(2011/04) Apr 2011


tt 1 leave it to later jus register 1st cos u might end up in the waiting list even u register now.. 20mth is quite big le so dun worry they be much easier to handle... alot of the time i gotta handle 1 baby n 1 toddler together alone at the same time.. if i can i believe u can too have more faith in urself[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Piggy !! Thanks man ...

I will just register near my place then the rest sort out later.

I really want them to live together as they get older.

If not they keep thinking they are only child... Hahaha

smiggle, yday when my hubby met up wif us at the mall, he suggested checking out 1 of the maid agencies there and we even booked a maid on the spot. We took on a filipino tis time round, since indo maids' salaries are abt the same now. U can go for those whom are willing to work w/out offdays with additional pay. We're getting a slightly older maid tis time round, dare not go for early 20s type liao, scared man, they're still not stable enuf and indo maids usually dun plan far, earn enuf wanna go bk liao.

Duno the breakdown, but we paid S$500+ y/day, 388 = agency fee, addnl 100 for filipino(why need extra, I duno, maybe they'd explained to my hubby whilst I was at the nursing room bah.)

Actually, ph maids' english also not tt good lah, maybe my current one can speak quite ok, so I dun feel it? Anyway, I really hate it when the ph address us as 'mom' aiyoh, mine I'll def tell her to say 'mam', not 'mom'! hahaha

mrs chua, u're not alone... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mine also like that, although I take care of her whole day and nite, then when come evening time, I can't take my shower properly, haiz. I wld start hearing her cries the min I'm away then when I appear, she'd stretch out her hands/arms to me, aiyoh, very tired....

re bottle strike : mine is still at it, though she'd drink water from it, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Even after I've changed to a bigger teat(frm 6mths onwards-Nuk's), she also ok, just wldn't drink milk... I tried a couple of times few days ago, I expressed out but she took only 60ml and rejected the bottle liao then the next attempt, she wldn't drink liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mums05.. Urs is u take care of her whole day but mine is I'm working den by abt 6.30om reach Hm, he starts clinging Liao.. I can't even bath, eat or anything ..

mrs chua, probably yr bb miss u more due to absence? when did u resume work, recently? if so, then that cld be e reason, 'cos bb's already kinda used to yr scent/etc, some bbs r more sticky. worser la, look after whole day, total no rest leh...My 2 kids r very sticky to me, I've not gotten a rest since 6ys ago! haiz...

good and bad la, when our kids 'want' us, I try to look at the brighter side of it lor, :p

jj, i seldom post here, i silent reader most of time. we tried to drag her feed tot when she hungry she drink but it was like 10 hrs since her last feed she still refused that's when we got worried. if give her water frm milk bottle she want to drink but once is milk, she use her tongue to push out. if force, she will cry. her nappy was dry even after 6 hrs. so brought her c doc and doc only gave some anti inflamation for her throat. the other alt that he said was to change the milk powder. we havnt resort to this yet. now, we r still trying to feed her milk fr bottle lst if dun want then use the milk to mix cereal for her but cannot every meal cereal right? her this behaviour like out of sudden since her last injection and draining us.

Unknown - 10hrs !! aiyo ... that's abit too much already.. Mine 5hrs nvr drink i already very worried.

I even tried the method of spoon feeding her milk 1st (starting part) then give her the bottle, she does drink but the effort to make her drink is draining ...


i am sure u can do it ... dun tink n worry so much i still tink it better for twin to stick together[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jurong CC v hot 1.. esp Little skool house.. all those i like no slot end up i put my kid at a CC in Bt batok.. unless u dun mind payin more for branded CC[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes usu the cheap n gd 1 r taken up v fast those leftover 1 r either the ex 1 or not so gd 1... it also depend on how picky u r[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for me many CC i visited tt have slot we jus cant bring ourselves to like the environment so it took me quite a while to find tt time..


can let me have the TCM contact number ? How's the taste of the TCM. Thks .

