(2011/04) Apr 2011


i must finish my package first leh.. then can do gelish..

but i alway like to do french manicure.. gelish have meh??

usually i go every mth cos i don like removin the polish and trimmin my nails..

now my nails are like growin so long and breakin... haiz...

Kasper just went for checkup..

his weight totally slow down, now stagnant at 9kg..

but i see his legs like gettin chubbier, think of changing to L size...

any mummies here using L size diapers liao?

Hello everyone

It's Friday!!!!


I change diapers to L size Le although vianne can wear m. Because when I bought the diapers it was in bulk.


yes have gelish is the name of the nail polish[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cannot upgrade?? now i rather pay abit higher for gelish cos really save time n i dun have to worry my nails kena cos i v clumsy..

smiggleprincess,im already using L size,tho my boy is not even 8kg..but his stomach too big..i oso c his wt pretty stagnant for the past 3 weeks...


mine also L size thighs v tight..


ya i know wat u mean now goin for facial n manicure is a luxury if only 1-2hr my HB can still handle so i can still go for a break..


whenever you feel ready, you can stop.. You still doing full latch on? I am left with slightly more than a week then I will reduce pump and completely stop latching...

I am super tired..

Come for the gathering lah.. We all can help you..


Hi all April mummies

I'm also an april 2011 mummy! Is there a private fb grp for april 2011 mummies? Can i join in?

Thks a lot.

oh tweety/gerry, thks, but now I'm fine gg out wif bb. Been gg out alone wif #1 and #2 myself for a while now, heee. Just that wkends r our family days, so abit tough, what wif family gatherings and these coming few wkends, my girl's got classes, so can't go lor. Really wish I had gone for those gatherings when U ladies stl on ML, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ya piggy! when she was stl taking bottle, I went facial the 2x, aiyoh, catch up on my nap there lor hahaha. I rem when #1's started Presch, I was like wah, in paradise, sent her to sch, went facial, pedicure, then quick drive to pick her, now....... back to sq1 again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gerry, the way she rejects bottle, I dun think I can stop early. I had planned to bf only 3-4mths or max 6 mths, but now... gotta drag til 1 yr or til no more milk... She'd drink water from bottle though, just not milk! For me, I personally find expressing more tiring, so unless I wanna stop giving BM, I think will try continue for a while but I hope won't need to go beyond 1 yo lor...

charmaine,smiggleprincess , tweety,

hais. true enough when they say when baby arrives sure got friction with PILs.

nope, haven't throw, found it inbetween newspapers at the living room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] probably only going to give to R when in my room bah.

Hilo mummies

15Oct gathering

Not able to go le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] mummies enjoy

Tweety/ Gerry

Happy that u all r coping well wif the new job.


I agree wif u! When there is a baby sure got conflict de lo n worse if stayin together

Raining day so nice to slp but how I wish I can get out of the hse. Stupid niece blasting music n bring hm a few guys Fren screaming in the hall arrgggghhh I gng crazy feel like shouting at them ask them shut up. :-/


ya i know wat u mean even not goin presch but much easier after 1 YO.. but bad time will pass now i am lookin forward #1 to reach 1 YO... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piggy.. Ya, I'm going to do gelish. Cos can't afford to go do it b4 each wedding so do once & can last for 3, quite worth it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tweety.. Jus hoping my sup will b back on mon den I can take the leave.. My mgr say as long as my sup ard, she ok to let me take 1/2 day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smiggle.. My boy already in L size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how much wait should our baby be gaining now? the nurse at polyclinic today was quite shocked when she weighed R, she say expect him to be 9kg, but he's only 8.1kg...


welcome!! u can leave down ur email then anyone of us can add u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


9kg? 8.1kg? The last time I weigh mine at 5mth+was 7kg?


When do you switch to stage 2 fm and how do you do that?My stage 1 is finishing soon and I haven't intro / mix with stage 1.

My bb is 6 months old and I haven intro solid. How do I start? 1 fm scoop of cereal and 30ml of bm?


Kasper was 8.1kg last month and 9 this kg this mth.

