(2011/04) Apr 2011

morning mummies..


hi long time no see u here[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

usu when they teethin it will come in a air 1... usu when they teethin they will get cranky 1 cos pain mah.. u tried applying teethin gel?


puff n melt is snack for them when we r outside he noisy i will gave to shut them up lol~



Haven... What brand of teething gel can I give n where to get it? And got old folks comment that his teeth is like crooked... Sigh.

Hi,all mummies.may I know if anyone has sign up photography package.Wana sign with Sean lau at expo yesterday but hubby think everyone has the same style cos many sign with him,so didn't sign up in the end.can someone recommend n reasonable charges?thanks

I have two tins of S26 Promil Gold Stage 2 - 900g (exp 21/01/13) going for $50 for both. (or $30 for 1 tin). Meet up / self collect ard hougang/serangoon gardens. can email me at [email protected] if u r interested. =)


The two teeth not parallel to the gums... As in the teeth is slanted... For me it's not much of an issue cuz it's jus milk teeth. They will still fall off anyway. Dentinox ah? I go see today....


Baby's good. Jus not sleeping at night due to the teething pain. How's your baby?

Morning Gers !!

Talking about teeth ! My girl finally have sight & sound of teeth saw the faint white teeth beneath the gum area. My boy both teeth already come out.

I give both of them puffs (from Gerebra the strawberry apple one) I tried myself & its quite soft n melts quite fast.

Both of my twins haven't started crawling alot. Actually only the girl can crawl on her belly. the boy only turns round in circle.

The puff i will crumble into their cereal for texture. Think they both love the puff will keep opening their mouth to eat. Boy will attempt to pick the puff with his fingers & put in his mouth

Michelle: dentinox is a life saver for cranky nights, just that it wears off quite fast..


i didn't know puff can crumble into cereal. does it melt in it?

nips got abrasion from pumping, sigh. wonder what's wrong. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sookie/kaira, I also duno... On Fri, I expressed bm, thinking to try feeding bb in a bottle, but I guess that had over-stimulated the production? I got bad engorgement thereafter, took baby a few rounds of feed to relieve. But even after engorgement's more or less relieved, I still feel tremendous pain when my bb suckles, why ar? At 1st I checked my nip and saw alittle bit whitish and I tot it's milk blister, but it doesn't seem like it leh, til now still painful occasionally but it sure hurts when she suckles. Wonder if it's cracked nip? I've been applying lotsa nip cream already, but still hurt like mad. I really dread that time when it comes to feeding her on that side, :***(.

She'd stop drinking and look at me when I winced in pain but what to do, I still have to feed her right? Aiya, why bf gives mothers sooooo much pain?!

Now even as I'm feeding bb on the non affected side, the other side wld leak! Really duno what's up leh, arrrggghhhh.

My menses had just ended few days ago, supposed to be taking the ch herbal tonic but I dare not take them 'cos my supply wld usually be enhanced after taking them and I'm fearful of another engorgement... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mum05 could it be thrush? Does your baby's mouth have a whitish coating?

MichelleS: my boy is good. No teeth yet, not crawling but likes to be on fours.

I tried meat purée yesterday and apparently he gave the vomit look.haha

Btw mummies how much ml does your babies drink now? Mine is around 600-700ml.


Must be really fun with twins! I also didn't know can crumble the puffs. Gonna try to put it into rice cereal tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is it? Jus bought it n tried on him. Other than him tasting the teething gel and smiling after that, doesn't really have much effect leh. He seems to want more of the teething gel after he eats up all the gel. Hahaha


That's gd... Mine drinkin about 750 to 800ml if no solids. If puree x2 meals, then maybe 600 only..


The gel tastes sweet though they say sugar free. Hmmm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hw heavy do ur bbs weigh at 7 mths?

sookie, at first I tot of it too, so I tried to look for signs but am not sure if I did it correctly, dun think so bah...

Now slightly better liao, but still pain whenever she sucks... Hope it'll really be better soon, thks for yr concern, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh u've given yr boy meat purree? why dun u puree the meat wif porridge? I've stopped feeding my bb porridge temporarily 'cos was told not to feed her 'too much/full' when she's not well... Soon I'd start puree-ing her porridge with 'yo bak' too.