Damm suay today . Went nex shopping mall. Hubby only kept one stroller and left the bigger stroller mc claren in the carpark. That stroller cost abt $500 plus w/o discount .. Went back , it's gone . Already inform the lost and found but can't find. Don't understand these pple, not your things why must take. Can they just leave it there and bring it to the counter ? Hai...


thanks! the list on the blog is very helpful.


yah. and it's like i'm already looking around and my hubby still slack slack say bb still young. hais.

hi mummies..so busy lately with all the reno for new hse, driving me crazy...cannot scream at my ID cos its my hubby cousin and doing design free for us so bo pian..arrgh!

mrs chua, that day still see u doing fine at the gathering, all of a sudden...

swookie, my boy ok with anyone that carries him, he's a playful tot..but duno y go my mil hse, he will start crying whoever carries him there except his daddy and me..go other ppl hse, anyone also ok,so i suspect my mil hse is 'dirty' cos everytime my boy comes home, he starts to get nightmare..

wow, din realise so many cc in singapore..hmm, but east side mummies, any good ones in pasir ris/ tampines area?

hi mummies,

Charmaine: me too doing house stuff while juggling with maid issues, work issues. im also using my cousin's wife. she's not bad but still made mistake... like not realising a wall is a structural wall and so have to spend a few Ks fixing it... grrr at least yours free... mine was a minimal sum but still a few Ks.

oh.. so strange but i believe babies can see things!

my baby is waking up earlier and earlier...like today at 6am...peng san. how to shift his timing? also are your babies still on 3 hourly or four hourly schedules?



huh minimal charge stil mus pay few ks???

ya not easy to juggle so many things esp after havin kids... gambate[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya tt manz..usu i am the 1 who did the research n after i told my HB all the cheap n gd 1 all no vacancy den he know i not KS.. got a period every wkend we went checkin out CC lo.. tt y this time round soon after i pop i go MFS register first [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u mus know usu 18mth class the kiddo stay till 3YO so even in another 1 yr time we may still be in waiting list lo..

kaira, i hv pm-ed u the contact/address of the physician incld its operation hrs.

sookie, hv u found yr replacement maid? how's yr house's reno getting on? moving in soon?


sookie: my bb stretches his own timing to 4hrly.. sometimes even to 5hrs.. but when he doesn't gets enough milk.. he'll wake up in wee hrs.. arrhh!!

Morning Gers !

Both my twins now will wake up once for night feed usually around 3/4am then sleep till 7am.

Didn't do anything they both adjusted the timing themselves. wondering if it helps to put them to sleep later like 10pm.

Mine usually sleeps by 9.30pm at night or sometimes earlier...


yah! cause some will go on kindergarten in the same sch etc mah.


is it actually okay to let bb take solids like during our dinner time etc? I read somewhere that its not advised scared bb tummy unwell in the night or something?

also for bottle purees, how do you all split the portion so that won't waste since after open must finish within like 24hours?

R keeps waking up at 3am to feed and play till 5am then willing to sleep again. (his bedtime shifted from 11pm to 9+pm) I don't know if its cause he isn't eating or playing enough in the day. -_-


only when u introduce new food den not advisable to feed in the nite..

u can try to increase his feed in the day time to see if he still wake up at nite. sumtime we gotta trial n error but try not to make it a habit for nite feeding..

lynn: my boy keeps ehh ehh in at about 3-4am.. yesterday i tried to feed him some cereal + 180ml of milk at about 8pm yesterday. After cereal he played till about 9+/10pm then sleep till this morning 630am then wake up for milk..

piggy: yah.. i guess nothing comes for free!

seems like most babies are adjusting to 4 hourly feed. me.. im still instructing a 3 hourly feed cause he is such a small baby. but i wonder if.. maybe its time for 4 hourly feed and he might drink more?

mum05: i've chosen back my original maid (was supposed to come earlier but had to renew passport and could not confirm arrival). apparently now it is harder for philo maids to come in on tourist visa. Via tourist visa means that they come in faster like within a week. but because immigration is making it tougher, have to go the proper route and it takes 6 weeks! i'm moving in Dec but my renos will only be ready in end feb/mar so in the meantime, going to squeeze in my MIL's 3 room flat.. frankly i don't know how i am going to squeeze in but rental so expensive now.. anything to save $ is good :p

Sleeping through night - sad to say, i have not experience it yet with baby z. guess it will help once i stop BF.

Tweety: could it be because you just started out? frankly, i would love to be in your position!

sookie, i tot u said the 1st maid u've chosen wanted to go work for caucasian family?(or was it someone else?) Ya, I was told to wait 6-8wks, haiz... Indo maids also abt 6wks. We saw at least 10 maids at the agency that day but they were all awaiting pickup, wah, very good biz leh like that.

