(2011/04) Apr 2011


i buy the HB yogurt melt n puff mainly stk up the cereal... i also bott some multi vit n fish oil for my #1.. the puff abt 7mth..


how's the gathering today? am sure all u ladies had great fun, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Indemnity -$40

Insurance -$200

New Package for Indonesia - $470

Guarantee for replacement -$100

Entry test- $65 +/-


Hope it helps..

Hihi! Nice to meet some new mummies on Sat ;) like smiggleprincess and linnar. Welcome to the thread!

Special thanks to Elyza for organizing and Gerry for getting us the space! Sorry if I did not managed to remember all the mummies' and babies' names. I blame the child birth and GA for wrecking my memory! perhaps next time we should write our nicks/ names on a tag and bring it everywhere with us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

C came back with a fever after we got back from the party!

Thankfully it looks like she's recovering well from it *fingers


Have a great week ahead Mummies!!

Mum05, my agent runs a small company n she's a family friend. Have heard from some friends that her charges are kind of pricey so I wouldn't recommend her. She doesn't have that many bio datas for me to choose from so I had to pick one out of 2

morning ladies..hope u ladies have fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my maid have been with us more than 6mth alr.. cos the breakdown is kinda not impt to me so i din bother to remember la.. but i remember my insurance was $200+

Re: teethin

sigh for both injection my bb kena fever n for both fever his teeth emerge shortly afterly the fever end so i wonder if the injection cause the fever or teethin.. n its indeed true every bb is diff my #1 when teethin is so easy but my #2 refuse to drink n eat much end up woke up middle of the nite to drink n wat worse every few hr cry now i am like a zombie with whole body ache damn tired[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning all!!!

Alton coughing very badly.. can give wht medicine?

piggy, this time round iherb spree u got them quite fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] excatly I wan to order some more.. I forgotten to get some items.. #1 saw the puff and he eat 1 bottle in two days..

Morning mummies~~

Thanks to Elyza for organizing the bash and Gerry for getting us the function room. Had fun at last sat.

piggy: hugs.. u must be tired.. have plenty of rest too ya.. my boy teething keep on biting the teats.. so hard to feed him.. -.-"

andrea: speedy recovery to Alton.


the iherb usu v fast mah.. huh u mean alton can eat 1 bott in 2 days?? tt a lot leh last time #1 initally 1 bott take v long to finish also leh...

usu cough i gave the red colour cough syrup if v bad with phlegm den can consider neubuliser??


thanks i wish i can rest man but i cant now under probation no leave no mc[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

the whole wkend he drink less than half a bott den shut his mouth tight tight refuse to drink same goes for eatin .. if he dun eat i ok but he woke up in the middle of nite is not ok -_-

Andrea, Piggy, Pink

Hope all your babies quick recovery. When my boy has slight cough can already make me worried sick let alone fever. Mummies take care too.

6month Bash,

First time attend such gathering with sooo many babies . Haha. Thks again to Gerry and Elyza.

Hi mummies,

Nice meetin u all on Sat, though i understand that some are not active on this thread but on forum..


just went to a maid agency. Its open by muslim so they got abundant of indo maids..

but their charges are not cheap..

Agency fee - $288

Indemnity -$53

Insurance -$246

Application & e issue - $40

Entry test- $60

Total: $687

Think their agency is one of the well decorated ones i have been to...


i like to give pumpkin to help my #1 throw up the phlegm

If not, he takes ventrolin..


that means u absorb all the shipping charges?

is it ex? there is a min amt to hit or based on weight?

thks kaira, very detailed! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ic pink/piggy, ok noted. The cost for insce/bond is there abt same, when we get it for our current ourselves, it's also abt the same price.

What I wanna know is the various fees the agency charges, cos diffnt agencies charge differently, some may even have 'change of maid' fees after the 1st change I heard...

Seems like Indo maid's fees had increased huh. I tot those agencies who grouped up together to incr their indo maids' salary had been penalised already? Maybe they've alr spoilt the market...

Morning mummies .. 3G really enjoy ourselves v much last sat during the bash.. Sorry huh.. Sumo quite "dao" that day.. Duno y.. Lol

Sianz.. After the bash, I'm down with serious eye infection. Doc found white spot on my eye ball [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haizz.. Hopefully everything quickly end cos I'm lIke a blind person walking, really bad lo..


shipping cost come with the item mah is part of the cost even u join spree it the same mah.. the organiser will spilt among the spree-er.. no min order the shippin charges base on weight when u check out can see the shippin charges.. if u ca hit USD 120 u will be entitled a further 10% discount n of cos the more u buy the cheaper the shippin charges it cost per item..

piggy, not alton is winston.. He said the puff is for him not didi.. He likes to eat all this thing... alton cough no phlegm.. the red colour cough syrup, buy from where? which brand? alton can drink?