On avg think he put on 1kg each mth..

Though I find him getting stagnant in his feeds and therefore weight also stagnant.


So many L size Liao...,

Will go grab the offer for huggies from ntuc this weekend...

sapphire, smiggleprincess,

I have no idea why the nurse reacted like that but i saw that she wrote 50%tile after that, so guess all is okay?

Its torture trying to get bb R to sleep. all he wants to do is play and play and play!!

thinking of letting R have the Pneumococcal Jab vaccine. anyone knows how much does polyclinic and pd usually charge?

Dear mommies

Sorry to disturb you...

I have the following formula milk. Would like to exchang them with Isomil step2.

Pls sms me for exchange 98531817 tks

- 6 tins of Mamil gold step 2 ( all expires 09 March 2012)

- 2 tins of Enfapro A+ step 2 ( all expires 23 December 2012, tins a bit dented cos i accidently dropped them)

- 1 tin of Similac Advance eye Q plus ( expires 15 March 2012)

morning mummies!

sorry for the long hiatus. it was a mad last 2 weeks. work became really busy, hubby away, kids fell sick, i fell sick then the kids fell sick again. i wished i did not have to work!

till now, baby Z has a cough and cold.. affecting his sleep and meals.he went without milk for 5 hours yes afternoon.. yesterday i also brought him to the peds and no weight gain.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] haiyah.

lynn: mine too.. loves to play and play, dont want to zzz and don't want to eat. headache!

Those latching.. do you find that your supply is affected since baby don't want to eat cause they are sooooo distracted? my supply has dropped by 1/4... soon will be 1/2 but decided to try the mother's love pills to see if supply will go up while trying to extend the hours.. if does not work, i am going to join gerry and the rest in stopping cause i agree its way tiring.. esp when i have #1 too. but just the thought of "short changing" #2 since i bf #1 for 10 mths is still keeping me going. lets see how!

anyone uses ariston oven? good or not? ive been sourcing for washing machine, oven, hob, hoods etc.. so many brands = so confused.

sookie, poor u, can understand... I didn't hv any family help nor any maid when I had #1. Was alone til she's 6yo. Whenever I'm sick, still hv to drag myself up to prepare her food, cook, bathe/shower her, etc etc, even had to bring her to school... During those times, I even wished I was dead(not really meaning it la of cos, jz cldn't take it lor), hahaha. That's why when I'm pregnant wif #2 and had to move, I told hubby, must hv a maid! And now, sometimes I wish I don't have the maid, sometimes it's of such help, haiz, hard to decide...

Not sure abt oven, but for stoves, I used to like a german brand, but I can't rem its name liao(duno why nowadays just seem to forget things, think it starts wif 'K'). Current home's using Bosch, not bad too.

I think Ariston shld be ok also lah, actually, everything is subjective, that's why there's this saying "a man's meat may be another man's poison", some may find a certain brand of prdts good, some may not, so it depends on the actual prdt that we get/use. I think just go with the design that u like bah, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies~

It's a rainy day AGAIN!~~

sookie: Haven't seen you for quite a while. Hugs, it must be very tiring for you especially when no one is there to help you out. Hugs!~ hope baby Z recovers soon.

Dear mommies

Sorry to disturb you...

I have the following formula milk. Would like to sell at cheap px(originally wanted to exchange them for Isomil but seesm no one has... )

Pls sms me if interested 98531817 tks

self collection at great world city in River valley or Raffles place area (if weekdays)

- 6 tins of Mamil gold step 2 ( all expires 09 March 2012)- $17 for 2

- 1 tin of Similac Advance eye Q plus ( expires 15 March 2012)- $9

Dear mommies

Sorry to disturb you...

I have the following formula milk. Would like to sell at cheap px(originally wanted to exchange them for Isomil but seesm no one has... )

Pls sms me if interested 98531817 tks

self collection at great world city in River valley or Raffles place area (if weekdays)

- 6 tins of Mamil gold step 2 ( all expires 09 March 2012)- $17 for 2

- 1 tin of Similac Advance eye Q plus step2 ( expires 15 March 2012)- $9

hello mummies...

want to check my boy weight has been stagnant for the past one month, is that normal?? could he be he's been 'exercising' too much?? jumping in the exersaucer too much..