Hmmm, I suppose if u really wanna save on rental, then just tolerate for a while lor. Not easy I know, esp. when u're not alone. Jiayou bah... only a couple of months rite? But in the meantime, yr barang barang how? put where? storage warehouse?

My baby, on/off slp thru(10/11pm+ to 6am) but very rare these days, after we've stopped bottle feeding, haiz. Ya, I guess it'd help once we stop BF, but mine rejects the bottle still, for milk, I really duno how!

tweety, u may wanna think twice abt speaking to yr boss. I rem once, I joined my ex Director when she went back to her ex co. and we were soo bored during the 'honeymoon' period that we spoke up few times, then ended up, I didn't even have time to go try on my wedding gown(just couple mths before my wedding!) til I have to quit, hahaha.

Tweety, I wish I'm in ur position! Enjoy ur honeymoon period!

I'm soooooo stressed now n so many things on hand to do! :"(

The IT project thing is really driving me crazy n on top of that got my daily work n still have to guide d new secretary on d job scope! I don't even know exactly what d previously secretary used to do, how to guide d new sec! Sighzzz.....

I'm so feeling d impulse to throw resignation letter again! The IT project will go LiVE ard end Nov, so if I tender now, I may still be in time to leave the coy b4 or when it goes live. Then I won't have to do reporting based on d new system report. I don't really have much confidence in d new system and it seems to be more difficult to use. I'm so scared now~~~~~

How can I train myself to work less hard & only put in d amt of effort as per my salary scale?

Sookie, my baby is also having 3hourly feed. Sometimes it's 2hourly. He's only drinking 100-110ml of frozen breast milk. Ive stopped pumping and now he's only feeding on my frozen bm and my stock of frozen bm is running low. Will need to start introducing formula milk to him and then proceed to semi-solid.

Btw, any babies teething already? My boy got 2 white spots on his lower gums at abt 5mths, now drooling a lot n his skin is very sensitive,those saliva is making his sensitive skin worst! Does anyone knows if TCM is good at curing sensitive skin?

Brought hum to c 2 different PDs before. Am using Physiogel AI on him but doesn't help much. Those reddish rashes seems to go off only on oral medication, steroid. I'm quite adverse to letting him continue.

Mum05.. I started going Work in jun.. At thattime, he abt 3 mth, still quite ok but after that by 4th plus,he will stick to ke more.. Now is even worse, wake up b4 I go tO work every morn, den will keeP asking me carry, he willeven cling onto me when my mummy ask to carry him.. Lol

Charmaine.. Ya lo, I oso din expect such thing sill happen.. Me now still on mc, 4th day Le.. Mc ending today but doc shld b extending more cos he say wan me rest mote & furthermore my vision is still blur & I'm now on daily review so mc will b beta.. Guess my mgr will b screaming if knowing I hv to extend further.. But Bo Bian ma, doc wan me rest de.. & I din expect to fall sick so sudden lo..

Ningyo.. So long no c u.. Take care ok? I oso got impluse to throw letter but I still hv so much of ml left, dun wan to lugi it.. But I endure & endure lo.. Let's JY!!!

My sumo already had 2 small tooth on the front bottom.. Now prefer solid than milk.. I applied magic cream from avent whenever I c any red spot on his body & it helps to reduce the redness after which slowly disappear.. Nt sure if that works for such rAsh..

morning mummies!!!!

sookie: i also dunno... i keep going to the lady who's suppose to guide me.. she keeps telling me she's very busy... but when i asked her to pass to me so i can help her.. she will tell me it's P&C or u dunno how to do... pengz.. u dun teach how i know how to do?? aiyo...

mum: i'm okie with being busy... too free very sian leh.. and time passes very slowly.. emailed my boss yesterday.. will talk to him today.. heehee

ningyo: heehee...

Good morning mummies.. My sumo theses 2 days onli drinking abt 100-120ml of milk.. He prefers solids like biscuit & bread.. My mummy oso gave him porridge though he loves too but if given biscuit & bread, he will choose that lol..

These 2 nights, he will wake up @3/4 plus asking for milk though last feed @ 10pm.. Guess is he had been drinking too little during day so night more hungry ba.. But wonder how to pump him in drinking more during the day leh..