Smiggleprincess, pumpkin can help to throw up the phlegm?? I didnt know.. I noted le..


it was given when he was havin cough both PD n GP gave this...

if jus started usu i gave chinese medi.. the hou zou san but u say v bad so dunno how bad..


i try not gave ventolin if possible cos i was told it can actually make our kid high n active...

Raffles Place Mummies,

anyone interested to get anything fr amazon.com (FREE DOMESTIC SHIPPING items)? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pls PM me asap... thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies, I hav a daughther who turned 6 months today. Hope you all dun mind if I join the the thread too....

About cough:

My daughter is also having a cough but her GP told us its not advisable to give her cough medication yet.

Anyway, I currently giving her chinese medication called 保婴丹 from Eu yan Sang since last Sat. Looks like is some improvement, she is coughing less. Will continue to monitor.

morning mummies!

had a great gathering on sat??

anyone knows how to make bb not so scared of "strangers"? I brought R back to my mum's side family members, he keep sticking to me and hubby, plus cry when one of the aunts want to play with him etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i hardly order so much leh..

so must join spree and wait till it hits the 10%

My #1 was given ventrolin by neonatologist since young leh , so no choice and it helps in his wheezin..


my previous agency charged me only $198 for agent fee.. this one is much more ex..

so im still lookin for alternatives..


pumpkin will clog the phlegm and my son will cough out the phlegm..

another one i also buy from Eu yang SAng , should be the same as piggy.. green package abt $5 each..

but the dosage is only for three days.


icici den bobian sumtime if the phlegm v bad i will jus gave also but i try not to la..

for iherbs sometime i wil jio the mummies here lo cos i 1 time buy alot also the HB cereal only ard $6.5 so much cheaper the local n the puff less than $5 n i also buy my #1 multi vit so add up it almost there liao...

the hou zhou san i bott the EYS hou ning v ex but effective on my boi the Bao ying dan n the green colour 1 i tried on my boi no effect...


the hou Zhou San , how the taste ? Ur boy willing to take . I brew the nan xing, chuan bei powder and Chinese pear , he don't really like the taste.. But he likes the Pd cough syrup open mouth big big. Usually if his cough is mild and beginning stage , I let him take TCM.. I ever try to let his cough heal by itself but not able to, instead it become worse .. Cough syrup I try to avoid if possible but sometime no choice.

hurray, my 8pks of Goo.N diapers r here today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh smiggle, why dun u go bk to yr prev agent? wat's the co's name? I know some has got various charges, un-nec add ons, just becos they put on advertisements...

kaira, if u prefer TCM, I recommend u one very good n renowned ch physician, at upper Thomson rd. I've been consulting him since younger and hv brought #1 to him all the time, now #2 is also seeing him...

My h/stylist rec me Ning hou, etc etc from Eu Yan San, once I decided to give it a try, spent hundreds of dollars on juz a few bottles, cough/phelgm didn't get a teeny bit better, go bk to this doc, ok liao.

Hi Hi ... my twins 6mths le ..

Any mummies experiencing prob with giving their bb's milk.

Mine will throw tantrum when see the milk teat & needs constant distraction when feeding if not won't continue to suck & cry n cry.


iherb you ship by the cheapest option available? I added stuff to cart and try ship by DHL, ended up more expensive then buying from SMH..

Mrs. Chua,

Rest Well & get better soon! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


also, is it normal now for bb to actually prefer/want to eat solids instead of drink milk?

Lynn - my twin girl is like that now ... when feeding her cereal she will guai guai open her mouth to eat. Also will wait patiently for the cereal to be fed to her.

But totally different story when I attempt to feed her milk... will cry violently when see the bottle, will use her tiny hands to hit the bottle with all her strength (she is quite strong !!)


The agency closed down..

if not i no need to go look around...

I have no idea abt the salary..

i wan an indo but my hubby wan ph..

cos their english is better.. but ph alot of headache.. always wan off days..

Thanks tweety, Lynn & kaira.. Jus that now left eye us totally blur vision, using my right eye to see only but if too glaring, cannot open both eyesZz super sianz.. Now every half hourly hubby will apply eye drop for me & going bk to ktph eye clinic for review daily.. Hoping it will b alright soon..

Wah Mrs Chua ... sounds serious.

Hope you get better soon.

I'm also fearful of getting sick now .. then i can't take care of my bb's cos scared to pass to them.

hi mummies,

seems like babies and mummies had a great bash! Sorry i missed it!

Pink: glad that baby C is ok now.. strangely when babies have fever, they still can be happy at the same time.. Glad all is well now.

Mrs Chua: wah sounds serious.what happened? was it via contact lenses?