Helloo mine only 6.5kg at 6 mths so think your boys weight gain very good already....

Btw thanks elazy for the post on mother love pills I managed to get at Tmc at a discount. So far think it's working a bit.. But it's expensive!

Mum05: thanks for your comments. I've also beenbusy with house stuff! Argh!!!


yes norm usu after 6mth their weight will slow down n most bb at 1YO is +/- 10kg nia no worries...


aiyo i totally understd how u feel esp my HB travels alot n i been handlin 2 active kids alone most of the time damn tiring...

Hello mummies,

long time didn't log in liao... Anybody miss me? keke... Have been very busy with new house renovation stuff lately. Very tedious process and energy consuming but i think the end product, at the end of it, is worth it...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can i check with u gals, is there a procedure to follow in terms of giving solid food? should start with cereal first or puree?

I think bb Z is getting smarter now as he grows, started to dislike fbm... will not drink if i mix with chilled bm...Haiz!

Yeah! Finally done my gelish mani & pedi.. Indeed v nice.. Is really amazing that it dry up immediately & I can leave the shop without having to worry abt anything [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sookie.. Relax if u can ok? If u need any help or advice, can come in here to tok to us ok? Jia you & Jia nai!!

Elmo & Charmaine.. Guess like wat other mummies said, they getting active so weight dun increase since got exercise.. My sumo oso everyday exercising by running ard the whole house with his walker.. Lol

morning mummies..


yes yes i miss u no time no see u i thot u go holiday liao keke.. or u alr rtn from ur phuket trip?? ya house renovation n stuff r tirin esp with a kiddo.. but tink of havin a cosy home of ur own it worth it[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in fact last time when i reno my house i dun feel tired i feel v excited lol~

Morning mummies


Heehee! Thanks thanks! No lah, phuket trip is next yr Jan. Ya. I feel excited also, the tiring part is all those running ard looking and searching for furnishing and all those brainstorming on the design and color. If it's just the 2 of us, still ok but now with kiddo and these few nights he wants mi to do OT so hardly got enough sleep.

Toking abt phuket trip next yr, now thinking of how to prepare Z's meal when we are there


ya tt y i say with a kiddo it v tiring hahah..

by nex Jan he is abt 10mth old mah so much easier the thing is Phuket may not have food suit for bb so u have a few option bring a portable cooker to cook his porridge or buy those packet pigeon porridge...


oh ya u can also consider those bott food n brand under organix etc got quite a few selection of those ready food..

SIAN! gonna be maidless soon... wonder if can handle or not, #1 gg to Pri 1 next yr and we moving soon, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


That is what i thought too, bring a small portable cooker to cook his porridge but his Daddy said very hard and troublesome to buy ingredients to cook his porridge. Cant probably buy 1 carrot over there. Haha. He even suggest those instant porridge in a cup. I said how can? Tht is nt suitable for bb.

The pigeon porridge and organix can be found in supermarket like ntuc?


for SBCC, do they charge extra? like consult doc etc?

anyone bring your bbs to polyclinic for jabs and then to pd for development assessment?

My hair is droping like crazy. phtyo and pantene hair loss shampooo don't work for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyone have a solution that works?


oh the mummies i know bott rice n ingredient along cos the ingredient there hor dunno clean anot so better dun.. they bring stuff like dry scallop, wolfberries etc...

pigeon 1 KP n taka have the organix 1 the organic shop might have me n andrea jus bott some from iherbs to try haha.. else go for heinz?? tt time i go Jap also bott a few bott in case #1 dun like the food there.. gd for lunch n BF[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


cos i got sensitive scalp so many shampoo i cant use so i use a hair growth gel instead of hair loss shampoo so it helps to stimulate the growth.. cos my hair is quite thin n fine n since teen time i have hairloss prob n after usin this gel i see alot of baby hair growin out previously none!! the Brand is Davis only $20+ available at Venus..