Morning !

My boy already has 2 bottom tooth that came out fully already.

My girl drools alot but no teeth yet.

So far only sticking to cereal for them & the EYS brown rice. Some pumpkin puree, nibble on fruits like apple, orange.. other then that not much progress in their food journey.

Milk in take is boy 150ml (4hrly), girl 120ml (4hrly or longer).

Both will def wake up at least once a night (usually 3/4am) to drink milk even when eating solids.

So Mrs Chua, i don't think its cos he drinks little milk in the day that is making him wake up at night...

morning ladies..


i tink u jus started tt y..

1 of my previous job also not much to do so borin until i doze off n kena but not tt i din ask i ask but the lady who suppose to guide me nothing for me den my boss v busy i cant keep goin to him end up he say mus have more initiative bth.. not tt i din ask mah...

piggy: no lor.. i have been asking and asking.. and the lady keep telling me she's very busy till she cannot go out for lunch.. have to lunch in.. aiyo...


ya i mean u jus join not long ago so it honeymoon stage at least u did ur part to ask u see.. i also ask n ask but always get same ans n my boss say i not initiative worse rite?

i tink tt lady also need to allocate time to teach u.. cos even she ask u to do thing she also need to explanin n guide u n maybe she really need to settle urgent stuff tt y no time to explain so she might as well do herself faster.. but of cos tt nt the way la no choice tt a passin phase for new job..

Piggy.. I jus let him try white bread.. Not much la, the most 5 mouthful.. Cannot haf bread ma? Y?

Btw, can babies prefer solid than milk after introducing them solid?

Hello mummies!

anyone going to the baby expo tmr? :D

anyone knows if bb can eat porridge now?! MIL gave R one tablespoon last sunday with two small cubes of sweet potato, ended up he was feverish and cranky the whole darn day!

make me till now abit jittery about letting R try new food stuff. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Mrs Chua,

my R wakes in the night too recently, to latch for milk then go back to sleep,but sometimes stays awake to play.. I was wondering if its cause he isn't drinking enough in the day, but sometimes in the day he can't even finish 120ml of milk or 60ml of cereal. dunnoe what's wrong with him, thinks he might be teething?


6 months old can nibble on fruits already?


do you know if there's a list somewhere that list food that when baby can eat etc etc. I seriously need to educate the elders at home.. before something dreadful happen.

Hilo mummies!

I think my boy having constipation. He seems like havin difficulty to poo but so far nv cry jux keep gerk till 2 small round pcs drop out I use tissue to press abit hard. He hate to drink water but still force him drink abit. How to solve huh? Can gif prune juice?

Seems like many babies r small eater. Nowadays mine can drag his feed to abt 6 hrs the most. when come to milk he Is drinking 210ml but thos few days aft finishing he will cry for mOre even nite time I gave him brown rice add with milk at 930/1030pm he still wake up at 3/4am for milk n aft finish still cry. So tired although I not working but every day got to wake up at 530am to prepare my hb's breakfast n lunch by the time I wan go back nap they wake up, activties started n their turn to nap my turn to cook. Everynite both of them so late den slp plus I growin fatter machiam like panda.

Another nightmare comin soon! My boy can stand with support n now he is tryin to walk!!!! And best is when he stand up he will release his hand frm the table or chair tryin to balance! Very soon I got to run ard in shopping mall chasing aft my 2 monster.

Mrs Chua,

i cant remember the exact reason but i remember bread not so soon i tink bread is processed food n it contain yeast so may caused allergy if i remember correctly.. n u gotta check if the ingredient of it contain dairy product.. hmm it will be gd not to let bb anyhow try la cos if really allergy hor too late even thou small amt..


hmm i dun hvae any list but hor food like honey cow milk n products n egg white only after 1 YO k.. the rest i tink it depend on wat type of diet u wan for ur kid.. for me i dun add any seasoning to their food be4 1 even after 1 i am selective wat i gave cos no doubt they can eat but i dun see y mus intro food like fries tibits n any food tt is high is salt n sugar so fast.. cos they got a long way to go no lack of chance to eat n try.. i tink tt is y alot of kids r obese n unhealthy nowaday but tt my personnal preference la.. for porridge the recommended age is 8mth cos porridge is harder to digest n it may be heaty to some bb... so since ur bb gettin heaty from it no harm givin it later[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Chua,

for bread i tink it becos of whheat not yeast paiseh.. cos some flour is make from wheat so u gotta read the ingredient lo but to be safe i jus skip feed bread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh for their age now milk is still th emost impt food tt is y even thou i feed cereal i add milk to it some bb will generately prefer solid than milk so be careful wat u gave like if u dun wan him to skip water n prefer sweet drink den dun intro sweet or juices...


