks a lot for your reply. I have been asking quite a number of people and Pds.

I'm not very comfortable giving my child too much supplement. Have many feedback and read article that we should let our kid build up their immunity naturally. But I also come to the conclusion that not all children are able to do so. My boy's weight is below 10 % and he has been eating very well . But the problem is he doesn't absorb well and very active . Since attending playgroup, he has been down with running nose and cough every alternate week for 2 months . Been drinking a few bottles of cough syrup and running nose medicine. My cousin says the cough syrup given by my Pd is very strong and use for asthma patient .If don't give medicine and let him recover by himself , what if it leads to something more serious also headache.

I'm not comfortable giving the probiotics and colostrum but I feel it's better than drinking cough syrup. Think will let my boy take 2 or 3 times a day instead of giving him every day. Will slowly cut down or stop once I see his condition becomes better.

Really thanks for your advice. It helps in my decision making.

Btw , I have been giving the supplement straight for 2 weeks and he has been clear from cough and running nose. Will slowly cut down and hopefully he can has his own immunity to fight when he is older.

Just feel that today children take too much western medicine

and take too many injections. Prefer now to let my child take Chinese medicine and massage instead


maybe try to put the puffs/melts further away, that will make them use their hands to go get it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mine only do it occasionally still very much the grab everything in palms..

let him self feed with puffs, now he wants to self feed his cereal, but always aim wrong towards mouth and all over the face. sigh.


My boy oso self feed cereal. Wat I do is he grab the spoon I hold the top of the spoon and send it into his mouth.

I feel that he self feed is much faster den I feed lo cos if I feed he will turn here n there get distracted making me upset so I rather place dirty can clean up.


Wat I do is I feed my boy 3pcs of puff/melt den the 4th pcs I show him and placed it on his hairchair tray show him how pick up and get him to do it aft he manage to pick up guide him to put the puff into his mouth tats where he got the interest to self feed.

Hi all,

Have a Dumex Mamil Gold Stage 2, 400g, expiry on 13 May 2013 for sale at $10. Please PM me if interested, thanks!


so the trick is to guide (teach) them how to do it? then won't be so messy?

suddenly see the puffs disappearing at home very fast. : d


J's teeth r crooked? My Renee's too..it's not parallel to e gums like u said..I noe it's milk teeth so nvm, but duno whether e adult teeth will follow since e gums where they sprout fm r e same..wondering isit pacifier or her biting on hard toys tt caused this.. •_•"

Mummies tt r oreid giving porridge, may I noe where n wat kinda rice u all bought?

hi mummies ! how is everyone doing? my bb is crawling a little , can't really move forward, just shaking but on her knees a lot, hope she doesn't get rough knees hehhee

as for porridge, i will add pumpkin, meat and veg and blend, she can take a big bowl, almost as much as her 2 year old kor....a bit scary....no teeth yet but loves sticking her fingers in her mouth ..

rach.i bought organic white rice

aylie, congrats on #2 !

hello mummies..long time never come in....

smiggleprinceess, im thinking whether to bring my son for the xmas shoot @ studio loft tml..

aylie, congrats on your #2...

rach, i jus use normal rice to cook porridge...

sandy, dun woli...my boy is turning 9 months on saturday..still no sign of teething yet also loh..


I'm trying... It's very tiring to take care of him these days... Stamina cannot keep up with him.


Dunno leh... For mine I think it's the toys he bite on and the pacifier I guess. My mil loves to stuff the pacifier into his mouth regardless whether he's crying or not lor. Damn terrible. And for me I use 金牡丹香米 aka normal white rice...


My J also has coughing... But his is cold cough (phlegm is transparent color). I gave him eu yan sen.'s 保婴丹 and his phlegm was gone after 3 days... The 保婴丹 seems to hv phlegm-dissolving effect...

Hi Mummies,

are your 7mth olds still waking up for night feed? mine still wake up twice a night for feeding, is there any way to train her?

pacifier & water doesn't work.. she will just cry till we give her milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sandy, Lynn:

I oso tried self feeding the puffs. Dun think can work for now. My girl prefers me to feed... Automatically open her mouth to wait for me to feed when she see the puffs!


