(2011/04) Apr 2011



dun bother to buy bumbo outgrow v fast esp if ur bb thighs not small n it not cheap even u buy 2nd hand it abt ikea highchair price.



sometimes the bb is active that is why always never put on weight..

my boy super active since he was a bb and sweat a lot too even tou he eat a lot. So I guess it's also depend on the bb leh


wahahah see them "stuck" inside can be quite a funny sight but really outgrow v fast heng mine is a gift else really waste $$... the ikea better buy first cos tt 1 hot item easily OOS..

Mrs chua,

Hugs hugs. I feel heart pain for G too. Like what the other mummies suggested, go for a 2nd opinion and hopefully dun need to go thru op.

Piggy and Elmo,

Hope ur kids get well soon. U both also take care k.


Aiyah, I also bot the bimbo chair Liao and had hard time taking bb out. Kinda regretted.


Pd told me it's 37.5 deg for fever.


Dun give up on bf. Ren for a few more mths, its good for the immune system. And I dun find bb z small, so dun worry k.


Thanks. My mil helps to take care of Nat during daytime, so unfortunately gg to mkt everyday not an option for me. Will just uv to keep trying to bring him out during weekends lo.

Btw, how's the shampoo? U find got help?


Thanks for suggesting me to b fren with little treehouse. U remembered I wanted to get Sophie rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks thanks I bot le and it's a hit with my boy!

Mummies, is it true that our breasts will become smaller as compared to pre pregnancy size after we stop bf? I'm still pumping bm but these few days I find like my breasts become smaller leh. Does it mean my bm supply will be stopping soon?

E lazy..

My breast returned to orig size after I stop bfing.. A little less well formed, but no reduction of size.. Haha!

Your breast has probably adapted to bfing, that's why you don't feel as full and big as before.. It's not your bm supply going down..

Jia you! Try to breastfeed till 6 months!


my boobs also getting smaller, my nursing bra bcum loose alrdy. so sad. alrdy small cup nw reducing again.

mrs Chua

I agree to seek for 2nd opinion. and we r here to pray for lil G hope miracle happen


any diff of normal dentist & pediatric? hmm y u nvr consider brg Lisa to yr dentist?

hi gers ... long long time nvr come in...

U guys started solids already ahhh...

my twins just turn 4mths dont know if should intro or wait till their necks more stable.

cos if feed them now like very wobbly, the spoon might poke into their face.

my girl luvs to turn ... change her diaper she turn.. can u imagine if its a poo filled diaper !!

e lazy,


i guess i belong to the small group wher boobs din shrink after BF.. it depend on individual.. for my 1st preg it took me v long to shrink abit but still slightly bigger than be4 preg.. den this preg alr stop for 2mth+ my boobs still bigger... some shrink v fast n some i heard din expand at all even durin BF..


how r u?? how u copin with ur twin???

not me i will only intro near or at 6mth[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

exhasted... feels like an eternity passed but its been only 4mths...

twins now taken care seperately on weekdays, back together on weekends.

can feel the difference when caring for 1bb vs caring for 2...

ya i was also thinking wait till at least 5mths ++

now my twins are at the laugh-when-entertained stage. waiting for their 2nd stage vaccination. Boy shaved botak already, girl trim her full set of hair.

ask u guys, do u encounter bb cos of skin itchy will scratch their ear (example) till raw n bloody? how to solve, cos my boy has enzema so he keep scratching his face n ear.

i put antiseptic cream on the wound, trimmed his nails. let him waer mittens but the ear still quite jialat... everytime like getting better, he will go scratch it again. i see so heart pain

Thanks all mummies for standing by me.. I will go for 2nd option and hope there will be a miracle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elmo.. doc say he now too young to go for the jab... so that's y they suggest to do it when he turns 9-12 mths old...

For my #1, the bumbo chair I rent it from rent a toy. One month is $10.00 and I think let him sit for one month is good enough. Minimum delivery is $40.00. So I rent other toy to hit the minimum amount.

Mrs Chua,

cheer up i am sure everything will turn out well.. i would suggest u wait till he turn 9mth den seek 2nd opinion at least by then can get a more precise ans n now too early to tell dr will also ask u wait[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ya takin care of 2 kids is not east v challengin gambate..


which spoons cannot touch oil?


which ikea high chair you talking about? I think they have a few right?


thanks! today he seems fine and not so warm already. might be the weather yesterday.


any idea if it takes longer to feel engorge, does it means like the "capacity" increased? notices my boobie sagging now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yoti & vivi,

baby kingdom / baby hypermart sells the bumbo chair cheaper at $59.90.


My boy also has this skin problem on his ear! & cheeks! I just bought sebamed facial cream on a recommendation of a fren.. Seems to work wonders.. I tried mustela but my boy cannot take it, made it even more red & inflammed..

Bumbo $59.90 is without tray right? I nvr buy for this time round cos he can sit in ikea highchair with his small pillow as support le.. xD & also we let him sit in jumperoo instead of bumbo.. More activities & exercise by the way..

Mrs chua,

Very sad to hear this news from u.. Can understand.. But u must stay strong & do your best! We're all here for u if u need anything.. Hope will descend on its own! Will keep him & your family in prayers..

good morning !!!!


yr boy can sit in ikea high chair with this support cushion alrdy? I yet to put Kay on bumbo, wondering her big thigh still can fit in or not.


my #1 at 4mth + can sit in ikea chair with this cushion alr ..have yet to try with #2[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] #2 only tried bumbo but the thighs area alr tight.. ur gal bigger may be v tight for her alr...