JJ/lynn: mine also seems to prefer solids than milk. when we eat... can see him looking at our mouths and keeps opening and closing his mouth but i have to feed him lots of milk cause of his low weight problem. feeding him milk is also a challenge cause he is sooooo distracted. drink a bit then the sister talk and he will be distracted and don't want to drink anymore. headache!

any babies going through separation anxiety? mine is beginning to cry quite a bit when i leave him.

any babies after starting solid have nappy rash? my poor baby z has a nappy rash right at his bum hole after starting solids.. don't know what to do other than putting desitin...

lynn: the only way is to keep getting strangers to carry him.. but now they are starting to recognise people, its a bit tougher. the other party must be very good at distracting him.. e.g. hold a toy when carrying him etc.. but on the other hand, sometimes could be better this way so that you know that no one will not anyhow take him away.

Hi mummies,

I have the following Stage 1/2 available for sale

Enfalac A+ HA (900g)

Exp: 16 Jun 2013 - 1 Tin

Price: S$45

Enfalac A+ (900g)

Exp: 25 May 2013/26 Jun 2013/29 Jun 2130 - 05Tins

Price: S$40

S26 Stage 2

900g Exp 21 Jun 2013 - 01 Tin

Price: S$32

400g Exp 19 Jan 2012 / 23 Jun 2013 - 03 Tins

Price: S$36 (S$12 each)

**If purchase all, can let go at S$60.

Similac Stage 2 (400g)

Exp 09 May 2012 - S$12

Interested, please pm me. Thank you.

morning ladies..

sigh me down with stomach flu took half day unpaid leave to rest yesterday damn weak now..


i chose DHL also cos i tink they got some promo if u manage to hit certain amt.. i suppose u only bott a few things?? hmm sumtime u also gotta see if the price diff is worth it la cos if only slightly higher i will still proceed cos i dun need to make special arrangement to pick up the stuff[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs CHua,

speedy recovery[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JJ & mikio.. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie.. As per doc is passed thr contact lens lo but no symptoms leh.. I was @ the bash feeling good but that evening, I started feeling discomfort but I quickly remove my lens.. Whole night could nt slp becos is pain.. Next morn went c doc, he ask me go a&e.. Haizz 

Oh ya, sumo had been having this separate anxiety since 5 mths old.. Started to cling on me whenever possible.. Guess is part & parcel of life ba. 

Piggy.. U take care too .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jj, i m glad to see your post, my 6mth oso having the same behaviour as yours. she eat cereal with milk but moment she see milk bottle, she will use her hand to hit it away but when we put water in the bottle she will drink. i am very stressed by her behaviour and it seems out of a sudden and not sure is it because of the 3rd dose of 6-in 1 jab last week. not matter how u coerce her oso refused to drink. brought her c doc and given some med for throat oso no use. but at night, sometime dreamfeed her, she will drink. is yrs the same?

Hi Unknown ... I converse with u before ? can't recall

Same same ... my ger almost same behaviour as yours... but when we drag her feed hours (she must be really hungry!!) then she will willingly drink milk from the bottle (at least 120-150ml).

Still will put up fight mind you but less violent, & letting her hold some small object (sweet container, sweet wrapper) in her hand she will drink her milk finish in 5mins. If not feed for 1/2hr also haven't finish.

no choice have to 'fight' with her now to get the sufficient milk into her system.


ur bb may be havin bott strike it jus a phase.. my bb now also like tt i suspect due to teethin he only willing to drink half the usu amt den mouth shut v tight refuse to drink to me if they r hungry they will drink if not i dun wanna force but jus dun wake up middle of the nite for feed..

Piggy - ya i also suspect my ger milk strike... abit worrying cos she is small (25th percentile only) so when she goes on milk strike double worry.

what to do ... we no choice but to wait for her to want to drink on her own. Her 1st tooth haven't appeared yet. Her brother's one already appeared (2 bottom tooth)!!


ya i understd wat u feel but sumtime they drink alot does not mean they will grow or gain more weight so as long they r healthy n happy it ok.. the percentile hor no need to be too concern cos u mus look at their birth weight also.. in fact for both my kids i din really bother to compare la [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah.. i added like only 8 items.. think maybe buy more then more worth it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yup, you are correct. As long healthy & happy I shouldn't worry much. But since being a mother I worry alot .. hahaha .. no choice

Any of you Q-ing for childcare already ? I thinking of putting them in childcare like 20mth onwards.


ya mus buy more cos the base charge is fix mah..


yes once a parents we will start to worry more.. i alr register my bb under waiting list soon after he was born after my #1 incident so it gd tt u start early...


I also want to start registering for childcare. Prob is I don't know if I can handle 2 of them at 20mths at night (more or less alone).

Intend to bring them back to my place (currently they staying with MIL & mum). But since my mum stated that she won't come stay at my hse I worry if I can handle them alone even with maid..

Then maid another issue is what will she be doing in the day when the kids are at childcare ?!?