Like Michelle, I oso gave my girl 保婴丹 when she coughed the other time. Works for her.


My girl still wakes up in the middle of the night. My cousin used the method happen to be opposite of Manessah's suggestion. She gave her baby less milk (~half the usual intake)if she woke up and after some time her baby slept thru. I tried this method before but it does not work for my baby.

Has any mommy started you baby in pull ups diapers. My girl cannot stay still during diaper changing! Keep flipping ard, sit up and try to stand! Thot that pull ups might be a gd idea.

Hi mummies!

Sorry to interrupt!

I'm a fellow mummy of 2 and just delivered in September this year.

Just to share that I'm selling very good quality breast milk storage bags from Korea at BP section. Need income for my family as I've stopped work since last trimester.

Do support me by purchasing some if you need them (definitely value for money), recommending my BP/FB page to your friends if you do not need milk bags (but I hope all of you need cos it means you've got loads of milk!) or just help by liking my FB page.


My BP page: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/6281430.html?1322474937

My FB page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Thelittleonesinmylife/288198271213600


My boy also can't stay stil. I have Pull up pants but my hb don't like.. He said it looks v tight on my boy. Now we just distract him with a toy while changing him.

pull up pants is expensive. distracting is a good idea. would recomend changing on the floor too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

griny: my baby is still waking up through the night... hopefully he will stop after i stop breastfeeding..

anyone still bf? been a bit more lazy now... skipping a night's pump..keke

pink: still here but been busy packing.. moving next week and still not finished packing! panic...

Back from #1's day surgery(dental), now her tongue-tie issue's sorted out and her front primary teeth extracted(to make room for her fully grown adult teeth).

Sookie, I'm still bf and my bb's still waking up. In fact, a few days after I've 'converted' to full latch-on day and night, she started waking up at least once for feed, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. Now, she'd even wake up 2-3 times a night, very rarely will she wake up just once for feed, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. At least yours doesn't reject bottle, so still got hope, mine totally rejects the bottle now! Big Headache la! I've already past my targeted 6 mths mark liao leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jess, how long do u intend to bf?

hello mummies

long time no see, hope everyone's well and thanks for your well wishes!my #2 confirmed in July 2012, so abit excited but worried about the #2 not getting enough nutrients as i heard that 2 close pregnancies is usually at the expense of the #2 so I am trying to eat more.

back to my #1..

i tried giving her puffs and she spat it out! i don't know if it's bcos it's too dry but her eyes cringed and she really didn't like it. She also doesn't like fruits. So far she's a vege lover! Haha don't know whether bcos she's a rabbit?

griny & greybear

yes my daughter also started to wake up in the middle of the night after her 6 months. so we have been having sleepless night the last 3 weeks since she needs a 4am feed. pacifier and rocking does not help. she needs milk. However starting from last sunday, out of tiredness and willingness to try anything, i started giving her the same amount of milk (120ml) and added 2 scoops of healthy time cereal in her last night feed (11.30pm), she has started sleeping through the night again until 6.30am. today she woke up at 7.30am. you can try and see if it works for you.

mum05 - suggest you start trying to get her used to bottle. when i was still bf-ing, i introduced the bottle at 4 weeks so i pumped instead of latch so she still got the goodness of BM but i had my maid and husband help me feed so we can take turns to sleep.

BTW do you guys have any outings? If there is, i would like to join! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aylie, not that i don't want. In fact, at birth, she's already drinking from bottle til the day I took on the heed of latching-on to stablise/stimulate milk production. Then suddenly one day, she just simply refused to drink EBM from the bottle no matter how much I tried to coax her to. She'd cry non-stop for more than 1 1/2hr even though she's alr very hungry. She cried so much that she even rejected latching-on thereafter. I hv to wait til she's soooo tired, fell asleep hungry, then I dream fed her(latch-on still, cos the min the bottle teat touch her mouth, she'd cry).

Now I only can pray hard that she'd be able to wean off latch-on at least at 1yo *crossing fingers*... haiz.