Hi mummies,

Can I check after your baby had his/her 6 in 1 jab, did her milk intake decrease a lot? I find that my bb had taken her jab on sat, but from sun to today , she is drinking very little per feed like 60ml. Is this just a phase?

I'm also using the seba med series for them, waiting to see if got improvement.

I loaned a bumbo n my girl can sit in it, she still wobbles here n there but my boy can't fit already his thighs will kanna stuck than when lift him up the bumbo chair will follow him upwards.

Now they are at a stage where don't like to lie down want to be carried upright to look see around... Tiring sia esp my boy who weighs est 7kg+!!

Hi Kaira/JJ,

Where did you girls rent your toys? Mind to provide the info?

Mummies, what brands of nose drop can we buy to use on our babies if they have flu? Cos my girl seems to has flu and slight cough now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Understand doc will not give any medication for flu and cough?


yes it could be jus a short phase some bb will be abit cranky afterin jection.


go watson buy illadin. buy the 1 for infant.


Anyone went down to Taka Atrium to exchange your old bottles with the new ones? Anyone know how many trade-in allowed per person or unlimited trade-in?

Yoti ... of mine is loan from fren, I didn't rent.

But Kaira is right, can google rent a toy singapore & u will get the website to choose all types of toys for different age group.

Hi All mummies

So long didn't come in liao,veri tired esp back to work society..

Mrs Chua: jia you...always believe ther is miracle de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy: huh e illadin onli can use up 2 5days? Coz my gal using it nw, n PD oso nv tel mi tis.. i oso 4get hw mani days i use on her liao, but i nv use everydae la..

BB skin veri sensitive, my gal got bad rashes all over her neck till got pus de, but nw ok after apply cream by PD..

Little Twin Star,

yup max 5days only... last time when i had #1 i also dunno cos PD nv mentioned end up blur blur use happily till i bott him to my GP for injection i enquire abt bb block nose den i know..

rash u can try california bb cream[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy: ya i apply california aloe vera, initally got better but after tt back to worse, so i brought her 2 PD.. dr say coz of her salivia keep drip 2 her neck..

MIL say bb nt suitable e shampoo n bb cream la, or toxic cme out after injection, blah blah..damm sian 2 hear all tis..

Is it bb keep blow bubbles mean teething? now my bb like crab.. n keep use her tongue 2 rub her gums..duno thirsty or wat..

Tis forum mak mi feel so an wei n hapi.. coz onli mummy with e same generation of bb understd each other.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


icic.. den mus keep cleanin her neck...

no blowin bubbles is them playin with saliva not teething.. at this stage they enjoy suckin fist or biting thing etc...


did u buy any multi vit from iherb for yr #1? which brand is nice & good?

my niece who same age with seline, her teeth all crack so tot of buy calcium or multivit for her.

chiam... i m shivering!!! thk my turn to fall sick. sigh..

Hi mummies,

Gerry: thanks for your reply. You reminded me that BM is not about food for the baby but building his immunity. Just felt so like… demoralized! Pumping at work already so disruptive.. and he only poos once a week.. so where did the BM all go to?! Anyway, I started him on brown rice happy bellies and I’m also trying to eat more meat and salmon. Thanks for the tip.

ST: you are also right.. baby active is also a form of exercise.

eLazy: I’ve been at work for 1 mth and I still feel like I am trying to adapt in but much better so give it some time. Priorities definitely have changed.. me.. as long as its not urgent and required by end day, I leave it as next day’s work. Btw, I will be in your area in end sept so we can have lunch soon!

Even though I have to start solids earlier.. its quite fun buying all the weaning items like spoons, bowls etc.. there are even spoons that change colour when it gets too hot! Pretty advance man..

Now in the middle of the night, Baby Z has been waking up now and instead of screaming/crying..he keeps on talking! As for drooling.. mine is a drool king until I have to keep buying new bibs cause in a day, we sometimes have to change like 3-4 bibs!

Hello JJ

hope your twins are doing well can feel your tiredness for me 1 monster is already tough let alone you have 2 little ones...


I went to exchange my bottles for the pigeon ones. I bought at $9.45 for the bigger one and this is the BPA free range. I exchanged 2 bottles I think no limit la the more the merrier ke ke ke

Sookie /Lynn

I bought the spoons that change colour but these are the ones I think cannot touch oil. I bought tommee tippee ones.


Vianne also drools like a running tap...

Little twin star

long time no see you...

Vianne also plays with bubbles the louder the more happier she is and she always put things in her mouth

Mrs Chua

My #1 also had hernia surgery when he was 3mths old.. It resulted his testicles being higher..

initially they said only need to cut open one side.. then durin the ops, they discover the other side also need to cut open..

but u know when they carry him out of the ops theatre, he was still sleepin.. then he wake up and smile.. the surgeon assured me its not that painful...


Im startin at 5-6mths i think..

Kasper still cant hold his head steady..

i tried him in the walker and his head leans towards his front until his face touches the pillow that support him...



I want to ask if heat BM at 70 degrees, some antibodies will "die" in it right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