She's only got 2 bottom teeth and not crawling yet. Like your boy, she's just on 4s most of the time now and 'pushing' herself on the surface to get to where she wants to, haha. At least she's not wriggling like her jie jie did(Oops, hope not!)

Hi Mummies, I hope u can take 1 min to help to vote for my lil boy in a Facebook contest. Pls kindly help to vote for my LIL MONSTER~

This contest will end at 5pm today so really really appreciate if you can take a min off ur busy schedule to help and vote for my lil darling. Thanks a lot for the kind help~ :D

He will be extra merry happy for Xmas if he can get the vouchers for more more toys!

Pls kindly follow these 2 steps:





When u guys say your babies drink 600ml onwards its the total amt is it ? Not single session milk feed ?

Cos my boy only drinks 150-180ml, while my girl drinks 150ml...

Like a lot of difference ?!?!


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but did it help with bb's crankiness?


its better to start introducing fish to bb first then meat? or it doesn't matter?

Lynn, from my personal experience, I'd think meat is better as the protein in fish is less tolerant by the bb as compared to the meat's. However, some bbs are ok, so if u feel tt u'd prefer to give fish first, then u'd hv to trial and error and watch out for reactions.

I gave my #1 threadfin(ngor he) at 9mths and she broke out in allergy rashes. Gave her pork(yo bak) thereafter. Re-introduced threadfin when she's over 1yr and she's ok then.


most mummies i know usu start with fish cos it is easier to digest.. den follow by meat.. this is wat my dr told me also..

ya fish is definitely softer, but protein wise... so it's up to individual lor. Hv to try out, cos different bb different reaction, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think 150ml per session is ok? My girl is also drinking 120 - 150ml per session (she tends to take more 1st feed in the morning and we try to feed her more last feed before bed). The question is, how often is she drinking? My girl is drinking every 3-4 hrs, when the formula tin says she should be drinking 210ml every 5-6 hrs. Initially I got very worried as it's such a big discrepancy, but after that, my hubby said to just let her drink as per her needs (feed when she wants milk) so i loosen up and felt less stressful.. as long as she pooping and peeing well, i think that's ok.

Michelle S

My girl is 6.5 months, she born end of April. She was 8.2kg 2 weeks ago when we brought her for her 6mth jab.


My girl can't crawl at all and shows no signs of crawling. in fact she doesn't even kick her legs when we put her on her tummy. abit worrying. however she is a good sitter and can sit for 10-15 mins unassisted. she also loves to jump on our laps, and in fact, she is starting to "walk" from our bellies to my boobies (she is standing on my boobies!) any chance she is bypassing the crawling stage and going straight for walking?


Mine 600ml is for one full cycle of 24 hrs... He takes about 180-200ml for one feed. I sub one meal with porridge with 'yo bak' or fish and one meal with apple n cinnamon cereal from Bellamy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your baby has gd weight! Mine 7 mths, weighing 8kg. Should be ok right?


For me, if I give fish, I will let my bb eat the fish together with the porridge. Meat so far only introduce pork. I only take the pork juice, didn't give the meat with the porridge. Actually if your bb weight percentile is okay , I think fish or meat it's okay. If bb is lightweight, my Pd recommend to give beef and egg yolk earlier. But it's has no effects on my elder son.


thanks! think i'll start with fish soon along with trying porridge again.

just realised today that bb's legs are still quite curved, should I be concerned about it? quite worried that maybe put him in walker makes it worse?

Morning mummies,

Long time didn't come in partly is coz have not been having enough rest. I'm so tired. Z has been cranky for the past few nights ( think got aout 1 wk already; and it seems like didn't improve much)

For ex: these few nights, he keeps making noise every 1-2hrs. Very hard to pat him back to sleep, sometimes he'll cry louder and louder. The last resort is to let him latch on to suckle to sooth him back to slp. It doesn't help much as he'll wake up 1-2hrs again.

I wondering is it coz he is in pain due to teething. I noticed something; he'll suck his pacifier until very agressive and loud. Is it due to his gum pain? Pls advice!

And will the teething gel helps him to sleep better at night? As I understand that, the gel effect is quite short, so meaning if he make noise again, have to reply once more?