But then again, it cld be a blessing in disguise lah, 'cos this way, I hv no choice but to care for her 100% instead of letting the maid do it...

U shld be sooo glad that yr bb loves vege! my 1st born loves vege when young too! In fact, she only loves home-cooked food then, which although was tough for me, 'cos it meant I always hv to cook and packed food whenever we go out, but it meant she's getting the correct/proper nutrients. Now that she's older, her taste buds hv changed and although she still eats home cooked food, she also likes to dine out, hahaha.

Michelle S,

I nvr thot of distracting! Gd idea! Will try during her next change later.


If add cereal in bottle, we need bottle teat with bigger hole right?

mum05 - i am also preparing homecooked veges for her, usually just broccoli (without the stem) or heng cai with pumpkin/ potatoes/ carrots. Some sort of green + coloured vege. she tried apples, banana and doesn't like them. not sure why.

you are very dedicated! i have to salute latch on mothers because i find expressing already very troublesome. can't imagine if i have to feed her exclusively with no help. even just expressing and taking turns to feed her made me feel so tired. i don't know, maybe need to lessen my work load. you have my salute!

perhaps you can try offering your bb some water in a bottle to get her used to it?

griny - yes you are right. need a teat with a bigger hole so that the cereal can pass through. but usually we don't add that much, max 2 scoops. need to shake cos the cereal may stick together and be a bit lumpy. hope it works for you cos it was a life saver for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

try to give your bb a toy he/she can hold while you change her so can't move. i use pullup for my girl when she goes swimming but 1 time she pooped in it and i find it so troublesome to change!

Good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How's everyone? See some new nicks here too, welcome!

Hvnt post here for a long time cos it was all madness at work. But now, finally can take a breather...

i hv officially ended my moo moo career on 1 dec as my supply was really pathetic. Felt kinda sad that I hv to stop, but hey, that would mean more time with my bb N and no more hassle having to wash the steam the pump parts. Yeh!!!!


Moving over to the east soon? Hope to meet up with u some time and all the best with the packing and moving [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope bb Z and big sis N are doing fine.

re: changing diapers

I hv the same problem too. Boy keep flipping like roti prata when i change diapers, just cannot lie still. Like some of the mummies here, I will give him something to distract him, but it can only last for like say 5 min or less?? haiz... sometimes, he will be quite obedient tho. I will tell him, hey, mummy need to change diaper for u, so pls co-operate with mummy, and yes! he will lie still during the whole process.. haha.. of course, sometimes even got prep talk + toy also no use la!

re: sleep thru

I also put in some cereals inside the milk and dream feed him ard 11pm. Usually can last him till 5+ or 6 the next day. If u are using teats with bigger hole, need to monitor to make sure that ur bb can handle the quicker flow and dun get choked wor.


Need ur advice on cooking porridge. PM u via FB later ok?

morning all!!!! Long time didn't post here.. realized the thread is moving slow now too.. everyone's busy??

sookie: I'm still bf... i know it's tiring.. but endure!!! =P

Aylie: congrats on your #2... that's fast.. heehee.. =P

Hi tweety! *waves*

Long time din post here. How's everyone?

Any recommendations for good n cheap photographer for family shots? I'm thinking of taking when J turns 1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mum05

if you home cook the food for baby, how long can it last if i were to bring it out in a warmer flask? on weekends, i usually steam her food around 11/12pm and them put 1 portion in the flask for feeding her at about 1/2pm. However as we usually go out whole day on saturday, i can only feed her the instant organic brown rice porridge (in satchel type, just add hot water). can i prepare her food at 11.30am and keep in the flask until 7pm? is it still safe for baby consumption?

thanks thanks!

sure, e_lazy, but wat's yr id at fb?

I was using Thermos food jar then and it's been able to keep the food very well for more than 6 hours. However, I do not think it's good for young children, esp during their 1st 1-2yrs to take food(esp. porridge) that's been cooked/kept for so long. If u're preparing once for 2 meals, then it might be good to keep the 2 meals portion separately.