It is best to introduce wheat products after the baby is 1 year old. If a parent provides too much wheat to a baby early on, the baby may develop an intolerance to the gluten properties in wheat. This intolerance, called celiac disease is a digestive disease that damages the small intestine. Constant diarrhea is one sign that your baby may be gluten intolerant. Other warning signs include lack of weight gain or a bloated stomach.

Read more: Foods Babies Should Avoid | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_7195790_foods-babies-should-avoid.html#ixzz1bIuiqXGx

Chanced upon this article :

Sleeping through the night. At some point between 3 and 6 months, most babies are capable of sleeping through the night. We're not talking about eight hours, though. "Through the night" at this age generally means a stretch of five or six hours (though some children will sleep much longer).

Seven great tips from parents and experts for getting your baby to sleep.

This may not sound like much if you're hoping for eight or nine hours of sleep yourself. But it's an important milestone for you as well as your baby, allowing you to get through a few sleep cycles and feel more rested in the morning.

If your baby isn't yet sleeping five or six hours straight, you're not alone. Many babies still wake up more than once at night for feedings in the 3- to 6-month stage. But by 6 months, if not before, your baby's likely to be ready for night weaning, if that's what you choose.

Waking up again

If your baby already sleeps for long periods at night, enjoy it. But babies who've slept through the night for weeks or months may start to wake up again — so don't be surprised if you're suddenly getting up every couple of hours again.

It can be frustrating and puzzling if your baby does this, but she has her reasons. She may be increasingly socially aware and wake up crying for your company. Or she may be working so hard to master new skills, like rolling over or sitting up, that she practices in her sleep and wakes herself up.

Is that what my #2 is doing?! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] (the 2nd part of the abv extract)

At what age will my baby be ready for night weaning?

It varies considerably with the individual baby. But somewhere between the ages of 4 and 6 months, most babies are getting enough calories during the day to sustain them for five or six hours at night. Even so, it's not at all unusual for younger babies to sleep for much longer stretches without needing to eat — or for older ones to continue to wake up to eat.

How to calm a crying baby

Learn the most common reasons babies cry and how to soothe a crying baby.

At the same time, your baby has other important needs. Few things are more satisfying and reassuring to a baby than being held and fed in a parent's arms. If you've recently gone back to work and are less available during the day, your baby may want to nurse or take a bottle at night as a way of reconnecting with you. And you may notice that your baby wakes up more often when he's teething or going through a developmental change.

For all these reasons, it's important to approach the weaning process gradually and gently, keeping in mind that your baby is still young and has a tremendous need for comfort, closeness, and reassurance — particularly from you.

How do I know if my baby's ready?

If your baby's at least 4 to 6 months old, you can probably begin taking steps to wean him from feeding during the night. Of course, even if your baby doesn't need to eat in the middle of the night, he may still wake up wanting to. Babies who are used to eating several times a night tend to wake up out of habit, and it can take time to change this routine.

It's important to maintain your health and well-being, and you won't be able to if you're chronically sleep deprived. So whether to put an end to your baby's night feeding depends in part on how it's affecting you.

If you enjoy nursing or giving a bottle to your baby at night, there's no reason to stop — he'll eventually quit on his own. On the other hand, if you find yourself feeling grumpy and exhausted — and your baby's physically ready for the change — maybe it's time.

If you're not sure whether your baby's ready, talk to your doctor



don't know if its heaty, but he was feverish about 37 deg after taking the porridge + sweet potato puree. and my MIL still can say its not the puree that caused it.. what about oats?

was very depressed yesterday, I'm already trying so hard to keep up with the moo moo-ing, and baby R refuse to drink, inlaws just say, he don't want milk then give him solid food instead..me thinks R might just wean earlier then i wanted him too..