Michelle S

I think our babies weight should be ok, I mean the PD didn't mention much so I assume it's ok. She's 90th percentile for her weight.

Actually your baby has a better diet than mine.. 180-200ml per feed is closer to the 210ml recommended feed. I have tried giving her 150ml and slowly increasing, but sometimes she can't finish the extra 30ml and i end up wasting it. sigh. I'm still trying to figure out a way to slowly increase her feed and decrease her frequency

Jess, not really.. for my #1, mensus only report after I stop bf.. for Alton is when he is 2 months old.. then after that when he is 4 month old. I heard other ppl said tht if bf mensus report meaning u r very fertile..

tweety, hello.. how's ur new job?

Hi mummies,

long time nvr post..

just ended coldwar with hubby so feeling down..




i used StudioLoft..

goin bk for XMAS shoot...


feed as wat ur kid needs..

i give Kasper 210 ml but sometime he cries after..

i pacify him awhile then he is ok.. sometimes they jus like the milkbottle..

sometimes truly not enuff milk..

so must watch e signs...


im giving those to my #1 too..

i also give sambucus/sambucol..

its helps alot.. cansee that he fell sick lesser...

Hello mummies,

Anyone selling their medela breast pump? Looking for 2nd hand one for my SIL.


I use A2click photography. U can go to the website http://www.a2capturedmoments.com/

To have a look. I had my maternity shoot with them. We love it very much. If u are keen, can tell them that recommended by Evon, maybe can get special rate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hilo mummies

Wow seems like alot of babies r teething. Mine still Bo gay!! & I love his toothless smile.


This time round I'm stuck with feeding solid to my boy. When I cook porridge he reject so I gif him cereal. when I nv cook porridge jux cereal he reject till now tried porridge with threadfin he close his mouth turn here and there!! Headache ar!

How to cook nice porridge huh?? Start to worry Liao. Donno got gif him enough solid anot.


When I 1st intro puff to him I got a shock he took the 1st puff and aft that nv move sit in his high chair and look very stone I think he got choke but aft awhile ok Liao so now he is used to it will feed on his own so cute.


for the puffs, what serving size portion do you all give? read on the bottle that to finish within a week for optimize freshness?


Recommended is 210? So much? I brought my boy to pd at kkh and the pd said 200 is for.... 1 year olds! She also said he's drinking too much. All these PDs ah... No consistency one. Haha


How's everything? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cheer up! Men, yes, men! They always make our blood boil but must cool k. Look at your baby and you'll be happier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your boy can self feed on the puffs ah? U give happy baby puff right? Can he pinch the puffs and put it in his mouth? Mine wants to feed... Doesn't wanna hold by himself. I put the puff near his hand, but he open his mouth instead. Damn jialat.


I give about 10 pieces during his snack time. If he asks for more i'll give about 15... For melts I give only 5 pieces cuz v sweet.


The swing is a single pump? I think she is looking for electric one Bt dunno single or dual pump. But how much are u selling it? U can PM mi juz in case I had missed ur thread.

Giving HB puff and melt:

Can I check whether can give the puff and melt? I remembered that some mummies said as long as they can sit up without any much support,can give? Wat abtmust wait till they can crawl then can give? ( as statedon the packaging)?

Michelle S

yup he can pick and put into his mouth. The 1st time he tried i gave him 10pcs and foud 9 pcs on the floor slowly train now he manage to do it.

Even i gi cereal he will snatch my spoon and put it in his mouth


i gave abt 10-20 pcs wor but not everyday sometime 1 day onli 5 pcs or nv gif at all. I put it in the fridge onli take out the amt i want to gif. both my kids eating and it take more than a wk to finish.

Michelle & Sandy,

oh. so its okay not to finish within a week if put in the fridge?


mine same like yours, I put the puff on my palm, he thrust his head and mouth forward and just eat from my palm. -_- but he is able to grab from bowl and put into his mouth using fits, sometimes see him use pincer grasp on the puffs.

How about melts, must store in fridge too?


Morning mummies

So long nv cme in n post liao, so busi neh...hw all mummies n bb??

Ya check with mummies, is it necessary to feed bb vit n fish oil? and @ which stage?