In the past, I'd always have to rush home to cook the 2nd meal after early morning visitation during the CNY - can u imagine I've been doing that for a good 3-4 yrs?! cos my girl's allergic to egg and she didn't like fastfood then, hahaha, so I hv to cook [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so you are suggesting if cooking more than 1 portion to eat th first portion and refridgerate the 2nd? i thought so too, but so troublesome cos every sat we usually go out the whole day (today is an exception)

thanks for your advice!

no no, don't ever refrigerate porridge! Porridge itself cause 'gas'/stomach discomfort even if we adults take it cold or after too long, let alone a young baby...

What I meant was, if u are cooking 2 meals' portion at one time, separate each portion in separate food warmer/containers. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

However, for baby so young, I really wldn't advise to give porridge that's kept for too long. Wld rather just give milk for that one meal instead.

no no, sorry i mean refridgerate stuff like vege (i usually use heng cai cos it's softer) and pumpkin. i didn't keep the porridge.

i need some advice. i notice my girl is refusing milk yesterday and today. everything in her diet is kept constant - she is not being fed more solids but she is simply not finishing her feed consistently which has never happened before. she usually drinks 120ml every 3-4 hours but it has been every 5hrs or so and she is still not crying for milk. when we try to feed her, she takes half or less and doesn't want it anymore by pushing away her bottle and starting to cry. i am worried if this has anything to do with a fall she had last sun (exact 7 days ago). she was fine this whole week with no symptoms pd said to look out for (vomitting, fever, etc) but suddenly she is rejecting her milk. i'm getting worried. the only food that goes into her stomach full portion is her veges/ rice cereal now. should i increase those portions? could she be teething?

Aylie, am no doc, so can't really 'advise' you. I can only share with you on what I know, base on my own experiences and what I've heard from others.

However, I wld think that if she's not showing signs of wanting/needing more after her usual portion's finished, you shldn't increase the portion. 'Cos afterall, their stomach is just that small size only. Unless she cries for more, then you shld increase. That's my opinion.

I used to be very worried like you during my #1's time. She started to reject milk(from more than 100ml ea feed, down to only abt 20-30ml), and I resorted to dream-feeding her, only for her to regurgitate them out... I've not heard her cry for milk since, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]. The numerous trips to her PD resulted only to constant medication to try clear her phlegm and in the end, I have no choice but to give TCM a shot. The physician told me that her stomach's bloated with phlegm and thus she's losing apetite and regurgitating - true enough, we noted sticky phlegm in her throw-ups. Soon, this problem resides with the TCM and her apetite resumes. Regret wasted sooo much time and $ gg to her PD on this issue.

I've also tried massaging too, but I didn't bring her to the yu guo though, 'cos many of whom I knw, brought their bbs there and found it not effective. So I've gone for a baby massage class myself, one that's organised by Gleneagles(Parkway hosp group, 'cos Mt E, didn't have such classes then). It helped and the time I spent massaging her was really great, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

However, this was my child's case and I'm not sure if your baby's of the same scenario. If she's not 'heaty' or whatever, perhaps, then it might be like what u're saying - teething, which can cause discomfort enough for them to reject feed at times. At least she's taking cereal! Although it's been a week already since her fall, if u don't feel safe, u might wanna check with her PD on this...

Hi mummies

No time to read and post !

Bringing L for his first road trip, wish me luck that we can handle the two of them in the car!

Whatsapp or fb if there's any gathering okie! L would love to meet up with his friends again :)

mum05 thanks so much for sharing your experience. my girl has phlegm too, i've tried to check the root cause but really am lost as we don't feed her anything sweet or "extraordinary" in that sense.

i don't mind giving TCM a try. do you know if i have to go to specialised TCM (i assume not all of them knows how to medicate a baby?). any advice you give will be sought with care/ double checked, so don't worry about giving "wrong advice", it's all very helpful!

how old is your #1 now? i assume this is your #2? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Aylie, my #1's 6yo already, gg P1 next yr, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If u wanna try e physician I always go to, pm me.

Any mommy knows where I can find Bfee bottle teats? N if they can fit Nuk bottles? I saw some at JL marina sq but they're all in Korean, not sure if really Bfree or other similar brand.

